greenplumn value 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (347)

greenplumn value 代码


 * value.h
 *	  interface for Value nodes
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * src/include/nodes/value.h

#ifndef VALUE_H
#define VALUE_H

#include "nodes/nodes.h"

 *		Value node
 * The same Value struct is used for five node types: T_Integer,
 * T_Float, T_String, T_BitString, T_Null.
 * Integral values are actually represented by a machine integer,
 * but both floats and strings are represented as strings.
 * Using T_Float as the node type simply indicates that
 * the contents of the string look like a valid numeric literal.
 * (Before Postgres 7.0, we used a double to represent T_Float,
 * but that creates loss-of-precision problems when the value is
 * ultimately destined to be converted to NUMERIC.  Since Value nodes
 * are only used in the parsing process, not for runtime data, it's
 * better to use the more general representation.)
 * Note that an integer-looking string will get lexed as T_Float if
 * the value is too large to fit in an 'int'.
 * Nulls, of course, don't need the value part at all.
typedef struct Value
	NodeTag		type;			/* tag appropriately (eg. T_String) */
	union ValUnion
		int			ival;		/* machine integer */
		char	   *str;		/* string */
	}			val;
} Value;

#define intVal(v)		(((Value *)(v))->val.ival)
#define floatVal(v)		atof(((Value *)(v))->val.str)
#define strVal(v)		(((Value *)(v))->val.str)

extern Value *makeInteger(int i);
extern Value *makeFloat(char *numericStr);
extern Value *makeString(char *str);
extern Value *makeBitString(char *str);

#endif							/* VALUE_H */


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