tidb request_builder 源码
tidb request_builder 代码
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package distsql
import (
// RequestBuilder is used to build a "kv.Request".
// It is called before we issue a kv request by "Select".
type RequestBuilder struct {
is infoschema.InfoSchema
err error
// Build builds a "kv.Request".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) Build() (*kv.Request, error) {
if builder.ReadReplicaScope == "" {
builder.ReadReplicaScope = kv.GlobalReplicaScope
if builder.ReplicaRead.IsClosestRead() && builder.ReadReplicaScope != kv.GlobalReplicaScope {
builder.MatchStoreLabels = []*metapb.StoreLabel{
Key: placement.DCLabelKey,
Value: builder.ReadReplicaScope,
failpoint.Inject("assertRequestBuilderReplicaOption", func(val failpoint.Value) {
assertScope := val.(string)
if builder.ReplicaRead.IsClosestRead() && assertScope != builder.ReadReplicaScope {
panic("request builder get staleness option fail")
err := builder.verifyTxnScope()
if err != nil {
builder.err = err
return &builder.Request, builder.err
// SetMemTracker sets a memTracker for this request.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetMemTracker(tracker *memory.Tracker) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.MemTracker = tracker
return builder
// SetTableRanges sets "KeyRanges" for "kv.Request" by converting "tableRanges"
// to "KeyRanges" firstly.
// Note this function should be deleted or at least not exported, but currently
// br refers it, so have to keep it.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetTableRanges(tid int64, tableRanges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) *RequestBuilder {
if builder.err == nil {
builder.Request.KeyRanges = TableRangesToKVRanges(tid, tableRanges, fb)
return builder
// SetIndexRanges sets "KeyRanges" for "kv.Request" by converting index range
// "ranges" to "KeyRanges" firstly.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetIndexRanges(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tid, idxID int64, ranges []*ranger.Range) *RequestBuilder {
if builder.err == nil {
builder.Request.KeyRanges, builder.err = IndexRangesToKVRanges(sc, tid, idxID, ranges, nil)
return builder
// SetIndexRangesForTables sets "KeyRanges" for "kv.Request" by converting multiple indexes range
// "ranges" to "KeyRanges" firstly.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetIndexRangesForTables(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tids []int64, idxID int64, ranges []*ranger.Range) *RequestBuilder {
if builder.err == nil {
builder.Request.KeyRanges, builder.err = IndexRangesToKVRangesForTables(sc, tids, idxID, ranges, nil)
return builder
// SetHandleRanges sets "KeyRanges" for "kv.Request" by converting table handle range
// "ranges" to "KeyRanges" firstly.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetHandleRanges(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tid int64, isCommonHandle bool, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) *RequestBuilder {
return builder.SetHandleRangesForTables(sc, []int64{tid}, isCommonHandle, ranges, fb)
// SetHandleRangesForTables sets "KeyRanges" for "kv.Request" by converting table handle range
// "ranges" to "KeyRanges" firstly for multiple tables.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetHandleRangesForTables(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tid []int64, isCommonHandle bool, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) *RequestBuilder {
if builder.err == nil {
builder.Request.KeyRanges, builder.err = TableHandleRangesToKVRanges(sc, tid, isCommonHandle, ranges, fb)
return builder
// SetTableHandles sets "KeyRanges" for "kv.Request" by converting table handles
// "handles" to "KeyRanges" firstly.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetTableHandles(tid int64, handles []kv.Handle) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.KeyRanges = TableHandlesToKVRanges(tid, handles)
return builder
// SetPartitionsAndHandles sets "KeyRanges" for "kv.Request" by converting ParitionHandles to KeyRanges.
