spark ParquetRowConverter 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark ParquetRowConverter 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet

import java.math.{BigDecimal, BigInteger}
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import java.time.{ZoneId, ZoneOffset}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.parquet.column.Dictionary
import{Binary, Converter, GroupConverter, PrimitiveConverter}
import org.apache.parquet.schema.{GroupType, Type, Types}
import org.apache.parquet.schema.LogicalTypeAnnotation._
import org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName.{BINARY, FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, INT32, INT64, INT96}

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ArrayBasedMapData, CaseInsensitiveMap, DateTimeUtils, GenericArrayData}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.RebaseDateTime.RebaseSpec
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ResolveDefaultColumns._
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryExecutionErrors
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSourceUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.Utils

 * A [[ParentContainerUpdater]] is used by a Parquet converter to set converted values to some
 * corresponding parent container. For example, a converter for a `StructType` field may set
 * converted values to a [[InternalRow]]; or a converter for array elements may append converted
 * values to an [[ArrayBuffer]].
private[parquet] trait ParentContainerUpdater {
  /** Called before a record field is being converted */
  def start(): Unit = ()

  /** Called after a record field is being converted */
  def end(): Unit = ()

  def set(value: Any): Unit = ()
  def setBoolean(value: Boolean): Unit = set(value)
  def setByte(value: Byte): Unit = set(value)
  def setShort(value: Short): Unit = set(value)
  def setInt(value: Int): Unit = set(value)
  def setLong(value: Long): Unit = set(value)
  def setFloat(value: Float): Unit = set(value)
  def setDouble(value: Double): Unit = set(value)

/** A no-op updater used for root converter (who doesn't have a parent). */
private[parquet] object NoopUpdater extends ParentContainerUpdater

private[parquet] trait HasParentContainerUpdater {
  def updater: ParentContainerUpdater

 * A convenient converter class for Parquet group types with a [[HasParentContainerUpdater]].
private[parquet] abstract class ParquetGroupConverter(val updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
  extends GroupConverter with HasParentContainerUpdater

 * Parquet converter for Parquet primitive types.  Note that not all Spark SQL atomic types
 * are handled by this converter.  Parquet primitive types are only a subset of those of Spark
 * SQL.  For example, BYTE, SHORT, and INT in Spark SQL are all covered by INT32 in Parquet.
private[parquet] class ParquetPrimitiveConverter(val updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
  extends PrimitiveConverter with HasParentContainerUpdater {

  override def addBoolean(value: Boolean): Unit = updater.setBoolean(value)
  override def addInt(value: Int): Unit = updater.setInt(value)
  override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = updater.setLong(value)
  override def addFloat(value: Float): Unit = updater.setFloat(value)
  override def addDouble(value: Double): Unit = updater.setDouble(value)
  override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = updater.set(value.getBytes)

 * A [[ParquetRowConverter]] is used to convert Parquet records into Catalyst [[InternalRow]]s.
 * Since Catalyst `StructType` is also a Parquet record, this converter can be used as root
 * converter.  Take the following Parquet type as an example:
 * {{{
 *   message root {
 *     required int32 f1;
 *     optional group f2 {
 *       required double f21;
 *       optional binary f22 (utf8);
 *     }
 *   }
 * }}}
 * 5 converters will be created:
 * - a root [[ParquetRowConverter]] for [[org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType]] `root`,
 * which contains:
 *   - a [[ParquetPrimitiveConverter]] for required
 *   [[org.apache.parquet.schema.LogicalTypeAnnotation.intType(32, true)]] field `f1`, and
 *   - a nested [[ParquetRowConverter]] for optional [[GroupType]] `f2`, which contains:
 *     - a [[ParquetPrimitiveConverter]] for required
 *     [[org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName.DOUBLE]] field `f21`, and
 *     - a [[ParquetStringConverter]] for optional
 *     [[org.apache.parquet.schema.LogicalTypeAnnotation.stringType()]] string field `f22`
 * When used as a root converter, [[NoopUpdater]] should be used since root converters don't have
 * any "parent" container.
 * @param schemaConverter A utility converter used to convert Parquet types to Catalyst types.
 * @param parquetType Parquet schema of Parquet records
 * @param catalystType Spark SQL schema that corresponds to the Parquet record type. User-defined
 *        types should have been expanded.
 * @param convertTz the optional time zone to convert to int96 data
 * @param datetimeRebaseSpec the specification of rebasing date/timestamp from Julian to Proleptic
 *                           Gregorian calendar: mode + optional original time zone
 * @param int96RebaseSpec the specification of rebasing INT96 timestamp from Julian to Proleptic
 *                        Gregorian calendar
 * @param updater An updater which propagates converted field values to the parent container
private[parquet] class ParquetRowConverter(
    schemaConverter: ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter,
    parquetType: GroupType,
    catalystType: StructType,
    convertTz: Option[ZoneId],
    datetimeRebaseSpec: RebaseSpec,
    int96RebaseSpec: RebaseSpec,
    updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
  extends ParquetGroupConverter(updater) with Logging {

