hadoop Constants 源码

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haddop Constants 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.ssl.DelegatingSSLSocketFactory;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * Constants used with the {@link S3AFileSystem}.
 * Some of the strings are marked as {@code Unstable}. This means
 * that they may be Unsupported in future; at which point they will be marked
 * as deprecated and simply ignored.
 * All S3Guard related constants are marked as Deprecated and either ignored (ddb config)
 * or rejected (setting the metastore to anything other than the null store)
public final class Constants {

  private Constants() {

   * default hadoop temp dir on local system: {@value}.
  public static final String HADOOP_TMP_DIR = "hadoop.tmp.dir";

  /** The minimum multipart size which S3 supports. */
  public static final int MULTIPART_MIN_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

  // s3 access key
  public static final String ACCESS_KEY = "fs.s3a.access.key";

  // s3 secret key
  public static final String SECRET_KEY = "fs.s3a.secret.key";

  // aws credentials providers
  public static final String AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER =

   * Extra set of security credentials which will be prepended to that
   * set in {@code "hadoop.security.credential.provider.path"}.
   * This extra option allows for per-bucket overrides.
  public static final String S3A_SECURITY_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PATH =

   * session token for when using TemporaryAWSCredentialsProvider: : {@value}.
  public static final String SESSION_TOKEN = "fs.s3a.session.token";

   * ARN of AWS Role to request: {@value}.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_ARN =

   * Session name for the assumed role, must be valid characters according
   * to the AWS APIs: {@value}.
   * If not set, one is generated from the current Hadoop/Kerberos username.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_SESSION_NAME =

   * Duration of assumed roles before a refresh is attempted.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_SESSION_DURATION =

   * Security Token Service Endpoint: {@value}.
   * If unset, uses the default endpoint.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_STS_ENDPOINT =

   * Default endpoint for session tokens: {@value}.
   * This is the central STS endpoint which, for v3 signing, can
   * issue STS tokens for any region.
  public static final String DEFAULT_ASSUMED_ROLE_STS_ENDPOINT = "";

   * Region for the STS endpoint; needed if the endpoint
   * is set to anything other then the central one.: {@value}.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_STS_ENDPOINT_REGION =

   * Default value for the STS endpoint region; needed for
   * v4 signing: {@value}.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_STS_ENDPOINT_REGION_DEFAULT = "";

   * Default duration of an assumed role: {@value}.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_SESSION_DURATION_DEFAULT = "1h";

   * List of providers to authenticate for the assumed role: {@value}.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER =

   * JSON policy containing the policy to apply to the role: {@value}.
   * This is not used for delegation tokens, which generate the policy
   * automatically, and restrict it to the S3 and KMS services
   * needed.
  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_POLICY =

  public static final String ASSUMED_ROLE_CREDENTIALS_DEFAULT =

  // the maximum number of tasks cached if all threads are already uploading
  public static final String MAX_TOTAL_TASKS = "fs.s3a.max.total.tasks";

  public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_TASKS = 32;

  // number of simultaneous connections to s3
  public static final String MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS = "fs.s3a.connection.maximum";
  public static final int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS = 96;

  // connect to s3 over ssl?
  public static final String SECURE_CONNECTIONS =
  public static final boolean DEFAULT_SECURE_CONNECTIONS = true;

   * Configuration option for S3 Requester Pays feature: {@value}.
  public static final String ALLOW_REQUESTER_PAYS = "fs.s3a.requester.pays.enabled";
   * Default configuration for {@value ALLOW_REQUESTER_PAYS}: {@value}.
  public static final boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_REQUESTER_PAYS = false;

  // use OpenSSL or JSEE for secure connections
  public static final String SSL_CHANNEL_MODE =  "fs.s3a.ssl.channel.mode";
  public static final DelegatingSSLSocketFactory.SSLChannelMode

   * Endpoint. For v4 signing and/or better performance,
   * this should be the specific endpoint of the region
   * in which the bucket is hosted.
  public static final String ENDPOINT = "fs.s3a.endpoint";

