tidb session 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb session 代码


// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Copyright 2013 The ql Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSES/QL-LICENSE file.

package session

import (
	stderrs "errors"

	plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core"
	storeerr "github.com/pingcap/tidb/store/driver/error"
	topsqlstate "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/topsql/state"
	tikverr "github.com/tikv/client-go/v2/error"
	tikvstore "github.com/tikv/client-go/v2/kv"
	tikvutil "github.com/tikv/client-go/v2/util"

var (
	statementPerTransactionPessimisticOK    = metrics.StatementPerTransaction.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblPessimistic, metrics.LblOK)
	statementPerTransactionPessimisticError = metrics.StatementPerTransaction.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblPessimistic, metrics.LblError)
	statementPerTransactionOptimisticOK     = metrics.StatementPerTransaction.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblOptimistic, metrics.LblOK)
	statementPerTransactionOptimisticError  = metrics.StatementPerTransaction.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblOptimistic, metrics.LblError)
	transactionDurationPessimisticCommit    = metrics.TransactionDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblPessimistic, metrics.LblCommit)
	transactionDurationPessimisticAbort     = metrics.TransactionDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblPessimistic, metrics.LblAbort)
	transactionDurationOptimisticCommit     = metrics.TransactionDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblOptimistic, metrics.LblCommit)
	transactionDurationOptimisticAbort      = metrics.TransactionDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblOptimistic, metrics.LblAbort)

	sessionExecuteCompileDurationInternal = metrics.SessionExecuteCompileDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblInternal)
	sessionExecuteCompileDurationGeneral  = metrics.SessionExecuteCompileDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblGeneral)
	sessionExecuteParseDurationInternal   = metrics.SessionExecuteParseDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblInternal)
	sessionExecuteParseDurationGeneral    = metrics.SessionExecuteParseDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblGeneral)

	telemetryCTEUsageRecurCTE       = metrics.TelemetrySQLCTECnt.WithLabelValues("recurCTE")
	telemetryCTEUsageNonRecurCTE    = metrics.TelemetrySQLCTECnt.WithLabelValues("nonRecurCTE")
	telemetryCTEUsageNotCTE         = metrics.TelemetrySQLCTECnt.WithLabelValues("notCTE")
	telemetryMultiSchemaChangeUsage = metrics.TelemetryMultiSchemaChangeCnt

	telemetryTablePartitionUsage                = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionListUsage            = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionListCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionRangeUsage           = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionRangeCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionHashUsage            = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionHashCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionRangeColumnsUsage    = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionRangeColumnsCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt1Usage = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt1Cnt
	telemetryTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt2Usage = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt2Cnt
	telemetryTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt3Usage = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt3Cnt
	telemetryTablePartitionListColumnsUsage     = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionListColumnsCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionMaxPartitionsUsage   = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionMaxPartitionsCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionCreateIntervalUsage  = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionCreateIntervalPartitionsCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionAddIntervalUsage     = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionAddIntervalPartitionsCnt
	telemetryTablePartitionDropIntervalUsage    = metrics.TelemetryTablePartitionDropIntervalPartitionsCnt

	telemetryLockUserUsage          = metrics.TelemetryAccountLockCnt.WithLabelValues("lockUser")
	telemetryUnlockUserUsage        = metrics.TelemetryAccountLockCnt.WithLabelValues("unlockUser")
	telemetryCreateOrAlterUserUsage = metrics.TelemetryAccountLockCnt.WithLabelValues("createOrAlterUser")

// Session context, it is consistent with the lifecycle of a client connection.
type Session interface {
	Status() uint16       // Flag of current status, such as autocommit.
	LastInsertID() uint64 // LastInsertID is the last inserted auto_increment ID.
	LastMessage() string  // LastMessage is the info message that may be generated by last command
	AffectedRows() uint64 // Affected rows by latest executed stmt.
	// Execute is deprecated, and only used by plugins. Use ExecuteStmt() instead.
	Execute(context.Context, string) ([]sqlexec.RecordSet, error) // Execute a sql statement.
	// ExecuteStmt executes a parsed statement.
	ExecuteStmt(context.Context, ast.StmtNode) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error)
	// Parse is deprecated, use ParseWithParams() instead.
	Parse(ctx context.Context, sql string) ([]ast.StmtNode, error)
	// ExecuteInternal is a helper around ParseWithParams() and ExecuteStmt(). It is not allowed to execute multiple statements.
	ExecuteInternal(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error)
	String() string // String is used to debug.
	CommitTxn(context.Context) error
	// PrepareStmt executes prepare statement in binary protocol.
	PrepareStmt(sql string) (stmtID uint32, paramCount int, fields []*ast.ResultField, err error)
	// CacheGeneralStmt parses the sql, generates the corresponding PlanCacheStmt and cache it.
	CacheGeneralStmt(sql string) (interface{}, error)
	// ExecutePreparedStmt executes a prepared statement.
	// Deprecated: please use ExecuteStmt, this function is left for testing only.
	// TODO: remove ExecutePreparedStmt.
	ExecutePreparedStmt(ctx context.Context, stmtID uint32, param []expression.Expression) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error)
	DropPreparedStmt(stmtID uint32) error
	// SetSessionStatesHandler sets SessionStatesHandler for type stateType.
	SetSessionStatesHandler(stateType sessionstates.SessionStateType, handler sessionctx.SessionStatesHandler)
	SetClientCapability(uint32) // Set client capability flags.
	SetProcessInfo(string, time.Time, byte, uint64)
	SetCollation(coID int) error
	Auth(user *auth.UserIdentity, auth []byte, salt []byte) error
	AuthWithoutVerification(user *auth.UserIdentity) bool
	AuthPluginForUser(user *auth.UserIdentity) (string, error)
	MatchIdentity(username, remoteHost string) (*auth.UserIdentity, error)
	// Return the information of the txn current running
	TxnInfo() *txninfo.TxnInfo
	// PrepareTxnCtx is exported for test.
	PrepareTxnCtx(context.Context) error
	// FieldList returns fields list of a table.
	FieldList(tableName string) (fields []*ast.ResultField, err error)
	SetPort(port string)

	// set cur session operations allowed when tikv disk full happens.
	SetDiskFullOpt(level kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt)
	GetDiskFullOpt() kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt

var _ Session = (*session)(nil)

type stmtRecord struct {
	st      sqlexec.Statement
	stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext

// StmtHistory holds all histories of statements in a txn.
type StmtHistory struct {
	history []*stmtRecord

// Add appends a stmt to history list.
func (h *StmtHistory) Add(st sqlexec.Statement, stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext) {
	s := &stmtRecord{
		st:      st,
		stmtCtx: stmtCtx,
	h.history = append(h.history, s)

// Count returns the count of the history.
func (h *StmtHistory) Count() int {
	return len(h.history)

type session struct {
	// processInfo is used by ShowProcess(), and should be modified atomically.
	processInfo atomic.Value
	txn         LazyTxn

	mu struct {
		values map[fmt.Stringer]interface{}

	currentCtx  context.Context // only use for runtime.trace, Please NEVER use it.
	currentPlan plannercore.Plan

	store kv.Storage

	preparedPlanCache sessionctx.PlanCache
	generalPlanCache  sessionctx.PlanCache

	sessionVars    *variable.SessionVars
	sessionManager util.SessionManager

	statsCollector *handle.SessionStatsCollector
	// ddlOwnerManager is used in `select tidb_is_ddl_owner()` statement;
	ddlOwnerManager owner.Manager
	// lockedTables use to record the table locks hold by the session.
	lockedTables map[int64]model.TableLockTpInfo

	// client shared coprocessor client per session
	client kv.Client

	mppClient kv.MPPClient

	// indexUsageCollector collects index usage information.
	idxUsageCollector *handle.SessionIndexUsageCollector

	functionUsageMu struct {
		builtinFunctionUsage telemetry.BuiltinFunctionsUsage
	// allowed when tikv disk full happened.
	diskFullOpt kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt

	// StmtStats is used to count various indicators of each SQL in this session
	// at each point in time. These data will be periodically taken away by the
	// background goroutine. The background goroutine will continue to aggregate
	// all the local data in each session, and finally report them to the remote
	// regularly.
	stmtStats *stmtstats.StatementStats

	// Used to encode and decode each type of session states.
	sessionStatesHandlers map[sessionstates.SessionStateType]sessionctx.SessionStatesHandler

	// Contains a list of sessions used to collect advisory locks.
	advisoryLocks map[string]*advisoryLock

var parserPool = &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return parser.New() }}

// AddTableLock adds table lock to the session lock map.
func (s *session) AddTableLock(locks []model.TableLockTpInfo) {
	for _, l := range locks {
		// read only lock is session unrelated, skip it when adding lock to session.
		if l.Tp != model.TableLockReadOnly {
			s.lockedTables[l.TableID] = l

// ReleaseTableLocks releases table lock in the session lock map.
func (s *session) ReleaseTableLocks(locks []model.TableLockTpInfo) {
	for _, l := range locks {
		delete(s.lockedTables, l.TableID)

// ReleaseTableLockByTableIDs releases table lock in the session lock map by table ID.
func (s *session) ReleaseTableLockByTableIDs(tableIDs []int64) {
	for _, tblID := range tableIDs {
		delete(s.lockedTables, tblID)

// CheckTableLocked checks the table lock.
func (s *session) CheckTableLocked(tblID int64) (bool, model.TableLockType) {
	lt, ok := s.lockedTables[tblID]
	if !ok {
		return false, model.TableLockNone
	return true, lt.Tp

// GetAllTableLocks gets all table locks table id and db id hold by the session.
func (s *session) GetAllTableLocks() []model.TableLockTpInfo {
	lockTpInfo := make([]model.TableLockTpInfo, 0, len(s.lockedTables))
	for _, tl := range s.lockedTables {
		lockTpInfo = append(lockTpInfo, tl)
	return lockTpInfo

// HasLockedTables uses to check whether this session locked any tables.
// If so, the session can only visit the table which locked by self.
func (s *session) HasLockedTables() bool {
	b := len(s.lockedTables) > 0
	return b

// ReleaseAllTableLocks releases all table locks hold by the session.
func (s *session) ReleaseAllTableLocks() {
	s.lockedTables = make(map[int64]model.TableLockTpInfo)

// IsDDLOwner checks whether this session is DDL owner.
func (s *session) IsDDLOwner() bool {
	return s.ddlOwnerManager.IsOwner()

func (s *session) cleanRetryInfo() {
	if s.sessionVars.RetryInfo.Retrying {

	retryInfo := s.sessionVars.RetryInfo
	defer retryInfo.Clean()
	if len(retryInfo.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs) == 0 {

	planCacheEnabled := s.GetSessionVars().EnablePreparedPlanCache
	var cacheKey kvcache.Key
	var err error
	var preparedAst *ast.Prepared
	var stmtText, stmtDB string
	if planCacheEnabled {
		firstStmtID := retryInfo.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs[0]
		if preparedPointer, ok := s.sessionVars.PreparedStmts[firstStmtID]; ok {
			preparedObj, ok := preparedPointer.(*plannercore.PlanCacheStmt)
			if ok {
				preparedAst = preparedObj.PreparedAst
				stmtText, stmtDB = preparedObj.StmtText, preparedObj.StmtDB
				bindSQL, _ := plannercore.GetBindSQL4PlanCache(s, preparedObj)
				cacheKey, err = plannercore.NewPlanCacheKey(s.sessionVars, stmtText, stmtDB, preparedAst.SchemaVersion,
					0, bindSQL)
				if err != nil {
					logutil.Logger(s.currentCtx).Warn("clean cached plan failed", zap.Error(err))
	for i, stmtID := range retryInfo.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs {
		if planCacheEnabled {
			if i > 0 && preparedAst != nil {
				plannercore.SetPstmtIDSchemaVersion(cacheKey, stmtText, preparedAst.SchemaVersion, s.sessionVars.IsolationReadEngines)
			if !s.sessionVars.IgnorePreparedCacheCloseStmt { // keep the plan in cache

func (s *session) Status() uint16 {
	return s.sessionVars.Status

func (s *session) LastInsertID() uint64 {
	if s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.LastInsertID > 0 {
		return s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.LastInsertID
	return s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.InsertID

func (s *session) LastMessage() string {
	return s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.GetMessage()

func (s *session) AffectedRows() uint64 {
	return s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.AffectedRows()

func (s *session) SetClientCapability(capability uint32) {
	s.sessionVars.ClientCapability = capability

func (s *session) SetConnectionID(connectionID uint64) {
	s.sessionVars.ConnectionID = connectionID

func (s *session) SetTLSState(tlsState *tls.ConnectionState) {
	// If user is not connected via TLS, then tlsState == nil.
	if tlsState != nil {
		s.sessionVars.TLSConnectionState = tlsState

func (s *session) SetCommandValue(command byte) {
	atomic.StoreUint32(&s.sessionVars.CommandValue, uint32(command))

func (s *session) SetCollation(coID int) error {
	cs, co, err := charset.GetCharsetInfoByID(coID)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// If new collations are enabled, switch to the default
	// collation if this one is not supported.
	co = collate.SubstituteMissingCollationToDefault(co)
	for _, v := range variable.SetNamesVariables {
		terror.Log(s.sessionVars.SetSystemVarWithoutValidation(v, cs))
	return s.sessionVars.SetSystemVarWithoutValidation(variable.CollationConnection, co)

func (s *session) GetPlanCache(isGeneralPlanCache bool) sessionctx.PlanCache {
	if isGeneralPlanCache { // use the general plan cache
		if !s.GetSessionVars().EnableGeneralPlanCache {
			return nil
		if s.generalPlanCache == nil { // lazy construction
			s.generalPlanCache = plannercore.NewLRUPlanCache(uint(s.GetSessionVars().GeneralPlanCacheSize),
				variable.PreparedPlanCacheMemoryGuardRatio.Load(), plannercore.PreparedPlanCacheMaxMemory.Load(),
		return s.generalPlanCache