    parquetType.getFieldCount <= catalystType.length,
    s"""Field count of the Parquet schema is greater than the field count of the Catalyst schema:
       |Parquet schema:
       |Catalyst schema:

    s"""User-defined types in Catalyst schema should have already been expanded:

    s"""Building row converter for the following schema:
       |Parquet form:
       |Catalyst form:

   * Updater used together with field converters within a [[ParquetRowConverter]].  It propagates
   * converted filed values to the `ordinal`-th cell in `currentRow`.
  private class RowUpdater(row: InternalRow, ordinal: Int) extends ParentContainerUpdater {
    override def set(value: Any): Unit = row(ordinal) = value
    override def setBoolean(value: Boolean): Unit = row.setBoolean(ordinal, value)
    override def setByte(value: Byte): Unit = row.setByte(ordinal, value)
    override def setShort(value: Short): Unit = row.setShort(ordinal, value)
    override def setInt(value: Int): Unit = row.setInt(ordinal, value)
    override def setLong(value: Long): Unit = row.setLong(ordinal, value)
    override def setDouble(value: Double): Unit = row.setDouble(ordinal, value)
    override def setFloat(value: Float): Unit = row.setFloat(ordinal, value)

  private[this] val currentRow = new SpecificInternalRow(

   * The [[InternalRow]] converted from an entire Parquet record.
  def currentRecord: InternalRow = {
    applyExistenceDefaultValuesToRow(catalystType, currentRow)

  private val dateRebaseFunc = DataSourceUtils.createDateRebaseFuncInRead(
    datetimeRebaseSpec.mode, "Parquet")

  private val timestampRebaseFunc = DataSourceUtils.createTimestampRebaseFuncInRead(
    datetimeRebaseSpec, "Parquet")

  private val int96RebaseFunc = DataSourceUtils.createTimestampRebaseFuncInRead(
    int96RebaseSpec, "Parquet INT96")

  // Converters for each field.
  private[this] val fieldConverters: Array[Converter with HasParentContainerUpdater] = {
    // (SPARK-31116) Use case insensitive map if spark.sql.caseSensitive is false
    // to prevent throwing IllegalArgumentException when searching catalyst type's field index
    def nameToIndex: Map[String, Int] = Utils.toMapWithIndex(catalystType.fieldNames)

    val catalystFieldIdxByName = if (SQLConf.get.caseSensitiveAnalysis) {
    } else {

