tidb systable_restore 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (562)

tidb systable_restore 代码


// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.

package restore

import (

	berrors "github.com/pingcap/tidb/br/pkg/errors"
	filter "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/table-filter"

var statsTables = map[string]struct{}{
	"stats_buckets":    {},
	"stats_extended":   {},
	"stats_feedback":   {},
	"stats_fm_sketch":  {},
	"stats_histograms": {},
	"stats_meta":       {},
	"stats_top_n":      {},

var unRecoverableTable = map[string]struct{}{
	// some variables in tidb (e.g. gc_safe_point) cannot be recovered.
	"tidb":             {},
	"global_variables": {},

	"column_stats_usage":               {},
	"capture_plan_baselines_blacklist": {},
	// gc info don't need to recover.
	"gc_delete_range":      {},
	"gc_delete_range_done": {},

	// schema_index_usage has table id need to be rewrite.
	"schema_index_usage": {},

// tables in this map is restored when fullClusterRestore=true
// the value part is the filter in SQL where clause which is used to
// skip clearing or restoring 'cloud_admin'@'%' which is a special
// user on TiDB Cloud
var sysPrivilegeTableMap = map[string]string{
	"user":          "not (user = 'cloud_admin' and host = '%')",       // since v1.0.0
	"db":            "not (user = 'cloud_admin' and host = '%')",       // since v1.0.0
	"tables_priv":   "not (user = 'cloud_admin' and host = '%')",       // since v1.0.0
	"columns_priv":  "not (user = 'cloud_admin' and host = '%')",       // since v1.0.0
	"default_roles": "not (user = 'cloud_admin' and host = '%')",       // since v3.0.0
	"role_edges":    "not (to_user = 'cloud_admin' and to_host = '%')", // since v3.0.0
	"global_priv":   "not (user = 'cloud_admin' and host = '%')",       // since v3.0.8
	"global_grants": "not (user = 'cloud_admin' and host = '%')",       // since v5.0.3

func isUnrecoverableTable(tableName string) bool {
	_, ok := unRecoverableTable[tableName]
	return ok

func isStatsTable(tableName string) bool {
	_, ok := statsTables[tableName]
	return ok

// RestoreSystemSchemas restores the system schema(i.e. the `mysql` schema).
// Detail see https://github.com/pingcap/br/issues/679#issuecomment-762592254.
func (rc *Client) RestoreSystemSchemas(ctx context.Context, f filter.Filter) {
	sysDB := mysql.SystemDB

	temporaryDB := utils.TemporaryDBName(sysDB)
	defer rc.cleanTemporaryDatabase(ctx, sysDB)

	if !f.MatchSchema(sysDB) || !rc.withSysTable {
		log.Debug("system database filtered out", zap.String("database", sysDB))
	originDatabase, ok := rc.databases[temporaryDB.O]
	if !ok {
		log.Info("system database not backed up, skipping", zap.String("database", sysDB))
	db, ok := rc.getDatabaseByName(sysDB)
	if !ok {
		// Or should we create the database here?
		log.Warn("target database not exist, aborting", zap.String("database", sysDB))

	tablesRestored := make([]string, 0, len(originDatabase.Tables))
	for _, table := range originDatabase.Tables {
		tableName := table.Info.Name
		if f.MatchTable(sysDB, tableName.O) {
			if err := rc.replaceTemporaryTableToSystable(ctx, table.Info, db); err != nil {
				log.Warn("error during merging temporary tables into system tables",
					zap.Stringer("table", tableName),
			tablesRestored = append(tablesRestored, tableName.L)
	if err := rc.afterSystemTablesReplaced(tablesRestored); err != nil {
		for _, e := range multierr.Errors(err) {
			log.Warn("error during reconfigurating the system tables", zap.String("database", sysDB), logutil.ShortError(e))

// database is a record of a database.
// For fast querying whether a table exists and the temporary database of it.
type database struct {
	ExistingTables map[string]*model.TableInfo
	Name           model.CIStr
	TemporaryName  model.CIStr

// getDatabaseByName make a record of a database from info schema by its name.
func (rc *Client) getDatabaseByName(name string) (*database, bool) {
	infoSchema := rc.dom.InfoSchema()
	schema, ok := infoSchema.SchemaByName(model.NewCIStr(name))
	if !ok {
		return nil, false
	db := &database{
		ExistingTables: map[string]*model.TableInfo{},
		Name:           model.NewCIStr(name),
		TemporaryName:  utils.TemporaryDBName(name),
	for _, t := range schema.Tables {
		db.ExistingTables[t.Name.L] = t
	return db, true

