spark ParquetRowConverter 源码
spark ParquetRowConverter 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet
import java.math.{BigDecimal, BigInteger}
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import java.time.{ZoneId, ZoneOffset}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.parquet.column.Dictionary
import{Binary, Converter, GroupConverter, PrimitiveConverter}
import org.apache.parquet.schema.{GroupType, Type, Types}
import org.apache.parquet.schema.LogicalTypeAnnotation._
import org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName.{BINARY, FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, INT32, INT64, INT96}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ArrayBasedMapData, CaseInsensitiveMap, DateTimeUtils, GenericArrayData}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.RebaseDateTime.RebaseSpec
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ResolveDefaultColumns._
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryExecutionErrors
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSourceUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.Utils
* A [[ParentContainerUpdater]] is used by a Parquet converter to set converted values to some
* corresponding parent container. For example, a converter for a `StructType` field may set
* converted values to a [[InternalRow]]; or a converter for array elements may append converted
* values to an [[ArrayBuffer]].
private[parquet] trait ParentContainerUpdater {
/** Called before a record field is being converted */
def start(): Unit = ()
/** Called after a record field is being converted */
def end(): Unit = ()
def set(value: Any): Unit = ()
def setBoolean(value: Boolean): Unit = set(value)
def setByte(value: Byte): Unit = set(value)
def setShort(value: Short): Unit = set(value)
def setInt(value: Int): Unit = set(value)
def setLong(value: Long): Unit = set(value)
def setFloat(value: Float): Unit = set(value)
def setDouble(value: Double): Unit = set(value)
/** A no-op updater used for root converter (who doesn't have a parent). */
private[parquet] object NoopUpdater extends ParentContainerUpdater
private[parquet] trait HasParentContainerUpdater {
def updater: ParentContainerUpdater
* A convenient converter class for Parquet group types with a [[HasParentContainerUpdater]].
private[parquet] abstract class ParquetGroupConverter(val updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends GroupConverter with HasParentContainerUpdater
* Parquet converter for Parquet primitive types. Note that not all Spark SQL atomic types
* are handled by this converter. Parquet primitive types are only a subset of those of Spark
* SQL. For example, BYTE, SHORT, and INT in Spark SQL are all covered by INT32 in Parquet.
private[parquet] class ParquetPrimitiveConverter(val updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends PrimitiveConverter with HasParentContainerUpdater {
override def addBoolean(value: Boolean): Unit = updater.setBoolean(value)
override def addInt(value: Int): Unit = updater.setInt(value)
override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = updater.setLong(value)
override def addFloat(value: Float): Unit = updater.setFloat(value)
override def addDouble(value: Double): Unit = updater.setDouble(value)
override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = updater.set(value.getBytes)
* A [[ParquetRowConverter]] is used to convert Parquet records into Catalyst [[InternalRow]]s.
* Since Catalyst `StructType` is also a Parquet record, this converter can be used as root
* converter. Take the following Parquet type as an example:
* {{{
* message root {
* required int32 f1;
* optional group f2 {
* required double f21;
* optional binary f22 (utf8);
* }
* }
* }}}
* 5 converters will be created:
* - a root [[ParquetRowConverter]] for [[org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType]] `root`,
* which contains:
* - a [[ParquetPrimitiveConverter]] for required
* [[org.apache.parquet.schema.LogicalTypeAnnotation.intType(32, true)]] field `f1`, and
* - a nested [[ParquetRowConverter]] for optional [[GroupType]] `f2`, which contains:
* - a [[ParquetPrimitiveConverter]] for required
* [[org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName.DOUBLE]] field `f21`, and
* - a [[ParquetStringConverter]] for optional
* [[org.apache.parquet.schema.LogicalTypeAnnotation.stringType()]] string field `f22`
* When used as a root converter, [[NoopUpdater]] should be used since root converters don't have
* any "parent" container.
* @param schemaConverter A utility converter used to convert Parquet types to Catalyst types.
* @param parquetType Parquet schema of Parquet records
* @param catalystType Spark SQL schema that corresponds to the Parquet record type. User-defined
* types should have been expanded.