    // (SPARK-38094) parquet field ids, if exist, should be prioritized for matching
    val catalystFieldIdxByFieldId =
      if (SQLConf.get.parquetFieldIdReadEnabled && ParquetUtils.hasFieldIds(catalystType)) {
          .filter { case (f, _) => ParquetUtils.hasFieldId(f) }
          .map { case (f, idx) => (ParquetUtils.getFieldId(f), idx) }
      } else {
        Map.empty[Int, Int]
    // If any fields in the Catalyst result schema have associated existence default values,
    // maintain a boolean array to track which fields have been explicitly assigned for each row.
    if (catalystType.hasExistenceDefaultValues) {
      for (i <- 0 until catalystType.existenceDefaultValues.size) {
        catalystType.existenceDefaultsBitmask(i) =
          // Assume the schema for a Parquet file-based table contains N fields. Then if we later
          // run a command "ALTER TABLE t ADD COLUMN c DEFAULT <value>" on the Parquet table, this
          // adds one field to the Catalyst schema. Then if we query the old files with the new
          // Catalyst schema, we should only apply the existence default value to all columns >= N.
          if (i < parquetType.getFieldCount) {
          } else {
            catalystType.existenceDefaultValues(i) != null
    } { parquetField =>
      val catalystFieldIndex = Option(parquetField.getId).flatMap { fieldId =>
        // field has id, try to match by id first before falling back to match by name
      }.getOrElse {
        // field doesn't have id, just match by name
      val catalystField = catalystType(catalystFieldIndex)
      // Create a RowUpdater instance for converting Parquet objects to Catalyst rows.
      val rowUpdater: RowUpdater = new RowUpdater(currentRow, catalystFieldIndex)
      // Converted field value should be set to the `fieldIndex`-th cell of `currentRow`
      newConverter(parquetField, catalystField.dataType, rowUpdater)

  // Updaters for each field.
  private[this] val fieldUpdaters: Array[ParentContainerUpdater] =

  override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = fieldConverters(fieldIndex)

  override def end(): Unit = {
    var i = 0
    while (i < fieldUpdaters.length) {
      i += 1

  override def start(): Unit = {
    var i = 0
    val numFields = currentRow.numFields
    while (i < numFields) {
      i += 1
    i = 0
    while (i < fieldUpdaters.length) {
      i += 1

   * Creates a converter for the given Parquet type `parquetType` and Spark SQL data type
   * `catalystType`. Converted values are handled by `updater`.
  private def newConverter(
      parquetType: Type,
      catalystType: DataType,
      updater: ParentContainerUpdater): Converter with HasParentContainerUpdater = {

    def isUnsignedIntTypeMatched(bitWidth: Int): Boolean = {
      parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation match {
        case i: IntLogicalTypeAnnotation if !i.isSigned => i.getBitWidth == bitWidth
        case _ => false

    catalystType match {
      case LongType if isUnsignedIntTypeMatched(32) =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          override def addInt(value: Int): Unit =
      case BooleanType | IntegerType | LongType | FloatType | DoubleType | BinaryType |
        _: AnsiIntervalType =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater)

      case ByteType =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          override def addInt(value: Int): Unit =

      case ShortType =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          override def addInt(value: Int): Unit =

      // For INT32 backed decimals
      case _: DecimalType if parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == INT32 =>
        parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getLogicalTypeAnnotation match {
          case decimalType: DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation =>
            new ParquetIntDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
              decimalType.getPrecision, decimalType.getScale, updater)
          case _ =>
            // If the column is a plain INT32, we should pick the precision that can host the
            // largest INT32 value.
            new ParquetIntDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
              DecimalType.IntDecimal.precision, 0, updater)

      // For unsigned int64
      case _: DecimalType if isUnsignedIntTypeMatched(64) =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {

      // For INT64 backed decimals
      case t: DecimalType if parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == INT64 =>
        parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getLogicalTypeAnnotation match {
          case decimalType: DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation =>
            new ParquetLongDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
              decimalType.getPrecision, decimalType.getScale, updater)
          case _ =>
            // If the column is a plain INT64, we should pick the precision that can host the
            // largest INT64 value.
            new ParquetLongDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
              DecimalType.LongDecimal.precision, 0, updater)

      // For BINARY and FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY backed decimals
      case t: DecimalType
        if parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY ||
           parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == BINARY =>
        parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getLogicalTypeAnnotation match {
          case decimalType: DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation =>
            new ParquetBinaryDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
              decimalType.getPrecision, decimalType.getScale, updater)
          case _ =>
            throw QueryExecutionErrors.cannotCreateParquetConverterForTypeError(
              t, parquetType.toString)

      case t: DecimalType =>
        throw QueryExecutionErrors.cannotCreateParquetConverterForDecimalTypeError(
          t, parquetType.toString)

      case StringType =>
        new ParquetStringConverter(updater)

