harmony 鸿蒙OH_Predicates

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (442)



Defines the predicates used for RDB stores.



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Member Variables

Name Description
id Unique identifier of the OH_Predicates struct.
equalTo Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field whose value is equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field whose value is not equal to the specified value.
beginWrap Pointer to the function used to add a left parenthesis to the predicates.
endWrap Pointer to the function used to add a right parenthesis to the predicates.
orOperate Pointer to the function used to add the OR operator to the predicates.
andOperate Pointer to the function used to add the AND operator to the predicates.
isNull Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field whose value is null.
isNotNull Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field whose value is not null.
like Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match a string that is similar to the specified value.
between Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field whose value is within the specified range.
notBetween Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field whose value is out of the specified range.
greaterThan Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field with value greater than the specified value.
lessThan Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field with value less than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field with value greater than or equal to the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field with value less than or equal to the specified value.
orderBy Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to sort the values in a column in ascending or descending order.
distinct Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to filter out duplicate records.
limit Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to specify the maximum number of records.
offset Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to specify the start position of the returned result.
groupBy Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to group rows that have the same value into summary rows.
in Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field with the value within the specified range.
notIn Pointer to the function used to set a predicates object to match the field with the value out of the specified range.
clear Pointer to the function used to clear a predicates instance.
destroy Destroys an OH_Predicates object and reclaims the memory occupied.


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