harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.display (Display)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1166)

@ohos.display (Display)

The Display module provides APIs for managing displays, such as obtaining information about the default display, obtaining information about all displays, and listening for the addition and removal of displays.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import display from '@ohos.display';


Enumerates the display states.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Name Value Description
STATE_OFF 1 The display is shut down.
STATE_ON 2 The display is powered on.
STATE_DOZE 3 The display is in sleep mode.
STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND 4 The display is in sleep mode, and the CPU is suspended.
STATE_VR 5 The display is in VR mode.
STATE_ON_SUSPEND 6 The display is powered on, and the CPU is suspended.


Enumerates the orientations of the display.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Name Value Description
PORTRAIT 0 The display is in portrait mode.
LANDSCAPE 1 The display is in landscape mode.
PORTRAIT_INVERTED 2 The display is in reverse portrait mode.
LANDSCAPE_INVERTED 3 The display is in reverse landscape mode.


Enumerates the folding statuses of a foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Value Description
FOLD_STATUS_UNKNOWN 0 The folding status of the device is unknown.
FOLD_STATUS_EXPANDED 1 The device is fully open.
FOLD_STATUS_FOLDED 2 The device is folded (completely closed).
FOLD_STATUS_HALF_FOLDED 3 The device is half-folded, somehow between fully open and completely closed.


Enumerates the display modes of a foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Value Description
FOLD_DISPLAY_MODE_UNKNOWN 0 The display mode of the device is unknown.
FOLD_DISPLAY_MODE_FULL 1 The device is displayed in full screen.
FOLD_DISPLAY_MODE_MAIN 2 The main screen of the device is displayed.
FOLD_DISPLAY_MODE_SUB 3 The subscreen of the device is displayed.
FOLD_DISPLAY_MODE_COORDINATION 4 Both screens of the device are displayed in collaborative mode.


Defines the crease region of a foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Type Readable Writable Description
displayId number Yes No ID of the screen where the crease is located.
creaseRects Array<Rect> Yes No Crease region.


Describes a rectangle on the display.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
left number Yes Yes Left boundary of the rectangle, in pixels. The value must be an integer.
top number Yes Yes Top boundary of the rectangle, in pixels. The value must be an integer.
width number Yes Yes Width of the rectangle, in pixels. The value must be an integer.
height number Yes Yes Height of the rectangle, in pixels. The value must be an integer.


Describes the curved area (an area that is not intended for displaying content) on the waterfall display.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
left Rect Yes No Bounding rectangle for the curved area, which is located on the left of the display surface.
top Rect Yes No Bounding rectangle for the curved area, which is located at the top of the display surface.
right Rect Yes No Bounding rectangle for the curved area, which is located on the right of the display surface.
bottom Rect Yes No Bounding rectangle for the curved area, which is located at the bottom of the display surface.


Describes the cutout, which is an area that is not intended for displaying content on the display.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
boundingRects Array<Rect> Yes No Bounding rectangle for punch holes and notches.
waterfallDisplayAreaRects WaterfallDisplayAreaRects Yes No Curved area on the waterfall display.


getDefaultDisplaySync(): Display

Obtains the default display object. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Return value

Type Description
Display Default display object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400001 Invalid display or screen.


import display from '@ohos.display';

let displayClass: display.Display|null = null;
try {
  displayClass = display.getDefaultDisplaySync();
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the default display object. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


getAllDisplays(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;Display&gt;&gt;): void

Obtains all display objects. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;Display&gt;&gt; Yes Callback used to return all the display objects.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400001 Invalid display or screen.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import display from '@ohos.display';

let displayClass: Array<display.Display> = [];
display.getAllDisplays((err: BusinessError, data: Array<display.Display>) => {
  displayClass = data;
  const errCode: number = err.code;
  if (errCode) {
    console.error('Failed to obtain all the display objects. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  console.info('Succeeded in obtaining all the display objects. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));


getAllDisplays(): Promise&lt;Array&lt;Display&gt;&gt;

Obtains all display objects. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Return value