// handles in slice must be kv.PartitionHandle.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetPartitionsAndHandles(handles []kv.Handle) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.KeyRanges = PartitionHandlesToKVRanges(handles)
return builder
const estimatedRegionRowCount = 100000
// SetDAGRequest sets the request type to "ReqTypeDAG" and construct request data.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetDAGRequest(dag *tipb.DAGRequest) *RequestBuilder {
if builder.err == nil {
builder.Request.Tp = kv.ReqTypeDAG
builder.Request.Cacheable = true
builder.Request.Data, builder.err = dag.Marshal()
// When the DAG is just simple scan and small limit, set concurrency to 1 would be sufficient.
if len(dag.Executors) == 2 && dag.Executors[1].GetLimit() != nil {
limit := dag.Executors[1].GetLimit()
if limit != nil && limit.Limit < estimatedRegionRowCount {
builder.Request.Concurrency = 1
return builder
// SetAnalyzeRequest sets the request type to "ReqTypeAnalyze" and construct request data.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetAnalyzeRequest(ana *tipb.AnalyzeReq, isoLevel kv.IsoLevel) *RequestBuilder {
if builder.err == nil {
builder.Request.Tp = kv.ReqTypeAnalyze
builder.Request.Data, builder.err = ana.Marshal()
builder.Request.NotFillCache = true
builder.Request.IsolationLevel = isoLevel
builder.Request.Priority = kv.PriorityLow
return builder
// SetChecksumRequest sets the request type to "ReqTypeChecksum" and construct request data.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetChecksumRequest(checksum *tipb.ChecksumRequest) *RequestBuilder {
if builder.err == nil {
builder.Request.Tp = kv.ReqTypeChecksum
builder.Request.Data, builder.err = checksum.Marshal()
builder.Request.NotFillCache = true
return builder
// SetKeyRanges sets "KeyRanges" for "kv.Request".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetKeyRanges(keyRanges []kv.KeyRange) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.KeyRanges = keyRanges
return builder
// SetStartTS sets "StartTS" for "kv.Request".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetStartTS(startTS uint64) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.StartTs = startTS
return builder
// SetDesc sets "Desc" for "kv.Request".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetDesc(desc bool) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.Desc = desc
return builder
// SetKeepOrder sets "KeepOrder" for "kv.Request".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetKeepOrder(order bool) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.KeepOrder = order
return builder
// SetStoreType sets "StoreType" for "kv.Request".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetStoreType(storeType kv.StoreType) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.StoreType = storeType
return builder
// SetAllowBatchCop sets `BatchCop` property.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetAllowBatchCop(batchCop bool) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.BatchCop = batchCop
return builder
// SetPartitionIDAndRanges sets `PartitionIDAndRanges` property.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetPartitionIDAndRanges(partitionIDAndRanges []kv.PartitionIDAndRanges) *RequestBuilder {
builder.PartitionIDAndRanges = partitionIDAndRanges
return builder
func (builder *RequestBuilder) getIsolationLevel() kv.IsoLevel {
if builder.Tp == kv.ReqTypeAnalyze {
return kv.RC
return kv.SI
func (*RequestBuilder) getKVPriority(sv *variable.SessionVars) int {
switch sv.StmtCtx.Priority {
case mysql.NoPriority, mysql.DelayedPriority:
return kv.PriorityNormal
case mysql.LowPriority:
return kv.PriorityLow
case mysql.HighPriority:
return kv.PriorityHigh
return kv.PriorityNormal
// SetFromSessionVars sets the following fields for "kv.Request" from session variables:
// "Concurrency", "IsolationLevel", "NotFillCache", "TaskID", "Priority", "ReplicaRead", "ResourceGroupTagger".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetFromSessionVars(sv *variable.SessionVars) *RequestBuilder {
if builder.Request.Concurrency == 0 {
// Concurrency may be set to 1 by SetDAGRequest
builder.Request.Concurrency = sv.DistSQLScanConcurrency()
replicaReadType := sv.GetReplicaRead()
if sv.StmtCtx.WeakConsistency {
builder.Request.IsolationLevel = kv.RC
} else if sv.StmtCtx.RCCheckTS {
builder.Request.IsolationLevel = kv.RCCheckTS
replicaReadType = kv.ReplicaReadLeader
} else {
builder.Request.IsolationLevel = builder.getIsolationLevel()
builder.Request.NotFillCache = sv.StmtCtx.NotFillCache
builder.Request.TaskID = sv.StmtCtx.TaskID
builder.Request.Priority = builder.getKVPriority(sv)
builder.Request.ReplicaRead = replicaReadType
builder.Request.Paging.MinPagingSize = uint64(sv.MinPagingSize)
builder.Request.Paging.MaxPagingSize = uint64(sv.MaxPagingSize)
builder.RequestSource.RequestSourceInternal = sv.InRestrictedSQL
builder.RequestSource.RequestSourceType = sv.RequestSourceType
return builder
// SetPaging sets "Paging" flag for "kv.Request".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetPaging(paging bool) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.Paging.Enable = paging
return builder
// SetConcurrency sets "Concurrency" for "kv.Request".
