echarts modelHelper 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (655)

echarts modelHelper 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import Model from '../../model/Model';
import GlobalModel from '../../model/Global';
import ExtensionAPI from '../../core/ExtensionAPI';
import { each, curry, clone, defaults, isArray, indexOf } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import AxisPointerModel, { AxisPointerOption } from './AxisPointerModel';
import Axis from '../../coord/Axis';
import { TooltipOption } from '../tooltip/TooltipModel';
import SeriesModel from '../../model/Series';
import {
} from '../../util/types';
import { AxisBaseModel } from '../../coord/AxisBaseModel';
import ComponentModel from '../../model/Component';
import { CoordinateSystemMaster } from '../../coord/CoordinateSystem';

interface LinkGroup {
    mapper: AxisPointerOption['link'][number]['mapper']
     * { [axisKey]: AxisInfo }
    axesInfo: Dictionary<AxisInfo>
interface AxisInfo {
    axis: Axis
    key: string
    coordSys: CoordinateSystemMaster
    axisPointerModel: Model<CommonAxisPointerOption>
    triggerTooltip: boolean
    involveSeries: boolean
    snap: boolean
    useHandle: boolean
    seriesModels: SeriesModel[]

    linkGroup?: LinkGroup
    seriesDataCount?: number

interface CollectionResult {
     * { [coordSysKey]: { [axisKey]: AxisInfo } }
    coordSysAxesInfo: Dictionary<Dictionary<AxisInfo>>

     * { [axisKey]: AxisInfo }
    axesInfo: Dictionary<AxisInfo>
     * { [coordSysKey]: { CoordinateSystemMaster } }
    coordSysMap: Dictionary<CoordinateSystemMaster>

    seriesInvolved: boolean

// Build axisPointerModel, mergin tooltip.axisPointer model for each axis.
// allAxesInfo should be updated when setOption performed.
export function collect(ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) {
    const result: CollectionResult = {
         * key: makeKey(axis.model)
         * value: {
         *      axis,
         *      coordSys,
         *      axisPointerModel,
         *      triggerTooltip,
         *      involveSeries,
         *      snap,
         *      seriesModels,
         *      seriesDataCount
         * }
        axesInfo: {},
        seriesInvolved: false,
         * key: makeKey(coordSys.model)
         * value: Object: key makeKey(axis.model), value: axisInfo
        coordSysAxesInfo: {},
        coordSysMap: {}

    collectAxesInfo(result, ecModel, api);

    // Check seriesInvolved for performance, in case too many series in some chart.
    result.seriesInvolved && collectSeriesInfo(result, ecModel);

    return result;

function collectAxesInfo(result: CollectionResult, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) {
    const globalTooltipModel = ecModel.getComponent('tooltip');
    const globalAxisPointerModel = ecModel.getComponent('axisPointer') as AxisPointerModel;
    // links can only be set on global.
    const linksOption = globalAxisPointerModel.get('link', true) || [];
    const linkGroups: LinkGroup[] = [];

    // Collect axes info.
    each(api.getCoordinateSystems(), function (coordSys) {
        // Some coordinate system do not support axes, like geo.
        if (!coordSys.axisPointerEnabled) {

        const coordSysKey = makeKey(coordSys.model);
        const axesInfoInCoordSys: CollectionResult['coordSysAxesInfo'][string] =
            result.coordSysAxesInfo[coordSysKey] = {};
        result.coordSysMap[coordSysKey] = coordSys;

        // Set tooltip (like 'cross') is a convienent way to show axisPointer
        // for user. So we enable seting tooltip on coordSys model.
        const coordSysModel = coordSys.model as ComponentModel<ComponentOption & {
            tooltip: TooltipOption  // TODO: Same with top level tooltip?
        const baseTooltipModel = coordSysModel.getModel('tooltip', globalTooltipModel);

        each(coordSys.getAxes(), curry(saveTooltipAxisInfo, false, null));

        // If axis tooltip used, choose tooltip axis for each coordSys.
        // Notice this case: coordSys is `grid` but not `cartesian2D` here.
        if (coordSys.getTooltipAxes
            && globalTooltipModel
            // If tooltip.showContent is set as false, tooltip will not
            // show but axisPointer will show as normal.
            && baseTooltipModel.get('show')
        ) {
            // Compatible with previous logic. But series.tooltip.trigger: 'axis'
            // or[n].tooltip.trigger: 'axis' are not support any more.
            const triggerAxis = baseTooltipModel.get('trigger') === 'axis';
            const cross = baseTooltipModel.get(['axisPointer', 'type']) === 'cross';
            const tooltipAxes = coordSys.getTooltipAxes(baseTooltipModel.get(['axisPointer', 'axis']));
            if (triggerAxis || cross) {
                each(tooltipAxes.baseAxes, curry(
                    saveTooltipAxisInfo, cross ? 'cross' : true, triggerAxis
            if (cross) {
                each(tooltipAxes.otherAxes, curry(saveTooltipAxisInfo, 'cross', false));