Type Description
Promise&lt;Array&lt;Display&gt;&gt; Promise used to return all the display objects.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400001 Invalid display or screen.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import display from '@ohos.display';

let displayClass: Array<display.Display> =[];
let promise: Promise<Array<display.Display>> = display.getAllDisplays();
promise.then((data: Array<display.Display>) => {
  displayClass = data;
  console.info('Succeeded in obtaining all the display objects. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error('Failed to obtain all the display objects. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(err));


hasPrivateWindow(displayId: number): boolean

Checks whether there is a visible privacy window on a display. The privacy window can be set by calling setWindowPrivacyMode(). The content in the privacy window cannot be captured or recorded.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
id number Yes ID of the display. The value must be an integer.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Whether there is a visible privacy window on the display.
The value true means that there is a visible privacy window on the display, and false means the opposite.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


import display from '@ohos.display';

let displayClass: display.Display|null = null;
try {
  displayClass = display.getDefaultDisplaySync();

  let ret: boolean = true;
  try {
    ret = display.hasPrivateWindow(displayClass.id);
  } catch (exception) {
    console.error('Failed to check has privateWindow or not. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));
  if (ret == undefined) {
    console.log("Failed to check has privateWindow or not.");
  if (ret) {
    console.log("There has privateWindow.");
  } else if (!ret) {
    console.log("There has no privateWindow.");
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the default display object. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


on(type: ‘add’|‘remove’|‘change’, callback: Callback&lt;number&gt;): void

Subscribes to display changes.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type.
- add, indicating the display addition event. Example: event that a display is connected.
- remove, indicating the display removal event. Example: event that a display is disconnected.
- change, indicating the display change event. Example: event that the display orientation is changed.
callback Callback&lt;number&gt; Yes Callback used to return the ID of the display, which is an integer.


import { Callback } from '@ohos.base';

let callback: Callback<number> = (data: number) => {
  console.info('Listening enabled. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
try {
  display.on("add", callback);
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to register callback. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


off(type: ‘add’|‘remove’|‘change’, callback?: Callback&lt;number&gt;): void

Unsubscribes from display changes.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type.
- add, indicating the display addition event. Example: event that a display is connected.
- remove, indicating the display removal event. Example: event that a display is disconnected.
- change, indicating the display change event. Example: event that the display orientation is changed.
callback Callback&lt;number&gt; No Callback used to return the ID of the display, which is an integer.


try {
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to unregister callback. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


on(type: ‘privateModeChange’, callback: Callback&lt;boolean&gt;): void

Subscribes to privacy mode changes of this display. When there is a privacy window in the foreground of the display, the display is in privacy mode, and the content in the privacy window cannot be captured or recorded.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value is fixed at ‘privateModeChange’, indicating the event of display privacy mode changes.
callback Callback&lt;boolean&gt; Yes Callback used to return whether the privacy mode of the display is changed. The value true means that the display changes to the privacy mode, and false means the opposite.


import { Callback } from '@ohos.base';

let callback: Callback<boolean> = (data: boolean) => {
  console.info('Listening enabled. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
try {
  display.on("privateModeChange", callback);
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to register callback. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


off(type: ‘privateModeChange’, callback?: Callback&lt;boolean&gt;): void

Unsubscribes from privacy mode changes of this display. When there is a privacy window in the foreground of the display, the display is in privacy mode, and the content in the privacy window cannot be captured or recorded.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value is fixed at ‘privateModeChange’, indicating the event of display privacy mode changes.
callback Callback&lt;boolean&gt; No Callback used to return whether the privacy mode of the display is changed. The value true means that the display changes to the privacy mode, and false means the opposite.


try {
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to unregister callback. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


isFoldable(): boolean

Checks whether the device is foldable.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the device is foldable, and returns false otherwise.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


import display from '@ohos.display';

let displayClass: display.Display|null = null;
try {
  displayClass = display.getDefaultDisplaySync();

  let ret: boolean = false;
  try {
    ret = display.isFoldable();
  } catch (exception) {
    console.error('Failed to check is foldable or not. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));
  if (ret == undefined) {
    console.log("Failed to check is foldable or not.");
  if (ret) {
    console.log("The device is foldable.");
  } else if (!ret) {
    console.log("The device is not foldable.");
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the default display object. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


setFoldDisplayMode(mode: FoldDisplayMode): void

Sets the display mode of the foldable device.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
mode FoldDisplayMode Yes Display mode.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


import display from '@ohos.display';

try {
  let mode: display.FoldDisplayMode = display.FoldDisplayMode.FOLD_DISPLAY_MODE_FULL;
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to change the fold display mode. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


getFoldStatus(): FoldStatus

Obtains the folding status of the foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Return value