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetConcurrency(concurrency int) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.Concurrency = concurrency
return builder
// SetTiDBServerID sets "TiDBServerID" for "kv.Request"
// ServerID is a unique id of TiDB instance among the cluster.
// See https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/blob/master/docs/design/2020-06-01-global-kill.md
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetTiDBServerID(serverID uint64) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.TiDBServerID = serverID
return builder
// SetFromInfoSchema sets the following fields from infoSchema:
// "bundles"
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetFromInfoSchema(pis interface{}) *RequestBuilder {
is, ok := pis.(infoschema.InfoSchema)
if !ok {
return builder
builder.is = is
builder.Request.SchemaVar = is.SchemaMetaVersion()
return builder
// SetResourceGroupTagger sets the request resource group tagger.
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetResourceGroupTagger(tagger tikvrpc.ResourceGroupTagger) *RequestBuilder {
builder.Request.ResourceGroupTagger = tagger
return builder
func (builder *RequestBuilder) verifyTxnScope() error {
txnScope := builder.TxnScope
if txnScope == "" || txnScope == kv.GlobalReplicaScope || builder.is == nil {
return nil
visitPhysicalTableID := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, keyRange := range builder.Request.KeyRanges {
tableID := tablecodec.DecodeTableID(keyRange.StartKey)
if tableID > 0 {
visitPhysicalTableID[tableID] = struct{}{}
} else {
return errors.New("requestBuilder can't decode tableID from keyRange")
for phyTableID := range visitPhysicalTableID {
valid := VerifyTxnScope(txnScope, phyTableID, builder.is)
if !valid {
var tblName string
var partName string
tblInfo, _, partInfo := builder.is.FindTableByPartitionID(phyTableID)
if tblInfo != nil && partInfo != nil {
tblName = tblInfo.Meta().Name.String()
partName = partInfo.Name.String()
} else {
tblInfo, _ = builder.is.TableByID(phyTableID)
tblName = tblInfo.Meta().Name.String()
err := fmt.Errorf("table %v can not be read by %v txn_scope", tblName, txnScope)
if len(partName) > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("table %v's partition %v can not be read by %v txn_scope",
tblName, partName, txnScope)
return err
return nil
// SetTxnScope sets request TxnScope
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetTxnScope(scope string) *RequestBuilder {
builder.TxnScope = scope
return builder
// SetReadReplicaScope sets request readReplicaScope
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetReadReplicaScope(scope string) *RequestBuilder {
builder.ReadReplicaScope = scope
return builder
// SetIsStaleness sets request IsStaleness
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetIsStaleness(is bool) *RequestBuilder {
builder.IsStaleness = is
return builder
// SetClosestReplicaReadAdjuster sets request CoprRequestAdjuster
func (builder *RequestBuilder) SetClosestReplicaReadAdjuster(chkFn kv.CoprRequestAdjuster) *RequestBuilder {
builder.ClosestReplicaReadAdjuster = chkFn
return builder
// TableHandleRangesToKVRanges convert table handle ranges to "KeyRanges" for multiple tables.
func TableHandleRangesToKVRanges(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tid []int64, isCommonHandle bool, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
if !isCommonHandle {
return tablesRangesToKVRanges(tid, ranges, fb), nil
return CommonHandleRangesToKVRanges(sc, tid, ranges)
// TableRangesToKVRanges converts table ranges to "KeyRange".
