harmony 鸿蒙Vulkan Development

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (704)

Vulkan Development

When to Use

Vulkan is a set of graphics APIs for 2D and 3D rendering. Creating a VkSurfaceKHR instance is a key step, since VkSurfaceKHR work with the OHNativeWindow module to implement buffer recycling.

A VkSurfaceKHR instance is obtained through an OHNativeWindow, which is obtained from the <XComponent>. Therefore, the OHNativeWindow module must be used together with the XComponent and NativeWindow modules.

Available APIs

API Description
vkCreateSurfaceOHOS (VkInstance instance, const VkSurfaceCreateInfoOHOS* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSurfaceKHR* pSurface) Creates a VkSurfaceKHR instance.

For details about the APIs, see Vulkan.

How to Develop

The following steps illustrate how to create a VkSurfaceKHR instance.

To use the extended APIs, define the macro VK_USE_PLATFORM_OHOS in the CMakeLists.txt file.


Adding Dynamic Link Libraries

Add the following libraries to CMakeLists.txt:


Header File

#include <ace/xcomponent/native_interface_xcomponent.h>
#include <native_window/external_window.h>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
  1. Create a Vulkan instance.
   VkInstance instance = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
   VkApplicationInfo appInfo = {};
   appInfo.pApplicationName = "vulkanExample";
   appInfo.pEngineName = "vulkanExample";
   appInfo.apiVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_3;
   VkInstanceCreateInfo instanceCreateInfo = {};
   instanceCreateInfo.pNext = NULL;
   instanceCreateInfo.pApplicationInfo = &appInfo;
   std::vector<const char *> instanceExtensions = {
       VK_OHOS_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME // Surface extension.
   instanceCreateInfo.enabledExtensionCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(instanceExtensions.size());
   instanceCreateInfo.ppEnabledExtensionNames = instanceExtensions.data();
   vkCreateInstance(&instanceCreateInfo, nullptr, &instance);
  1. Obtain an OHNativeWindow instance.

The OHNativeWindow instance is obtained from the <XComponent>. For details about how to use the <XComponent>, see XComponent and XComponent Development.

  1. Add an <XComponent> to ets/pages/Index.ets.

          id: 'xcomponentId',
          type: 'surface',
          libraryname: 'entry'
      .margin({ bottom: 20 })
  2. Obtain an OHNativeWindow instance from the <XComponent>.

      // Callback function of the \<XComponent> triggered when a surface is created.
      void OnSurfaceCreatedCB(OH_NativeXComponent *component, void *window) {
          // You can obtain an OHNativeWindow instance from the callback function.
          OHNativeWindow *nativeWindow = static_cast<OHNativeWindow *>(window);
      static napi_value Init(napi_env env, napi_value exports) {
          napi_property_descriptor desc[] = {{"add", nullptr, Add, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, napi_default, nullptr}};
          napi_define_properties(env, exports, sizeof(desc) / sizeof(desc[0]), desc);
          napi_value exportInstance = nullptr;
          OH_NativeXComponent *nativeXComponent = nullptr;
          // Obtain a native XComponent.
          napi_get_named_property(env, exports, OH_NATIVE_XCOMPONENT_OBJ, &exportInstance);
          napi_unwrap(env, exportInstance, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&nativeXComponent));
          // Obtain the XComponent ID.
          char idStr[OH_XCOMPONENT_ID_LEN_MAX + 1] = {};
          uint64_t idSize = OH_XCOMPONENT_ID_LEN_MAX + 1;
          OH_NativeXComponent_GetXComponentId(nativeXComponent, idStr, &idSize);
          // Declare an XComponent callback.
          OH_NativeXComponent_Callback callback;
          // Register the OnSurfaceCreated callback function.
          callback.OnSurfaceCreated = OnSurfaceCreatedCB;
          // Register the callback function for the native XComponent.
          OH_NativeXComponent_RegisterCallback(nativeXComponent, &callback);
          return exports;
  3. Create a VkSurfaceKHR instance.

   VkSurfaceKHR surface = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
   VkSurfaceCreateInfoOHOS surfaceCreateInfo = {};
   surfaceCreateInfo.window = nativeWindow; // nativeWindow is obtained from the OnSurfaceCreatedCB callback function in the previous step.
   int err = vkCreateSurfaceOHOS(instance, &surfaceCreateInfo, NULL, &surface);
   if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
       // Creating the surface failed.

For details about how to use Vulkan, visit the Vulkan official website.


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