harmony 鸿蒙ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (368)

ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

cl.arkui.1 Change in the Priority of alignContent and align Attributes for the <Stack> Component

Changed the priority of alignContent and align as follows:

API version 9 and earlier: The universal attribute align prevails.

API version 10 and later: The last set attribute prevails.

When two attributes provide the same functions, the last set attribute takes effect. This rule applies to alignContent and align, both of which set the alignment mode when used for the <Stack> component.


// xxx.ets
struct StackExample {
  build() {
      Text("Stack's child").backgroundColor(Color.Brown).height("100").width(100)

API version 9 and earlier: Child components are arranged based on the universal attribute align.


API version 10 and later: Child components are arranged based on the alignContent attribute, which is set at a later time than align.


Change Impact

When both alignContent and align attributes are set, the last set attribute prevails.

cl.arkui.2 Behavior Change of the fillText and strokeText APIs of the <Canvas> Component

When the fillText and strokeText APIs are used to draw text, no text wrapping occurs.


// xxx.ets
struct FillText {
  private settings: RenderingContextSettings = new RenderingContextSettings(true)
  private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings)

  build() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
        .onReady(() =>{
          this.context.font = '50px sans-serif'
          this.context.fillText("Hello World!", 0, 100)
          this.context.fillText("Hello World! This is a long string to fully show", 0, 150)
          this.context.strokeText("Hello World!", 0, 250)
          this.context.strokeText("Hello World! This is a long string to fully show", 0, 300)

API version 9 and earlier: When the fillText and strokeText APIs are used to draw text, the text is wrapped based on the component width.


API version 10 and later: When the fillText and strokeText APIs are used to draw text, no text wrapping occurs.


Change Impact

The text appearance is affected now that the text is not wrapped based on the component width.


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