// Note this function should not be exported, but currently
// br refers to it, so have to keep it.
func TableRangesToKVRanges(tid int64, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) []kv.KeyRange {
return tablesRangesToKVRanges([]int64{tid}, ranges, fb)
// tablesRangesToKVRanges converts table ranges to "KeyRange".
func tablesRangesToKVRanges(tids []int64, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) []kv.KeyRange {
if fb == nil || fb.Hist == nil {
return tableRangesToKVRangesWithoutSplit(tids, ranges)
krs := make([]kv.KeyRange, 0, len(ranges))
feedbackRanges := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
low := codec.EncodeInt(nil, ran.LowVal[0].GetInt64())
high := codec.EncodeInt(nil, ran.HighVal[0].GetInt64())
if ran.LowExclude {
low = kv.Key(low).PrefixNext()
// If this range is split by histogram, then the high val will equal to one bucket's upper bound,
// since we need to guarantee each range falls inside the exactly one bucket, `PrefixNext` will make the
// high value greater than upper bound, so we store the range here.
r := &ranger.Range{LowVal: []types.Datum{types.NewBytesDatum(low)},
HighVal: []types.Datum{types.NewBytesDatum(high)}, Collators: collate.GetBinaryCollatorSlice(1)}
feedbackRanges = append(feedbackRanges, r)
if !ran.HighExclude {
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
for _, tid := range tids {
startKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, low)
endKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, high)
krs = append(krs, kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
return krs
func tableRangesToKVRangesWithoutSplit(tids []int64, ranges []*ranger.Range) []kv.KeyRange {
krs := make([]kv.KeyRange, 0, len(ranges)*len(tids))
for _, ran := range ranges {
low, high := encodeHandleKey(ran)
for _, tid := range tids {
startKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, low)
endKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, high)
krs = append(krs, kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
return krs
func encodeHandleKey(ran *ranger.Range) ([]byte, []byte) {
low := codec.EncodeInt(nil, ran.LowVal[0].GetInt64())
high := codec.EncodeInt(nil, ran.HighVal[0].GetInt64())
if ran.LowExclude {
low = kv.Key(low).PrefixNext()
if !ran.HighExclude {
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
return low, high
// SplitRangesAcrossInt64Boundary split the ranges into two groups:
// 1. signedRanges is less or equal than MaxInt64
// 2. unsignedRanges is greater than MaxInt64
// We do this because every key of tikv is encoded as an int64. As a result, MaxUInt64 is small than zero when
// interpreted as an int64 variable.
// This function does the following:
// 1. split ranges into two groups as described above.
// 2. if there's a range that straddles the int64 boundary, split it into two ranges, which results in one smaller and
// one greater than MaxInt64.
// if `KeepOrder` is false, we merge the two groups of ranges into one group, to save an rpc call later
// if `desc` is false, return signed ranges first, vice versa.
func SplitRangesAcrossInt64Boundary(ranges []*ranger.Range, keepOrder bool, desc bool, isCommonHandle bool) ([]*ranger.Range, []*ranger.Range) {
if isCommonHandle || len(ranges) == 0 || ranges[0].LowVal[0].Kind() == types.KindInt64 {
return ranges, nil
idx := sort.Search(len(ranges), func(i int) bool { return ranges[i].HighVal[0].GetUint64() > math.MaxInt64 })
if idx == len(ranges) {
return ranges, nil
if ranges[idx].LowVal[0].GetUint64() > math.MaxInt64 {
signedRanges := ranges[0:idx]
unsignedRanges := ranges[idx:]
if !keepOrder {
return append(unsignedRanges, signedRanges...), nil
if desc {
return unsignedRanges, signedRanges
return signedRanges, unsignedRanges
// need to split the range that straddles the int64 boundary
signedRanges := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, idx+1)
unsignedRanges := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(ranges)-idx)
signedRanges = append(signedRanges, ranges[0:idx]...)
if !(ranges[idx].LowVal[0].GetUint64() == math.MaxInt64 && ranges[idx].LowExclude) {
signedRanges = append(signedRanges, &ranger.Range{
LowVal: ranges[idx].LowVal,
LowExclude: ranges[idx].LowExclude,
HighVal: []types.Datum{types.NewUintDatum(math.MaxInt64)},
Collators: ranges[idx].Collators,
if !(ranges[idx].HighVal[0].GetUint64() == math.MaxInt64+1 && ranges[idx].HighExclude) {
unsignedRanges = append(unsignedRanges, &ranger.Range{
LowVal: []types.Datum{types.NewUintDatum(math.MaxInt64 + 1)},
HighVal: ranges[idx].HighVal,
HighExclude: ranges[idx].HighExclude,
Collators: ranges[idx].Collators,
if idx < len(ranges) {
unsignedRanges = append(unsignedRanges, ranges[idx+1:]...)
if !keepOrder {
return append(unsignedRanges, signedRanges...), nil
if desc {
return unsignedRanges, signedRanges
return signedRanges, unsignedRanges
// TableHandlesToKVRanges converts sorted handle to kv ranges.