	// use the prepared plan cache
	if !s.GetSessionVars().EnablePreparedPlanCache {
		return nil
	if s.preparedPlanCache == nil { // lazy construction
		s.preparedPlanCache = plannercore.NewLRUPlanCache(uint(s.GetSessionVars().PreparedPlanCacheSize),
			variable.PreparedPlanCacheMemoryGuardRatio.Load(), plannercore.PreparedPlanCacheMaxMemory.Load(),
	return s.preparedPlanCache

func (s *session) SetSessionManager(sm util.SessionManager) {
	s.sessionManager = sm

func (s *session) GetSessionManager() util.SessionManager {
	return s.sessionManager

func (s *session) StoreQueryFeedback(feedback interface{}) {
	if fb, ok := feedback.(*statistics.QueryFeedback); !ok || fb == nil || !fb.Valid.Load() {
	if s.statsCollector != nil {
		do, err := GetDomain(s.store)
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Debug("domain not found", zap.Error(err))
		err = s.statsCollector.StoreQueryFeedback(feedback, do.StatsHandle(), s.GetSessionVars().GetEnablePseudoForOutdatedStats())
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Debug("store query feedback", zap.Error(err))

func (s *session) UpdateColStatsUsage(predicateColumns []model.TableItemID) {
	if s.statsCollector == nil {
	t := time.Now()
	colMap := make(map[model.TableItemID]time.Time, len(predicateColumns))
	for _, col := range predicateColumns {
		if col.IsIndex {
		colMap[col] = t

// StoreIndexUsage stores index usage information in idxUsageCollector.
func (s *session) StoreIndexUsage(tblID int64, idxID int64, rowsSelected int64) {
	if s.idxUsageCollector == nil {
	s.idxUsageCollector.Update(tblID, idxID, &handle.IndexUsageInformation{QueryCount: 1, RowsSelected: rowsSelected})

// FieldList returns fields list of a table.
func (s *session) FieldList(tableName string) ([]*ast.ResultField, error) {
	is := s.GetInfoSchema().(infoschema.InfoSchema)
	dbName := model.NewCIStr(s.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
	tName := model.NewCIStr(tableName)
	pm := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(s)
	if pm != nil && s.sessionVars.User != nil {
		if !pm.RequestVerification(s.sessionVars.ActiveRoles, dbName.O, tName.O, "", mysql.AllPrivMask) {
			user := s.sessionVars.User
			u := user.Username
			h := user.Hostname
			if len(user.AuthUsername) > 0 && len(user.AuthHostname) > 0 {
				u = user.AuthUsername
				h = user.AuthHostname
			return nil, plannercore.ErrTableaccessDenied.GenWithStackByArgs("SELECT", u, h, tableName)
	table, err := is.TableByName(dbName, tName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cols := table.Cols()
	fields := make([]*ast.ResultField, 0, len(cols))
	for _, col := range table.Cols() {
		rf := &ast.ResultField{
			ColumnAsName: col.Name,
			TableAsName:  tName,
			DBName:       dbName,
			Table:        table.Meta(),
			Column:       col.ColumnInfo,
		fields = append(fields, rf)
	return fields, nil

func (s *session) TxnInfo() *txninfo.TxnInfo {
	// Copy on read to get a snapshot, this API shouldn't be frequently called.
	txnInfo := s.txn.mu.TxnInfo

	if txnInfo.StartTS == 0 {
		return nil

	processInfo := s.ShowProcess()
	txnInfo.ConnectionID = processInfo.ID
	txnInfo.Username = processInfo.User
	txnInfo.CurrentDB = processInfo.DB
	txnInfo.RelatedTableIDs = make(map[int64]struct{})
	s.GetSessionVars().GetRelatedTableForMDL().Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
		txnInfo.RelatedTableIDs[key.(int64)] = struct{}{}
		return true

	return &txnInfo

func (s *session) doCommit(ctx context.Context) error {
	if !s.txn.Valid() {
		return nil

	// to avoid session set overlap the txn set.
	if s.GetDiskFullOpt() != kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt_NotAllowedOnFull {

	defer func() {
	// check if the transaction is read-only
	if s.txn.IsReadOnly() {
		return nil
	// check if the cluster is read-only
	if !s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL && variable.RestrictedReadOnly.Load() || variable.VarTiDBSuperReadOnly.Load() {
		// It is not internal SQL, and the cluster has one of RestrictedReadOnly or SuperReadOnly
		// We need to privilege check again: a privilege check occurred during planning, but we need
		// to prevent the case that a long running auto-commit statement is now trying to commit.
		pm := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(s)
		roles := s.sessionVars.ActiveRoles
		if pm != nil && !pm.HasExplicitlyGrantedDynamicPrivilege(roles, "RESTRICTED_REPLICA_WRITER_ADMIN", false) {
			return plannercore.ErrSQLInReadOnlyMode
	err := s.checkPlacementPolicyBeforeCommit()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// mockCommitError and mockGetTSErrorInRetry use to test PR #8743.
	failpoint.Inject("mockCommitError", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		if val.(bool) {
			if _, err := failpoint.Eval("tikvclient/mockCommitErrorOpt"); err == nil {

	if s.sessionVars.BinlogClient != nil {
		prewriteValue := binloginfo.GetPrewriteValue(s, false)
		if prewriteValue != nil {
			prewriteData, err := prewriteValue.Marshal()
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
			info := &binloginfo.BinlogInfo{
				Data: &binlog.Binlog{
					Tp:            binlog.BinlogType_Prewrite,
					PrewriteValue: prewriteData,
				Client: s.sessionVars.BinlogClient,
			s.txn.SetOption(kv.BinlogInfo, info)

	sessVars := s.GetSessionVars()
	// Get the related table or partition IDs.
	relatedPhysicalTables := sessVars.TxnCtx.TableDeltaMap
	// Get accessed temporary tables in the transaction.
	temporaryTables := sessVars.TxnCtx.TemporaryTables
	physicalTableIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(relatedPhysicalTables))
	for id := range relatedPhysicalTables {
		// Schema change on global temporary tables doesn't affect transactions.
		if _, ok := temporaryTables[id]; ok {
		physicalTableIDs = append(physicalTableIDs, id)
	needCheckSchema := true
	// Set this option for 2 phase commit to validate schema lease.
	if s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx != nil {
		needCheckSchema = !s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.EnableMDL
	s.txn.SetOption(kv.SchemaChecker, domain.NewSchemaChecker(domain.GetDomain(s), s.GetInfoSchema().SchemaMetaVersion(), physicalTableIDs, needCheckSchema))
	s.txn.SetOption(kv.InfoSchema, s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.InfoSchema)
	s.txn.SetOption(kv.CommitHook, func(info string, _ error) { s.sessionVars.LastTxnInfo = info })
	if sessVars.EnableAmendPessimisticTxn {
		s.txn.SetOption(kv.SchemaAmender, NewSchemaAmenderForTikvTxn(s))
	s.txn.SetOption(kv.EnableAsyncCommit, sessVars.EnableAsyncCommit)
	s.txn.SetOption(kv.Enable1PC, sessVars.Enable1PC)
	s.txn.SetOption(kv.ResourceGroupTagger, sessVars.StmtCtx.GetResourceGroupTagger())
	if sessVars.StmtCtx.KvExecCounter != nil {
		// Bind an interceptor for client-go to count the number of SQL executions of each TiKV.
		s.txn.SetOption(kv.RPCInterceptor, sessVars.StmtCtx.KvExecCounter.RPCInterceptor())
	// priority of the sysvar is lower than `start transaction with causal consistency only`
	if val := s.txn.GetOption(kv.GuaranteeLinearizability); val == nil || val.(bool) {
		// We needn't ask the TiKV client to guarantee linearizability for auto-commit transactions
		// because the property is naturally holds:
		// We guarantee the commitTS of any transaction must not exceed the next timestamp from the TSO.
		// An auto-commit transaction fetches its startTS from the TSO so its commitTS > its startTS > the commitTS
		// of any previously committed transactions.
			sessVars.TxnCtx.IsExplicit && sessVars.GuaranteeLinearizability)
	if tables := sessVars.TxnCtx.TemporaryTables; len(tables) > 0 {
		s.txn.SetOption(kv.KVFilter, temporaryTableKVFilter(tables))
	if tables := sessVars.TxnCtx.CachedTables; len(tables) > 0 {
		c := cachedTableRenewLease{tables: tables}
		now := time.Now()
		err := c.start(ctx)
		defer c.stop(ctx)
		sessVars.StmtCtx.WaitLockLeaseTime += time.Since(now)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		s.txn.SetOption(kv.CommitTSUpperBoundCheck, c.commitTSCheck)

	err = s.commitTxnWithTemporaryData(tikvutil.SetSessionID(ctx, sessVars.ConnectionID), &s.txn)
	if err != nil {
		err = s.handleAssertionFailure(ctx, err)
	return err

type cachedTableRenewLease struct {
	tables map[int64]interface{}
	lease  []uint64 // Lease for each visited cached tables.
	exit   chan struct{}

func (c *cachedTableRenewLease) start(ctx context.Context) error {
	c.exit = make(chan struct{})
	c.lease = make([]uint64, len(c.tables))
	wg := make(chan error, len(c.tables))
	ith := 0
	for _, raw := range c.tables {
		tbl := raw.(table.CachedTable)
		go tbl.WriteLockAndKeepAlive(ctx, c.exit, &c.lease[ith], wg)

	// Wait for all LockForWrite() return, this function can return.
	var err error
	for ; ith > 0; ith-- {
		tmp := <-wg
		if tmp != nil {
			err = tmp
	return err

func (c *cachedTableRenewLease) stop(ctx context.Context) {

func (c *cachedTableRenewLease) commitTSCheck(commitTS uint64) bool {
	for i := 0; i < len(c.lease); i++ {
		lease := atomic.LoadUint64(&c.lease[i])
		if commitTS >= lease {
			// Txn fails to commit because the write lease is expired.
			return false
	return true

// handleAssertionFailure extracts the possible underlying assertionFailed error,
// gets the corresponding MVCC history and logs it.
// If it's not an assertion failure, returns the original error.
func (s *session) handleAssertionFailure(ctx context.Context, err error) error {
	var assertionFailure *tikverr.ErrAssertionFailed
	if !stderrs.As(err, &assertionFailure) {
		return err
	key := assertionFailure.Key
	newErr := kv.ErrAssertionFailed.GenWithStackByArgs(
		hex.EncodeToString(key), assertionFailure.Assertion.String(), assertionFailure.StartTs,
		assertionFailure.ExistingStartTs, assertionFailure.ExistingCommitTs,

	if s.GetSessionVars().EnableRedactLog {
		return newErr

	var decodeFunc func(kv.Key, *kvrpcpb.MvccGetByKeyResponse, map[string]interface{})
	// if it's a record key or an index key, decode it
	if infoSchema, ok := s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.InfoSchema.(infoschema.InfoSchema); ok &&
		infoSchema != nil && (tablecodec.IsRecordKey(key) || tablecodec.IsIndexKey(key)) {
		tableID := tablecodec.DecodeTableID(key)
		if table, ok := infoSchema.TableByID(tableID); ok {
			if tablecodec.IsRecordKey(key) {
				decodeFunc = consistency.DecodeRowMvccData(table.Meta())
			} else {
				tableInfo := table.Meta()
				_, indexID, _, e := tablecodec.DecodeIndexKey(key)
				if e != nil {
					logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("assertion failed but cannot decode index key", zap.Error(e))
					return err
				var indexInfo *model.IndexInfo
				for _, idx := range tableInfo.Indices {
					if idx.ID == indexID {
						indexInfo = idx
				if indexInfo == nil {
					return err
				decodeFunc = consistency.DecodeIndexMvccData(indexInfo)
		} else {
			logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("assertion failed but table not found in infoschema", zap.Int64("tableID", tableID))
	if store, ok := s.store.(helper.Storage); ok {
		content := consistency.GetMvccByKey(store, key, decodeFunc)
		logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("assertion failed", zap.String("message", newErr.Error()), zap.String("mvcc history", content))
	return newErr

func (s *session) commitTxnWithTemporaryData(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
	sessVars := s.sessionVars
	txnTempTables := sessVars.TxnCtx.TemporaryTables
	if len(txnTempTables) == 0 {
		return txn.Commit(ctx)

	sessionData := sessVars.TemporaryTableData
	var (
		stage           kv.StagingHandle
		localTempTables *infoschema.SessionTables

	if sessVars.LocalTemporaryTables != nil {
		localTempTables = sessVars.LocalTemporaryTables.(*infoschema.SessionTables)
	} else {
		localTempTables = new(infoschema.SessionTables)

	defer func() {
		// stage != kv.InvalidStagingHandle means error occurs, we need to cleanup sessionData
		if stage != kv.InvalidStagingHandle {

	for tblID, tbl := range txnTempTables {
		if !tbl.GetModified() {

		if tbl.GetMeta().TempTableType != model.TempTableLocal {
		if _, ok := localTempTables.TableByID(tblID); !ok {

		if stage == kv.InvalidStagingHandle {
			stage = sessionData.Staging()

		tblPrefix := tablecodec.EncodeTablePrefix(tblID)
		endKey := tablecodec.EncodeTablePrefix(tblID + 1)

		txnMemBuffer := s.txn.GetMemBuffer()
		iter, err := txnMemBuffer.Iter(tblPrefix, endKey)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for iter.Valid() {
			key := iter.Key()
			if !bytes.HasPrefix(key, tblPrefix) {

			value := iter.Value()
			if len(value) == 0 {
				err = sessionData.DeleteTableKey(tblID, key)
			} else {
				err = sessionData.SetTableKey(tblID, key, iter.Value())

			if err != nil {
				return err

			err = iter.Next()
			if err != nil {
				return err

	err := txn.Commit(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if stage != kv.InvalidStagingHandle {
		stage = kv.InvalidStagingHandle

	return nil

type temporaryTableKVFilter map[int64]tableutil.TempTable

func (m temporaryTableKVFilter) IsUnnecessaryKeyValue(key, value []byte, flags tikvstore.KeyFlags) (bool, error) {
	tid := tablecodec.DecodeTableID(key)
	if _, ok := m[tid]; ok {
		return true, nil

