harmony 鸿蒙Device Management Error Codes

  • 2022-10-28
  • 浏览 (787)

Device Management Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

11600101 Service Invoking Exception

Error Message

Failed to execute the function.

Possible Causes

An error occurred during internal invocation.


Call the API again.

11600102 Failed to Obtain the Service

Error Message

Failed to obtain the service.

Possible Causes

The service is not started or fails to start.


Make sure the service is started and obtain the service again.

11600103 Authentication Unavailable

Error Message

Authentication invalid.

Possible Causes

The last authentication service is still in progress.


Wait until the last authentication service is complete and call the authentication API again.

11600104 Discovery Unavailable

Error Message

Discovery invalid.

Possible Causes

The last discovery service is still in progress.


Wait until the last discovery service is complete and call the discovery API again.

11600105 Publish Unavailable

Error Message

Publish invalid.

Possible Causes

The last publish service is still in progress.


Wait until the last publish service is complete and call the publish API again.


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