   * Default value of s3 endpoint: {@value}.
   * It tells the AWS client to work it out by asking the central
   * endpoint where the bucket lives; caching that
   * value in the client for the life of the process.
   * <p>
   * Note: previously this constant was defined as
   * {@link #CENTRAL_ENDPOINT}, however the actual
   * S3A client code used "" as the default when
   * {@link #ENDPOINT} was unset.
   * As core-default.xml also set the endpoint to "",
   * the empty string has long been the <i>real</i>
   * default value.
  public static final String DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "";

   * The central endpoint :{@value}.
  public static final String CENTRAL_ENDPOINT = "s3.amazonaws.com";

  //Enable path style access? Overrides default virtual hosting
  public static final String PATH_STYLE_ACCESS = "fs.s3a.path.style.access";

  //connect to s3 through a proxy server?
  public static final String PROXY_HOST = "fs.s3a.proxy.host";
  public static final String PROXY_PORT = "fs.s3a.proxy.port";
  public static final String PROXY_USERNAME = "fs.s3a.proxy.username";
  public static final String PROXY_PASSWORD = "fs.s3a.proxy.password";
  public static final String PROXY_DOMAIN = "fs.s3a.proxy.domain";
  public static final String PROXY_WORKSTATION = "fs.s3a.proxy.workstation";

   * Number of times the AWS client library should retry errors before
   * escalating to the S3A code: {@value}.
  public static final String MAX_ERROR_RETRIES = "fs.s3a.attempts.maximum";

   * Default number of times the AWS client library should retry errors before
   * escalating to the S3A code: {@value}.
  public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_RETRIES = 10;

   * Experimental/Unstable feature: should the AWS client library retry
   * throttle responses before escalating to the S3A code: {@value}.
   * When set to false, the S3A connector sees all S3 throttle events,
   * And so can update it counters and the metrics, and use its own retry
   * policy.
   * However, this may have adverse effects on some operations where the S3A
   * code cannot retry as efficiently as the AWS client library.
   * This only applies to S3 operations, not to DynamoDB or other services.

   * Default value of {@link #EXPERIMENTAL_AWS_INTERNAL_THROTTLING},
   * value: {@value}.

  // seconds until we give up trying to establish a connection to s3
  public static final String ESTABLISH_TIMEOUT =
  public static final int DEFAULT_ESTABLISH_TIMEOUT = 50000;

  // seconds until we give up on a connection to s3
  public static final String SOCKET_TIMEOUT = "fs.s3a.connection.timeout";
  public static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 200000;

  // milliseconds until a request is timed-out
  public static final String REQUEST_TIMEOUT =
  public static final int DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 0;

  // socket send buffer to be used in Amazon client
  public static final String SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER = "fs.s3a.socket.send.buffer";
  public static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER = 8 * 1024;

  // socket send buffer to be used in Amazon client
  public static final String SOCKET_RECV_BUFFER = "fs.s3a.socket.recv.buffer";
  public static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_RECV_BUFFER = 8 * 1024;

  // number of records to get while paging through a directory listing
  public static final String MAX_PAGING_KEYS = "fs.s3a.paging.maximum";
  public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PAGING_KEYS = 5000;

  // the maximum number of threads to allow in the pool used by TransferManager
  public static final String MAX_THREADS = "fs.s3a.threads.max";
  public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS = 10;

  // the time an idle thread waits before terminating
  public static final String KEEPALIVE_TIME = "fs.s3a.threads.keepalivetime";
  public static final int DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_TIME = 60;

  // size of each of or multipart pieces in bytes
  public static final String MULTIPART_SIZE = "fs.s3a.multipart.size";
  public static final long DEFAULT_MULTIPART_SIZE = 67108864; // 64M

  // minimum size in bytes before we start a multipart uploads or copy
  public static final String MIN_MULTIPART_THRESHOLD =
  public static final long DEFAULT_MIN_MULTIPART_THRESHOLD = 134217728; // 128M

  //enable multiobject-delete calls?
  public static final String ENABLE_MULTI_DELETE =

