harmony 鸿蒙JS API Changes of the Application Framework Subsystem

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (551)

JS API Changes of the Application Framework Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the application framework subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release over OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.settings settings setValueSync(dataAbilityHelper: DataAbilityHelper, name: string, value: string): boolean; Added
ohos.settings settings getValueSync(dataAbilityHelper: DataAbilityHelper, name: string, defValue: string): string; Added
ohos.settings settings getUriSync(name: string): string; Added
ohos.settings settings canShowFloating(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
canShowFloating(): Promise<boolean>;
ohos.settings settings enableAirplaneMode(enable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
enableAirplaneMode(enable: boolean): Promise<void>;
ohos.settings settings getValue(dataAbilityHelper: DataAbilityHelper, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<object>): void;
getValue(dataAbilityHelper: DataAbilityHelper, name: string): Promise<object>;
ohos.settings settings getURI(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<object>): void;
getURI(name: string): Promise<object>;
ohos.settings wireless const WIFI_WATCHDOG_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const WIFI_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const WIFI_TO_MOBILE_DATA_AWAKE_TIMEOUT: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const WIFI_DHCP_MAX_RETRY_COUNT: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const OWNER_LOCKDOWN_WIFI_CFG: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const WIFI_RADIO: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const NFC_RADIO: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const CELL_RADIO: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const BLUETOOTH_RADIO: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const BLUETOOTH_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const BLUETOOTH_DISCOVER_TIMEOUT: string Added
ohos.settings wireless const BLUETOOTH_DISCOVER_ABILITY_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings TTS const ENABLED_TTS_PLUGINS: string Added
ohos.settings TTS const DEFAULT_TTS_SYNTH: string Added
ohos.settings TTS const DEFAULT_TTS_RATE: string Added
ohos.settings TTS const DEFAULT_TTS_PITCH: string Added
ohos.settings sound const HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings sound const VIBRATE_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings sound const SOUND_EFFECTS_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings sound const DEFAULT_RINGTONE: string Added
ohos.settings sound const DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_SOUND: string Added
ohos.settings sound const AFFECTED_MUTE_STREAMS: string Added
ohos.settings sound const AFFECTED_MODE_RINGER_STREAMS: string Added
ohos.settings sound const DTMF_TONE_WHILE_DIALING: string Added
ohos.settings sound const DTMF_TONE_TYPE_WHILE_DIALING: string Added
ohos.settings sound const DEFAULT_ALARM_ALERT: string Added
ohos.settings sound const VIBRATE_WHILE_RINGING: string Added
ohos.settings phone const RTT_CALLING_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings network const NETWORK_PREFERENCE_USAGE: string Added
ohos.settings network const HTTP_PROXY_CFG: string Added
ohos.settings network const DATA_ROAMING_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings input const SHOW_PASSWORD_TEXT_INPUT: string Added
ohos.settings input const AUTO_REPLACE_TEXT_INPUT: string Added
ohos.settings input const AUTO_PUNCTUATE_TEXT_INPUT: string Added
ohos.settings input const AUTO_CAPS_TEXT_INPUT: string Added
ohos.settings input const SELECTOR_VISIBILITY_FOR_INPUT_METHOD: string Added
ohos.settings input const ACTIVATED_INPUT_METHODS: string Added
ohos.settings input const ACTIVATED_INPUT_METHOD_SUB_MODE: string Added
ohos.settings input const DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD: string Added
ohos.settings general const TOUCH_EXPLORATION_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const SKIP_USE_HINTS: string Added
ohos.settings general const GEOLOCATION_ORIGINS_ALLOWED: string Added
ohos.settings general const ACTIVATED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES: string Added
ohos.settings general const ACCESSIBILITY_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const DEBUG_APP_PACKAGE: string Added
ohos.settings general const DEBUGGER_WAITING: string Added
ohos.settings general const USB_STORAGE_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const DEVICE_NAME: string Added
ohos.settings general const DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const CONTACT_METADATA_SYNC_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const BOOT_COUNTING: string Added
ohos.settings general const HDC_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const DEVICE_PROVISION_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const AIRPLANE_MODE_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings general const END_BUTTON_ACTION: string Added
ohos.settings general const SETUP_WIZARD_FINISHED: string Added
ohos.settings display const DISPLAY_INVERSION_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings display const WINDOW_ANIMATION_SCALE: string Added
ohos.settings display const TRANSITION_ANIMATION_SCALE: string Added
ohos.settings display const ANIMATOR_DURATION_SCALE: string Added
ohos.settings display const DEFAULT_SCREEN_ROTATION: string Added
ohos.settings display const SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT: string Added
ohos.settings display const MANUAL_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE: number Added
ohos.settings display const AUTO_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE: number Added
ohos.settings display const AUTO_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS: string Added
ohos.settings display const SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_STATUS: string Added
ohos.settings display const FONT_SCALE: string Added
ohos.settings date const AUTO_GAIN_TIME_ZONE: string Added
ohos.settings date const AUTO_GAIN_TIME: string Added
ohos.settings date const TIME_FORMAT: string Added
ohos.settings date const DATE_FORMAT: string Added


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