	// This is the default filter for all tables.
	defaultFilter := txn.TiDBKVFilter{}
	return defaultFilter.IsUnnecessaryKeyValue(key, value, flags)

// errIsNoisy is used to filter DUPLCATE KEY errors.
// These can observed by users in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CLIENT_ERRORS_SUMMARY_GLOBAL instead.
// The rationale for filtering these errors is because they are "client generated errors". i.e.
// of the errors defined in kv/error.go, these look to be clearly related to a client-inflicted issue,
// and the server is only responsible for handling the error correctly. It does not need to log.
func errIsNoisy(err error) bool {
	if kv.ErrKeyExists.Equal(err) {
		return true
	if storeerr.ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet.Equal(err) {
		return true
	return false

func (s *session) doCommitWithRetry(ctx context.Context) error {
	defer func() {
	if !s.txn.Valid() {
		// If the transaction is invalid, maybe it has already been rolled back by the client.
		return nil
	var err error
	txnSize := s.txn.Size()
	isPessimistic := s.txn.IsPessimistic()
	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("session.doCommitWitRetry", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
		defer span1.Finish()
		ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
	err = s.doCommit(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		commitRetryLimit := s.sessionVars.RetryLimit
		if !s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.CouldRetry {
			commitRetryLimit = 0
		// Don't retry in BatchInsert mode. As a counter-example, insert into t1 select * from t2,
		// BatchInsert already commit the first batch 1000 rows, then it commit 1000-2000 and retry the statement,
		// Finally t1 will have more data than t2, with no errors return to user!
		if s.isTxnRetryableError(err) && !s.sessionVars.BatchInsert && commitRetryLimit > 0 && !isPessimistic {
				zap.String("label", s.GetSQLLabel()),
				zap.String("txn", s.txn.GoString()))
			// Transactions will retry 2 ~ commitRetryLimit times.
			// We make larger transactions retry less times to prevent cluster resource outage.
			txnSizeRate := float64(txnSize) / float64(kv.TxnTotalSizeLimit)
			maxRetryCount := commitRetryLimit - int64(float64(commitRetryLimit-1)*txnSizeRate)
			err = s.retry(ctx, uint(maxRetryCount))
		} else if !errIsNoisy(err) {
			logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("can not retry txn",
				zap.String("label", s.GetSQLLabel()),
				zap.Bool("IsBatchInsert", s.sessionVars.BatchInsert),
				zap.Bool("IsPessimistic", isPessimistic),
				zap.Bool("InRestrictedSQL", s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL),
				zap.Int64("tidb_retry_limit", s.sessionVars.RetryLimit),
				zap.Bool("tidb_disable_txn_auto_retry", s.sessionVars.DisableTxnAutoRetry))
	counter := s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.StatementCount
	duration := time.Since(s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.CreateTime).Seconds()
	s.recordOnTransactionExecution(err, counter, duration)

	if err != nil {
		if !errIsNoisy(err) {
			logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("commit failed",
				zap.String("finished txn", s.txn.GoString()),
		return err
	return nil

func (s *session) updateStatsDeltaToCollector() {
	mapper := s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.TableDeltaMap
	if s.statsCollector != nil && mapper != nil {
		for _, item := range mapper {
			if item.TableID > 0 {
				s.statsCollector.Update(item.TableID, item.Delta, item.Count, &item.ColSize)

func (s *session) CommitTxn(ctx context.Context) error {
	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("session.CommitTxn", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
		defer span1.Finish()
		ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)

	var commitDetail *tikvutil.CommitDetails
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, tikvutil.CommitDetailCtxKey, &commitDetail)
	err := s.doCommitWithRetry(ctx)
	if commitDetail != nil {
		s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.MergeExecDetails(nil, commitDetail)

	failpoint.Inject("keepHistory", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		if val.(bool) {
	return err

func (s *session) RollbackTxn(ctx context.Context) {
	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("session.RollbackTxn", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
		defer span1.Finish()

	if s.txn.Valid() {
	if ctx.Value(inCloseSession{}) == nil {

func (s *session) GetClient() kv.Client {
	return s.client

func (s *session) GetMPPClient() kv.MPPClient {
	return s.mppClient

func (s *session) String() string {
	// TODO: how to print binded context in values appropriately?
	sessVars := s.sessionVars
	data := map[string]interface{}{
		"id":         sessVars.ConnectionID,
		"user":       sessVars.User,
		"currDBName": sessVars.CurrentDB,
		"status":     sessVars.Status,
		"strictMode": sessVars.StrictSQLMode,
	if s.txn.Valid() {
		// if txn is committed or rolled back, txn is nil.
		data["txn"] = s.txn.String()
	if sessVars.SnapshotTS != 0 {
		data["snapshotTS"] = sessVars.SnapshotTS
	if sessVars.StmtCtx.LastInsertID > 0 {
		data["lastInsertID"] = sessVars.StmtCtx.LastInsertID
	if len(sessVars.PreparedStmts) > 0 {
		data["preparedStmtCount"] = len(sessVars.PreparedStmts)
	b, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", "  ")
	return string(b)

const sqlLogMaxLen = 1024

// SchemaChangedWithoutRetry is used for testing.
var SchemaChangedWithoutRetry uint32

func (s *session) GetSQLLabel() string {
	if s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL {
		return metrics.LblInternal
	return metrics.LblGeneral

func (s *session) isInternal() bool {
	return s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL

func (s *session) isTxnRetryableError(err error) bool {
	if atomic.LoadUint32(&SchemaChangedWithoutRetry) == 1 {
		return kv.IsTxnRetryableError(err)
	return kv.IsTxnRetryableError(err) || domain.ErrInfoSchemaChanged.Equal(err)

func (s *session) checkTxnAborted(stmt sqlexec.Statement) error {
	var err error
	if atomic.LoadUint32(&s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.LockExpire) > 0 {
		err = kv.ErrLockExpire
	} else {
		return nil
	// If the transaction is aborted, the following statements do not need to execute, except `commit` and `rollback`,
	// because they are used to finish the aborted transaction.
	if _, ok := stmt.(*executor.ExecStmt).StmtNode.(*ast.CommitStmt); ok {
		return nil
	if _, ok := stmt.(*executor.ExecStmt).StmtNode.(*ast.RollbackStmt); ok {
		return nil
	return err

func (s *session) retry(ctx context.Context, maxCnt uint) (err error) {
	var retryCnt uint
	defer func() {
		s.sessionVars.RetryInfo.Retrying = false
		// retryCnt only increments on retryable error, so +1 here.
		metrics.SessionRetry.Observe(float64(retryCnt + 1))
		if err != nil {

	connID := s.sessionVars.ConnectionID
	s.sessionVars.RetryInfo.Retrying = true
	if atomic.LoadUint32(&s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.ForUpdate) == 1 {
		err = ErrForUpdateCantRetry.GenWithStackByArgs(connID)
		return err

	nh := GetHistory(s)
	var schemaVersion int64
	sessVars := s.GetSessionVars()
	orgStartTS := sessVars.TxnCtx.StartTS
	label := s.GetSQLLabel()
	for {
		if err = s.PrepareTxnCtx(ctx); err != nil {
			return err
		for i, sr := range nh.history {
			st := sr.st
			s.sessionVars.StmtCtx = sr.stmtCtx
			s.sessionVars.PreparedParams = s.sessionVars.PreparedParams[:0]
			schemaVersion, err = st.RebuildPlan(ctx)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			if retryCnt == 0 {
				// We do not have to log the query every time.
				// We print the queries at the first try only.
				sql := sqlForLog(st.GetTextToLog())
				if !sessVars.EnableRedactLog {
					sql += sessVars.PreparedParams.String()
					zap.Int64("schemaVersion", schemaVersion),
					zap.Uint("retryCnt", retryCnt),
					zap.Int("queryNum", i),
					zap.String("sql", sql))
			} else {
					zap.Int64("schemaVersion", schemaVersion),
					zap.Uint("retryCnt", retryCnt),
					zap.Int("queryNum", i))
			_, digest := s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.SQLDigest()
			if err = sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(s).OnStmtStart(ctx, st.GetStmtNode()); err == nil {
				_, err = st.Exec(ctx)
			if err != nil {
		logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("transaction association",
			zap.Uint64("retrying txnStartTS", s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.StartTS),
			zap.Uint64("original txnStartTS", orgStartTS))
		failpoint.Inject("preCommitHook", func() {
			hook, ok := ctx.Value("__preCommitHook").(func())
			if ok {
		if err == nil {
			err = s.doCommit(ctx)
			if err == nil {
		if !s.isTxnRetryableError(err) {
				zap.String("label", label),
				zap.Stringer("session", s),
			metrics.SessionRetryErrorCounter.WithLabelValues(label, metrics.LblUnretryable).Inc()
			return err
		if retryCnt >= maxCnt {
				zap.String("label", label),
				zap.Uint("retry reached max count", retryCnt))
			metrics.SessionRetryErrorCounter.WithLabelValues(label, metrics.LblReachMax).Inc()
			return err
			zap.String("label", label),
			zap.String("txn", s.txn.GoString()))
	return err

func sqlForLog(sql string) string {
	if len(sql) > sqlLogMaxLen {
		sql = sql[:sqlLogMaxLen] + fmt.Sprintf("(len:%d)", len(sql))
	return executor.QueryReplacer.Replace(sql)

type sessionPool interface {
	Get() (pools.Resource, error)

func (s *session) sysSessionPool() sessionPool {
	return domain.GetDomain(s).SysSessionPool()

func createSessionFunc(store kv.Storage) pools.Factory {
	return func() (pools.Resource, error) {
		se, err := createSession(store)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		err = se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.AutoCommit, "1")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		err = se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.MaxExecutionTime, "0")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		err = se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.MaxAllowedPacket, strconv.FormatUint(variable.DefMaxAllowedPacket, 10))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		err = se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.TiDBEnableWindowFunction, variable.BoolToOnOff(variable.DefEnableWindowFunction))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		se.sessionVars.CommonGlobalLoaded = true
		se.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL = true
		// Internal session uses default format to prevent memory leak problem.
		se.sessionVars.EnableChunkRPC = false
		return se, nil

func createSessionWithDomainFunc(store kv.Storage) func(*domain.Domain) (pools.Resource, error) {
	return func(dom *domain.Domain) (pools.Resource, error) {
		se, err := CreateSessionWithDomain(store, dom)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		err = se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.AutoCommit, "1")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		err = se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.MaxExecutionTime, "0")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		err = se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.MaxAllowedPacket, strconv.FormatUint(variable.DefMaxAllowedPacket, 10))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		se.sessionVars.CommonGlobalLoaded = true
		se.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL = true
		// Internal session uses default format to prevent memory leak problem.
		se.sessionVars.EnableChunkRPC = false
		return se, nil

func drainRecordSet(ctx context.Context, se *session, rs sqlexec.RecordSet, alloc chunk.Allocator) ([]chunk.Row, error) {
	var rows []chunk.Row
	var req *chunk.Chunk
	req = rs.NewChunk(alloc)
	for {
		err := rs.Next(ctx, req)
		if err != nil || req.NumRows() == 0 {
			return rows, err
		iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
		for r := iter.Begin(); r != iter.End(); r = iter.Next() {
			rows = append(rows, r)
		req = chunk.Renew(req, se.sessionVars.MaxChunkSize)

// getTableValue executes restricted sql and the result is one column.
// It returns a string value.
func (s *session) getTableValue(ctx context.Context, tblName string, varName string) (string, error) {
	if ctx.Value(kv.RequestSourceKey) == nil {
		ctx = kv.WithInternalSourceType(ctx, kv.InternalTxnSysVar)
	rows, fields, err := s.ExecRestrictedSQL(ctx, nil, "SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM %n.%n WHERE VARIABLE_NAME=%?", mysql.SystemDB, tblName, varName)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(rows) == 0 {
		return "", errResultIsEmpty
	d := rows[0].GetDatum(0, &fields[0].Column.FieldType)
	value, err := d.ToString()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return value, nil

// replaceGlobalVariablesTableValue executes restricted sql updates the variable value
// It will then notify the etcd channel that the value has changed.
func (s *session) replaceGlobalVariablesTableValue(ctx context.Context, varName, val string) error {
	ctx = kv.WithInternalSourceType(ctx, kv.InternalTxnSysVar)
	_, _, err := s.ExecRestrictedSQL(ctx, nil, `REPLACE INTO %n.%n (variable_name, variable_value) VALUES (%?, %?)`, mysql.SystemDB, mysql.GlobalVariablesTable, varName, val)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return err