   * Number of objects to delete in a single multi-object delete {@value}.
   * Max: 1000.
   * A bigger value it means fewer POST requests when deleting a directory
   * tree with many objects.
   * However, as you are limited to only a a few thousand requests per
   * second against a single partition of an S3 bucket,
   * a large page size can easily overload the bucket and so trigger
   * throttling.
   * Furthermore, as the reaction to this request is being throttled
   * is simply to retry it -it can take a while for the situation to go away.
   * While a large value may give better numbers on tests and benchmarks
   * where only a single operations being executed, once multiple
   * applications start working with the same bucket these large
   * deletes can be highly disruptive.
  public static final String BULK_DELETE_PAGE_SIZE =

   * Default Number of objects to delete in a single multi-object
   * delete: {@value}.
  public static final int BULK_DELETE_PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 250;

  // comma separated list of directories
  public static final String BUFFER_DIR = "fs.s3a.buffer.dir";

  // switch to the fast block-by-block upload mechanism
  // this is the only supported upload mechanism
  public static final String FAST_UPLOAD = "fs.s3a.fast.upload";
  public static final boolean DEFAULT_FAST_UPLOAD = false;

  //initial size of memory buffer for a fast upload
  public static final String FAST_BUFFER_SIZE = "fs.s3a.fast.buffer.size";
  public static final int DEFAULT_FAST_BUFFER_SIZE = 1048576; //1MB

   * What buffer to use.
   * Default is {@link #FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER_DISK}
   * Value: {@value}
  public static final String FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER =

   * Buffer blocks to disk: {@value}.
   * Capacity is limited to available disk space.

  public static final String FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER_DISK = "disk";

   * Use an in-memory array. Fast but will run of heap rapidly: {@value}.
  public static final String FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER_ARRAY = "array";

   * Use a byte buffer. May be more memory efficient than the
   * {@link #FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER_ARRAY}: {@value}.
  public static final String FAST_UPLOAD_BYTEBUFFER = "bytebuffer";

   * Default buffer option: {@value}.
  public static final String DEFAULT_FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER =

   * Maximum Number of blocks a single output stream can have
   * active (uploading, or queued to the central FileSystem
   * instance's pool of queued operations.
   * This stops a single stream overloading the shared thread pool.
   * {@value}
   * <p>
  public static final String FAST_UPLOAD_ACTIVE_BLOCKS =

   * Limit of queued block upload operations before writes
   * block. Value: {@value}
  public static final int DEFAULT_FAST_UPLOAD_ACTIVE_BLOCKS = 4;

   * Rather than raise an exception when an attempt is
   * made to call the Syncable APIs, warn and downgrade.
   * Value: {@value}.
  public static final String DOWNGRADE_SYNCABLE_EXCEPTIONS =

   * Default value for syncable invocation.
   * Value: {@value}.
  public static final boolean DOWNGRADE_SYNCABLE_EXCEPTIONS_DEFAULT =

   * The capacity of executor queues for operations other than block
   * upload, where {@link #FAST_UPLOAD_ACTIVE_BLOCKS} is used instead.
   * This should be less than {@link #MAX_THREADS} for fair
   * submission.
   * Value: {@value}.
  public static final String EXECUTOR_CAPACITY = "fs.s3a.executor.capacity";

   * The capacity of executor queues for operations other than block
   * upload, where {@link #FAST_UPLOAD_ACTIVE_BLOCKS} is used instead.
   * Value: {@value}
  public static final int DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_CAPACITY = 16;

  // Private | PublicRead | PublicReadWrite | AuthenticatedRead |
  // LogDeliveryWrite | BucketOwnerRead | BucketOwnerFullControl
  public static final String CANNED_ACL = "fs.s3a.acl.default";
  public static final String DEFAULT_CANNED_ACL = "";

   * Content encoding: gzip, deflate, compress, br, etc.
   * Value {@value}.
  public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING = "fs.s3a.object.content.encoding";

   * S3 storage class: standard, reduced_redundancy, intelligent_tiering etc.
   * Value {@value }.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS = "fs.s3a.create.storage.class";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD = "standard";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_REDUCED_REDUNDANCY = "reduced_redundancy";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_GLACIER = "glacier";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS = "standard_ia";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_ONEZONE_INFREQUENT_ACCESS = "onezone_ia";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_INTELLIGENT_TIERING = "intelligent_tiering";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_DEEP_ARCHIVE = "deep_archive";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_OUTPOSTS = "outposts";