      // As long as the parquet type is INT64 timestamp, whether logical annotation
      // `isAdjustedToUTC` is false or true, it will be read as Spark's TimestampLTZ type
      case TimestampType
        if parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation.isInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation] &&
             .asInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation].getUnit == TimeUnit.MICROS =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {

      // As long as the parquet type is INT64 timestamp, whether logical annotation
      // `isAdjustedToUTC` is false or true, it will be read as Spark's TimestampLTZ type
      case TimestampType
        if parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation.isInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation] &&
            .asInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation].getUnit == TimeUnit.MILLIS =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {
            val micros = DateTimeUtils.millisToMicros(value)

      // INT96 timestamp doesn't have a logical type, here we check the physical type instead.
      case TimestampType if parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == INT96 =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          // Converts nanosecond timestamps stored as INT96
          override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = {
            val julianMicros = ParquetRowConverter.binaryToSQLTimestamp(value)
            val gregorianMicros = int96RebaseFunc(julianMicros)
            val adjTime =, _, ZoneOffset.UTC))

      case TimestampNTZType
        if canReadAsTimestampNTZ(parquetType) &&
            .asInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation].getUnit == TimeUnit.MICROS =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater)

      case TimestampNTZType
        if canReadAsTimestampNTZ(parquetType) &&
            .asInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation].getUnit == TimeUnit.MILLIS =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {
            val micros = DateTimeUtils.millisToMicros(value)

      case DateType =>
        new ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {
          override def addInt(value: Int): Unit = {

      // A repeated field that is neither contained by a `LIST`- or `MAP`-annotated group nor
      // annotated by `LIST` or `MAP` should be interpreted as a required list of required
      // elements where the element type is the type of the field.
      case t: ArrayType
        if !parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation.isInstanceOf[ListLogicalTypeAnnotation] =>
        if (parquetType.isPrimitive) {
          new RepeatedPrimitiveConverter(parquetType, t.elementType, updater)
        } else {
          new RepeatedGroupConverter(parquetType, t.elementType, updater)

      case t: ArrayType =>
        new ParquetArrayConverter(parquetType.asGroupType(), t, updater)

      case t: MapType =>
        new ParquetMapConverter(parquetType.asGroupType(), t, updater)

      case t: StructType =>
        val wrappedUpdater = {
          // SPARK-30338: avoid unnecessary InternalRow copying for nested structs:
          // There are two cases to handle here:
          //  1. Parent container is a map or array: we must make a deep copy of the mutable row
          //     because this converter may be invoked multiple times per Parquet input record
          //     (if the map or array contains multiple elements).
          //  2. Parent container is a struct: we don't need to copy the row here because either:
          //     (a) all ancestors are structs and therefore no copying is required because this
          //         converter will only be invoked once per Parquet input record, or
          //     (b) some ancestor is struct that is nested in a map or array and that ancestor's
          //         converter will perform deep-copying (which will recursively copy this row).
          if (updater.isInstanceOf[RowUpdater]) {
            // `updater` is a RowUpdater, implying that the parent container is a struct.
          } else {
            // `updater` is NOT a RowUpdater, implying that the parent container a map or array.
            new ParentContainerUpdater {
              override def set(value: Any): Unit = {
                updater.set(value.asInstanceOf[SpecificInternalRow].copy())  // deep copy
        new ParquetRowConverter(

      case t =>
        throw QueryExecutionErrors.cannotCreateParquetConverterForDataTypeError(
          t, parquetType.toString)

  // Only INT64 column with Timestamp logical annotation `isAdjustedToUTC=false`
  // can be read as Spark's TimestampNTZ type. This is to avoid mistakes in reading the timestamp
  // values.
  private def canReadAsTimestampNTZ(parquetType: Type): Boolean =
    schemaConverter.isTimestampNTZEnabled() &&
      parquetType.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName == INT64 &&
      parquetType.getLogicalTypeAnnotation.isInstanceOf[TimestampLogicalTypeAnnotation] &&

