greenplumn ps_status 源码

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greenplumn ps_status 代码


 * ps_status.c
 * Routines to support changing the ps display of PostgreSQL backends
 * to contain some useful information. Mechanism differs wildly across
 * platforms.
 * src/backend/utils/misc/ps_status.c
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * various details abducted from various places

#include "postgres.h"

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/pstat.h>			/* for HP-UX */
#include <machine/vmparam.h>	/* for old BSD */
#include <sys/exec.h>
#if defined(__darwin__)
#include <crt_externs.h>

#include "libpq/libpq.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "utils/ps_status.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"

#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"        /* Gp_role, GpIdentity.segindex, currentSliceId */

extern char **environ;
extern int PostPortNumber; /* GPDB: Helps identify child processes */
bool		update_process_title = true;

 * Alternative ways of updating ps display:
 *	   use the function setproctitle_fast(const char *, ...)
 *	   (newer FreeBSD systems)
 *	   use the function setproctitle(const char *, ...)
 *	   (newer BSD systems)
 *	   use the pstat(PSTAT_SETCMD, )
 *	   (HPUX)
 *	   assign PS_STRINGS->ps_argvstr = "string"
 *	   (some BSD systems)
 *	   assign argv[0] = "string"
 *	   (some other BSD systems)
 *	   write over the argv and environment area
 *	   (Linux and most SysV-like systems)
 *	   push the string out as the name of a Windows event
 *	   don't update ps display
 *	   (This is the default, as it is safest.)
#elif defined(HAVE_SETPROCTITLE)
#elif defined(HAVE_PSTAT) && defined(PSTAT_SETCMD)
#define PS_USE_PSTAT
#elif defined(HAVE_PS_STRINGS)
#elif (defined(BSD) || defined(__hurd__)) && !defined(__darwin__)
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(_AIX) || defined(__sgi) || (defined(sun) && !defined(BSD)) || defined(__svr5__) || defined(__darwin__)
#elif defined(WIN32)
#define PS_USE_WIN32
#define PS_USE_NONE

/* Different systems want the buffer padded differently */
#if defined(_AIX) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__darwin__)
#define PS_PADDING '\0'
#define PS_PADDING ' '

/* all but one option need a buffer to write their ps line in */
#define PS_BUFFER_SIZE 256
static char ps_buffer[PS_BUFFER_SIZE];
static const size_t ps_buffer_size = PS_BUFFER_SIZE;
#else							/* PS_USE_CLOBBER_ARGV */
static char *ps_buffer;			/* will point to argv area */
static size_t ps_buffer_size;	/* space determined at run time */
static size_t last_status_len;	/* use to minimize length of clobber */
#endif							/* PS_USE_CLOBBER_ARGV */

static size_t ps_buffer_cur_len;	/* nominal strlen(ps_buffer) */

static size_t ps_buffer_fixed_size; /* size of the constant prefix */
static char     ps_username[NAMEDATALEN];        /*CDB*/

/* save the original argv[] location here */
static int	save_argc;
static char **save_argv;

 * GPDB: the real activity location, the location right after
 * those "con1 seg1 cmd1" strings. Sometimes we need to modify
 * the original activity string in the ps display output. Use
 * this pointer to get the real original activity string instead
 * of get_ps_display(). See MPP-2329.
static size_t real_act_prefix_size;

 * Call this early in startup to save the original argc/argv values.
 * If needed, we make a copy of the original argv[] array to preserve it
 * from being clobbered by subsequent ps_display actions.
 * (The original argv[] will not be overwritten by this routine, but may be
 * overwritten during init_ps_display.  Also, the physical location of the
 * environment strings may be moved, so this should be called before any code
 * that might try to hang onto a getenv() result.)
 * Note that in case of failure this cannot call elog() as that is not
 * initialized yet.  We rely on write_stderr() instead.
char	  **
save_ps_display_args(int argc, char **argv)
	save_argc = argc;
	save_argv = argv;

#if defined(PS_USE_CLOBBER_ARGV)

	 * If we're going to overwrite the argv area, count the available space.
	 * Also move the environment to make additional room.
		char	   *end_of_area = NULL;
		char	  **new_environ;
		int			i;

		 * check for contiguous argv strings
		for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
			if (i == 0 || end_of_area + 1 == argv[i])
				end_of_area = argv[i] + strlen(argv[i]);

		if (end_of_area == NULL)	/* probably can't happen? */
			ps_buffer = NULL;
			ps_buffer_size = 0;
			return argv;