   * S3 Storage option: {@value}.
  public static final String STORAGE_CLASS_GLACIER_INSTANT_RETRIEVAL = "glacier_ir";

  // should we try to purge old multipart uploads when starting up
  public static final String PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART =
  public static final boolean DEFAULT_PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART = false;

  // purge any multipart uploads older than this number of seconds
  public static final String PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART_AGE =
  public static final long DEFAULT_PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART_AGE = 86400;

   * s3 server-side encryption, see
   * {@link S3AEncryptionMethods} for valid options.
   * {@value}
  public static final String SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM =

   * The standard encryption algorithm AWS supports.
   * Different implementations may support others (or none).
   * Use the S3AEncryptionMethods instead when configuring
   * which Server Side Encryption to use.
   * Value: "{@value}".
  public static final String SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_AES256 =

   * Used to specify which AWS KMS key to use if
   * {@code SSE-KMS} (will default to aws/s3
   * master key if left blank).
   * With with {@code SSE_C}, the base-64 encoded AES 256 key.
   * May be set within a JCEKS file.
   * Value: "{@value}".
  public static final String SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY =

   * Set S3-server side encryption(SSE) or S3-Client side encryption(CSE)
   * algorithm. Check {@link S3AEncryptionMethods} for valid options.
   * <br>
   * value: {@value}
  public static final String S3_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM =

   * Set S3-SSE or S3-CSE encryption Key if required.
   * <br>
   * <i>Note:</i>
   *   <ul>
   *     <li>In case of S3-CSE this value needs to be set for CSE to work.</li>
   *     <li>In case of S3-SSE follow {@link #SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY}</li>
   *   </ul>
   * value:{@value}
  public static final String S3_ENCRYPTION_KEY =

   * List of custom Signers. The signer class will be loaded, and the signer
   * name will be associated with this signer class in the S3 SDK.
   * Examples
   * CustomSigner {@literal ->} 'CustomSigner:org.apache...CustomSignerClass'
   * CustomSigners {@literal ->} 'CSigner1:CSigner1Class,CSigner2:CSigner2Class'
   * Initializer {@literal ->} 'CSigner1:CSigner1Class:CSigner1InitializerClass'
   * With Existing {@literal ->} 'AWS4Signer,CSigner1,CSigner2:CSigner2Class'
  public static final String CUSTOM_SIGNERS = "fs.s3a.custom.signers";

   * Multiple parameters can be used to specify a non-default signing
   * algorithm.<br>
   * fs.s3a.signing-algorithm - This property has existed for the longest time.
   * If specified, without other properties being specified,
   * this signing algorithm will be used for all services. <br>
   * Another property overrides this value for S3. <br>
   * fs.s3a.s3.signing-algorithm - Allows overriding the S3 Signing algorithm.
   * Specifying this property without specifying
   * fs.s3a.signing-algorithm will only update the signing algorithm for S3
   * requests.
   * {@code fs.s3a.sts.signing-algorithm}: algorithm to use for STS interaction.
  public static final String SIGNING_ALGORITHM = "fs.s3a.signing-algorithm";

  public static final String SIGNING_ALGORITHM_S3 =
      "fs.s3a." + Constants.AWS_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER_S3.toLowerCase()
          + ".signing-algorithm";

  public static final String SIGNING_ALGORITHM_DDB =
      "fs.s3a." + Constants.AWS_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER_DDB.toLowerCase()
          + "signing-algorithm";

  public static final String SIGNING_ALGORITHM_STS =
      "fs.s3a." + Constants.AWS_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER_STS.toLowerCase()
          + "signing-algorithm";

  public static final String S3N_FOLDER_SUFFIX = "_$folder$";
  public static final String FS_S3A_BLOCK_SIZE = "fs.s3a.block.size";
  public static final String FS_S3A = "s3a";

  /** Prefix for all S3A properties: {@value}. */
  public static final String FS_S3A_PREFIX = "fs.s3a.";

  /** Prefix for S3A bucket-specific properties: {@value}. */
  public static final String FS_S3A_BUCKET_PREFIX = "fs.s3a.bucket.";