   * Parquet converter for strings. A dictionary is used to minimize string decoding cost.
  private final class ParquetStringConverter(updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {

    private var expandedDictionary: Array[UTF8String] = null

    override def hasDictionarySupport: Boolean = true

    override def setDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary): Unit = {
      this.expandedDictionary = Array.tabulate(dictionary.getMaxId + 1) { i =>

    override def addValueFromDictionary(dictionaryId: Int): Unit = {

    override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = {
      // The underlying `ByteBuffer` implementation is guaranteed to be `HeapByteBuffer`, so here we
      // are using `Binary.toByteBuffer.array()` to steal the underlying byte array without copying
      // it.
      val buffer = value.toByteBuffer
      val offset = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position()
      val numBytes = buffer.remaining()
      updater.set(UTF8String.fromBytes(buffer.array(), offset, numBytes))

   * Parquet converter for fixed-precision decimals.
  private abstract class ParquetDecimalConverter(
      precision: Int, scale: Int, updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends ParquetPrimitiveConverter(updater) {

    protected var expandedDictionary: Array[Decimal] = _

    override def hasDictionarySupport: Boolean = true

    override def addValueFromDictionary(dictionaryId: Int): Unit = {

    // Converts decimals stored as INT32
    override def addInt(value: Int): Unit = {
      addLong(value: Long)

    // Converts decimals stored as INT64
    override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = {

    // Converts decimals stored as either FIXED_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY or BINARY
    override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = {

    protected def decimalFromLong(value: Long): Decimal = {
      Decimal(value, precision, scale)

    protected def decimalFromBinary(value: Binary): Decimal = {
      if (precision <= Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS) {
        // Constructs a `Decimal` with an unscaled `Long` value if possible.
        val unscaled = ParquetRowConverter.binaryToUnscaledLong(value)
        Decimal(unscaled, precision, scale)
      } else {
        // Otherwise, resorts to an unscaled `BigInteger` instead.
        Decimal(new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(value.getBytes), scale), precision, scale)

  private class ParquetIntDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
      precision: Int, scale: Int, updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends ParquetDecimalConverter(precision, scale, updater) {

    override def setDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary): Unit = {
      this.expandedDictionary = Array.tabulate(dictionary.getMaxId + 1) { id =>

  private class ParquetLongDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
      precision: Int, scale: Int, updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends ParquetDecimalConverter(precision, scale, updater) {

    override def setDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary): Unit = {
      this.expandedDictionary = Array.tabulate(dictionary.getMaxId + 1) { id =>

  private class ParquetBinaryDictionaryAwareDecimalConverter(
      precision: Int, scale: Int, updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends ParquetDecimalConverter(precision, scale, updater) {

    override def setDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary): Unit = {
      this.expandedDictionary = Array.tabulate(dictionary.getMaxId + 1) { id =>

   * Parquet converter for arrays.  Spark SQL arrays are represented as Parquet lists.  Standard
   * Parquet lists are represented as a 3-level group annotated by `LIST`:
   * {{{
   *   <list-repetition> group <name> (LIST) {            <-- parquetSchema points here
   *     repeated group list {
   *       <element-repetition> <element-type> element;
   *     }
   *   }
   * }}}
   * The `parquetSchema` constructor argument points to the outermost group.
   * However, before this representation is standardized, some Parquet libraries/tools also use some
   * non-standard formats to represent list-like structures.  Backwards-compatibility rules for
   * handling these cases are described in Parquet format spec.
   * @see
  private final class ParquetArrayConverter(
      parquetSchema: GroupType,
      catalystSchema: ArrayType,
      updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends ParquetGroupConverter(updater) {

    private[this] val currentArray = ArrayBuffer.empty[Any]

    private[this] val elementConverter: Converter = {
      val repeatedType = parquetSchema.getType(0)
      val elementType = catalystSchema.elementType

