harmony 鸿蒙@system.fetch (Data Request)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1001)

@system.fetch (Data Request)

NOTE - The APIs of this module are no longer maintained since API version 6. You are advised to use @ohos.net.http instead.

  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 3. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import fetch from '@system.fetch';


  url: string;
  data?: string|object;
  header?: Object;
  method?: string;
  responseType?: string;
  success?: (data: FetchResponse) => void;
  fail?: (data: any, code: number) => void;
  complete?: () => void;
} ): void

Obtains data through a network.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack

Parameters |Name|Type|Mandatory|Description| |——–|——–|——–|——–| |url|string|Yes|Resource URL.| |data|string |Object|No|Request parameter, which can be a string or a JSON object. For details, see the mapping between data and Content-Type.| |header|Object|No|Request header.| |method|string|No|Request method. The default value is GET. The value can be OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, **DELETE **or TRACE.| |responseType|string|No|Response type. The return type can be text or JSON. By default, the return type is determined based on Content-Type in the header returned by the server. For details, see return values in the success callback.| |success|Function|No|Called when the API call is successful. The return value is defined by FetchResponse.| |fail|Function|No|Called when API call has failed.| |complete|Function|No|Called when the API call is complete.|

Table 1 Mapping between data and Content-Type

data Content-Type Description
string Not set The default value of Content-Type is text/plain, and the value of data is used as the request body.
string Any type The value of data is used as the request body.
Object Not set The default value of Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The data value is encoded based on the URL rule and appended in the request body.
Object application/x-www-form-urlencoded The value of data is encoded based on the URL rule and is used as the request body.


System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack

Name Type Readable Writable Description
code number Yes No Server status code.
data string |Object Yes No The type of the returned data is determined by responseType. For details, see the mapping between responseType and data in success callback.
headers Object Yes No All headers in the response from the server.

Table 2 Mapping between responseType and data in success callback

responseType data Description
N/A string When the type in the header returned by the server is text/*, application/json, application/javascript, or application/xml, the value is the text content.
text string Text content.
json Object A JSON object.


export default {
  data: {
    responseData: 'NA',
    url: "test_url",
  fetch: function () {
    var that = this;
      url: that.url,
      success: function(response) {
        console.info("fetch success");
        that.responseData = JSON.stringify(response);
      fail: function() {
        console.info("fetch fail");

NOTE HTTPS is supported by default. To support HTTP, you need to add “network” to the config.json file, and set the attribute “cleartextTraffic” to true. That is:

  "deviceConfig": {
    "default": {
      "network": {
        "cleartextTraffic": true


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