   * Default port for this is 443: HTTPS.
  public static final int S3A_DEFAULT_PORT = 443;

  public static final String USER_AGENT_PREFIX = "fs.s3a.user.agent.prefix";

   * Paths considered "authoritative".
   * When S3guard was supported, this skipped checks to s3 on directory listings.
   * It is also use to optionally disable marker retentation purely on these
   * paths -a feature which is still retained/available.
   * */
  public static final String AUTHORITATIVE_PATH = "fs.s3a.authoritative.path";
  public static final String[] DEFAULT_AUTHORITATIVE_PATH = {};

   * Whether or not to allow MetadataStore to be source of truth.
   * @deprecated no longer supported
  public static final String METADATASTORE_AUTHORITATIVE =
  public static final boolean DEFAULT_METADATASTORE_AUTHORITATIVE = false;

   * Bucket validation parameter which can be set by client. This will be
   * used in {@code S3AFileSystem.initialize(URI, Configuration)}.
   * Value: {@value}
  public static final String S3A_BUCKET_PROBE = "fs.s3a.bucket.probe";

   * Default value of bucket validation parameter. An existence of bucket
   * will be validated using {@code S3AFileSystem.verifyBucketExistsV2()}.
   * Value: {@value}
  public static final int S3A_BUCKET_PROBE_DEFAULT = 0;

   * How long a directory listing in the MS is considered as authoritative.
   * @deprecated no longer supported
  public static final String METADATASTORE_METADATA_TTL =

   * Default TTL in milliseconds: 15 minutes.
  public static final long DEFAULT_METADATASTORE_METADATA_TTL =

  /** read ahead buffer size to prevent connection re-establishments. */
  public static final String READAHEAD_RANGE = "fs.s3a.readahead.range";
  public static final long DEFAULT_READAHEAD_RANGE = 64 * 1024;

   * The threshold at which drain operations switch
   * to being asynchronous with the schedule/wait overhead
   * compared to synchronous.
   * Value: {@value}
  public static final String ASYNC_DRAIN_THRESHOLD = "fs.s3a.input.async.drain.threshold";

   * This is a number based purely on experimentation in
   * {@code ITestS3AInputStreamPerformance}.
   * Value: {@value}
  public static final int DEFAULT_ASYNC_DRAIN_THRESHOLD = 16_000;

   * Which input strategy to use for buffering, seeking and similar when
   * reading data.
   * Value: {@value}
  public static final String INPUT_FADVISE =

   * The default value for this FS.
   * Which for S3A, is adaptive.
   * Value: {@value}
   * @deprecated use the {@link Options.OpenFileOptions} value
   * in code which only needs to be compiled against newer hadoop
   * releases.
  public static final String INPUT_FADV_DEFAULT =

   * General input. Some seeks, some reads.
   * The policy name "default" is standard across different stores,
   * and should be preferred.
   * Value: {@value}
  public static final String INPUT_FADV_NORMAL = "normal";

   * Optimized for sequential access.
   * Value: {@value}
   * @deprecated use the {@link Options.OpenFileOptions} value
   * in code which only needs to be compiled against newer hadoop
   * releases.
  public static final String INPUT_FADV_SEQUENTIAL =

   * Optimized purely for random seek+read/positionedRead operations;
   * The performance of sequential IO may be reduced in exchange for
   * more efficient {@code seek()} operations.
   * Value: {@value}
   * @deprecated use the {@link Options.OpenFileOptions} value
   * in code which only needs to be compiled against newer hadoop
   * releases.
  public static final String INPUT_FADV_RANDOM =

   * Gauge name for the input policy : {@value}.
   * This references an enum currently exclusive to the S3A stream.
  public static final String STREAM_READ_GAUGE_INPUT_POLICY =

  public static final String S3_CLIENT_FACTORY_IMPL =

  public static final Class<? extends S3ClientFactory>

   * Maximum number of partitions in a multipart upload: {@value}.
  public static final int MAX_MULTIPART_COUNT = 10000;

