harmony 鸿蒙File Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (324)

File Subsystem Changelog

cl.file.1 Change of picker PhotoViewPicker.save() Compatibility

Changed the PhotoViewPicker.save() interface compatibility.

Change Impact

For applications developed based on earlier versions, PhotoViewPicker.save() saves files only to the file manager directory, and these files are invisible in Gallery. To save a file to Gallery, create a media asset using a security component. For details, see Creating a Media Asset Using a Security Component.

Key API/Component Changes

Module Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant Change Type
picker function PhotoViewPicker.save(option?: PhotoSaveOptions) : Promise<Array<string>> Interface compatibility
picker function PhotoViewPicker.save(option: PhotoSaveOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>) : void Interface compatibility
picker function PhotoViewPicker.save(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>) : void Interface compatibility

Adaptation Guide

PhotoViewPicker.save() starts FilePicker and saves files to a directory in the system file manager. From OpenHarmony_4.0.11.2, FilePicker cannot access assets in the media library. As a result, the files in the file manager directory cannot be viewed in Gallery. To enable the images or videos to be viewed in Gallery, use <SaveButton> to save images or videos.


See Creating a Media Asset Using a Security Component.


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