// For continuous handles, we should merge them to a single key range.
func TableHandlesToKVRanges(tid int64, handles []kv.Handle) []kv.KeyRange {
krs := make([]kv.KeyRange, 0, len(handles))
i := 0
for i < len(handles) {
if commonHandle, ok := handles[i].(*kv.CommonHandle); ok {
ran := kv.KeyRange{
StartKey: tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, commonHandle.Encoded()),
EndKey: tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, kv.Key(commonHandle.Encoded()).Next()),
krs = append(krs, ran)
j := i + 1
for ; j < len(handles) && handles[j-1].IntValue() != math.MaxInt64; j++ {
if handles[j].IntValue() != handles[j-1].IntValue()+1 {
low := codec.EncodeInt(nil, handles[i].IntValue())
high := codec.EncodeInt(nil, handles[j-1].IntValue())
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
startKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, low)
endKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, high)
krs = append(krs, kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
i = j
return krs
// PartitionHandlesToKVRanges convert ParitionHandles to kv ranges.
// Handle in slices must be kv.PartitionHandle
func PartitionHandlesToKVRanges(handles []kv.Handle) []kv.KeyRange {
krs := make([]kv.KeyRange, 0, len(handles))
i := 0
for i < len(handles) {
ph := handles[i].(kv.PartitionHandle)
h := ph.Handle
pid := ph.PartitionID
if commonHandle, ok := h.(*kv.CommonHandle); ok {
ran := kv.KeyRange{
StartKey: tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(pid, commonHandle.Encoded()),
EndKey: tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(pid, append(commonHandle.Encoded(), 0)),
krs = append(krs, ran)
j := i + 1
for ; j < len(handles) && handles[j-1].IntValue() != math.MaxInt64; j++ {
if handles[j].IntValue() != handles[j-1].IntValue()+1 {
if handles[j].(kv.PartitionHandle).PartitionID != pid {
low := codec.EncodeInt(nil, handles[i].IntValue())
high := codec.EncodeInt(nil, handles[j-1].IntValue())
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
startKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(pid, low)
endKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(pid, high)
krs = append(krs, kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
i = j
return krs
// IndexRangesToKVRanges converts index ranges to "KeyRange".
func IndexRangesToKVRanges(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tid, idxID int64, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
return IndexRangesToKVRangesWithInterruptSignal(sc, tid, idxID, ranges, fb, nil, nil)
// IndexRangesToKVRangesWithInterruptSignal converts index ranges to "KeyRange".
// The process can be interrupted by set `interruptSignal` to true.
func IndexRangesToKVRangesWithInterruptSignal(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tid, idxID int64, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback, memTracker *memory.Tracker, interruptSignal *atomic.Value) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
return indexRangesToKVRangesForTablesWithInterruptSignal(sc, []int64{tid}, idxID, ranges, fb, memTracker, interruptSignal)
// IndexRangesToKVRangesForTables converts indexes ranges to "KeyRange".
func IndexRangesToKVRangesForTables(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tids []int64, idxID int64, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
return indexRangesToKVRangesForTablesWithInterruptSignal(sc, tids, idxID, ranges, fb, nil, nil)
// IndexRangesToKVRangesForTablesWithInterruptSignal converts indexes ranges to "KeyRange".
// The process can be interrupted by set `interruptSignal` to true.