   * Obsolete S3Guard-related options, retained purely because this file
   * is @Public/@Evolving.
  public static final String S3_METADATA_STORE_IMPL =
  public static final String FAIL_ON_METADATA_WRITE_ERROR =
  public static final boolean FAIL_ON_METADATA_WRITE_ERROR_DEFAULT = true;
  public static final String S3GUARD_CLI_PRUNE_AGE =
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_REGION_KEY =
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_NAME_KEY =
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_TAG =
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_CREATE_KEY =
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_CAPACITY_READ_KEY =
  public static final long S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_CAPACITY_READ_DEFAULT = 0;
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_CAPACITY_WRITE_KEY =
  public static final long S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_CAPACITY_WRITE_DEFAULT = 0;
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_SSE_ENABLED =
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_TABLE_SSE_CMK =
  public static final int S3GUARD_DDB_BATCH_WRITE_REQUEST_LIMIT = 25;
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_MAX_RETRIES =
  public static final int S3GUARD_DDB_MAX_RETRIES_DEFAULT =
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_THROTTLE_RETRY_INTERVAL =
  public static final String S3GUARD_DDB_BACKGROUND_SLEEP_MSEC_KEY =
  public static final int S3GUARD_DDB_BACKGROUND_SLEEP_MSEC_DEFAULT = 25;

   * The default "Null" metadata store: {@value}.
  public static final String S3GUARD_METASTORE_NULL
      = "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.NullMetadataStore";
  public static final String S3GUARD_METASTORE_LOCAL
      = "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.LocalMetadataStore";
  public static final String S3GUARD_METASTORE_LOCAL_MAX_RECORDS =
  public static final int DEFAULT_S3GUARD_METASTORE_LOCAL_MAX_RECORDS = 256;
  public static final String S3GUARD_METASTORE_LOCAL_ENTRY_TTL =
      = 60 * 1000;
  public static final String S3GUARD_METASTORE_DYNAMO
      = "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore";
  public static final String S3GUARD_DISABLED_WARN_LEVEL
      = "fs.s3a.s3guard.disabled.warn.level";
  public static final String DEFAULT_S3GUARD_DISABLED_WARN_LEVEL =

   * Inconsistency (visibility delay) injection settings.
   * No longer used.
  public static final String FAIL_INJECT_INCONSISTENCY_KEY =

  public static final String FAIL_INJECT_INCONSISTENCY_MSEC =


   * S3 API level parameters.
  public static final String LIST_VERSION = "fs.s3a.list.version";

  public static final int DEFAULT_LIST_VERSION = 2;

  public static final String FAIL_INJECT_THROTTLE_PROBABILITY =

  public static final String FAIL_INJECT_CLIENT_FACTORY =

   * Number of times to retry any repeatable S3 client request on failure,
   * excluding throttling requests: {@value}.
  public static final String RETRY_LIMIT = "fs.s3a.retry.limit";

   * Default retry limit: {@value}.
  public static final int RETRY_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 7;

   * Interval between retry attempts.: {@value}.
  public static final String RETRY_INTERVAL = "fs.s3a.retry.interval";

   * Default retry interval: {@value}.
  public static final String RETRY_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = "500ms";

   * Number of times to retry any throttled request: {@value}.
  public static final String RETRY_THROTTLE_LIMIT =

   * Default throttled retry limit: {@value}.
  public static final int RETRY_THROTTLE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 20;

   * Interval between retry attempts on throttled requests: {@value}.
  public static final String RETRY_THROTTLE_INTERVAL =

   * Default throttled retry interval: {@value}.
  public static final String RETRY_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = "500ms";

   * Should etags be exposed as checksums?
  public static final String ETAG_CHECKSUM_ENABLED =

   * Default value: false.
  public static final boolean ETAG_CHECKSUM_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false;

   * Where to get the value to use in change detection.  E.g. eTag, or
   * versionId?
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_SOURCE
      = "fs.s3a.change.detection.source";

   * eTag as the change detection mechanism.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_SOURCE_ETAG = "etag";

   * Object versionId as the change detection mechanism.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_SOURCE_VERSION_ID = "versionid";

   * Default change detection mechanism: eTag.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_SOURCE_DEFAULT =