* @param convertTz the optional time zone to convert to int96 data
* @param datetimeRebaseSpec the specification of rebasing date/timestamp from Julian to Proleptic
* Gregorian calendar: mode + optional original time zone
* @param int96RebaseSpec the specification of rebasing INT96 timestamp from Julian to Proleptic
* Gregorian calendar
* @param updater An updater which propagates converted field values to the parent container
private[parquet] class ParquetRowConverter(
schemaConverter: ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter,
parquetType: GroupType,
catalystType: StructType,
convertTz: Option[ZoneId],
datetimeRebaseSpec: RebaseSpec,
int96RebaseSpec: RebaseSpec,
updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends ParquetGroupConverter(updater) with Logging {
parquetType.getFieldCount <= catalystType.length,
s"""Field count of the Parquet schema is greater than the field count of the Catalyst schema:
|Parquet schema:
|Catalyst schema:
s"""User-defined types in Catalyst schema should have already been expanded:
s"""Building row converter for the following schema:
|Parquet form:
|Catalyst form:
* Updater used together with field converters within a [[ParquetRowConverter]]. It propagates
* converted filed values to the `ordinal`-th cell in `currentRow`.
private class RowUpdater(row: InternalRow, ordinal: Int) extends ParentContainerUpdater {
override def set(value: Any): Unit = row(ordinal) = value
override def setBoolean(value: Boolean): Unit = row.setBoolean(ordinal, value)
override def setByte(value: Byte): Unit = row.setByte(ordinal, value)
override def setShort(value: Short): Unit = row.setShort(ordinal, value)
override def setInt(value: Int): Unit = row.setInt(ordinal, value)
override def setLong(value: Long): Unit = row.setLong(ordinal, value)
override def setDouble(value: Double): Unit = row.setDouble(ordinal, value)
override def setFloat(value: Float): Unit = row.setFloat(ordinal, value)
private[this] val currentRow = new SpecificInternalRow(
* The [[InternalRow]] converted from an entire Parquet record.
def currentRecord: InternalRow = {
applyExistenceDefaultValuesToRow(catalystType, currentRow)
private val dateRebaseFunc = DataSourceUtils.createDateRebaseFuncInRead(
datetimeRebaseSpec.mode, "Parquet")
private val timestampRebaseFunc = DataSourceUtils.createTimestampRebaseFuncInRead(
datetimeRebaseSpec, "Parquet")
private val int96RebaseFunc = DataSourceUtils.createTimestampRebaseFuncInRead(
int96RebaseSpec, "Parquet INT96")
// Converters for each field.
private[this] val fieldConverters: Array[Converter with HasParentContainerUpdater] = {
// (SPARK-31116) Use case insensitive map if spark.sql.caseSensitive is false
// to prevent throwing IllegalArgumentException when searching catalyst type's field index
def nameToIndex: Map[String, Int] = Utils.toMapWithIndex(catalystType.fieldNames)
val catalystFieldIdxByName = if (SQLConf.get.caseSensitiveAnalysis) {
} else {
// (SPARK-38094) parquet field ids, if exist, should be prioritized for matching
val catalystFieldIdxByFieldId =
if (SQLConf.get.parquetFieldIdReadEnabled && ParquetUtils.hasFieldIds(catalystType)) {
.filter { case (f, _) => ParquetUtils.hasFieldId(f) }
.map { case (f, idx) => (ParquetUtils.getFieldId(f), idx) }
} else {
Map.empty[Int, Int]
// If any fields in the Catalyst result schema have associated existence default values,
// maintain a boolean array to track which fields have been explicitly assigned for each row.
if (catalystType.hasExistenceDefaultValues) {
for (i <- 0 until catalystType.existenceDefaultValues.size) {
catalystType.existenceDefaultsBitmask(i) =
// Assume the schema for a Parquet file-based table contains N fields. Then if we later
// run a command "ALTER TABLE t ADD COLUMN c DEFAULT <value>" on the Parquet table, this
// adds one field to the Catalyst schema. Then if we query the old files with the new
// Catalyst schema, we should only apply the existence default value to all columns >= N.
if (i < parquetType.getFieldCount) {
} else {
catalystType.existenceDefaultValues(i) != null
} { parquetField =>
val catalystFieldIndex = Option(parquetField.getId).flatMap { fieldId =>
// field has id, try to match by id first before falling back to match by name
}.getOrElse {
// field doesn't have id, just match by name
val catalystField = catalystType(catalystFieldIndex)
// Create a RowUpdater instance for converting Parquet objects to Catalyst rows.
val rowUpdater: RowUpdater = new RowUpdater(currentRow, catalystFieldIndex)
// Converted field value should be set to the `fieldIndex`-th cell of `currentRow`
newConverter(parquetField, catalystField.dataType, rowUpdater)
// Updaters for each field.