// GetGlobalSysVar implements GlobalVarAccessor.GetGlobalSysVar interface.
func (s *session) GetGlobalSysVar(name string) (string, error) {
	if s.Value(sessionctx.Initing) != nil {
		// When running bootstrap or upgrade, we should not access global storage.
		return "", nil

	sv := variable.GetSysVar(name)
	if sv == nil {
		// It might be a recently unregistered sysvar. We should return unknown
		// since GetSysVar is the canonical version, but we can update the cache
		// so the next request doesn't attempt to load this.
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("sysvar does not exist. sysvar cache may be stale", zap.String("name", name))
		return "", variable.ErrUnknownSystemVar.GenWithStackByArgs(name)

	sysVar, err := domain.GetDomain(s).GetGlobalVar(name)
	if err != nil {
		// The sysvar exists, but there is no cache entry yet.
		// This might be because the sysvar was only recently registered.
		// In which case it is safe to return the default, but we can also
		// update the cache for the future.
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("sysvar not in cache yet. sysvar cache may be stale", zap.String("name", name))
		sysVar, err = s.getTableValue(context.TODO(), mysql.GlobalVariablesTable, name)
		if err != nil {
			return sv.Value, nil
	// It might have been written from an earlier TiDB version, so we should do type validation
	// See https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/30255 for why we don't do full validation.
	// If validation fails, we should return the default value:
	// See: https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/pull/31566
	sysVar, err = sv.ValidateFromType(s.GetSessionVars(), sysVar, variable.ScopeGlobal)
	if err != nil {
		return sv.Value, nil
	return sysVar, nil

// SetGlobalSysVar implements GlobalVarAccessor.SetGlobalSysVar interface.
// it is called (but skipped) when setting instance scope
func (s *session) SetGlobalSysVar(name, value string) (err error) {
	sv := variable.GetSysVar(name)
	if sv == nil {
		return variable.ErrUnknownSystemVar.GenWithStackByArgs(name)
	if value, err = sv.Validate(s.sessionVars, value, variable.ScopeGlobal); err != nil {
		return err
	if err = sv.SetGlobalFromHook(s.sessionVars, value, false); err != nil {
		return err
	if sv.HasInstanceScope() { // skip for INSTANCE scope
		return nil
	if sv.GlobalConfigName != "" {
		domain.GetDomain(s).NotifyGlobalConfigChange(sv.GlobalConfigName, variable.OnOffToTrueFalse(value))
	return s.replaceGlobalVariablesTableValue(context.TODO(), sv.Name, value)

// SetGlobalSysVarOnly updates the sysvar, but does not call the validation function or update aliases.
// This is helpful to prevent duplicate warnings being appended from aliases, or recursion.
func (s *session) SetGlobalSysVarOnly(name, value string) (err error) {
	sv := variable.GetSysVar(name)
	if sv == nil {
		return variable.ErrUnknownSystemVar.GenWithStackByArgs(name)
	if err = sv.SetGlobalFromHook(s.sessionVars, value, true); err != nil {
		return err
	if sv.HasInstanceScope() { // skip for INSTANCE scope
		return nil
	return s.replaceGlobalVariablesTableValue(context.TODO(), sv.Name, value)

// SetTiDBTableValue implements GlobalVarAccessor.SetTiDBTableValue interface.
func (s *session) SetTiDBTableValue(name, value, comment string) error {
	ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnSysVar)
	_, _, err := s.ExecRestrictedSQL(ctx, nil, `REPLACE INTO mysql.tidb (variable_name, variable_value, comment) VALUES (%?, %?, %?)`, name, value, comment)
	return err

// GetTiDBTableValue implements GlobalVarAccessor.GetTiDBTableValue interface.
func (s *session) GetTiDBTableValue(name string) (string, error) {
	return s.getTableValue(context.TODO(), mysql.TiDBTable, name)

var _ sqlexec.SQLParser = &session{}

func (s *session) ParseSQL(ctx context.Context, sql string, params ...parser.ParseParam) ([]ast.StmtNode, []error, error) {
	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("session.ParseSQL", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
		defer span1.Finish()
	defer trace.StartRegion(ctx, "ParseSQL").End()

	p := parserPool.Get().(*parser.Parser)
	defer parserPool.Put(p)
	tmp, warn, err := p.ParseSQL(sql, params...)
	// The []ast.StmtNode is referenced by the parser, to reuse the parser, make a copy of the result.
	res := make([]ast.StmtNode, len(tmp))
	copy(res, tmp)
	return res, warn, err

func (s *session) SetProcessInfo(sql string, t time.Time, command byte, maxExecutionTime uint64) {
	// If command == mysql.ComSleep, it means the SQL execution is finished. The processinfo is reset to SLEEP.
	// If the SQL finished and the session is not in transaction, the current start timestamp need to reset to 0.
	// Otherwise, it should be set to the transaction start timestamp.
	// Why not reset the transaction start timestamp to 0 when transaction committed?
	// Because the select statement and other statements need this timestamp to read data,
	// after the transaction is committed. e.g. SHOW MASTER STATUS;
	var curTxnStartTS uint64
	if command != mysql.ComSleep || s.GetSessionVars().InTxn() {
		curTxnStartTS = s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.StartTS
	// Set curTxnStartTS to SnapshotTS directly when the session is trying to historic read.
	// It will avoid the session meet GC lifetime too short error.
	if s.GetSessionVars().SnapshotTS != 0 {
		curTxnStartTS = s.GetSessionVars().SnapshotTS
	p := s.currentPlan
	if explain, ok := p.(*plannercore.Explain); ok && explain.Analyze && explain.TargetPlan != nil {
		p = explain.TargetPlan
	pi := util.ProcessInfo{
		ID:               s.sessionVars.ConnectionID,
		Port:             s.sessionVars.Port,
		DB:               s.sessionVars.CurrentDB,
		Command:          command,
		Plan:             p,
		PlanExplainRows:  plannercore.GetExplainRowsForPlan(p),
		RuntimeStatsColl: s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.RuntimeStatsColl,
		Time:             t,
		State:            s.Status(),
		Info:             sql,
		CurTxnStartTS:    curTxnStartTS,
		StmtCtx:          s.sessionVars.StmtCtx,
		StatsInfo:        plannercore.GetStatsInfo,
		MaxExecutionTime: maxExecutionTime,
		RedactSQL:        s.sessionVars.EnableRedactLog,
	oldPi := s.ShowProcess()
	if p == nil {
		// Store the last valid plan when the current plan is nil.
		// This is for `explain for connection` statement has the ability to query the last valid plan.
		if oldPi != nil && oldPi.Plan != nil && len(oldPi.PlanExplainRows) > 0 {
			pi.Plan = oldPi.Plan
			pi.PlanExplainRows = oldPi.PlanExplainRows
			pi.RuntimeStatsColl = oldPi.RuntimeStatsColl
	// We set process info before building plan, so we extended execution time.
	if oldPi != nil && oldPi.Info == pi.Info {
		pi.Time = oldPi.Time
	_, digest := s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.SQLDigest()
	pi.Digest = digest.String()
	// DO NOT reset the currentPlan to nil until this query finishes execution, otherwise reentrant calls
	// of SetProcessInfo would override Plan and PlanExplainRows to nil.
	if command == mysql.ComSleep {
		s.currentPlan = nil
	if s.sessionVars.User != nil {
		pi.User = s.sessionVars.User.Username
		pi.Host = s.sessionVars.User.Hostname

func (s *session) SetDiskFullOpt(level kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt) {
	s.diskFullOpt = level

func (s *session) GetDiskFullOpt() kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt {
	return s.diskFullOpt

func (s *session) ClearDiskFullOpt() {
	s.diskFullOpt = kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt_NotAllowedOnFull

func (s *session) ExecuteInternal(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (rs sqlexec.RecordSet, err error) {
	origin := s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL
	s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL = true
	defer func() {
		s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL = origin
		// Restore the goroutine label by using the original ctx after execution is finished.

	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("session.ExecuteInternal", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
		defer span1.Finish()
		ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
		logutil.Eventf(ctx, "execute: %s", sql)

	stmtNode, err := s.ParseWithParams(ctx, sql, args...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	rs, err = s.ExecuteStmt(ctx, stmtNode)
	if err != nil {
	if rs == nil {
		return nil, err

	return rs, err

// Execute is deprecated, we can remove it as soon as plugins are migrated.
func (s *session) Execute(ctx context.Context, sql string) (recordSets []sqlexec.RecordSet, err error) {
	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("session.Execute", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
		defer span1.Finish()
		ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
		logutil.Eventf(ctx, "execute: %s", sql)

	stmtNodes, err := s.Parse(ctx, sql)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(stmtNodes) != 1 {
		return nil, errors.New("Execute() API doesn't support multiple statements any more")

	rs, err := s.ExecuteStmt(ctx, stmtNodes[0])
	if err != nil {
	if rs == nil {
		return nil, err
	return []sqlexec.RecordSet{rs}, err

// Parse parses a query string to raw ast.StmtNode.
func (s *session) Parse(ctx context.Context, sql string) ([]ast.StmtNode, error) {
	parseStartTime := time.Now()
	stmts, warns, err := s.ParseSQL(ctx, sql, s.sessionVars.GetParseParams()...)
	if err != nil {
		err = util.SyntaxError(err)

		// Only print log message when this SQL is from the user.
		// Mute the warning for internal SQLs.
		if !s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL {
			if s.sessionVars.EnableRedactLog {
				logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("parse SQL failed", zap.Error(err), zap.String("SQL", sql))
			} else {
				logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("parse SQL failed", zap.Error(err), zap.String("SQL", sql))
		return nil, err

	durParse := time.Since(parseStartTime)
	s.GetSessionVars().DurationParse = durParse
	isInternal := s.isInternal()
	if isInternal {
	} else {
	for _, warn := range warns {
	return stmts, nil

// ParseWithParams parses a query string, with arguments, to raw ast.StmtNode.
// Note that it will not do escaping if no variable arguments are passed.
func (s *session) ParseWithParams(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (ast.StmtNode, error) {
	var err error
	if len(args) > 0 {
		sql, err = sqlexec.EscapeSQL(sql, args...)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	internal := s.isInternal()

	var stmts []ast.StmtNode
	var warns []error
	parseStartTime := time.Now()
	if internal {
		// Do no respect the settings from clients, if it is for internal usage.
		// Charsets from clients may give chance injections.
		// Refer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5741187/sql-injection-that-gets-around-mysql-real-escape-string/12118602.
		stmts, warns, err = s.ParseSQL(ctx, sql)
	} else {
		stmts, warns, err = s.ParseSQL(ctx, sql, s.sessionVars.GetParseParams()...)
	if len(stmts) != 1 {
		err = errors.New("run multiple statements internally is not supported")
	if err != nil {
		// Only print log message when this SQL is from the user.
		// Mute the warning for internal SQLs.
		if !s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL {
			if s.sessionVars.EnableRedactLog {
				logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("parse SQL failed", zap.Error(err), zap.String("SQL", sql))
			} else {
				logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("parse SQL failed", zap.Error(err), zap.String("SQL", sql))
		return nil, util.SyntaxError(err)
	durParse := time.Since(parseStartTime)
	if internal {
	} else {
	for _, warn := range warns {
	if topsqlstate.TopSQLEnabled() {
		normalized, digest := parser.NormalizeDigest(sql)
		if digest != nil {
			// Reset the goroutine label when internal sql execute finish.
			// Specifically reset in ExecRestrictedStmt function.
			topsql.AttachAndRegisterSQLInfo(ctx, normalized, digest, s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL)
	return stmts[0], nil

// GetAdvisoryLock acquires an advisory lock of lockName.
// Note that a lock can be acquired multiple times by the same session,
// in which case we increment a reference count.
// Each lock needs to be held in a unique session because
// we need to be able to ROLLBACK in any arbitrary order
// in order to release the locks.
func (s *session) GetAdvisoryLock(lockName string, timeout int64) error {
	if lock, ok := s.advisoryLocks[lockName]; ok {
		return nil
	sess, err := createSession(s.GetStore())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	lock := &advisoryLock{session: sess, ctx: context.TODO()}
	err = lock.GetLock(lockName, timeout)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.advisoryLocks[lockName] = lock
	return nil

// ReleaseAdvisoryLock releases an advisory locks held by the session.
// It returns FALSE if no lock by this name was held (by this session),
// and TRUE if a lock was held and "released".
// Note that the lock is not actually released if there are multiple
// references to the same lockName by the session, instead the reference
// count is decremented.
func (s *session) ReleaseAdvisoryLock(lockName string) (released bool) {
	if lock, ok := s.advisoryLocks[lockName]; ok {
		if lock.ReferenceCount() <= 0 {
			delete(s.advisoryLocks, lockName)
		return true
	return false

// ReleaseAllAdvisoryLocks releases all advisory locks held by the session
// and returns a count of the locks that were released.
// The count is based on unique locks held, so multiple references
// to the same lock do not need to be accounted for.
func (s *session) ReleaseAllAdvisoryLocks() int {
	var count int
	for lockName, lock := range s.advisoryLocks {
		count += lock.ReferenceCount()
		delete(s.advisoryLocks, lockName)
	return count

// ParseWithParams4Test wrapper (s *session) ParseWithParams for test
func ParseWithParams4Test(ctx context.Context, s Session,
	sql string, args ...interface{}) (ast.StmtNode, error) {
	return s.(*session).ParseWithParams(ctx, sql, args)

var _ sqlexec.RestrictedSQLExecutor = &session{}
var _ sqlexec.SQLExecutor = &session{}

// ExecRestrictedStmt implements RestrictedSQLExecutor interface.
func (s *session) ExecRestrictedStmt(ctx context.Context, stmtNode ast.StmtNode, opts ...sqlexec.OptionFuncAlias) (
	[]chunk.Row, []*ast.ResultField, error) {
	defer pprof.SetGoroutineLabels(ctx)
	execOption := sqlexec.GetExecOption(opts)
	var se *session
	var clean func()
	var err error
	if execOption.UseCurSession {
		se, clean, err = s.useCurrentSession(execOption)
	} else {
		se, clean, err = s.getInternalSession(execOption)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	defer clean()

	startTime := time.Now()
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey, &execdetails.StmtExecDetails{})
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, tikvutil.ExecDetailsKey, &tikvutil.ExecDetails{})
	rs, err := se.ExecuteStmt(ctx, stmtNode)
	if err != nil {
	if rs == nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	defer func() {
		if closeErr := rs.Close(); closeErr != nil {
			err = closeErr
	var rows []chunk.Row
	rows, err = drainRecordSet(ctx, se, rs, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	return rows, rs.Fields(), err

// ExecRestrictedStmt4Test wrapper `(s *session) ExecRestrictedStmt` for test.
func ExecRestrictedStmt4Test(ctx context.Context, s Session,
	stmtNode ast.StmtNode, opts ...sqlexec.OptionFuncAlias) (
	[]chunk.Row, []*ast.ResultField, error) {
	ctx = kv.WithInternalSourceType(ctx, kv.InternalTxnOthers)
	return s.(*session).ExecRestrictedStmt(ctx, stmtNode, opts...)