   * Mode to run change detection in.  Server side comparison?  Client side
   * comparison? Client side compare and warn rather than exception?  Don't
   * bother at all?
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_MODE =

   * Change is detected on the client side by comparing the returned id with the
   * expected id.  A difference results in {@link RemoteFileChangedException}.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_MODE_CLIENT = "client";

   * Change is detected by passing the expected value in the GetObject request.
   * If the expected value is unavailable, {@link RemoteFileChangedException} is
   * thrown.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_MODE_SERVER = "server";

   * Change is detected on the client side by comparing the returned id with the
   * expected id.  A difference results in a WARN level message being logged.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_MODE_WARN = "warn";

   * Change detection is turned off.  Readers may see inconsistent results due
   * to concurrent writes without any exception or warning messages.  May be
   * useful with third-party S3 API implementations that don't support one of
   * the change detection modes.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_MODE_NONE = "none";

   * Default change detection mode: server.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_MODE_DEFAULT =

   * If true, raises a {@link RemoteFileChangedException} exception when S3
   * doesn't provide the attribute defined by fs.s3a.change.detection.source.
   * For example, if source is versionId, but object versioning is not enabled
   * on the bucket, or alternatively if source is eTag and a third-party S3
   * implementation that doesn't return eTag is used.
   * <p>
   * When false, only a warning message will be logged for this condition.
  public static final String CHANGE_DETECT_REQUIRE_VERSION =

   * Default change detection require version: true.
  public static final boolean CHANGE_DETECT_REQUIRE_VERSION_DEFAULT = true;

   * Number of times to retry any repeatable S3 client request on failure,
   * excluding throttling requests: {@value}.
  public static final String S3GUARD_CONSISTENCY_RETRY_LIMIT =

   * Default retry limit: {@value}.
  public static final int S3GUARD_CONSISTENCY_RETRY_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 7;

   * Initial retry interval: {@value}.
  public static final String S3GUARD_CONSISTENCY_RETRY_INTERVAL =

   * Default initial retry interval: {@value}.
   * The consistency retry probe uses exponential backoff, because
   * each probe can cause the S3 load balancers to retain any 404 in
   * its cache for longer. See HADOOP-16490.

  public static final String AWS_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER_S3 = "S3";
  public static final String AWS_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER_DDB = "DDB";
  public static final String AWS_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER_STS = "STS";

   * How long to wait for the thread pool to terminate when cleaning up.
   * Value: {@value} seconds.
  public static final int THREAD_POOL_SHUTDOWN_DELAY_SECONDS = 30;

   * Policy for directory markers.
   * This is a new feature of HADOOP-13230 which addresses
   * some scale, performance and permissions issues -but
   * at the risk of backwards compatibility.
  public static final String DIRECTORY_MARKER_POLICY =

   * Delete directory markers. This is the backwards compatible option.
   * Value: {@value}.
  public static final String DIRECTORY_MARKER_POLICY_DELETE =

   * Retain directory markers.
   * Value: {@value}.
  public static final String DIRECTORY_MARKER_POLICY_KEEP =

   * Retain directory markers in authoritative directory trees only.
   * Value: {@value}.

   * Default retention policy: {@value}.
  public static final String DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_MARKER_POLICY =

   * {@code PathCapabilities} probe to verify that an S3A Filesystem
   * has the changes needed to safely work with buckets where
   * directoy markers have not been deleted.
   * Value: {@value}.
      = "fs.s3a.capability.directory.marker.aware";

   * {@code PathCapabilities} probe to indicate that the filesystem
   * keeps directory markers.
   * Value: {@value}.
      = "fs.s3a.capability.directory.marker.policy.keep";

   * {@code PathCapabilities} probe to indicate that the filesystem
   * deletes directory markers.
   * Value: {@value}.
      = "fs.s3a.capability.directory.marker.policy.delete";

   * {@code PathCapabilities} probe to indicate that the filesystem
   * keeps directory markers in authoritative paths only.
   * Value: {@value}.
  public static final String

   * {@code PathCapabilities} probe to indicate that a path
   * keeps directory markers.
   * Value: {@value}.
      = "fs.s3a.capability.directory.marker.action.keep";