        // fromTooltip: true | false | 'cross'
        // triggerTooltip: true | false | null
        function saveTooltipAxisInfo(
            fromTooltip: boolean | 'cross',
            triggerTooltip: boolean,
            axis: Axis
        ) {
            let axisPointerModel = axis.model.getModel(
                'axisPointer', globalAxisPointerModel
            ) as Model<CommonAxisPointerOption>;

            const axisPointerShow = axisPointerModel.get('show');
            if (!axisPointerShow || (
                axisPointerShow === 'auto'
                && !fromTooltip
                && !isHandleTrigger(axisPointerModel)
            )) {

            if (triggerTooltip == null) {
                triggerTooltip = axisPointerModel.get('triggerTooltip');

            axisPointerModel = fromTooltip
                ? makeAxisPointerModel(
                    axis, baseTooltipModel, globalAxisPointerModel, ecModel,
                    fromTooltip, triggerTooltip
                : axisPointerModel;

            const snap = axisPointerModel.get('snap');
            const axisKey = makeKey(axis.model);
            const involveSeries = triggerTooltip || snap || axis.type === 'category';

            // If result.axesInfo[key] exist, override it (tooltip has higher priority).
            const axisInfo: AxisInfo = result.axesInfo[axisKey] = {
                key: axisKey,
                axis: axis,
                coordSys: coordSys,
                axisPointerModel: axisPointerModel,
                triggerTooltip: triggerTooltip,
                involveSeries: involveSeries,
                snap: snap,
                useHandle: isHandleTrigger(axisPointerModel),
                seriesModels: [],

                linkGroup: null
            axesInfoInCoordSys[axisKey] = axisInfo;
            result.seriesInvolved = result.seriesInvolved || involveSeries;

            const groupIndex = getLinkGroupIndex(linksOption, axis);
            if (groupIndex != null) {
                const linkGroup: LinkGroup = linkGroups[groupIndex]
                    || (linkGroups[groupIndex] = {axesInfo: {}} as LinkGroup);
                linkGroup.axesInfo[axisKey] = axisInfo;
                linkGroup.mapper = linksOption[groupIndex].mapper;
                axisInfo.linkGroup = linkGroup;

function makeAxisPointerModel(
    axis: Axis,
    baseTooltipModel: Model<TooltipOption>,
    globalAxisPointerModel: AxisPointerModel,
    ecModel: GlobalModel,
    fromTooltip: boolean | 'cross',
    triggerTooltip: boolean
) {
    const tooltipAxisPointerModel = baseTooltipModel.getModel('axisPointer');
    const fields = [
        'type', 'snap', 'lineStyle', 'shadowStyle', 'label',
        'animation', 'animationDurationUpdate', 'animationEasingUpdate', 'z'
    ] as const;
    const volatileOption = {} as Pick<AxisPointerOption, typeof fields[number]>;

    each(fields, function (field) {
        (volatileOption as any)[field] = clone(tooltipAxisPointerModel.get(field));

    // category axis do not auto snap, otherwise some tick that do not
    // has value can not be hovered. value/time/log axis default snap if
    // triggered from tooltip and trigger tooltip.
    volatileOption.snap = axis.type !== 'category' && !!triggerTooltip;

    // Compatibel with previous behavior, tooltip axis do not show label by default.
    // Only these properties can be overrided from tooltip to axisPointer.
    if (tooltipAxisPointerModel.get('type') === 'cross') {
        volatileOption.type = 'line';
    const labelOption = volatileOption.label || (volatileOption.label = {});
    // Follow the convention, do not show label when triggered by tooltip by default. == null && ( = false);

    if (fromTooltip === 'cross') {
        // When 'cross', both axes show labels.
        const tooltipAxisPointerLabelShow = tooltipAxisPointerModel.get(['label', 'show']); = tooltipAxisPointerLabelShow != null ? tooltipAxisPointerLabelShow : true;
        // If triggerTooltip, this is a base axis, which should better not use cross style
        // (cross style is dashed by default)
        if (!triggerTooltip) {
            const crossStyle = volatileOption.lineStyle = tooltipAxisPointerModel.get('crossStyle');
            crossStyle && defaults(labelOption, crossStyle.textStyle);

    return axis.model.getModel(
        new Model(volatileOption, globalAxisPointerModel, ecModel)

function collectSeriesInfo(result: CollectionResult, ecModel: GlobalModel) {
    // Prepare data for axis trigger
    ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel: SeriesModel<SeriesOption & {
        tooltip?: SeriesTooltipOption
        axisPointer?: CommonAxisPointerOption
    }>) {