// only set and clean session with execOption
func (s *session) useCurrentSession(execOption sqlexec.ExecOption) (*session, func(), error) {
	var err error
	orgSnapshotInfoSchema, orgSnapshotTS := s.sessionVars.SnapshotInfoschema, s.sessionVars.SnapshotTS
	if execOption.SnapshotTS != 0 {
		if err = s.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.TiDBSnapshot, strconv.FormatUint(execOption.SnapshotTS, 10)); err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		s.sessionVars.SnapshotInfoschema, err = getSnapshotInfoSchema(s, execOption.SnapshotTS)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
	prevStatsVer := s.sessionVars.AnalyzeVersion
	if execOption.AnalyzeVer != 0 {
		s.sessionVars.AnalyzeVersion = execOption.AnalyzeVer
	prevAnalyzeSnapshot := s.sessionVars.EnableAnalyzeSnapshot
	if execOption.AnalyzeSnapshot != nil {
		s.sessionVars.EnableAnalyzeSnapshot = *execOption.AnalyzeSnapshot
	prePruneMode := s.sessionVars.PartitionPruneMode.Load()
	if len(execOption.PartitionPruneMode) > 0 {
	prevSQL := s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.OriginalSQL
	prevStmtType := s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.StmtType
	prevTables := s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.Tables
	return s, func() {
		s.sessionVars.AnalyzeVersion = prevStatsVer
		s.sessionVars.EnableAnalyzeSnapshot = prevAnalyzeSnapshot
		if err := s.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.TiDBSnapshot, ""); err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("set tidbSnapshot error", zap.Error(err))
		s.sessionVars.SnapshotInfoschema = orgSnapshotInfoSchema
		s.sessionVars.SnapshotTS = orgSnapshotTS
		s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.OriginalSQL = prevSQL
		s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.StmtType = prevStmtType
		s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.Tables = prevTables
	}, nil

func (s *session) getInternalSession(execOption sqlexec.ExecOption) (*session, func(), error) {
	tmp, err := s.sysSessionPool().Get()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
	se := tmp.(*session)

	// The special session will share the `InspectionTableCache` with current session
	// if the current session in inspection mode.
	if cache := s.sessionVars.InspectionTableCache; cache != nil {
		se.sessionVars.InspectionTableCache = cache
	if ok := s.sessionVars.OptimizerUseInvisibleIndexes; ok {
		se.sessionVars.OptimizerUseInvisibleIndexes = true

	if execOption.SnapshotTS != 0 {
		if err := se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.TiDBSnapshot, strconv.FormatUint(execOption.SnapshotTS, 10)); err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		se.sessionVars.SnapshotInfoschema, err = getSnapshotInfoSchema(s, execOption.SnapshotTS)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

	prevStatsVer := se.sessionVars.AnalyzeVersion
	if execOption.AnalyzeVer != 0 {
		se.sessionVars.AnalyzeVersion = execOption.AnalyzeVer

	prevAnalyzeSnapshot := se.sessionVars.EnableAnalyzeSnapshot
	if execOption.AnalyzeSnapshot != nil {
		se.sessionVars.EnableAnalyzeSnapshot = *execOption.AnalyzeSnapshot

	prePruneMode := se.sessionVars.PartitionPruneMode.Load()
	if len(execOption.PartitionPruneMode) > 0 {

	return se, func() {
		se.sessionVars.AnalyzeVersion = prevStatsVer
		se.sessionVars.EnableAnalyzeSnapshot = prevAnalyzeSnapshot
		if err := se.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.TiDBSnapshot, ""); err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("set tidbSnapshot error", zap.Error(err))
		se.sessionVars.SnapshotInfoschema = nil
		se.sessionVars.SnapshotTS = 0
		if !execOption.IgnoreWarning {
			if se != nil && se.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.WarningCount() > 0 {
				warnings := se.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.GetWarnings()
		se.sessionVars.OptimizerUseInvisibleIndexes = false
		se.sessionVars.InspectionTableCache = nil
	}, nil

func (s *session) withRestrictedSQLExecutor(ctx context.Context, opts []sqlexec.OptionFuncAlias, fn func(context.Context, *session) ([]chunk.Row, []*ast.ResultField, error)) ([]chunk.Row, []*ast.ResultField, error) {
	execOption := sqlexec.GetExecOption(opts)
	var se *session
	var clean func()
	var err error
	if execOption.UseCurSession {
		se, clean, err = s.useCurrentSession(execOption)
	} else {
		se, clean, err = s.getInternalSession(execOption)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
	defer clean()
	if execOption.TrackSysProcID > 0 {
		err = execOption.TrackSysProc(execOption.TrackSysProcID, se)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		// unTrack should be called before clean (return sys session)
		defer execOption.UnTrackSysProc(execOption.TrackSysProcID)
	return fn(ctx, se)

func (s *session) ExecRestrictedSQL(ctx context.Context, opts []sqlexec.OptionFuncAlias, sql string, params ...interface{}) ([]chunk.Row, []*ast.ResultField, error) {
	return s.withRestrictedSQLExecutor(ctx, opts, func(ctx context.Context, se *session) ([]chunk.Row, []*ast.ResultField, error) {
		stmt, err := se.ParseWithParams(ctx, sql, params...)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		defer pprof.SetGoroutineLabels(ctx)
		startTime := time.Now()
		ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey, &execdetails.StmtExecDetails{})
		ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, tikvutil.ExecDetailsKey, &tikvutil.ExecDetails{})
		rs, err := se.ExecuteStmt(ctx, stmt)
		if err != nil {
		if rs == nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		defer func() {
			if closeErr := rs.Close(); closeErr != nil {
				err = closeErr
		var rows []chunk.Row
		rows, err = drainRecordSet(ctx, se, rs, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		return rows, rs.Fields(), err

func (s *session) ExecuteStmt(ctx context.Context, stmtNode ast.StmtNode) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("session.ExecuteStmt", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
		defer span1.Finish()
		ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)

	if err := s.PrepareTxnCtx(ctx); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := s.loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	s.sessionVars.StartTime = time.Now()

	// Some executions are done in compile stage, so we reset them before compile.
	if err := executor.ResetContextOfStmt(s, stmtNode); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	normalizedSQL, digest := s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.SQLDigest()
	if topsqlstate.TopSQLEnabled() {
		ctx = topsql.AttachAndRegisterSQLInfo(ctx, normalizedSQL, digest, s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL)

	if err := s.validateStatementReadOnlyInStaleness(stmtNode); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Uncorrelated subqueries will execute once when building plan, so we reset process info before building plan.
	cmd32 := atomic.LoadUint32(&s.GetSessionVars().CommandValue)
	s.SetProcessInfo(stmtNode.Text(), time.Now(), byte(cmd32), 0)
	defer s.txn.onStmtEnd()

	if err := s.onTxnManagerStmtStartOrRetry(ctx, stmtNode); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	failpoint.Inject("mockStmtSlow", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		if strings.Contains(stmtNode.Text(), "/* sleep */") {
			v, _ := val.(int)
			time.Sleep(time.Duration(v) * time.Millisecond)

	stmtLabel := ast.GetStmtLabel(stmtNode)
	s.setRequestSource(ctx, stmtLabel, stmtNode)

	// Transform abstract syntax tree to a physical plan(stored in executor.ExecStmt).
	compiler := executor.Compiler{Ctx: s}
	stmt, err := compiler.Compile(ctx, stmtNode)
	if err == nil {
		err = sessiontxn.OptimizeWithPlanAndThenWarmUp(s, stmt.Plan)

	if err != nil {

		// Only print log message when this SQL is from the user.
		// Mute the warning for internal SQLs.
		if !s.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL {
			if !variable.ErrUnknownSystemVar.Equal(err) {
				logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("compile SQL failed", zap.Error(err),
					zap.String("SQL", stmtNode.Text()))
		return nil, err

	durCompile := time.Since(s.sessionVars.StartTime)
	s.GetSessionVars().DurationCompile = durCompile
	if s.isInternal() {
	} else {
	s.currentPlan = stmt.Plan
	if execStmt, ok := stmtNode.(*ast.ExecuteStmt); ok {
		if execStmt.Name == "" {
			// for exec-stmt on bin-protocol, ignore the plan detail in `show process` to gain performance benefits.
			s.currentPlan = nil

	// Execute the physical plan.
	logStmt(stmt, s)

	var recordSet sqlexec.RecordSet
	if stmt.PsStmt != nil { // point plan short path
		recordSet, err = stmt.PointGet(ctx)
	} else {
		recordSet, err = runStmt(ctx, s, stmt)

	if err != nil {
		if !errIsNoisy(err) {
			logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("run statement failed",
				zap.Int64("schemaVersion", s.GetInfoSchema().SchemaMetaVersion()),
				zap.String("session", s.String()))
		return recordSet, err
	if !s.isInternal() && config.GetGlobalConfig().EnableTelemetry {
		tiFlashPushDown, tiFlashExchangePushDown := plannercore.IsTiFlashContained(stmt.Plan)
		if tiFlashPushDown {
		if tiFlashExchangePushDown {
	return recordSet, nil

func (s *session) onTxnManagerStmtStartOrRetry(ctx context.Context, node ast.StmtNode) error {
	if s.sessionVars.RetryInfo.Retrying {
		return sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(s).OnStmtRetry(ctx)
	return sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(s).OnStmtStart(ctx, node)

func (s *session) validateStatementReadOnlyInStaleness(stmtNode ast.StmtNode) error {
	vars := s.GetSessionVars()
	if !vars.TxnCtx.IsStaleness && vars.TxnReadTS.PeakTxnReadTS() == 0 {
		return nil
	errMsg := "only support read-only statement during read-only staleness transactions"
	node := stmtNode.(ast.Node)
	switch v := node.(type) {
	case *ast.SplitRegionStmt:
		return nil
	case *ast.SelectStmt:
		// select lock statement needs start a transaction which will be conflict to stale read,
		// we forbid select lock statement in stale read for now.
		if v.LockInfo != nil {
			return errors.New("select lock hasn't been supported in stale read yet")
		if !planner.IsReadOnly(stmtNode, vars) {
			return errors.New(errMsg)
		return nil
	case *ast.ExplainStmt, *ast.DoStmt, *ast.ShowStmt, *ast.SetOprStmt, *ast.ExecuteStmt, *ast.SetOprSelectList:
		if !planner.IsReadOnly(stmtNode, vars) {
			return errors.New(errMsg)
		return nil
	// covered DeleteStmt/InsertStmt/UpdateStmt/CallStmt/LoadDataStmt
	if _, ok := stmtNode.(ast.DMLNode); ok {
		return errors.New(errMsg)
	return nil

// querySpecialKeys contains the keys of special query, the special query will handled by handleQuerySpecial method.
var querySpecialKeys = []fmt.Stringer{

func (s *session) hasQuerySpecial() bool {
	found := false
	for _, k := range querySpecialKeys {
		v := s.mu.values[k]
		if v != nil {
			found = true
	return found

// runStmt executes the sqlexec.Statement and commit or rollback the current transaction.
func runStmt(ctx context.Context, se *session, s sqlexec.Statement) (rs sqlexec.RecordSet, err error) {
	failpoint.Inject("assertTxnManagerInRunStmt", func() {
		sessiontxn.RecordAssert(se, "assertTxnManagerInRunStmt", true)
		if stmt, ok := s.(*executor.ExecStmt); ok {
			sessiontxn.AssertTxnManagerInfoSchema(se, stmt.InfoSchema)

	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("session.runStmt", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
		span1.LogKV("sql", s.OriginText())
		defer span1.Finish()
		ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
	se.SetValue(sessionctx.QueryString, s.OriginText())
	if _, ok := s.(*executor.ExecStmt).StmtNode.(ast.DDLNode); ok {
		se.SetValue(sessionctx.LastExecuteDDL, true)
	} else {

	sessVars := se.sessionVars

	// Record diagnostic information for DML statements
	if stmt, ok := s.(*executor.ExecStmt).StmtNode.(ast.DMLNode); ok {
		// Keep the previous queryInfo for `show session_states` because the statement needs to encode it.
		if showStmt, ok := stmt.(*ast.ShowStmt); !ok || showStmt.Tp != ast.ShowSessionStates {
			defer func() {
				sessVars.LastQueryInfo = sessionstates.QueryInfo{
					TxnScope:    sessVars.CheckAndGetTxnScope(),
					StartTS:     sessVars.TxnCtx.StartTS,
					ForUpdateTS: sessVars.TxnCtx.GetForUpdateTS(),
				if err != nil {
					sessVars.LastQueryInfo.ErrMsg = err.Error()

	// Save origTxnCtx here to avoid it reset in the transaction retry.
	origTxnCtx := sessVars.TxnCtx
	err = se.checkTxnAborted(s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	rs, err = s.Exec(ctx)
	if rs != nil {
		return &execStmtResult{
			RecordSet: rs,
			sql:       s,
			se:        se,
		}, err

	err = finishStmt(ctx, se, err, s)
	if se.hasQuerySpecial() {
		// The special query will be handled later in handleQuerySpecial,
		// then should call the ExecStmt.FinishExecuteStmt to finish this statement.
		se.SetValue(ExecStmtVarKey, s.(*executor.ExecStmt))
	} else {
		// If it is not a select statement or special query, we record its slow log here,
		// then it could include the transaction commit time.
		s.(*executor.ExecStmt).FinishExecuteStmt(origTxnCtx.StartTS, err, false)
	return nil, err

