spark Murmur3_x86_32 源码
spark Murmur3_x86_32 代码
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package org.apache.spark.unsafe.hash;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform;
* 32-bit Murmur3 hasher. This is based on Guava's Murmur3_32HashFunction.
public final class Murmur3_x86_32 {
private static final boolean isBigEndian = ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
private static final int C1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
private static final int C2 = 0x1b873593;
private final int seed;
public Murmur3_x86_32(int seed) {
this.seed = seed;
public String toString() {
return "Murmur3_32(seed=" + seed + ")";
public int hashInt(int input) {
return hashInt(input, seed);
public static int hashInt(int input, int seed) {
int k1 = mixK1(input);
int h1 = mixH1(seed, k1);
return fmix(h1, 4);
public int hashUnsafeWords(Object base, long offset, int lengthInBytes) {
return hashUnsafeWords(base, offset, lengthInBytes, seed);
public static int hashUnsafeWords(Object base, long offset, int lengthInBytes, int seed) {
// This is based on Guava's `Murmur32_Hasher.processRemaining(ByteBuffer)` method.
assert (lengthInBytes % 8 == 0): "lengthInBytes must be a multiple of 8 (word-aligned)";
int h1 = hashBytesByInt(base, offset, lengthInBytes, seed);
return fmix(h1, lengthInBytes);
public static int hashUnsafeBytes(Object base, long offset, int lengthInBytes, int seed) {
// This is not compatible with original and another implementations.
// But remain it for backward compatibility for the components existing before 2.3.
assert (lengthInBytes >= 0): "lengthInBytes cannot be negative";
int lengthAligned = lengthInBytes - lengthInBytes % 4;
int h1 = hashBytesByInt(base, offset, lengthAligned, seed);
for (int i = lengthAligned; i < lengthInBytes; i++) {
int halfWord = Platform.getByte(base, offset + i);
int k1 = mixK1(halfWord);
h1 = mixH1(h1, k1);
return fmix(h1, lengthInBytes);
public static int hashUnsafeBytes2(Object base, long offset, int lengthInBytes, int seed) {
// This is compatible with original and another implementations.
// Use this method for new components after Spark 2.3.
assert (lengthInBytes >= 0): "lengthInBytes cannot be negative";
int lengthAligned = lengthInBytes - lengthInBytes % 4;
int h1 = hashBytesByInt(base, offset, lengthAligned, seed);
int k1 = 0;
for (int i = lengthAligned, shift = 0; i < lengthInBytes; i++, shift += 8) {
k1 ^= (Platform.getByte(base, offset + i) & 0xFF) << shift;
h1 ^= mixK1(k1);
return fmix(h1, lengthInBytes);
private static int hashBytesByInt(Object base, long offset, int lengthInBytes, int seed) {
assert (lengthInBytes % 4 == 0);
int h1 = seed;
for (int i = 0; i < lengthInBytes; i += 4) {
int halfWord = Platform.getInt(base, offset + i);
if (isBigEndian) {
halfWord = Integer.reverseBytes(halfWord);
h1 = mixH1(h1, mixK1(halfWord));
return h1;
public int hashLong(long input) {
return hashLong(input, seed);
public static int hashLong(long input, int seed) {
int low = (int) input;
int high = (int) (input >>> 32);
int k1 = mixK1(low);
int h1 = mixH1(seed, k1);
k1 = mixK1(high);
h1 = mixH1(h1, k1);
return fmix(h1, 8);
private static int mixK1(int k1) {
k1 *= C1;
k1 = Integer.rotateLeft(k1, 15);
k1 *= C2;
return k1;
private static int mixH1(int h1, int k1) {
h1 ^= k1;
h1 = Integer.rotateLeft(h1, 13);
h1 = h1 * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
return h1;
// Finalization mix - force all bits of a hash block to avalanche
private static int fmix(int h1, int length) {
h1 ^= length;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
h1 *= 0x85ebca6b;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 13;
h1 *= 0xc2b2ae35;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
return h1;
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