        // Notice this case: this coordSys is `cartesian2D` but not `grid`.
        const coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem;
        const seriesTooltipTrigger = seriesModel.get(['tooltip', 'trigger'], true);
        const seriesTooltipShow = seriesModel.get(['tooltip', 'show'], true);
        if (!coordSys
            || seriesTooltipTrigger === 'none'
            || seriesTooltipTrigger === false
            || seriesTooltipTrigger === 'item'
            || seriesTooltipShow === false
            || seriesModel.get(['axisPointer', 'show'], true) === false
        ) {

        each(result.coordSysAxesInfo[makeKey(coordSys.model)], function (axisInfo) {
            const axis = axisInfo.axis;
            if (coordSys.getAxis(axis.dim) === axis) {
                axisInfo.seriesDataCount == null && (axisInfo.seriesDataCount = 0);
                axisInfo.seriesDataCount += seriesModel.getData().count();


 * For example:
 * {
 *     axisPointer: {
 *         links: [{
 *             xAxisIndex: [2, 4],
 *             yAxisIndex: 'all'
 *         }, {
 *             xAxisId: ['a5', 'a7'],
 *             xAxisName: 'xxx'
 *         }]
 *     }
 * }
function getLinkGroupIndex(linksOption: AxisPointerOption['link'], axis: Axis): number {
    const axisModel = axis.model;
    const dim = axis.dim;
    for (let i = 0; i < linksOption.length; i++) {
        const linkOption = linksOption[i] || {};
        if (checkPropInLink(linkOption[dim + 'AxisId' as 'xAxisId'],
            || checkPropInLink(linkOption[dim + 'AxisIndex' as 'xAxisIndex'], axisModel.componentIndex)
            || checkPropInLink(linkOption[dim + 'AxisName' as 'xAxisName'],
        ) {
            return i;

function checkPropInLink(linkPropValue: number[] | number | string | string[] | 'all', axisPropValue: number | string) {
    return linkPropValue === 'all'
        || (isArray(linkPropValue) && indexOf(linkPropValue, axisPropValue) >= 0)
        || linkPropValue === axisPropValue;

export function fixValue(axisModel: AxisBaseModel) {
    const axisInfo = getAxisInfo(axisModel);
    if (!axisInfo) {

    const axisPointerModel = axisInfo.axisPointerModel;
    const scale = axisInfo.axis.scale;
    const option = axisPointerModel.option;
    const status = axisPointerModel.get('status');
    let value = axisPointerModel.get('value');

    // Parse init value for category and time axis.
    if (value != null) {
        value = scale.parse(value);

    const useHandle = isHandleTrigger(axisPointerModel);
    // If `handle` used, `axisPointer` will always be displayed, so value
    // and status should be initialized.
    if (status == null) {
        option.status = useHandle ? 'show' : 'hide';

    const extent = scale.getExtent().slice();
    extent[0] > extent[1] && extent.reverse();

    if (// Pick a value on axis when initializing.
        value == null
        // If both `handle` and `dataZoom` are used, value may be out of axis extent,
        // where we should re-pick a value to keep `handle` displaying normally.
        || value > extent[1]
    ) {
        // Make handle displayed on the end of the axis when init, which looks better.
        value = extent[1];
    if (value < extent[0]) {
        value = extent[0];

    option.value = value;

    if (useHandle) {
        option.status = axisInfo.axis.scale.isBlank() ? 'hide' : 'show';

export function getAxisInfo(axisModel: AxisBaseModel) {
    const coordSysAxesInfo = (axisModel.ecModel.getComponent('axisPointer') as AxisPointerModel || {})
        .coordSysAxesInfo as CollectionResult;
    return coordSysAxesInfo && coordSysAxesInfo.axesInfo[makeKey(axisModel)];

export function getAxisPointerModel(axisModel: AxisBaseModel) {
    const axisInfo = getAxisInfo(axisModel);
    return axisInfo && axisInfo.axisPointerModel;

function isHandleTrigger(axisPointerModel: Model<CommonAxisPointerOption>) {
    return !!axisPointerModel.get(['handle', 'show']);

 * @param {module:echarts/model/Model} model
 * @return {string} unique key
export function makeKey(model: ComponentModel) {
    return model.type + '||' +;


echarts 源码目录


echarts AxisPointer 源码

echarts AxisPointerModel 源码

echarts AxisPointerView 源码

echarts BaseAxisPointer 源码

echarts CartesianAxisPointer 源码

echarts PolarAxisPointer 源码

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echarts axisTrigger 源码

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