tidb log 源码
tidb log 代码
// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package log
import (
pclog "github.com/pingcap/log"
const (
defaultLogLevel = "info"
defaultLogMaxDays = 7
defaultLogMaxSize = 512 // MB
// Config serializes log related config in toml/json.
type Config struct {
// Log level.
Level string `toml:"level" json:"level"`
// Log filename, leave empty to disable file log.
File string `toml:"file" json:"file"`
// Max size for a single file, in MB.
FileMaxSize int `toml:"max-size" json:"max-size"`
// Max log keep days, default is never deleting.
FileMaxDays int `toml:"max-days" json:"max-days"`
// Maximum number of old log files to retain.
FileMaxBackups int `toml:"max-backups" json:"max-backups"`
// Adjust adjusts some fields in the config to a proper value.
func (cfg *Config) Adjust() {
if len(cfg.Level) == 0 {
cfg.Level = defaultLogLevel
if cfg.Level == "warning" {
cfg.Level = "warn"
if cfg.FileMaxSize == 0 {
cfg.FileMaxSize = defaultLogMaxSize
if cfg.FileMaxDays == 0 {
cfg.FileMaxDays = defaultLogMaxDays
// Logger is a simple wrapper around *zap.Logger which provides some extra
// methods to simplify Lightning's log usage.
type Logger struct {
// logger for lightning, different from tidb logger.
var (
appLogger = Logger{zap.NewNop()}
appLevel = zap.NewAtomicLevel()
// InitLogger initializes Lightning's and also the TiDB library's loggers.
func InitLogger(cfg *Config, _ string) error {
tidbLogCfg := logutil.LogConfig{}
// Disable annoying TiDB Log.
// TODO: some error logs outputs randomly, we need to fix them in TiDB.
tidbLogCfg.Level = "fatal"
err := logutil.InitLogger(&tidbLogCfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
logCfg := &pclog.Config{
Level: cfg.Level,
DisableCaller: false, // FilterCore requires zap.AddCaller.
filterTiDBLog := zap.WrapCore(func(core zapcore.Core) zapcore.Core {
// Filter logs from TiDB and PD.
return NewFilterCore(core, "github.com/pingcap/tidb/br/", "main.main")
// "-" is a special config for log to stdout.
if len(cfg.File) > 0 && cfg.File != "-" {
logCfg.File = pclog.FileLogConfig{
Filename: cfg.File,
MaxSize: cfg.FileMaxSize,
MaxDays: cfg.FileMaxDays,
MaxBackups: cfg.FileMaxBackups,
logger, props, err := pclog.InitLogger(logCfg, filterTiDBLog)
if err != nil {
return err
pclog.ReplaceGlobals(logger, props)
// Do not log stack traces at all, as we'll get the stack trace from the
// error itself.
appLogger = Logger{logger.WithOptions(zap.AddStacktrace(zap.DPanicLevel))}
appLevel = props.Level
return nil
// SetAppLogger replaces the default logger in this package to given one
func SetAppLogger(l *zap.Logger) {
appLogger = Logger{l.WithOptions(zap.AddStacktrace(zap.DPanicLevel))}
// L returns the current logger for Lightning.
func L() Logger {
return appLogger
// Level returns the current global log level.
func Level() zapcore.Level {
return appLevel.Level()
// SetLevel modifies the log level of the global logger. Returns the previous
// level.
func SetLevel(level zapcore.Level) zapcore.Level {
oldLevel := appLevel.Level()
return oldLevel
// ShortError contructs a field which only records the error message without the
// verbose text (i.e. excludes the stack trace).
// In Lightning, all errors are almost always propagated back to `main()` where
// the error stack is written. Including the stack in the middle thus usually
// just repeats known information. You should almost always use `ShortError`
// instead of `zap.Error`, unless the error is no longer propagated upwards.
func ShortError(err error) zap.Field {
if err == nil {
return zap.Skip()
return zap.String("error", err.Error())
// With creates a child logger from the global logger and adds structured
// context to it.
func With(fields ...zap.Field) Logger {
return appLogger.With(fields...)
// IsContextCanceledError returns whether the error is caused by context
// cancellation.
func IsContextCanceledError(err error) bool {
err = errors.Cause(err)
return err == context.Canceled || status.Code(err) == codes.Canceled
// Begin marks the beginning of a task.
func (logger Logger) Begin(level zapcore.Level, name string) *Task {
if ce := logger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(1)).Check(level, name+" start"); ce != nil {
return &Task{
Logger: logger,
level: level,
name: name,
since: time.Now(),
// With creates a child logger and adds structured context to it.
func (logger Logger) With(fields ...zap.Field) Logger {
return Logger{logger.Logger.With(fields...)}
// Named adds a new path segment to the logger's name.
func (logger Logger) Named(name string) Logger {
return Logger{logger.Logger.Named(name)}
// Task is a logger for a task spanning a period of time. This structure records
// when the task is started, so the time elapsed for the whole task can be
// logged without book-keeping.
type Task struct {
level zapcore.Level
name string
since time.Time
// End marks the end of a task.
// The `level` is the log level if the task *failed* (i.e. `err != nil`). If the
// task *succeeded* (i.e. `err == nil`), the level from `Begin()` is used
// instead.
// The `extraFields` are included in the log only when the task succeeded.
func (task *Task) End(level zapcore.Level, err error, extraFields ...zap.Field) time.Duration {
elapsed := time.Since(task.since)
var verb string
switch {
case err == nil:
level = task.level
verb = " completed"
case IsContextCanceledError(err):
level = zap.DebugLevel
verb = " canceled"
extraFields = nil
verb = " failed"
extraFields = nil
if ce := task.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(1)).Check(level, task.name+verb); ce != nil {
zap.Duration("takeTime", elapsed),
return elapsed
type ctxKeyType struct{}
var ctxKey ctxKeyType
// NewContext returns a new context with the provided logger.
func NewContext(ctx context.Context, logger Logger) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKey, logger)
// FromContext returns the logger stored in the context.
func FromContext(ctx context.Context) Logger {
m, ok := ctx.Value(ctxKey).(Logger)
if !ok {
return appLogger
return m
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