private[this] val fieldUpdaters: Array[ParentContainerUpdater] =
override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = fieldConverters(fieldIndex)
override def end(): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < fieldUpdaters.length) {
i += 1
override def start(): Unit = {
var i = 0
val numFields = currentRow.numFields
while (i < numFields) {
i += 1
i = 0
while (i < fieldUpdaters.length) {
i += 1
* Creates a converter for the given Parquet type `parquetType` and Spark SQL data type
* `catalystType`. Converted values are handled by `updater`.
private def newConverter(
parquetType: Type,
catalystType: DataType,
updater: ParentContainerUpdater): Converter with HasParentContainerUpdater = {
def isUnsignedIntTypeMatched(bitWidth: Int): Boolean = {
parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation match {
case i: IntLogicalTypeAnnotation if !i.isSigned => i.getBitWidth == bitWidth
case _ => false
catalystType match {
case LongType if isUnsignedIntTypeMatched(32) =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
override def addInt(value: Int): Unit =
case BooleanType | IntegerType | LongType | FloatType | DoubleType | BinaryType |
_: AnsiIntervalType =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater)
case ByteType =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
override def addInt(value: Int): Unit =
case ShortType =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
override def addInt(value: Int): Unit =
// For INT32 backed decimals
case _: DecimalType if parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == INT32 =>
parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getLogicalTypeAnnotation match {
case decimalType: DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation =>
new ParquetIntDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
decimalType.getPrecision, decimalType.getScale, updater)
case _ =>
// If the column is a plain INT32, we should pick the precision that can host the
// largest INT32 value.
new ParquetIntDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
DecimalType.IntDecimal.precision, 0, updater)
// For unsigned int64
case _: DecimalType if isUnsignedIntTypeMatched(64) =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {
// For INT64 backed decimals
case t: DecimalType if parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == INT64 =>
parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getLogicalTypeAnnotation match {
case decimalType: DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation =>
new ParquetLongDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
decimalType.getPrecision, decimalType.getScale, updater)
case _ =>
// If the column is a plain INT64, we should pick the precision that can host the
// largest INT64 value.
new ParquetLongDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
DecimalType.LongDecimal.precision, 0, updater)
// For BINARY and FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY backed decimals
case t: DecimalType
if parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY ||
parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == BINARY =>
parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getLogicalTypeAnnotation match {
case decimalType: DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation =>
new ParquetBinaryDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
decimalType.getPrecision, decimalType.getScale, updater)
case _ =>
throw QueryExecutionErrors.cannotCreateParquetConverterForTypeError(
t, parquetType.toString)
case t: DecimalType =>
throw QueryExecutionErrors.cannotCreateParquetConverterForDecimalTypeError(
t, parquetType.toString)
case StringType =>
new ParquetStringConverter(updater)
// As long as the parquet type is INT64 timestamp, whether logical annotation
// `isAdjustedToUTC` is false or true, it will be read as Spark's TimestampLTZ type
case TimestampType
if parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation.isInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation] &&
.asInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation].getUnit == TimeUnit.MICROS =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {
// As long as the parquet type is INT64 timestamp, whether logical annotation
// `isAdjustedToUTC` is false or true, it will be read as Spark's TimestampLTZ type
case TimestampType
if parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation.isInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation] &&
.asInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation].getUnit == TimeUnit.MILLIS =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {
val micros = DateTimeUtils.millisToMicros(value)
// INT96 timestamp doesn't have a logical type, here we check the physical type instead.
case TimestampType if parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == INT96 =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
// Converts nanosecond timestamps stored as INT96
override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = {
val julianMicros = ParquetRowConverter.binaryToSQLTimestamp(value)
val gregorianMicros = int96RebaseFunc(julianMicros)
val adjTime =, _, ZoneOffset.UTC))
case TimestampNTZType
if canReadAsTimestampNTZ(parquetType) &&
.asInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation].getUnit == TimeUnit.MICROS =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater)
case TimestampNTZType
if canReadAsTimestampNTZ(parquetType) &&
.asInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation].getUnit == TimeUnit.MILLIS =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {
val micros = DateTimeUtils.millisToMicros(value)
case DateType =>
new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
override def addInt(value: Int): Unit = {
// A repeated field that is neither contained by a `LIST`- or `MAP`-annotated group nor
// annotated by `LIST` or `MAP` should be interpreted as a required list of required
// elements where the element type is the type of the field.