func indexRangesToKVRangesForTablesWithInterruptSignal(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tids []int64, idxID int64, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback, memTracker *memory.Tracker, interruptSignal *atomic.Value) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
if fb == nil || fb.Hist == nil {
return indexRangesToKVWithoutSplit(sc, tids, idxID, ranges, memTracker, interruptSignal)
feedbackRanges := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
low, high, err := EncodeIndexKey(sc, ran)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
feedbackRanges = append(feedbackRanges, &ranger.Range{LowVal: []types.Datum{types.NewBytesDatum(low)},
HighVal: []types.Datum{types.NewBytesDatum(high)}, LowExclude: false, HighExclude: true, Collators: collate.GetBinaryCollatorSlice(1)})
feedbackRanges, ok := fb.Hist.SplitRange(sc, feedbackRanges, true)
if !ok {
krs := make([]kv.KeyRange, 0, len(feedbackRanges))
for _, ran := range feedbackRanges {
low, high := ran.LowVal[0].GetBytes(), ran.HighVal[0].GetBytes()
if ran.LowExclude {
low = kv.Key(low).PrefixNext()
// If this range is split by histogram, then the high val will equal to one bucket's upper bound,
// since we need to guarantee each range falls inside the exactly one bucket, `PrefixNext` will make the
// high value greater than upper bound, so we store the high value here.
if !ran.HighExclude {
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
for _, tid := range tids {
startKey := tablecodec.EncodeIndexSeekKey(tid, idxID, low)
endKey := tablecodec.EncodeIndexSeekKey(tid, idxID, high)
krs = append(krs, kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
return krs, nil
// CommonHandleRangesToKVRanges converts common handle ranges to "KeyRange".
func CommonHandleRangesToKVRanges(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tids []int64, ranges []*ranger.Range) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
rans := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
low, high, err := EncodeIndexKey(sc, ran)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rans = append(rans, &ranger.Range{LowVal: []types.Datum{types.NewBytesDatum(low)},
HighVal: []types.Datum{types.NewBytesDatum(high)}, LowExclude: false, HighExclude: true, Collators: collate.GetBinaryCollatorSlice(1)})
krs := make([]kv.KeyRange, 0, len(rans))
for _, ran := range rans {
low, high := ran.LowVal[0].GetBytes(), ran.HighVal[0].GetBytes()
if ran.LowExclude {
low = kv.Key(low).PrefixNext()
for _, tid := range tids {
startKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, low)
endKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, high)
krs = append(krs, kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
return krs, nil
// VerifyTxnScope verify whether the txnScope and visited physical table break the leader rule's dcLocation.
func VerifyTxnScope(txnScope string, physicalTableID int64, is infoschema.InfoSchema) bool {
if txnScope == "" || txnScope == kv.GlobalTxnScope {
return true
bundle, ok := is.PlacementBundleByPhysicalTableID(physicalTableID)
if !ok {
return true
leaderDC, ok := bundle.GetLeaderDC(placement.DCLabelKey)
if !ok {
return true
if leaderDC != txnScope {
return false
return true
func indexRangesToKVWithoutSplit(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tids []int64, idxID int64, ranges []*ranger.Range, memTracker *memory.Tracker, interruptSignal *atomic.Value) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
krs := make([]kv.KeyRange, 0, len(ranges))
const checkSignalStep = 8
var estimatedMemUsage int64
// encodeIndexKey and EncodeIndexSeekKey is time-consuming, thus we need to
// check the interrupt signal periodically.
for i, ran := range ranges {
low, high, err := EncodeIndexKey(sc, ran)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if i == 0 {
estimatedMemUsage += int64(cap(low) + cap(high))
for _, tid := range tids {
startKey := tablecodec.EncodeIndexSeekKey(tid, idxID, low)
endKey := tablecodec.EncodeIndexSeekKey(tid, idxID, high)
if i == 0 {
estimatedMemUsage += int64(cap(startKey)) + int64(cap(endKey))
krs = append(krs, kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
if i%checkSignalStep == 0 {
if i == 0 && memTracker != nil {
estimatedMemUsage *= int64(len(ranges))
if interruptSignal != nil && interruptSignal.Load().(bool) {
return nil, nil
return krs, nil
// EncodeIndexKey gets encoded keys containing low and high
func EncodeIndexKey(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, ran *ranger.Range) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
low, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, ran.LowVal...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if ran.LowExclude {
low = kv.Key(low).PrefixNext()
high, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, ran.HighVal...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if !ran.HighExclude {
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
var hasNull bool
for _, highVal := range ran.HighVal {
if highVal.IsNull() {
hasNull = true
// NOTE: this is a hard-code operation to avoid wrong results when accessing unique index with NULL;
// Please see https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/29650 for more details
if hasNull {
// Append 0 to make unique-key range [null, null] to be a scan rather than point-get.
high = kv.Key(high).Next()
return low, high, nil
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