   * {@code PathCapabilities} probe to indicate that a path
   * deletes directory markers.
   * Value: {@value}.
      = "fs.s3a.capability.directory.marker.action.delete";

   * To comply with the XAttr rules, all headers of the object retrieved
   * through the getXAttr APIs have the prefix: {@value}.
  public static final String XA_HEADER_PREFIX = "header.";

   * AWS S3 region for the bucket. When set bypasses the construction of
   * region through endpoint url.
  public static final String AWS_REGION = "fs.s3a.endpoint.region";

   * The special S3 region which can be used to talk to any bucket.
   * Value {@value}.
  public static final String AWS_S3_CENTRAL_REGION = "us-east-1";

   * Require that all S3 access is made through Access Points.
  public static final String AWS_S3_ACCESSPOINT_REQUIRED = "fs.s3a.accesspoint.required";

   * Flag for create performance.
   * This is *not* a configuration option; it is for use in the
   * {code createFile()} builder.
   * Value {@value}.
  public static final String FS_S3A_CREATE_PERFORMANCE = "fs.s3a.create.performance";

   * Prefix for adding a header to the object when created.
   * The actual value must have a "." suffix and then the actual header.
   * This is *not* a configuration option; it is only for use in the
   * {code createFile()} builder.
   * Value {@value}.
  public static final String FS_S3A_CREATE_HEADER = "fs.s3a.create.header";

   * What is the smallest reasonable seek in bytes such
   * that we group ranges together during vectored read operation.
   * Value : {@value}.
  public static final String AWS_S3_VECTOR_READS_MIN_SEEK_SIZE =

   * What is the largest merged read size in bytes such
   * that we group ranges together during vectored read.
   * Setting this value to 0 will disable merging of ranges.
   * Value : {@value}.
  public static final String AWS_S3_VECTOR_READS_MAX_MERGED_READ_SIZE =

   * Default minimum seek in bytes during vectored reads : {@value}.
  public static final int DEFAULT_AWS_S3_VECTOR_READS_MIN_SEEK_SIZE = 4896; // 4K

   * Default maximum read size in bytes during vectored reads : {@value}.
  public static final int DEFAULT_AWS_S3_VECTOR_READS_MAX_MERGED_READ_SIZE = 1253376; //1M

   * Maximum number of range reads a single input stream can have
   * active (downloading, or queued) to the central FileSystem
   * instance's pool of queued operations.
   * This stops a single stream overloading the shared thread pool.
   * {@value}
   * <p>
  public static final String AWS_S3_VECTOR_ACTIVE_RANGE_READS =

   * Limit of queued range data download operations during vectored
   * read. Value: {@value}
  public static final int DEFAULT_AWS_S3_VECTOR_ACTIVE_RANGE_READS = 4;

   * Prefix of auth classes in AWS SDK V1.
  public static final String AWS_AUTH_CLASS_PREFIX = "com.amazonaws.auth";

   * Controls whether the prefetching input stream is enabled.
  public static final String PREFETCH_ENABLED_KEY = "fs.s3a.prefetch.enabled";

   * Default option as to whether the prefetching input stream is enabled.
  public static final boolean  PREFETCH_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false;

  // If the default values are used, each file opened for reading will consume
  // 64 MB of heap space (8 blocks x 8 MB each).

   * The size of a single prefetched block in number of bytes.
  public static final String PREFETCH_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY = "fs.s3a.prefetch.block.size";
  public static final int PREFETCH_BLOCK_DEFAULT_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

   * Maximum number of blocks prefetched at any given time.
  public static final String PREFETCH_BLOCK_COUNT_KEY = "fs.s3a.prefetch.block.count";
  public static final int PREFETCH_BLOCK_DEFAULT_COUNT = 8;


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AWSBadRequestException 源码

hadoop AWSClientIOException 源码

hadoop AWSCredentialProviderList 源码

hadoop AWSNoResponseException 源码

hadoop AWSRedirectException 源码

hadoop AWSS3IOException 源码

hadoop AWSServiceIOException 源码

hadoop AWSServiceThrottledException 源码

hadoop AWSStatus500Exception 源码

hadoop AnonymousAWSCredentialsProvider 源码

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