      // At this stage, we need to figure out if the repeated field maps to the element type or is
      // just the syntactic repeated group of the 3-level standard LIST layout. Take the following
      // Parquet LIST-annotated group type as an example:
      //    optional group f (LIST) {
      //      repeated group list {
      //        optional group element {
      //          optional int32 element;
      //        }
      //      }
      //    }
      // This type is ambiguous:
      // 1. When interpreted as a standard 3-level layout, the `list` field is just the syntactic
      //    group, and the entire type should be translated to:
      //      ARRAY<STRUCT<element: INT>>
      // 2. On the other hand, when interpreted as a non-standard 2-level layout, the `list` field
      //    represents the element type, and the entire type should be translated to:
      //      ARRAY<STRUCT<element: STRUCT<element: INT>>>
      // Here we try to convert field `list` into a Catalyst type to see whether the converted type
      // matches the Catalyst array element type.
      // If the guessed element type from the above does not match the Catalyst type (for example,
      // in case of schema evolution), we need to check if the repeated type matches one of the
      // backward-compatibility rules for legacy LIST types (see the link above).
      // If the element type does not match the Catalyst type and the underlying repeated type
      // does not belong to the legacy LIST type, then it is case 1; otherwise, it is case 2.
      // Since `convertField` method requires a Parquet `ColumnIO` as input, here we first create
      // a dummy message type which wraps the given repeated type, and then convert it to the
      // `ColumnIO` using Parquet API.
      val messageType = Types.buildMessage().addField(repeatedType).named("foo")
      val column = new ColumnIOFactory().getColumnIO(messageType)
      val guessedElementType = schemaConverter.convertField(column.getChild(0)).sparkType
      val isLegacy = schemaConverter.isElementType(repeatedType, parquetSchema.getName)

      if (DataType.equalsIgnoreCompatibleNullability(guessedElementType, elementType) || isLegacy) {
        // If the repeated field corresponds to the element type, creates a new converter using the
        // type of the repeated field.
        newConverter(repeatedType, elementType, new ParentContainerUpdater {
          override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentArray += value
      } else {
        // If the repeated field corresponds to the syntactic group in the standard 3-level Parquet
        // LIST layout, creates a new converter using the only child field of the repeated field.
        assert(!repeatedType.isPrimitive && repeatedType.asGroupType().getFieldCount == 1)
        new ElementConverter(repeatedType.asGroupType().getType(0), elementType)

    override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = elementConverter

    override def end(): Unit = updater.set(new GenericArrayData(currentArray.toArray))

    override def start(): Unit = currentArray.clear()

    /** Array element converter */
    private final class ElementConverter(parquetType: Type, catalystType: DataType)
      extends GroupConverter {

      private var currentElement: Any = _

      private[this] val converter =
        newConverter(parquetType, catalystType, new ParentContainerUpdater {
          override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentElement = value

      override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = converter

      override def end(): Unit = currentArray += currentElement

      override def start(): Unit = currentElement = null

  /** Parquet converter for maps */
  private final class ParquetMapConverter(
      parquetType: GroupType,
      catalystType: MapType,
      updater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends ParquetGroupConverter(updater) {

    private[this] val currentKeys = ArrayBuffer.empty[Any]
    private[this] val currentValues = ArrayBuffer.empty[Any]

    private[this] val keyValueConverter = {
      val repeatedType = parquetType.getType(0).asGroupType()
      new KeyValueConverter(

    override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = keyValueConverter

    override def end(): Unit = {
      // The parquet map may contains null or duplicated map keys. When it happens, the behavior is
      // undefined.
      // TODO (SPARK-26174): disallow it with a config.
        new ArrayBasedMapData(
          new GenericArrayData(currentKeys.toArray),
          new GenericArrayData(currentValues.toArray)))

    override def start(): Unit = {

    /** Parquet converter for key-value pairs within the map. */
    private final class KeyValueConverter(
        parquetKeyType: Type,
        parquetValueType: Type,
        catalystKeyType: DataType,
        catalystValueType: DataType)
      extends GroupConverter {

      private var currentKey: Any = _

      private var currentValue: Any = _

      private[this] val converters = Array(
        // Converter for keys
        newConverter(parquetKeyType, catalystKeyType, new ParentContainerUpdater {
          override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentKey = value