// ExecStmtVarKeyType is a dummy type to avoid naming collision in context.
type ExecStmtVarKeyType int

// String defines a Stringer function for debugging and pretty printing.
func (k ExecStmtVarKeyType) String() string {
	return "exec_stmt_var_key"

// ExecStmtVarKey is a variable key for ExecStmt.
const ExecStmtVarKey ExecStmtVarKeyType = 0

// execStmtResult is the return value of ExecuteStmt and it implements the sqlexec.RecordSet interface.
// Why we need a struct to wrap a RecordSet and provide another RecordSet?
// This is because there are so many session state related things that definitely not belongs to the original
// RecordSet, so this struct exists and RecordSet.Close() is overrided handle that.
type execStmtResult struct {
	se  *session
	sql sqlexec.Statement

func (rs *execStmtResult) Close() error {
	se := rs.se
	if err := rs.RecordSet.Close(); err != nil {
		return finishStmt(context.Background(), se, err, rs.sql)
	if err := resetCTEStorageMap(se); err != nil {
		return finishStmt(context.Background(), se, err, rs.sql)
	return finishStmt(context.Background(), se, nil, rs.sql)

func resetCTEStorageMap(se *session) error {
	tmp := se.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.CTEStorageMap
	if tmp == nil {
		// Close() is already called, so no need to reset. Such as TraceExec.
		return nil
	storageMap, ok := tmp.(map[int]*executor.CTEStorages)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("type assertion for CTEStorageMap failed")
	for _, v := range storageMap {
		err1 := v.ResTbl.DerefAndClose()
		// Make sure we do not hold the lock for longer than necessary.
		// No need to lock IterInTbl.
		err2 := v.IterInTbl.DerefAndClose()
		if err1 != nil {
			return err1
		if err2 != nil {
			return err2
	se.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.CTEStorageMap = nil
	return nil

// rollbackOnError makes sure the next statement starts a new transaction with the latest InfoSchema.
func (s *session) rollbackOnError(ctx context.Context) {
	if !s.sessionVars.InTxn() {

// CacheGeneralStmt parses the sql, generates the corresponding PlanCacheStmt and cache it.
// The sql have to be parameterized, e.g. select * from t where a>?.
func (s *session) CacheGeneralStmt(sql string) (interface{}, error) {
	if stmt := s.sessionVars.GetGeneralPlanCacheStmt(sql); stmt != nil {
		// skip this step if there is already a PlanCacheStmt for this ql
		return stmt, nil

	prepareExec := executor.NewPrepareExec(s, sql)
	prepareExec.IsGeneralStmt = true
	if err := prepareExec.Next(context.Background(), nil); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return prepareExec.Stmt, nil

// PrepareStmt is used for executing prepare statement in binary protocol
func (s *session) PrepareStmt(sql string) (stmtID uint32, paramCount int, fields []*ast.ResultField, err error) {
	if s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.InfoSchema == nil {
		// We don't need to create a transaction for prepare statement, just get information schema will do.
		s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.InfoSchema = domain.GetDomain(s).InfoSchema()
	err = s.loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded()
	if err != nil {

	ctx := context.Background()
	inTxn := s.GetSessionVars().InTxn()
	// NewPrepareExec may need startTS to build the executor, for example prepare statement has subquery in int.
	// So we have to call PrepareTxnCtx here.
	if err = s.PrepareTxnCtx(ctx); err != nil {

	prepareStmt := &ast.PrepareStmt{SQLText: sql}
	if err = s.onTxnManagerStmtStartOrRetry(ctx, prepareStmt); err != nil {

	if err = sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(s).AdviseWarmup(); err != nil {
	prepareExec := executor.NewPrepareExec(s, sql)
	err = prepareExec.Next(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
	if !inTxn {
		// We could start a transaction to build the prepare executor before, we should rollback it here.
	return prepareExec.ID, prepareExec.ParamCount, prepareExec.Fields, nil

// ExecutePreparedStmt executes a prepared statement.
func (s *session) ExecutePreparedStmt(ctx context.Context, stmtID uint32, params []expression.Expression) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
	prepStmt, err := s.sessionVars.GetPreparedStmtByID(stmtID)
	if err != nil {
		err = plannercore.ErrStmtNotFound
		logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("prepared statement not found", zap.Uint32("stmtID", stmtID))
		return nil, err
	stmt, ok := prepStmt.(*plannercore.PlanCacheStmt)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid PlanCacheStmt type")
	execStmt := &ast.ExecuteStmt{
		BinaryArgs: params,
		PrepStmt:   stmt,
	return s.ExecuteStmt(ctx, execStmt)

func (s *session) DropPreparedStmt(stmtID uint32) error {
	vars := s.sessionVars
	if _, ok := vars.PreparedStmts[stmtID]; !ok {
		return plannercore.ErrStmtNotFound
	vars.RetryInfo.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs = append(vars.RetryInfo.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs, stmtID)
	return nil

func (s *session) Txn(active bool) (kv.Transaction, error) {
	if !active {
		return &s.txn, nil
	_, err := sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(s).ActivateTxn()
	return &s.txn, err

func (s *session) SetValue(key fmt.Stringer, value interface{}) {
	s.mu.values[key] = value

func (s *session) Value(key fmt.Stringer) interface{} {
	value := s.mu.values[key]
	return value

func (s *session) ClearValue(key fmt.Stringer) {
	delete(s.mu.values, key)

type inCloseSession struct{}

// Close function does some clean work when session end.
// Close should release the table locks which hold by the session.
func (s *session) Close() {
	// TODO: do clean table locks when session exited without execute Close.
	// TODO: do clean table locks when tidb-server was `kill -9`.
	if s.HasLockedTables() && config.TableLockEnabled() {
		if ds := config.TableLockDelayClean(); ds > 0 {
			time.Sleep(time.Duration(ds) * time.Millisecond)
		lockedTables := s.GetAllTableLocks()
		err := domain.GetDomain(s).DDL().UnlockTables(s, lockedTables)
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("release table lock failed", zap.Uint64("conn", s.sessionVars.ConnectionID))
	if s.statsCollector != nil {
	if s.idxUsageCollector != nil {
	bindValue := s.Value(bindinfo.SessionBindInfoKeyType)
	if bindValue != nil {
	ctx := context.WithValue(context.TODO(), inCloseSession{}, struct{}{})
	if s.sessionVars != nil {
	if s.stmtStats != nil {

// GetSessionVars implements the context.Context interface.
func (s *session) GetSessionVars() *variable.SessionVars {
	return s.sessionVars

func (s *session) AuthPluginForUser(user *auth.UserIdentity) (string, error) {
	pm := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(s)
	authplugin, err := pm.GetAuthPlugin(user.Username, user.Hostname)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return authplugin, nil

// Auth validates a user using an authentication string and salt.
// If the password fails, it will keep trying other users until exhausted.
// This means it can not be refactored to use MatchIdentity yet.
func (s *session) Auth(user *auth.UserIdentity, authentication []byte, salt []byte) error {
	hasPassword := "YES"
	if len(authentication) == 0 {
		hasPassword = "NO"
	pm := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(s)
	authUser, err := s.MatchIdentity(user.Username, user.Hostname)
	if err != nil {
		return privileges.ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
	if err = pm.ConnectionVerification(user, authUser.Username, authUser.Hostname, authentication, salt, s.sessionVars.TLSConnectionState); err != nil {
		return err
	user.AuthUsername = authUser.Username
	user.AuthHostname = authUser.Hostname
	s.sessionVars.User = user
	s.sessionVars.ActiveRoles = pm.GetDefaultRoles(user.AuthUsername, user.AuthHostname)
	return nil

// MatchIdentity finds the matching username + password in the MySQL privilege tables
// for a username + hostname, since MySQL can have wildcards.
func (s *session) MatchIdentity(username, remoteHost string) (*auth.UserIdentity, error) {
	pm := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(s)
	var success bool
	var skipNameResolve bool
	var user = &auth.UserIdentity{}
	varVal, err := s.GetSessionVars().GlobalVarsAccessor.GetGlobalSysVar(variable.SkipNameResolve)
	if err == nil && variable.TiDBOptOn(varVal) {
		skipNameResolve = true
	user.Username, user.Hostname, success = pm.MatchIdentity(username, remoteHost, skipNameResolve)
	if success {
		return user, nil
	// This error will not be returned to the user, access denied will be instead
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find matching user in MatchIdentity: %s, %s", username, remoteHost)

// AuthWithoutVerification is required by the ResetConnection RPC
func (s *session) AuthWithoutVerification(user *auth.UserIdentity) bool {
	pm := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(s)
	authUser, err := s.MatchIdentity(user.Username, user.Hostname)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	if pm.GetAuthWithoutVerification(authUser.Username, authUser.Hostname) {
		user.AuthUsername = authUser.Username
		user.AuthHostname = authUser.Hostname
		s.sessionVars.User = user
		s.sessionVars.ActiveRoles = pm.GetDefaultRoles(user.AuthUsername, user.AuthHostname)
		return true
	return false

// RefreshVars implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (s *session) RefreshVars(ctx context.Context) error {
	pruneMode, err := s.GetSessionVars().GlobalVarsAccessor.GetGlobalSysVar(variable.TiDBPartitionPruneMode)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// SetSessionStatesHandler implements the Session.SetSessionStatesHandler interface.
func (s *session) SetSessionStatesHandler(stateType sessionstates.SessionStateType, handler sessionctx.SessionStatesHandler) {
	s.sessionStatesHandlers[stateType] = handler

// CreateSession4Test creates a new session environment for test.
func CreateSession4Test(store kv.Storage) (Session, error) {
	se, err := CreateSession4TestWithOpt(store, nil)
	if err == nil {
		// Cover both chunk rpc encoding and default encoding.
		// nolint:gosec
		if rand.Intn(2) == 0 {
			se.GetSessionVars().EnableChunkRPC = false
		} else {
			se.GetSessionVars().EnableChunkRPC = true
	return se, err

// Opt describes the option for creating session
type Opt struct {
	PreparedPlanCache sessionctx.PlanCache

// CreateSession4TestWithOpt creates a new session environment for test.
func CreateSession4TestWithOpt(store kv.Storage, opt *Opt) (Session, error) {
	s, err := CreateSessionWithOpt(store, opt)
	if err == nil {
		// initialize session variables for test.
		s.GetSessionVars().InitChunkSize = 2
		s.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize = 32
		s.GetSessionVars().MinPagingSize = variable.DefMinPagingSize
		s.GetSessionVars().EnablePaging = variable.DefTiDBEnablePaging
		err = s.GetSessionVars().SetSystemVarWithoutValidation(variable.CharacterSetConnection, "utf8mb4")
	return s, err

// CreateSession creates a new session environment.
func CreateSession(store kv.Storage) (Session, error) {
	return CreateSessionWithOpt(store, nil)

// CreateSessionWithOpt creates a new session environment with option.
// Use default option if opt is nil.
func CreateSessionWithOpt(store kv.Storage, opt *Opt) (Session, error) {
	s, err := createSessionWithOpt(store, opt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Add auth here.
	do, err := domap.Get(store)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	pm := &privileges.UserPrivileges{
		Handle: do.PrivilegeHandle(),
	privilege.BindPrivilegeManager(s, pm)

	// Add stats collector, and it will be freed by background stats worker
	// which periodically updates stats using the collected data.
	if do.StatsHandle() != nil && do.StatsUpdating() {
		s.statsCollector = do.StatsHandle().NewSessionStatsCollector()
		if GetIndexUsageSyncLease() > 0 {
			s.idxUsageCollector = do.StatsHandle().NewSessionIndexUsageCollector()

	return s, nil

// loadCollationParameter loads collation parameter from mysql.tidb
func loadCollationParameter(ctx context.Context, se *session) (bool, error) {
	para, err := se.getTableValue(ctx, mysql.TiDBTable, tidbNewCollationEnabled)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	if para == varTrue {
		return true, nil
	} else if para == varFalse {
		return false, nil
		"Unexpected value of 'new_collation_enabled' in 'mysql.tidb', use 'False' instead",
		zap.String("value", para))
	return false, nil

var (
	errResultIsEmpty = dbterror.ClassExecutor.NewStd(errno.ErrResultIsEmpty)
	// DDLJobTables is a list of tables definitions used in concurrent DDL.
	DDLJobTables = []struct {
		SQL string
		id  int64
		{ddl.JobTableSQL, ddl.JobTableID},
		{ddl.ReorgTableSQL, ddl.ReorgTableID},
		{ddl.HistoryTableSQL, ddl.HistoryTableID},
	mdlTable = "create table mysql.tidb_mdl_info(job_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, version BIGINT NOT NULL, table_ids text(65535));"

// InitDDLJobTables is to create tidb_ddl_job, tidb_ddl_reorg and tidb_ddl_history.
func InitDDLJobTables(store kv.Storage) error {
	return kv.RunInNewTxn(kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnDDL), store, true, func(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
		t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
		exists, err := t.CheckDDLTableExists()
		if err != nil || exists {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		dbID, err := t.CreateMySQLDatabaseIfNotExists()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		p := parser.New()
		for _, tbl := range DDLJobTables {
			id, err := t.GetGlobalID()
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
			if id >= meta.MaxGlobalID {
				return errors.Errorf("It is unreasonable that the global ID grows such a big value: %d, please contact TiDB team", id)
			stmt, err := p.ParseOneStmt(tbl.SQL, "", "")
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
			tblInfo, err := ddl.BuildTableInfoFromAST(stmt.(*ast.CreateTableStmt))
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
			tblInfo.State = model.StatePublic
			tblInfo.ID = tbl.id
			tblInfo.UpdateTS = t.StartTS
			err = t.CreateTableOrView(dbID, tblInfo)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
		return t.SetDDLTables()