// afterSystemTablesReplaced do some extra work for special system tables.
// e.g. after inserting to the table mysql.user, we must execute `FLUSH PRIVILEGES` to allow it take effect.
func (rc *Client) afterSystemTablesReplaced(tables []string) error {
	var err error
	for _, table := range tables {
		switch {
		case table == "user":
			if rc.fullClusterRestore {
				log.Info("privilege system table restored, please reconnect to make it effective")
				err = rc.dom.NotifyUpdatePrivilege()
			} else {
				// to make it compatible with older version
				// todo: should we allow restore system table in non-fresh cluster in later br version?
				// if we don't, we can check it at first place.
				err = multierr.Append(err, errors.Annotatef(berrors.ErrUnsupportedSystemTable,
					"restored user info may not take effect, until you should execute `FLUSH PRIVILEGES` manually"))
	return err

// replaceTemporaryTableToSystable replaces the temporary table to real system table.
func (rc *Client) replaceTemporaryTableToSystable(ctx context.Context, ti *model.TableInfo, db *database) error {
	tableName := ti.Name.L
	execSQL := func(sql string) error {
		// SQLs here only contain table name and database name, seems it is no need to redact them.
		if err := rc.db.se.Execute(ctx, sql); err != nil {
			log.Warn("failed to execute SQL restore system database",
				zap.String("table", tableName),
				zap.Stringer("database", db.Name),
				zap.String("sql", sql),
			return berrors.ErrUnknown.Wrap(err).GenWithStack("failed to execute %s", sql)
		log.Info("successfully restore system database",
			zap.String("table", tableName),
			zap.Stringer("database", db.Name),
			zap.String("sql", sql),
		return nil

	// The newly created tables have different table IDs with original tables,
	// 	hence the old statistics are invalid.
	// TODO:
	// 	1   ) Rewrite the table IDs via `UPDATE _temporary_mysql.stats_xxx SET table_id = new_table_id WHERE table_id = old_table_id`
	//		BEFORE replacing into and then execute `rc.statsHandler.Update(rc.dom.InfoSchema())`.
	//  1.5 ) (Optional) The UPDATE statement sometimes costs, the whole system tables restore step can be place into the restore pipeline.
	//  2   ) Deprecate the origin interface for backing up statistics.
	if isStatsTable(tableName) {
		return berrors.ErrUnsupportedSystemTable.GenWithStack("restoring stats via `mysql` schema isn't support yet: " +
			"the table ID is out-of-date and may corrupt existing statistics")

	if isUnrecoverableTable(tableName) {
		return berrors.ErrUnsupportedSystemTable.GenWithStack("restoring unsupported `mysql` schema table")

	if db.ExistingTables[tableName] != nil {
		whereClause := ""
		if rc.fullClusterRestore && sysPrivilegeTableMap[tableName] != "" {
			// cloud_admin is a special user on tidb cloud, need to skip it.
			whereClause = fmt.Sprintf("WHERE %s", sysPrivilegeTableMap[tableName])
			log.Info("full cluster restore, delete existing data",
				zap.String("table", tableName), zap.Stringer("schema", db.Name))
			deleteSQL := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %s %s;",
				utils.EncloseDBAndTable(db.Name.L, tableName), whereClause)
			if err := execSQL(deleteSQL); err != nil {
				return err
		log.Info("replace into existing table",
			zap.String("table", tableName),
			zap.Stringer("schema", db.Name))
		// target column order may different with source cluster
		columnNames := make([]string, 0, len(ti.Columns))
		for _, col := range ti.Columns {
			columnNames = append(columnNames, utils.EncloseName(col.Name.L))
		colListStr := strings.Join(columnNames, ",")
		replaceIntoSQL := fmt.Sprintf("REPLACE INTO %s(%s) SELECT %s FROM %s %s;",
			utils.EncloseDBAndTable(db.Name.L, tableName),
			colListStr, colListStr,
			utils.EncloseDBAndTable(db.TemporaryName.L, tableName),
		return execSQL(replaceIntoSQL)

	renameSQL := fmt.Sprintf("RENAME TABLE %s TO %s;",
		utils.EncloseDBAndTable(db.TemporaryName.L, tableName),
		utils.EncloseDBAndTable(db.Name.L, tableName),
	return execSQL(renameSQL)

func (rc *Client) cleanTemporaryDatabase(ctx context.Context, originDB string) {
	database := utils.TemporaryDBName(originDB)
	log.Debug("dropping temporary database", zap.Stringer("database", database))
	sql := fmt.Sprintf("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s", utils.EncloseName(database.L))
	if err := rc.db.se.Execute(ctx, sql); err != nil {
		logutil.WarnTerm("failed to drop temporary database, it should be dropped manually",
			zap.Stringer("database", database),


tidb 源码目录


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