        // Converter for values
        newConverter(parquetValueType, catalystValueType, new ParentContainerUpdater {
          override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentValue = value

      override def getConverter(fieldIndex: Int): Converter = converters(fieldIndex)

      override def end(): Unit = {
        currentKeys += currentKey
        currentValues += currentValue

      override def start(): Unit = {
        currentKey = null
        currentValue = null

  private trait RepeatedConverter {
    private[this] val currentArray = ArrayBuffer.empty[Any]

    protected def newArrayUpdater(updater: ParentContainerUpdater) = new ParentContainerUpdater {
      override def start(): Unit = currentArray.clear()
      override def end(): Unit = updater.set(new GenericArrayData(currentArray.toArray))
      override def set(value: Any): Unit = currentArray += value

   * A primitive converter for converting unannotated repeated primitive values to required arrays
   * of required primitives values.
  private final class RepeatedPrimitiveConverter(
      parquetType: Type,
      catalystType: DataType,
      parentUpdater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends PrimitiveConverter with RepeatedConverter with HasParentContainerUpdater {

    val updater: ParentContainerUpdater = newArrayUpdater(parentUpdater)

    private[this] val elementConverter: PrimitiveConverter =
      newConverter(parquetType, catalystType, updater).asPrimitiveConverter()

    override def addBoolean(value: Boolean): Unit = elementConverter.addBoolean(value)
    override def addInt(value: Int): Unit = elementConverter.addInt(value)
    override def addLong(value: Long): Unit = elementConverter.addLong(value)
    override def addFloat(value: Float): Unit = elementConverter.addFloat(value)
    override def addDouble(value: Double): Unit = elementConverter.addDouble(value)
    override def addBinary(value: Binary): Unit = elementConverter.addBinary(value)

    override def setDictionary(dict: Dictionary): Unit = elementConverter.setDictionary(dict)
    override def hasDictionarySupport: Boolean = elementConverter.hasDictionarySupport
    override def addValueFromDictionary(id: Int): Unit = elementConverter.addValueFromDictionary(id)

   * A group converter for converting unannotated repeated group values to required arrays of
   * required struct values.
  private final class RepeatedGroupConverter(
      parquetType: Type,
      catalystType: DataType,
      parentUpdater: ParentContainerUpdater)
    extends GroupConverter with HasParentContainerUpdater with RepeatedConverter {

    val updater: ParentContainerUpdater = newArrayUpdater(parentUpdater)

    private[this] val elementConverter: GroupConverter =
      newConverter(parquetType, catalystType, updater).asGroupConverter()

    override def getConverter(field: Int): Converter = elementConverter.getConverter(field)
    override def end(): Unit = elementConverter.end()
    override def start(): Unit = elementConverter.start()

private[parquet] object ParquetRowConverter {
  def binaryToUnscaledLong(binary: Binary): Long = {
    // The underlying `ByteBuffer` implementation is guaranteed to be `HeapByteBuffer`, so here
    // we are using `Binary.toByteBuffer.array()` to steal the underlying byte array without
    // copying it.
    val buffer = binary.toByteBuffer
    val bytes = buffer.array()
    val start = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position()
    val end = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.limit()

    var unscaled = 0L
    var i = start

    while (i < end) {
      unscaled = (unscaled << 8) | (bytes(i) & 0xff)
      i += 1

    val bits = 8 * (end - start)
    unscaled = (unscaled << (64 - bits)) >> (64 - bits)

  def binaryToSQLTimestamp(binary: Binary): Long = {
    assert(binary.length() == 12, s"Timestamps (with nanoseconds) are expected to be stored in" +
      s" 12-byte long binaries. Found a ${binary.length()}-byte binary instead.")
    val buffer = binary.toByteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
    val timeOfDayNanos = buffer.getLong
    val julianDay = buffer.getInt
    DateTimeUtils.fromJulianDay(julianDay, timeOfDayNanos)


spark 源码目录


spark ParquetColumn 源码

spark ParquetFileFormat 源码

spark ParquetFilters 源码

spark ParquetOptions 源码

spark ParquetOutputWriter 源码

spark ParquetReadSupport 源码

spark ParquetRecordMaterializer 源码

spark ParquetRowIndexUtil 源码

spark ParquetSchemaConverter 源码

spark ParquetUtils 源码

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