harmony 鸿蒙$$ Syntax: Two-Way Synchronization of Built-in Components

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (915)

$$ Syntax: Two-Way Synchronization of Built-in Components

The $$ operator provides a TS variable by-reference to a built-in component so that the variable value and the internal state of that component are kept in sync.

What the internal state is depends on the component. For example, for the bindPopup attribute method, it is the show parameter.

  • $$ supports variables of simple types and variables decorated by \@State, \@Link, or \@Prop.

  • $$ supports the components listed below.

Component Supported Parameter/Attribute Initial API Version
Checkbox select 10
CheckboxGroup selectAll 10
DatePicker selected 10
TimePicker selected 10
MenuItem selected 10
Panel mode 10
Radio checked 10
Rating rating 10
Search value 10
SideBarContainer showSideBar 10
Slider value 10
Stepper index 10
Swiper isOn 10
Tabs index 10
TextArea text 10
TextInput text 10
TextPicker selected, value 10
Toggle isOn 10
AlphabetIndexer selected 10
Select selected, value 10
BindSheet isShow 10
BindContentCover isShow 10
bindPopup show 8
Refresh refreshing 8
  • When the variable bound to $$ changes, the UI is re-rendered synchronously.

This example uses the text parameter of the <TextInput> component.

// xxx.ets
struct TextInputExample {
  @State text: string = ''
  controller: TextInputController = new TextInputController()

  build() {
    Column({ space: 20 }) {
      TextInput({ text: $$this.text, placeholder: 'input your word...', controller: this.controller })
        .placeholderFont({ size: 14, weight: 400 })


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