// InitMDLTable is to create tidb_mdl_info, which is used for metadata lock.
func InitMDLTable(store kv.Storage) error {
	return kv.RunInNewTxn(kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnDDL), store, true, func(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
		t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
		exists, err := t.CheckMDLTableExists()
		if err != nil || exists {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		dbID, err := t.CreateMySQLDatabaseIfNotExists()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		p := parser.New()
		id, err := t.GetGlobalID()
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		if id >= meta.MaxGlobalID {
			return errors.Errorf("It is unreasonable that the global ID grows such a big value: %d, please contact TiDB team", id)
		stmt, err := p.ParseOneStmt(mdlTable, "", "")
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		tblInfo, err := ddl.BuildTableInfoFromAST(stmt.(*ast.CreateTableStmt))
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		tblInfo.State = model.StatePublic
		tblInfo.ID = ddl.MDLTableID
		tblInfo.UpdateTS = t.StartTS
		err = t.CreateTableOrView(dbID, tblInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)

		return t.SetMDLTables()

// BootstrapSession runs the first time when the TiDB server start.
func BootstrapSession(store kv.Storage) (*domain.Domain, error) {
	ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnBootstrap)
	cfg := config.GetGlobalConfig()
	if len(cfg.Instance.PluginLoad) > 0 {
		err := plugin.Load(context.Background(), plugin.Config{
			Plugins:   strings.Split(cfg.Instance.PluginLoad, ","),
			PluginDir: cfg.Instance.PluginDir,
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	err := InitDDLJobTables(store)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = InitMDLTable(store)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ver := getStoreBootstrapVersion(store)
	if ver == notBootstrapped {
		runInBootstrapSession(store, bootstrap)
	} else if ver < currentBootstrapVersion {
		runInBootstrapSession(store, upgrade)

	concurrency := int(config.GetGlobalConfig().Performance.StatsLoadConcurrency)
	ses, err := createSessions(store, 7+concurrency)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ses[0].GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL = true

	// get system tz from mysql.tidb
	tz, err := ses[0].getTableValue(ctx, mysql.TiDBTable, tidbSystemTZ)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// get the flag from `mysql`.`tidb` which indicating if new collations are enabled.
	newCollationEnabled, err := loadCollationParameter(ctx, ses[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// To deal with the location partition failure caused by inconsistent NewCollationEnabled values(see issue #32416).

	dom := domain.GetDomain(ses[0])

	// We should make the load bind-info loop before other loops which has internal SQL.
	// Because the internal SQL may access the global bind-info handler. As the result, the data race occurs here as the
	// LoadBindInfoLoop inits global bind-info handler.
	err = dom.LoadBindInfoLoop(ses[1], ses[2])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !config.GetGlobalConfig().Security.SkipGrantTable {
		err = dom.LoadPrivilegeLoop(ses[3])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	//  Rebuild sysvar cache in a loop
	err = dom.LoadSysVarCacheLoop(ses[4])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(cfg.Instance.PluginLoad) > 0 {
		err := plugin.Init(context.Background(), plugin.Config{EtcdClient: dom.GetEtcdClient()})
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	err = executor.LoadExprPushdownBlacklist(ses[5])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = executor.LoadOptRuleBlacklist(ctx, ses[5])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if dom.GetEtcdClient() != nil {
		// We only want telemetry data in production-like clusters. When TiDB is deployed over other engines,
		// for example, unistore engine (used for local tests), we just skip it. Its etcd client is nil.
		go func() {

	// A sub context for update table stats, and other contexts for concurrent stats loading.
	cnt := 1 + concurrency
	subCtxs := make([]sessionctx.Context, cnt)
	for i := 0; i < cnt; i++ {
		subCtxs[i] = sessionctx.Context(ses[6+i])
	if err = dom.LoadAndUpdateStatsLoop(subCtxs); err != nil {
		return nil, err


	if raw, ok := store.(kv.EtcdBackend); ok {
		err = raw.StartGCWorker()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return dom, err

// GetDomain gets the associated domain for store.
func GetDomain(store kv.Storage) (*domain.Domain, error) {
	return domap.Get(store)

// runInBootstrapSession create a special session for bootstrap to run.
// If no bootstrap and storage is remote, we must use a little lease time to
// bootstrap quickly, after bootstrapped, we will reset the lease time.
// TODO: Using a bootstrap tool for doing this may be better later.
func runInBootstrapSession(store kv.Storage, bootstrap func(Session)) {
	s, err := createSession(store)
	if err != nil {
		// Bootstrap fail will cause program exit.
		logutil.BgLogger().Fatal("createSession error", zap.Error(err))
	// For the bootstrap SQLs, the following variables should be compatible with old TiDB versions.
	s.sessionVars.EnableClusteredIndex = variable.ClusteredIndexDefModeIntOnly

	s.SetValue(sessionctx.Initing, true)

	dom := domain.GetDomain(s)

func createSessions(store kv.Storage, cnt int) ([]*session, error) {
	ses := make([]*session, cnt)
	for i := 0; i < cnt; i++ {
		se, err := createSession(store)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		ses[i] = se

	return ses, nil

func createSession(store kv.Storage) (*session, error) {
	return createSessionWithOpt(store, nil)

func createSessionWithOpt(store kv.Storage, opt *Opt) (*session, error) {
	dom, err := domap.Get(store)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	s := &session{
		store:                 store,
		sessionVars:           variable.NewSessionVars(),
		ddlOwnerManager:       dom.DDL().OwnerManager(),
		client:                store.GetClient(),
		mppClient:             store.GetMPPClient(),
		stmtStats:             stmtstats.CreateStatementStats(),
		sessionStatesHandlers: make(map[sessionstates.SessionStateType]sessionctx.SessionStatesHandler),
	s.functionUsageMu.builtinFunctionUsage = make(telemetry.BuiltinFunctionsUsage)
	if opt != nil && opt.PreparedPlanCache != nil {
		s.preparedPlanCache = opt.PreparedPlanCache
	s.mu.values = make(map[fmt.Stringer]interface{})
	s.lockedTables = make(map[int64]model.TableLockTpInfo)
	s.advisoryLocks = make(map[string]*advisoryLock)

	domain.BindDomain(s, dom)
	// session implements variable.GlobalVarAccessor. Bind it to ctx.
	s.sessionVars.GlobalVarsAccessor = s
	s.sessionVars.BinlogClient = binloginfo.GetPumpsClient()

	sessionBindHandle := bindinfo.NewSessionBindHandle(parser.New())
	s.SetValue(bindinfo.SessionBindInfoKeyType, sessionBindHandle)
	s.SetSessionStatesHandler(sessionstates.StateBinding, sessionBindHandle)
	return s, nil

// CreateSessionWithDomain creates a new Session and binds it with a Domain.
// We need this because when we start DDL in Domain, the DDL need a session
// to change some system tables. But at that time, we have been already in
// a lock context, which cause we can't call createSession directly.
func CreateSessionWithDomain(store kv.Storage, dom *domain.Domain) (*session, error) {
	s := &session{
		store:                 store,
		sessionVars:           variable.NewSessionVars(),
		client:                store.GetClient(),
		mppClient:             store.GetMPPClient(),
		stmtStats:             stmtstats.CreateStatementStats(),
		sessionStatesHandlers: make(map[sessionstates.SessionStateType]sessionctx.SessionStatesHandler),
	s.functionUsageMu.builtinFunctionUsage = make(telemetry.BuiltinFunctionsUsage)
	s.mu.values = make(map[fmt.Stringer]interface{})
	s.lockedTables = make(map[int64]model.TableLockTpInfo)
	domain.BindDomain(s, dom)
	// session implements variable.GlobalVarAccessor. Bind it to ctx.
	s.sessionVars.GlobalVarsAccessor = s
	return s, nil

const (
	notBootstrapped = 0

func getStoreBootstrapVersion(store kv.Storage) int64 {
	defer storeBootstrappedLock.Unlock()
	// check in memory
	_, ok := storeBootstrapped[store.UUID()]
	if ok {
		return currentBootstrapVersion

	var ver int64
	// check in kv store
	ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnBootstrap)
	err := kv.RunInNewTxn(ctx, store, false, func(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
		var err error
		t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
		ver, err = t.GetBootstrapVersion()
		return err
	if err != nil {
		logutil.BgLogger().Fatal("check bootstrapped failed",

	if ver > notBootstrapped {
		// here mean memory is not ok, but other server has already finished it
		storeBootstrapped[store.UUID()] = true

	return ver

func finishBootstrap(store kv.Storage) {

	ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnBootstrap)
	err := kv.RunInNewTxn(ctx, store, true, func(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
		t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
		err := t.FinishBootstrap(currentBootstrapVersion)
		return err
	if err != nil {
		logutil.BgLogger().Fatal("finish bootstrap failed",

const quoteCommaQuote = "', '"

// loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded loads and applies commonly used global variables for the session.
func (s *session) loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded() error {
	vars := s.sessionVars
	if vars.CommonGlobalLoaded {
		return nil
	if s.Value(sessionctx.Initing) != nil {
		// When running bootstrap or upgrade, we should not access global storage.
		return nil

	vars.CommonGlobalLoaded = true

	// Deep copy sessionvar cache
	sessionCache, err := domain.GetDomain(s).GetSessionCache()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for varName, varVal := range sessionCache {
		if _, ok := vars.GetSystemVar(varName); !ok {
			err = vars.SetSystemVarWithRelaxedValidation(varName, varVal)
			if err != nil {
				if variable.ErrUnknownSystemVar.Equal(err) {
					continue // sessionCache is stale; sysvar has likely been unregistered
				return err
	// when client set Capability Flags CLIENT_INTERACTIVE, init wait_timeout with interactive_timeout
	if vars.ClientCapability&mysql.ClientInteractive > 0 {
		if varVal, ok := vars.GetSystemVar(variable.InteractiveTimeout); ok {
			if err := vars.SetSystemVar(variable.WaitTimeout, varVal); err != nil {
				return err
	return nil

// PrepareTxnCtx begins a transaction, and creates a new transaction context.
// It is called before we execute a sql query.
func (s *session) PrepareTxnCtx(ctx context.Context) error {
	s.currentCtx = ctx
	if s.txn.validOrPending() {
		return nil

	txnMode := ast.Optimistic
	if !s.sessionVars.IsAutocommit() || s.sessionVars.RetryInfo.Retrying ||
		config.GetGlobalConfig().PessimisticTxn.PessimisticAutoCommit.Load() {
		if s.sessionVars.TxnMode == ast.Pessimistic {
			txnMode = ast.Pessimistic

	return sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(s).EnterNewTxn(ctx, &sessiontxn.EnterNewTxnRequest{
		Type:    sessiontxn.EnterNewTxnBeforeStmt,
		TxnMode: txnMode,

// PrepareTSFuture uses to try to get ts future.
func (s *session) PrepareTSFuture(ctx context.Context, future oracle.Future, scope string) error {
	if s.txn.Valid() {
		return errors.New("cannot prepare ts future when txn is valid")

	failpoint.Inject("assertTSONotRequest", func() {
		if _, ok := future.(sessiontxn.ConstantFuture); !ok {
			panic("tso shouldn't be requested")

	failpoint.InjectContext(ctx, "mockGetTSFail", func() {
		future = txnFailFuture{}

		future:   future,
		store:    s.store,
		txnScope: scope,
	return nil

// GetPreparedTxnFuture returns the TxnFuture if it is valid or pending.
// It returns nil otherwise.
func (s *session) GetPreparedTxnFuture() sessionctx.TxnFuture {
	if !s.txn.validOrPending() {
		return nil
	return &s.txn

// RefreshTxnCtx implements context.RefreshTxnCtx interface.
func (s *session) RefreshTxnCtx(ctx context.Context) error {
	var commitDetail *tikvutil.CommitDetails
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, tikvutil.CommitDetailCtxKey, &commitDetail)
	err := s.doCommit(ctx)
	if commitDetail != nil {
		s.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.MergeExecDetails(nil, commitDetail)
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return sessiontxn.NewTxn(ctx, s)

// GetStore gets the store of session.
func (s *session) GetStore() kv.Storage {
	return s.store

func (s *session) ShowProcess() *util.ProcessInfo {
	var pi *util.ProcessInfo
	tmp := s.processInfo.Load()
	if tmp != nil {
		pi = tmp.(*util.ProcessInfo)
	return pi

// GetStartTSFromSession returns the startTS in the session `se`
func GetStartTSFromSession(se interface{}) (uint64, uint64) {
	var startTS, processInfoID uint64
	tmp, ok := se.(*session)
	if !ok {
		logutil.BgLogger().Error("GetStartTSFromSession failed, can't transform to session struct")
		return 0, 0
	processInfo := tmp.ShowProcess()
	if processInfo != nil {
		processInfoID = processInfo.ID
	txnInfo := tmp.TxnInfo()
	if txnInfo != nil {
		startTS = txnInfo.StartTS

