harmony 鸿蒙ModuleName Error Codes

  • 2022-10-28
  • 浏览 (680)

ModuleName Error Codes


  1. Delete all writing instructions from your document after you finish the writing.

  2. The error code document must be named in the format of errorcode-moduleName.md, where moduleName must be the same as that used in the corresponding API reference document.

Item Writing Instruction
1 error.errorNumber Use the error code IDs that are designed based on the unified error code numbering rule.
2 error.message Meaning of this field: If an exception occurs, an error object is thrown. The object contains errorNumber and error.message, which is a short text description of the error code in English.
1. The description should be concise and specific.
2. The description should be grammatically correct.
3 Description Meaning of this field: provides detailed description for the error code, including the use case when and the location where the error code is thrown.
1. Describe the use case when the error code is thrown, for example, when developing a specific service or feature.
2. Describe the symptom and location of the error (for example, the exact module name, class name, and interface name).
4 Possible Causes Meaning of this field: lists all possible causes of the error.
1. List all the possible causes.
2. Use concise sentences.
3. Sort the causes by possibility in descending order.
5 Procedure Meaning of this field: describes how to handle the error based on the symptom and possible causes.
1. Provide the procedure step by step. Each step should correspond to a possible cause. You can use substeps for complex operations of a step.
2. The steps should be clear, specific, and executable. If judgment is involved, provide clear judgment criteria.
3. If an operation has impact on the system or services, provide warning information in the form of Caution or Warning before the operation.

1300001 Repeated Operation (Error Code + Space + Error Description)

Error Message

Repeated operation.



Describe the use case (for example, developing a specific service or feature) when the error code is thrown and the symptom.

This error code is generated when a repeated operation is performed on the same Window object.

Possible Causes


List all possible causes of the error.

1. List all the possible causes.

2. Use concise sentences.

3. Sort the causes by possibility in descending order.

  1. The Window object to create already exists.

  2. xxx.



Describe how to handle the error based on the symptom and possible causes.

  1. Provide the procedure step by step. Each step should correspond to a possible cause. You can use substeps for complex operations of a step.

  2. The steps should be clear, specific, and executable. If judgment is involved, provide clear judgment criteria.

  3. If an operation has impact on the system or services, provide warning information in the form of Caution or Warning before the operation.

  1. Check whether the Window object has been created.


   uth([in] String appId, [in] IHwShareCallback callback);
       int shareFaInfo([in] PacMapEx pacMapEx);
  1. xxx.

a. xxx.

  uth([in] String appId, [in] IHwShareCallback callback);
      int shareFaInfo([in] PacMapEx pacMapEx);

b. xxx.

1300002 Abnormal Window Status

Error Message




Possible Causes

  1. xxx


  1. Check whether the Window object has been created.


   uth([in] String appId, [in] IHwShareCallback callback);
       int shareFaInfo([in] PacMapEx pacMapEx);
  1. xxx.

a. xxx.

  uth([in] String appId, [in] IHwShareCallback callback);
      int shareFaInfo([in] PacMapEx pacMapEx);

b. xxx.


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