		 * check for contiguous environ strings following argv
		for (i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; i++)
			if (end_of_area + 1 == environ[i])
				end_of_area = environ[i] + strlen(environ[i]);

		ps_buffer = argv[0];
		last_status_len = ps_buffer_size = end_of_area - argv[0];

		 * move the environment out of the way
		new_environ = (char **) malloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char *));
		if (!new_environ)
			write_stderr("out of memory\n");
		for (i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; i++)
			new_environ[i] = strdup(environ[i]);
			if (!new_environ[i])
				write_stderr("out of memory\n");
		new_environ[i] = NULL;
		environ = new_environ;
#endif							/* PS_USE_CLOBBER_ARGV */

#if defined(PS_USE_CHANGE_ARGV) || defined(PS_USE_CLOBBER_ARGV)

	 * If we're going to change the original argv[] then make a copy for
	 * argument parsing purposes.
	 * (NB: do NOT think to remove the copying of argv[], even though
	 * postmaster.c finishes looking at argv[] long before we ever consider
	 * changing the ps display.  On some platforms, getopt() keeps pointers
	 * into the argv array, and will get horribly confused when it is
	 * re-called to analyze a subprocess' argument string if the argv storage
	 * has been clobbered meanwhile.  Other platforms have other dependencies
	 * on argv[].
		char	  **new_argv;
		int			i;

		new_argv = (char **) malloc((argc + 1) * sizeof(char *));
		if (!new_argv)
			write_stderr("out of memory\n");
		for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
			new_argv[i] = strdup(argv[i]);
			if (!new_argv[i])
				write_stderr("out of memory\n");
		new_argv[argc] = NULL;

#if defined(__darwin__)

		 * macOS (and perhaps other NeXT-derived platforms?) has a static copy
		 * of the argv pointer, which we may fix like so:
		*_NSGetArgv() = new_argv;

		argv = new_argv;

	return argv;

 * Call this once during subprocess startup to set the identification
 * values.  At this point, the original argv[] array may be overwritten.
init_ps_display(const char *username, const char *dbname,
				const char *host_info, const char *initial_str)

	StrNCpy(ps_username, username, sizeof(ps_username));    /*CDB*/

#ifndef PS_USE_NONE
	/* no ps display for stand-alone backend */
	if (!IsUnderPostmaster)

	/* no ps display if you didn't call save_ps_display_args() */
	if (!save_argv)

	/* If ps_buffer is a pointer, it might still be null */
	if (!ps_buffer)

	 * Overwrite argv[] to point at appropriate space, if needed

	save_argv[0] = ps_buffer;
	save_argv[1] = NULL;
#endif							/* PS_USE_CHANGE_ARGV */

		int			i;

		/* make extra argv slots point at end_of_area (a NUL) */
		for (i = 1; i < save_argc; i++)
			save_argv[i] = ps_buffer + ps_buffer_size;
#endif							/* PS_USE_CLOBBER_ARGV */

	 * Make fixed prefix of ps display.


	 * apparently setproctitle() already adds a `progname:' prefix to the ps
	 * line
#define PROGRAM_NAME_PREFIX "postgres: "

	if (*cluster_name == '\0')
		snprintf(ps_buffer, ps_buffer_size,
				 PROGRAM_NAME_PREFIX "%5d, %s %s %s ",
				 PostPortNumber, username, dbname, host_info);
		snprintf(ps_buffer, ps_buffer_size,
				 PROGRAM_NAME_PREFIX "%5d, %s: %s %s %s ",
				 PostPortNumber, cluster_name, username, dbname, host_info);

	ps_buffer_cur_len = ps_buffer_fixed_size = strlen(ps_buffer);
	real_act_prefix_size = ps_buffer_fixed_size;

	set_ps_display(initial_str, true);
#endif							/* not PS_USE_NONE */

 * Call this to update the ps status display to a fixed prefix plus an
 * indication of what you're currently doing passed in the argument.
set_ps_display(const char *activity, bool force)
#ifndef PS_USE_NONE
	/* update_process_title=off disables updates, unless force = true */
	char	   *cp = ps_buffer + ps_buffer_fixed_size;
	char	   *ep = ps_buffer + ps_buffer_size;

	if (!force && !update_process_title)

	/* no ps display for stand-alone backend */
	if (!IsUnderPostmaster)

