tidb errors 源码
tidb errors 代码
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package autoid
import (
mysql "github.com/pingcap/tidb/errno"
// Error instances.
var (
errInvalidTableID = dbterror.ClassAutoid.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidTableID)
errInvalidIncrementAndOffset = dbterror.ClassAutoid.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidIncrementAndOffset)
errNotImplemented = dbterror.ClassAutoid.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotImplemented)
ErrAutoincReadFailed = dbterror.ClassAutoid.NewStd(mysql.ErrAutoincReadFailed)
ErrWrongAutoKey = dbterror.ClassAutoid.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongAutoKey)
ErrInvalidAllocatorType = dbterror.ClassAutoid.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnknownAllocatorType)
ErrAutoRandReadFailed = dbterror.ClassAutoid.NewStd(mysql.ErrAutoRandReadFailed)
const (
// AutoRandomPKisNotHandleErrMsg indicates the auto_random column attribute is defined on a non-primary key column, or the primary key is nonclustered.
AutoRandomPKisNotHandleErrMsg = "column %s is not the integer primary key, or the primary key is nonclustered"
// AutoRandomIncompatibleWithAutoIncErrMsg is reported when auto_random and auto_increment are specified on the same column.
AutoRandomIncompatibleWithAutoIncErrMsg = "auto_random is incompatible with auto_increment"
// AutoRandomIncompatibleWithDefaultValueErrMsg is reported when auto_random and default are specified on the same column.
AutoRandomIncompatibleWithDefaultValueErrMsg = "auto_random is incompatible with default"
// AutoRandomOverflowErrMsg is reported when auto_random is greater than max length of a MySQL data type.
AutoRandomOverflowErrMsg = "max allowed auto_random shard bits is %d, but got %d on column `%s`"
// AutoRandomModifyColTypeErrMsg is reported when a user is trying to modify the type of a column specified with auto_random.
AutoRandomModifyColTypeErrMsg = "modifying the auto_random column type is not supported"
// AutoRandomAlterErrMsg is reported when a user is trying to add/drop/modify the value of auto_random attribute.
AutoRandomAlterErrMsg = "adding/dropping/modifying auto_random is not supported"
// AutoRandomDecreaseBitErrMsg is reported when the auto_random shard bits is decreased.
AutoRandomDecreaseBitErrMsg = "decreasing auto_random shard bits is not supported"
// AutoRandomNonPositive is reported then a user specifies a non-positive value for auto_random.
AutoRandomNonPositive = "the value of auto_random should be positive"
// AutoRandomAvailableAllocTimesNote is reported when a table containing auto_random is created.
AutoRandomAvailableAllocTimesNote = "Available implicit allocation times: %d"
// AutoRandomExplicitInsertDisabledErrMsg is reported when auto_random column value is explicitly specified, but the session var 'allow_auto_random_explicit_insert' is false.
AutoRandomExplicitInsertDisabledErrMsg = "Explicit insertion on auto_random column is disabled. Try to set @@allow_auto_random_explicit_insert = true."
// AutoRandomOnNonBigIntColumn is reported when define auto random to non bigint column
AutoRandomOnNonBigIntColumn = "auto_random option must be defined on `bigint` column, but not on `%s` column"
// AutoRandomRebaseNotApplicable is reported when alter auto_random base on a non auto_random table.
AutoRandomRebaseNotApplicable = "alter auto_random_base of a non auto_random table"
// AutoRandomRebaseOverflow is reported when alter auto_random_base to a value that overflows the incremental bits.
AutoRandomRebaseOverflow = "alter auto_random_base to %d overflows the incremental bits, max allowed base is %d"
// AutoRandomAlterAddColumn is reported when adding an auto_random column.
AutoRandomAlterAddColumn = "unsupported add column '%s' constraint AUTO_RANDOM when altering '%s.%s'"
// AutoRandomAlterChangeFromAutoInc is reported when the column is changing from a non-auto_increment or a non-primary key.
AutoRandomAlterChangeFromAutoInc = "auto_random can only be converted from auto_increment clustered primary key"
// AutoRandomAllocatorNotFound is reported when auto_random ID allocator not found during changing from auto_inc to auto_random.
AutoRandomAllocatorNotFound = "auto_random ID allocator not found in table '%s.%s'"
// AutoRandomInvalidRangeBits is reported when the auto_random_range_bits is invalid.
AutoRandomInvalidRangeBits = "auto_random range bits must be between %d and %d, but got %d"
// AutoRandomIncrementalBitsTooSmall is reported when the auto_random available use space is too small.
AutoRandomIncrementalBitsTooSmall = "auto_random ID space is too small, please decrease the shard bits or increase the range bits"
// AutoRandomUnsupportedAlterRangeBits is reported when the auto_random range_bits is changed.
AutoRandomUnsupportedAlterRangeBits = "alter the range bits of auto_random column is not supported"
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