case t: ArrayType
if !parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation.isInstanceOf[ListLogicalTypeAnnotation] =>
if (parquetType.isPrimitive) {
new RepeatedPrimitiveConverter(parquetType, t.elementType, updater)
} else {
new RepeatedGroupConverter(parquetType, t.elementType, updater)
case t: ArrayType =>
new ParquetArrayConverter(parquetType.asGroupType(), t, updater)
case t: MapType =>
new ParquetMapConverter(parquetType.asGroupType(), t, updater)
case t: StructType =>
val wrappedUpdater = {
// SPARK-30338: avoid unnecessary InternalRow copying for nested structs:
// There are two cases to handle here:
// 1. Parent container is a map or array: we must make a deep copy of the mutable row
// because this converter may be invoked multiple times per Parquet input record
// (if the map or array contains multiple elements).
// 2. Parent container is a struct: we don't need to copy the row here because either:
// (a) all ancestors are structs and therefore no copying is required because this
// converter will only be invoked once per Parquet input record, or
// (b) some ancestor is struct that is nested in a map or array and that ancestor's
// converter will perform deep-copying (which will recursively copy this row).
if (updater.isInstanceOf[RowUpdater]) {
// `updater` is a RowUpdater, implying that the parent container is a struct.
} else {
// `updater` is NOT a RowUpdater, implying that the parent container a map or array.
new ParentContainerUpdater {
override def set(value: Any): Unit = {
updater.set(value.asInstanceOf[SpecificInternalRow].copy()) // deep copy
new ParquetRowConverter(
case t =>
throw QueryExecutionErrors.cannotCreateParquetConverterForDataTypeError(
t, parquetType.toString)
// Only INT64 column with Timestamp logical annotation `isAdjustedToUTC=false`
// can be read as Spark's TimestampNTZ type. This is to avoid mistakes in reading the timestamp
// values.
private def canReadAsTimestampNTZ(parquetType: Type): Boolean =
schemaConverter.isTimestampNTZEnabled() &&
parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == INT64 &&
parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation.isInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation] &&
* Parquet converter for strings. A dictionary is used to minimize string decoding cost.
private final class ParquetStringConverter(updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
private var expandedDictionary: Array[UTF8String] = null
override def hasDictionarySupport: Boolean = true
override def setDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary): Unit = {
this.expandedDictionary = Array.tabulate(dictionary.getMaxId + 1) { i =>
override def addValueFromDictionary(dictionaryId: Int): Unit = {
override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = {
// The underlying `ByteBuffer` implementation is guaranteed to be `HeapByteBuffer`, so here we
// are using `Binary.toByteBuffer.array()` to steal the underlying byte array without copying
// it.
val buffer = value.toByteBuffer
val offset = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position()
val numBytes = buffer.remaining()
updater.set(UTF8String.fromBytes(buffer.array(), offset, numBytes))
* Parquet converter for fixed-precision decimals.
private abstract class ParquetDecimalConverter(
precision: Int, scale: Int, updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
protected var expandedDictionary: Array[Decimal] = _
override def hasDictionarySupport: Boolean = true
override def addValueFromDictionary(dictionaryId: Int): Unit = {
// Converts decimals stored as INT32
override def addInt(value: Int): Unit = {
addLong(value: Long)
// Converts decimals stored as INT64
override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {
// Converts decimals stored as either FIXED_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY or BINARY
override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = {
protected def decimalFromLong(value: Long): Decimal = {
Decimal(value, precision, scale)
protected def decimalFromBinary(value: Binary): Decimal = {
if (precision <= Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS) {
// Constructs a `Decimal` with an unscaled `Long` value if possible.
val unscaled = ParquetRowConverter.binaryToUnscaledLong(value)
Decimal(unscaled, precision, scale)
} else {
// Otherwise, resorts to an unscaled `BigInteger` instead.
