tidb aggfuncs 源码
tidb aggfuncs 代码
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package aggfuncs
import (
// All the AggFunc implementations are listed here for navigation.
var (
// All the AggFunc implementations for "COUNT" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*countPartial)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginal4Int)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginal4Real)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginal4Decimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginal4Time)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginal4Duration)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginal4JSON)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginal4String)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginalWithDistinct4Int)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginalWithDistinct4Real)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginalWithDistinct4Decimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginalWithDistinct4Duration)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginalWithDistinct4String)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*countOriginalWithDistinct)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*approxCountDistinctOriginal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*approxCountDistinctPartial1)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*approxCountDistinctPartial2)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*approxCountDistinctFinal)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "APPROX_PERCENTILE" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*percentileOriginal4Int)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*percentileOriginal4Real)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*percentileOriginal4Decimal)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "FIRSTROW" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4Decimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4Int)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4Time)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4String)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4Duration)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4Float32)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4Float64)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4JSON)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4Enum)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*firstRow4Set)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "MAX"/"MIN" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4Int)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4Uint)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4Float32)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4Float64)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4Decimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4String)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4Duration)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4JSON)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4Enum)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*maxMin4Set)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "AVG" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*avgOriginal4Decimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*avgOriginal4DistinctDecimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*avgPartial4Decimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*avgOriginal4Float64)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*avgPartial4Float64)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*avgOriginal4DistinctFloat64)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "SUM" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*sum4DistinctFloat64)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*sum4DistinctDecimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*sum4Decimal)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*sum4Float64)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "GROUP_CONCAT" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*groupConcatDistinct)(nil)
_ AggFunc = (*groupConcat)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "BIT_OR" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*bitOrUint64)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "BIT_XOR" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*bitXorUint64)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "BIT_AND" are listed here.
_ AggFunc = (*bitAndUint64)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "JSON_ARRAYAGG" are listed here
_ AggFunc = (*jsonArrayagg)(nil)
// All the AggFunc implementations for "JSON_OBJECTAGG" are listed here
_ AggFunc = (*jsonObjectAgg)(nil)
const (
// DefUint32Size is the size of uint32
DefUint32Size = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(uint32(0)))
// DefUint64Size is the size of uint64
DefUint64Size = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(uint64(0)))
// DefInt64Size is the size of int64
DefInt64Size = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(int64(0)))
// DefFloat64Size is the size of float64
DefFloat64Size = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(float64(0)))
// DefTimeSize is the size of time
DefTimeSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(types.Time{}))
// DefRowSize is the size of row
DefRowSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(chunk.Row{}))
// DefBoolSize is the size of bool
DefBoolSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(false))
// DefInterfaceSize is the size of interface
DefInterfaceSize = int64(16)
// DefMyDecimalSize is the size of MyDecimal
DefMyDecimalSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(types.MyDecimal{}))
// DefDurationSize is the size of duration
DefDurationSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(types.Duration{}))
// PartialResult represents data structure to store the partial result for the
// aggregate functions. Here we use unsafe.Pointer to allow the partial result
// to be any type.
type PartialResult unsafe.Pointer
// AggFunc is the interface to evaluate the aggregate functions.
type AggFunc interface {
// AllocPartialResult allocates a specific data structure to store the
// partial result, initializes it, and converts it to PartialResult to
// return back. The second returned value is the memDelta used to trace
// memory usage. Aggregate operator implementation, no matter it's a hash
// or stream, should hold this allocated PartialResult for the further
// operations like: "ResetPartialResult", "UpdatePartialResult".
AllocPartialResult() (pr PartialResult, memDelta int64)
// ResetPartialResult resets the partial result to the original state for a
// specific aggregate function. It converts the input PartialResult to the
// specific data structure which stores the partial result and then reset
// every field to the proper original state.
ResetPartialResult(pr PartialResult)
// UpdatePartialResult updates the specific partial result for an aggregate
// function using the input rows which all belonging to the same data group.
// It converts the PartialResult to the specific data structure which stores
// the partial result and then iterates on the input rows and update that
// partial result according to the functionality and the state of the
// aggregate function. The returned value is the memDelta used to trace memory
// usage.
UpdatePartialResult(sctx sessionctx.Context, rowsInGroup []chunk.Row, pr PartialResult) (memDelta int64, err error)
// MergePartialResult will be called in the final phase when parallelly
// executing. It converts the PartialResult `src`, `dst` to the same specific
// data structure which stores the partial results, and then evaluate the
// final result using the partial results as input values. The returned value
// is the memDelta used to trace memory usage.
MergePartialResult(sctx sessionctx.Context, src, dst PartialResult) (memDelta int64, err error)
// AppendFinalResult2Chunk finalizes the partial result and append the
// final result to the input chunk. Like other operations, it converts the
// input PartialResult to the specific data structure which stores the
// partial result and then calculates the final result and append that
// final result to the chunk provided.
AppendFinalResult2Chunk(sctx sessionctx.Context, pr PartialResult, chk *chunk.Chunk) error
type baseAggFunc struct {
// args stores the input arguments for an aggregate function, we should
// call arg.EvalXXX to get the actual input data for this function.
args []expression.Expression
// ordinal stores the ordinal of the columns in the output chunk, which is
// used to append the final result of this function.
ordinal int
// retTp means the target type of the final agg should return.
retTp *types.FieldType
func (*baseAggFunc) MergePartialResult(sctx sessionctx.Context, src, dst PartialResult) (memDelta int64, err error) {
return 0, nil
// SlidingWindowAggFunc is the interface to evaluate the aggregate functions using sliding window.
type SlidingWindowAggFunc interface {
// Slide evaluates the aggregate functions using a sliding window. The input
// lastStart and lastEnd are the interval of the former sliding window,
// shiftStart, shiftEnd mean the sliding window offset. Note that the input
// PartialResult stores the intermediate result which will be used in the next
// sliding window, ensure call ResetPartialResult after a frame are evaluated
// completely.
Slide(sctx sessionctx.Context, getRow func(uint64) chunk.Row, lastStart, lastEnd uint64, shiftStart, shiftEnd uint64, pr PartialResult) error
// MaxMinSlidingWindowAggFunc is the interface to evaluate the max/min agg function using sliding window
type MaxMinSlidingWindowAggFunc interface {
// SetWindowStart sets the start position of window
SetWindowStart(start uint64)
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