		"GetStartTSFromSession getting startTS of internal session",
		zap.Uint64("startTS", startTS), zap.Time("start time", oracle.GetTimeFromTS(startTS)))

	return startTS, processInfoID

// logStmt logs some crucial SQL including: CREATE USER/GRANT PRIVILEGE/CHANGE PASSWORD/DDL etc and normal SQL
// if variable.ProcessGeneralLog is set.
func logStmt(execStmt *executor.ExecStmt, s *session) {
	vars := s.GetSessionVars()
	switch stmt := execStmt.StmtNode.(type) {
	case *ast.CreateUserStmt, *ast.DropUserStmt, *ast.AlterUserStmt, *ast.SetPwdStmt, *ast.GrantStmt,
		*ast.RevokeStmt, *ast.AlterTableStmt, *ast.CreateDatabaseStmt, *ast.CreateIndexStmt, *ast.CreateTableStmt,
		*ast.DropDatabaseStmt, *ast.DropIndexStmt, *ast.DropTableStmt, *ast.RenameTableStmt, *ast.TruncateTableStmt,
		user := vars.User
		schemaVersion := s.GetInfoSchema().SchemaMetaVersion()
		if ss, ok := execStmt.StmtNode.(ast.SensitiveStmtNode); ok {
			logutil.BgLogger().Info("CRUCIAL OPERATION",
				zap.Uint64("conn", vars.ConnectionID),
				zap.Int64("schemaVersion", schemaVersion),
				zap.String("secure text", ss.SecureText()),
				zap.Stringer("user", user))
		} else {
			logutil.BgLogger().Info("CRUCIAL OPERATION",
				zap.Uint64("conn", vars.ConnectionID),
				zap.Int64("schemaVersion", schemaVersion),
				zap.String("cur_db", vars.CurrentDB),
				zap.String("sql", stmt.Text()),
				zap.Stringer("user", user))
		logGeneralQuery(execStmt, s, false)

func logGeneralQuery(execStmt *executor.ExecStmt, s *session, isPrepared bool) {
	vars := s.GetSessionVars()
	if variable.ProcessGeneralLog.Load() && !vars.InRestrictedSQL {
		var query string
		if isPrepared {
			query = execStmt.OriginText()
		} else {
			query = execStmt.GetTextToLog()

		query = executor.QueryReplacer.Replace(query)
		if !vars.EnableRedactLog {
			query += vars.PreparedParams.String()
			zap.Uint64("conn", vars.ConnectionID),
			zap.String("user", vars.User.LoginString()),
			zap.Int64("schemaVersion", s.GetInfoSchema().SchemaMetaVersion()),
			zap.Uint64("txnStartTS", vars.TxnCtx.StartTS),
			zap.Uint64("forUpdateTS", vars.TxnCtx.GetForUpdateTS()),
			zap.Bool("isReadConsistency", vars.IsIsolation(ast.ReadCommitted)),
			zap.String("currentDB", vars.CurrentDB),
			zap.Bool("isPessimistic", vars.TxnCtx.IsPessimistic),
			zap.String("sessionTxnMode", vars.GetReadableTxnMode()),
			zap.String("sql", query))

func (s *session) recordOnTransactionExecution(err error, counter int, duration float64) {
	if s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.IsPessimistic {
		if err != nil {
		} else {
	} else {
		if err != nil {
		} else {

func (s *session) checkPlacementPolicyBeforeCommit() error {
	var err error
	// Get the txnScope of the transaction we're going to commit.
	txnScope := s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.TxnScope
	if txnScope == "" {
		txnScope = kv.GlobalTxnScope
	if txnScope != kv.GlobalTxnScope {
		is := s.GetInfoSchema().(infoschema.InfoSchema)
		deltaMap := s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.TableDeltaMap
		for physicalTableID := range deltaMap {
			var tableName string
			var partitionName string
			tblInfo, _, partInfo := is.FindTableByPartitionID(physicalTableID)
			if tblInfo != nil && partInfo != nil {
				tableName = tblInfo.Meta().Name.String()
				partitionName = partInfo.Name.String()
			} else {
				tblInfo, _ := is.TableByID(physicalTableID)
				tableName = tblInfo.Meta().Name.String()
			bundle, ok := is.PlacementBundleByPhysicalTableID(physicalTableID)
			if !ok {
				errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("table %v doesn't have placement policies with txn_scope %v",
					tableName, txnScope)
				if len(partitionName) > 0 {
					errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("table %v's partition %v doesn't have placement policies with txn_scope %v",
						tableName, partitionName, txnScope)
				err = dbterror.ErrInvalidPlacementPolicyCheck.GenWithStackByArgs(errMsg)
			dcLocation, ok := bundle.GetLeaderDC(placement.DCLabelKey)
			if !ok {
				errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("table %v's leader placement policy is not defined", tableName)
				if len(partitionName) > 0 {
					errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("table %v's partition %v's leader placement policy is not defined", tableName, partitionName)
				err = dbterror.ErrInvalidPlacementPolicyCheck.GenWithStackByArgs(errMsg)
			if dcLocation != txnScope {
				errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("table %v's leader location %v is out of txn_scope %v", tableName, dcLocation, txnScope)
				if len(partitionName) > 0 {
					errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("table %v's partition %v's leader location %v is out of txn_scope %v",
						tableName, partitionName, dcLocation, txnScope)
				err = dbterror.ErrInvalidPlacementPolicyCheck.GenWithStackByArgs(errMsg)
			// FIXME: currently we assume the physicalTableID is the partition ID. In future, we should consider the situation
			// if the physicalTableID belongs to a Table.
			partitionID := physicalTableID
			tbl, _, partitionDefInfo := is.FindTableByPartitionID(partitionID)
			if tbl != nil {
				tblInfo := tbl.Meta()
				state := tblInfo.Partition.GetStateByID(partitionID)
				if state == model.StateGlobalTxnOnly {
					err = dbterror.ErrInvalidPlacementPolicyCheck.GenWithStackByArgs(
						fmt.Sprintf("partition %s of table %s can not be written by local transactions when its placement policy is being altered",
							tblInfo.Name, partitionDefInfo.Name))
	return err

func (s *session) SetPort(port string) {
	s.sessionVars.Port = port

// GetTxnWriteThroughputSLI implements the Context interface.
func (s *session) GetTxnWriteThroughputSLI() *sli.TxnWriteThroughputSLI {
	return &s.txn.writeSLI

// GetInfoSchema returns snapshotInfoSchema if snapshot schema is set.
// Transaction infoschema is returned if inside an explicit txn.
// Otherwise the latest infoschema is returned.
func (s *session) GetInfoSchema() sessionctx.InfoschemaMetaVersion {
	vars := s.GetSessionVars()
	var is infoschema.InfoSchema
	if snap, ok := vars.SnapshotInfoschema.(infoschema.InfoSchema); ok {
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("use snapshot schema", zap.Uint64("conn", vars.ConnectionID), zap.Int64("schemaVersion", snap.SchemaMetaVersion()))
		is = snap
	} else if vars.TxnCtx != nil && vars.InTxn() {
		if tmp, ok := vars.TxnCtx.InfoSchema.(infoschema.InfoSchema); ok {
			is = tmp

	if is == nil {
		is = domain.GetDomain(s).InfoSchema()

	// Override the infoschema if the session has temporary table.
	return temptable.AttachLocalTemporaryTableInfoSchema(s, is)

func (s *session) GetDomainInfoSchema() sessionctx.InfoschemaMetaVersion {
	is := domain.GetDomain(s).InfoSchema()
	return temptable.AttachLocalTemporaryTableInfoSchema(s, is)

func getSnapshotInfoSchema(s sessionctx.Context, snapshotTS uint64) (infoschema.InfoSchema, error) {
	is, err := domain.GetDomain(s).GetSnapshotInfoSchema(snapshotTS)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Set snapshot does not affect the witness of the local temporary table.
	// The session always see the latest temporary tables.
	return temptable.AttachLocalTemporaryTableInfoSchema(s, is), nil

func (s *session) updateTelemetryMetric(es *executor.ExecStmt) {
	if es.Ti == nil {
	if s.isInternal() {

	ti := es.Ti
	if ti.UseRecursive {
	} else if ti.UseNonRecursive {
	} else {

	if ti.UseMultiSchemaChange {

	if ti.PartitionTelemetry != nil {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartition {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartitionList {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartitionRange {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartitionHash {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartitionRangeColumns {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt1 {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt2 {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt3 {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseTablePartitionListColumns {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseCreateIntervalPartition {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseAddIntervalPartition {
		if ti.PartitionTelemetry.UseDropIntervalPartition {

	if ti.AccountLockTelemetry != nil {

// GetBuiltinFunctionUsage returns the replica of counting of builtin function usage
func (s *session) GetBuiltinFunctionUsage() map[string]uint32 {
	replica := make(map[string]uint32)
	defer s.functionUsageMu.RUnlock()
	for key, value := range s.functionUsageMu.builtinFunctionUsage {
		replica[key] = value
	return replica

// BuiltinFunctionUsageInc increase the counting of the builtin function usage
func (s *session) BuiltinFunctionUsageInc(scalarFuncSigName string) {
	defer s.functionUsageMu.Unlock()

func (s *session) GetStmtStats() *stmtstats.StatementStats {
	return s.stmtStats

// EncodeSessionStates implements SessionStatesHandler.EncodeSessionStates interface.
func (s *session) EncodeSessionStates(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, sessionStates *sessionstates.SessionStates) error {
	// Transaction status is hard to encode, so we do not support it.
	valid := s.txn.Valid()
	if valid {
		return sessionstates.ErrCannotMigrateSession.GenWithStackByArgs("session has an active transaction")
	// Data in local temporary tables is hard to encode, so we do not support it.
	// Check temporary tables here to avoid circle dependency.
	if s.sessionVars.LocalTemporaryTables != nil {
		localTempTables := s.sessionVars.LocalTemporaryTables.(*infoschema.SessionTables)
		if localTempTables.Count() > 0 {
			return sessionstates.ErrCannotMigrateSession.GenWithStackByArgs("session has local temporary tables")
	// The advisory locks will be released when the session is closed.
	if len(s.advisoryLocks) > 0 {
		return sessionstates.ErrCannotMigrateSession.GenWithStackByArgs("session has advisory locks")
	// The TableInfo stores session ID and server ID, so the session cannot be migrated.
	if len(s.lockedTables) > 0 {
		return sessionstates.ErrCannotMigrateSession.GenWithStackByArgs("session has locked tables")

	if err := s.sessionVars.EncodeSessionStates(ctx, sessionStates); err != nil {
		return err

	// Encode session variables. We put it here instead of SessionVars to avoid cycle import.
	sessionStates.SystemVars = make(map[string]string)
	for _, sv := range variable.GetSysVars() {
		switch {
		case sv.Hidden, sv.HasNoneScope(), sv.HasInstanceScope(), !sv.HasSessionScope():
			// Hidden and none-scoped variables cannot be modified.
			// Instance-scoped variables don't need to be encoded.
			// Noop variables should also be migrated even if they are noop.
		case sv.ReadOnly:
			// Skip read-only variables here. We encode them into SessionStates manually.
		case sem.IsEnabled() && sem.IsInvisibleSysVar(sv.Name):
			// If they are shown, there will be a security issue.
		// Get all session variables because the default values may change between versions.
		if val, keep, err := s.sessionVars.GetSessionStatesSystemVar(sv.Name); err != nil {
			return err
		} else if keep {
			sessionStates.SystemVars[sv.Name] = val

	// Encode prepared statements and sql bindings.
	for _, handler := range s.sessionStatesHandlers {
		if err := handler.EncodeSessionStates(ctx, s, sessionStates); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// DecodeSessionStates implements SessionStatesHandler.DecodeSessionStates interface.
func (s *session) DecodeSessionStates(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, sessionStates *sessionstates.SessionStates) error {
	// Decode prepared statements and sql bindings.
	for _, handler := range s.sessionStatesHandlers {
		if err := handler.DecodeSessionStates(ctx, s, sessionStates); err != nil {
			return err

	// Decode session variables.
	for name, val := range sessionStates.SystemVars {
		if err := s.sessionVars.SetSystemVarWithoutValidation(name, val); err != nil {
			return err

	// Decoding session vars / prepared statements may override stmt ctx, such as warnings,
	// so we decode stmt ctx at last.
	return s.sessionVars.DecodeSessionStates(ctx, sessionStates)

func (s *session) setRequestSource(ctx context.Context, stmtLabel string, stmtNode ast.StmtNode) {
	if !s.isInternal() {
		if txn, _ := s.Txn(false); txn != nil && txn.Valid() {
			txn.SetOption(kv.RequestSourceType, stmtLabel)
		} else {
			s.sessionVars.RequestSourceType = stmtLabel
	} else {
		if source := ctx.Value(kv.RequestSourceKey); source != nil {
			s.sessionVars.RequestSourceType = source.(kv.RequestSource).RequestSourceType
		} else {
			// panic in test mode in case there are requests without source in the future.
			// log warnings in production mode.
			if flag.Lookup("test.v") != nil || flag.Lookup("check.v") != nil {
				panic("unexpected no source type context, if you see this error, " +
					"the `RequestSourceTypeKey` is missing in your context")
			} else {
				logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("unexpected no source type context, if you see this warning, "+
					"the `RequestSourceTypeKey` is missing in the context",
					zap.Bool("internal", s.isInternal()),
					zap.String("sql", stmtNode.Text()))

// RemoveLockDDLJobs removes the DDL jobs which doesn't get the metadata lock from job2ver.
func RemoveLockDDLJobs(s Session, job2ver map[int64]int64, job2ids map[int64]string) {
	if s.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL {
	s.GetSessionVars().GetRelatedTableForMDL().Range(func(tblID, value any) bool {
		for jobID, ver := range job2ver {
			ids := util.Str2Int64Map(job2ids[jobID])
			if _, ok := ids[tblID.(int64)]; ok && value.(int64) < ver {
				delete(job2ver, jobID)
				logutil.BgLogger().Debug("old running transaction block DDL", zap.Int64("table ID", tblID.(int64)), zap.Uint64("conn ID", s.GetSessionVars().ConnectionID))
		return true


tidb 源码目录


tidb advisory_locks 源码

tidb bootstrap 源码

tidb nontransactional 源码

tidb schema_amender 源码

tidb tidb 源码

tidb txn 源码

tidb txnmanager 源码

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