	/* If ps_buffer is a pointer, it might still be null */
	if (!ps_buffer)

	Assert(cp >= ps_buffer);

	/* Add client session's global id. */
	if (gp_session_id > 0 && ep - cp > 0 &&
		strstr(ps_buffer, "dtx recovery process") == NULL &&
		strstr(ps_buffer, "ftsprobe process") == NULL)
		cp += snprintf(cp, ep - cp, "con%d ", gp_session_id);

		/* Which segment is accessed by this qExec? */
		if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE && GpIdentity.segindex >= -1)
			cp += snprintf(cp, ep - cp, "seg%d ", GpIdentity.segindex);

	/* Add count of commands received from client session. */
	if (gp_command_count > 0 && ep - cp > 0)
		cp += snprintf(cp, ep - cp, "cmd%d ", gp_command_count);

	/* Add slice number information */
	if (currentSliceId > 0 && ep - cp > 0)
		cp += snprintf(cp, ep - cp, "slice%d ", currentSliceId);

	 * Calculate the size preceding the actual activity string start.
	 * snprintf returns the number of bytes that *would* have been written if
	 * enough space had been available. This means cp might go beyond, if
	 * truncation happened. Hence need below check for Min. (ep - 1) is
	 * performed because in normal case when no truncation happens, snprintf
	 * doesn't count null, so in truncation case as well it shouldn't be
	 * counted. End result simply intended here is really real_act_prefix_size
	 * = strlen(ps_buffer), for performance reasons kept this way.
	real_act_prefix_size = Min(cp, (ep-1)) - ps_buffer;

	/* Append caller's activity string. */
	strlcpy(ps_buffer + real_act_prefix_size, activity,
			ps_buffer_size - real_act_prefix_size);

	ps_buffer_cur_len = strlen(ps_buffer);

	/* Transmit new setting to kernel, if necessary */

	setproctitle("%s", ps_buffer);
	setproctitle_fast("%s", ps_buffer);

		union pstun pst;

		pst.pst_command = ps_buffer;
		pstat(PSTAT_SETCMD, pst, ps_buffer_cur_len, 0, 0);
#endif							/* PS_USE_PSTAT */

	PS_STRINGS->ps_nargvstr = 1;
	PS_STRINGS->ps_argvstr = ps_buffer;
#endif							/* PS_USE_PS_STRINGS */

	/* pad unused memory; need only clobber remainder of old status string */
	if (last_status_len > ps_buffer_cur_len)
		MemSet(ps_buffer + ps_buffer_cur_len, PS_PADDING,
			   last_status_len - ps_buffer_cur_len);
	last_status_len = ps_buffer_cur_len;
#endif							/* PS_USE_CLOBBER_ARGV */

#ifdef PS_USE_WIN32
		 * Win32 does not support showing any changed arguments. To make it at
		 * all possible to track which backend is doing what, we create a
		 * named object that can be viewed with for example Process Explorer.
		static HANDLE ident_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
		char		name[PS_BUFFER_SIZE + 32];

		if (ident_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

		sprintf(name, "pgident(%d): %s", MyProcPid, ps_buffer);

		ident_handle = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, name);
#endif							/* PS_USE_WIN32 */
#endif							/* not PS_USE_NONE */

 * Returns what's currently in the ps display with a given starting
 * position. On some platforms the string will not be null-terminated,
 * so return the effective length into *displen.
static inline const char *
get_ps_display_from_position(size_t pos, int *displen)
	/* If ps_buffer is a pointer, it might still be null */
	if (!ps_buffer)
		*displen = 0;
		return "";

	*displen = (int) (ps_buffer_cur_len - real_act_prefix_size);

	return ps_buffer + pos;

 * Returns what's currently in the ps display, in case someone needs
 * it.  Note that only the activity part is returned.  On some platforms
 * the string will not be null-terminated, so return the effective
 * length into *displen.
const char *
get_ps_display(int *displen)
	return get_ps_display_from_position(ps_buffer_fixed_size, displen);

/* CDB: Get the "username" string saved by init_ps_display().  */
const char *
	return ps_username;

 * Returns the real activity string in the ps display without prefix
 * strings like "con1 seg1 cmd1" for GPDB. On some platforms the
 * string will not be null-terminated, so return the effective length
 * into *displen.
const char *
get_real_act_ps_display(int *displen)
	return get_ps_display_from_position(real_act_prefix_size, displen);


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