Decimal(new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(value.getBytes), scale), precision, scale)
private class ParquetIntDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
precision: Int, scale: Int, updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends ParquetDecimalConverter(precision, scale, updater) {
override def setDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary): Unit = {
this.expandedDictionary = Array.tabulate(dictionary.getMaxId + 1) { id =>
private class ParquetLongDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
precision: Int, scale: Int, updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends ParquetDecimalConverter(precision, scale, updater) {
override def setDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary): Unit = {
this.expandedDictionary = Array.tabulate(dictionary.getMaxId + 1) { id =>
private class ParquetBinaryDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
precision: Int, scale: Int, updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends ParquetDecimalConverter(precision, scale, updater) {
override def setDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary): Unit = {
this.expandedDictionary = Array.tabulate(dictionary.getMaxId + 1) { id =>
* Parquet converter for arrays. Spark SQL arrays are represented as Parquet lists. Standard
* Parquet lists are represented as a 3-level group annotated by `LIST`:
* {{{
* <list-repetition> group <name> (LIST) { <-- parquetSchema points here
* repeated group list {
* <element-repetition> <element-type> element;
* }
* }
* }}}
* The `parquetSchema` constructor argument points to the outermost group.
* However, before this representation is standardized, some Parquet libraries/tools also use some
* non-standard formats to represent list-like structures. Backwards-compatibility rules for
* handling these cases are described in Parquet format spec.
* @see
private final class ParquetArrayConverter(
parquetSchema: GroupType,
catalystSchema: ArrayType,
updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends ParquetGroupConverter(updater) {
private[this] val currentArray = ArrayBuffer.empty[Any]
private[this] val elementConverter: Converter = {
val repeatedType = parquetSchema.getType(0)
val elementType = catalystSchema.elementType
// At this stage, we need to figure out if the repeated field maps to the element type or is
// just the syntactic repeated group of the 3-level standard LIST layout. Take the following
// Parquet LIST-annotated group type as an example:
// optional group f (LIST) {
// repeated group list {
// optional group element {
// optional int32 element;
// }
// }
// }
// This type is ambiguous:
// 1. When interpreted as a standard 3-level layout, the `list` field is just the syntactic
// group, and the entire type should be translated to:
// ARRAY<STRUCT<element: INT>>
// 2. On the other hand, when interpreted as a non-standard 2-level layout, the `list` field
// represents the element type, and the entire type should be translated to:
// ARRAY<STRUCT<element: STRUCT<element: INT>>>
// Here we try to convert field `list` into a Catalyst type to see whether the converted type
// matches the Catalyst array element type.
// If the guessed element type from the above does not match the Catalyst type (for example,
// in case of schema evolution), we need to check if the repeated type matches one of the
// backward-compatibility rules for legacy LIST types (see the link above).
// If the element type does not match the Catalyst type and the underlying repeated type
// does not belong to the legacy LIST type, then it is case 1; otherwise, it is case 2.
// Since `convertField` method requires a Parquet `ColumnIO` as input, here we first create
// a dummy message type which wraps the given repeated type, and then convert it to the
// `ColumnIO` using Parquet API.
val messageType = Types.buildMessage().addField(repeatedType).named("foo")
val column = new ColumnIOFactory().getColumnIO(messageType)
val guessedElementType = schemaConverter.convertField(column.getChild(0)).sparkType
val isLegacy = schemaConverter.isElementType(repeatedType, parquetSchema.getName)
if (DataType.equalsIgnoreCompatibleNullability(guessedElementType, elementType) || isLegacy) {
// If the repeated field corresponds to the element type, creates a new converter using the
// type of the repeated field.
newConverter(repeatedType, elementType, new ParentContainerUpdater {
override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentArray += value
} else {
// If the repeated field corresponds to the syntactic group in the standard 3-level Parquet
// LIST layout, creates a new converter using the only child field of the repeated field.
assert(!repeatedType.isPrimitive && repeatedType.asGroupType().getFieldCount == 1)
new ElementConverter(repeatedType.asGroupType().getType(0), elementType)
override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = elementConverter
override def end(): Unit = updater.set(new GenericArrayData(currentArray.toArray))
override def start(): Unit = currentArray.clear()
/** Array element converter */
private final class ElementConverter(parquetType: Type, catalystType: DataType)
extends GroupConverter {
private var currentElement: Any = _
private[this] val converter =
newConverter(parquetType, catalystType, new ParentContainerUpdater {
override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentElement = value
override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = converter
override def end(): Unit = currentArray += currentElement
override def start(): Unit = currentElement = null
/** Parquet converter for maps */
private final class ParquetMapConverter(
parquetType: GroupType,
catalystType: MapType,
updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends ParquetGroupConverter(updater) {
private[this] val currentKeys = ArrayBuffer.empty[Any]
private[this] val currentValues = ArrayBuffer.empty[Any]
private[this] val keyValueConverter = {
val repeatedType = parquetType.getType(0).asGroupType()
new KeyValueConverter(
override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = keyValueConverter
override def end(): Unit = {
// The parquet map may contains null or duplicated map keys. When it happens, the behavior is
// undefined.
// TODO (SPARK-26174): disallow it with a config.
new ArrayBasedMapData(
new GenericArrayData(currentKeys.toArray),
new GenericArrayData(currentValues.toArray)))
override def start(): Unit = {
/** Parquet converter for key-value pairs within the map. */
private final class KeyValueConverter(
parquetKeyType: Type,
parquetValueType: Type,
catalystKeyType: DataType,
catalystValueType: DataType)
extends GroupConverter {
private var currentKey: Any = _
private var currentValue: Any = _
private[this] val converters = Array(
// Converter for keys
newConverter(parquetKeyType, catalystKeyType, new ParentContainerUpdater {
override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentKey = value
// Converter for values
newConverter(parquetValueType, catalystValueType, new ParentContainerUpdater {
override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentValue = value
override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = converters(fieldIndex)
override def end(): Unit = {
currentKeys += currentKey
currentValues += currentValue
override def start(): Unit = {
currentKey = null
currentValue = null
private trait RepeatedConverter {
private[this] val currentArray = ArrayBuffer.empty[Any]
protected def newArrayUpdater(updater: ParentContainerUpdater) = new ParentContainerUpdater {
override def start(): Unit = currentArray.clear()
override def end(): Unit = updater.set(new GenericArrayData(currentArray.toArray))
override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentArray += value
* A primitive converter for converting unannotated repeated primitive values to required arrays
* of required primitives values.
private final class RepeatedPrimitiveConverter(
parquetType: Type,
catalystType: DataType,
parentUpdater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends PrimitiveConverter with RepeatedConverter with HasParentContainerUpdater {
val updater: ParentContainerUpdater = newArrayUpdater(parentUpdater)
private[this] val elementConverter: PrimitiveConverter =
newConverter(parquetType, catalystType, updater).asPrimitiveConverter()
override def addBoolean(value: Boolean): Unit = elementConverter.addBoolean(value)
override def addInt(value: Int): Unit = elementConverter.addInt(value)
override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = elementConverter.addLong(value)
override def addFloat(value: Float): Unit = elementConverter.addFloat(value)
override def addDouble(value: Double): Unit = elementConverter.addDouble(value)
override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = elementConverter.addBinary(value)
override def setDictionary(dict: Dictionary): Unit = elementConverter.setDictionary(dict)
override def hasDictionarySupport: Boolean = elementConverter.hasDictionarySupport
override def addValueFromDictionary(id: Int): Unit = elementConverter.addValueFromDictionary(id)
* A group converter for converting unannotated repeated group values to required arrays of
* required struct values.
private final class RepeatedGroupConverter(
parquetType: Type,
catalystType: DataType,
parentUpdater: ParentContainerUpdater)
extends GroupConverter with HasParentContainerUpdater with RepeatedConverter {
val updater: ParentContainerUpdater = newArrayUpdater(parentUpdater)
private[this] val elementConverter: GroupConverter =
newConverter(parquetType, catalystType, updater).asGroupConverter()
override def getConverter(field: Int): Converter = elementConverter.getConverter(field)
override def end(): Unit = elementConverter.end()
override def start(): Unit = elementConverter.start()
private[parquet] object ParquetRowConverter {
def binaryToUnscaledLong(binary: Binary): Long = {
// The underlying `ByteBuffer` implementation is guaranteed to be `HeapByteBuffer`, so here
// we are using `Binary.toByteBuffer.array()` to steal the underlying byte array without
// copying it.
val buffer = binary.toByteBuffer
val bytes = buffer.array()
val start = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position()
val end = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.limit()
var unscaled = 0L
var i = start
while (i < end) {
unscaled = (unscaled << 8) | (bytes(i) & 0xff)
i += 1
val bits = 8 * (end - start)
unscaled = (unscaled << (64 - bits)) >> (64 - bits)
def binaryToSQLTimestamp(binary: Binary): Long = {
assert(binary.length() == 12, s"Timestamps (with nanoseconds) are expected to be stored in" +
s" 12-byte long binaries. Found a ${binary.length()}-byte binary instead.")
val buffer = binary.toByteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
val timeOfDayNanos = buffer.getLong
val julianDay = buffer.getInt
DateTimeUtils.fromJulianDay(julianDay, timeOfDayNanos)
spark ParquetRecordMaterializer 源码
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2、 - 优质文章
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