Type Description
FoldStatus Folding status of the device.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


import display from '@ohos.display';

try {
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the fold status. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


getFoldDisplayMode(): FoldDisplayMode

Obtains the display mode of the foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Return value

Type Description
FoldDisplayMode Display mode of the device.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


import display from '@ohos.display';

try {
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the fold display mode. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


getCurrentFoldCreaseRegion(): FoldCreaseRegion

Obtains the crease region of the foldable device in the current display mode.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Return value

Type Description
FoldCreaseRegion Crease region of the device.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


import display from '@ohos.display';

try {
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the current fold crease region. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


on(type: ‘foldStatusChange’, callback: Callback&lt;FoldStatus&gt;): void

Subscribes to folding status change events of the foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The event ‘foldStatusChange’ indicates that the folding status of the device changes.
callback Callback&lt;FoldStatus&gt; Yes Callback used to return the folding status.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


import { Callback } from '@ohos.base';

let callback: Callback<display.FoldStatus> = (data: display.FoldStatus) => {
  console.info('Listening enabled. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
try {
  display.on('foldStatusChange', callback);
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to register callback. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


off(type: ‘foldStatusChange’, callback?: Callback&lt;FoldStatus&gt;): void

Unsubscribes from folding status change events of the foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The event ‘foldStatusChange’ is triggered when the folding status of the device changes.
callback Callback&lt;FoldStatus&gt; No Callback used to return the folding status.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


try {
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to unregister callback. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


on(type: ‘foldDisplayModeChange’, callback: Callback&lt;FoldDisplayMode&gt;): void

Subscribes to display mode change events of the foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The event ‘foldDisplayModeChange’ is triggered when the display mode of the device changes.
callback Callback&lt;FoldDisplayMode&gt; Yes Callback used to return the display mode.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


import { Callback } from '@ohos.base';

let callback: Callback<display.FoldDisplayMode> = (data: display.FoldDisplayMode) => {
  console.info('Listening enabled. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
try {
  display.on('foldDisplayModeChange', callback);
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to register callback. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


off(type: ‘foldDisplayModeChange’, callback?: Callback&lt;FoldDisplayMode&gt;): void

Unsubscribes from display mode change events of the foldable device.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The event ‘foldDisplayModeChange’ is triggered when the display mode of the device changes.
callback Callback&lt;FoldDisplayMode&gt; No Callback used to return the display mode.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400003 This display manager service works abnormally.


try {
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to unregister callback. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


getDefaultDisplay(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Display&gt;): void

Obtains the default display object. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.


This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use getDefaultDisplaySync() instead.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback&lt;Display&gt; Yes Callback used to return the default display object.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let displayClass: display.Display|null = null;
display.getDefaultDisplay((err: BusinessError, data: display.Display) => {
  const errCode: number = err.code;
  if (errCode) {
    console.error('Failed to obtain the default display object. Code:  ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  console.info('Succeeded in obtaining the default display object. Data:' + JSON.stringify(data));
  displayClass = data;


getDefaultDisplay(): Promise&lt;Display&gt;

Obtains the default display object. This API uses a promise to return the result.


This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use getDefaultDisplaySync() instead.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Return value

Type Description
Promise&lt;Display&gt; Promise used to return the default display object.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let displayClass: display.Display|null = null;
let promise: Promise<display.Display> = display.getDefaultDisplay();
promise.then((data: display.Display) => {
  displayClass = data;
  console.info('Succeeded in obtaining the default display object. Data:' + JSON.stringify(data));
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the default display object. Code:  ' + JSON.stringify(err));


getAllDisplay(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;Display&gt;&gt;): void

Obtains all display objects. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.


This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use getAllDisplays() instead.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;Display&gt;&gt; Yes Callback used to return all the display objects.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

display.getAllDisplay((err: BusinessError, data: Array<display.Display>) => {
  const errCode: number = err.code;
  if (errCode) {
    console.error('Failed to obtain all the display objects. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  console.info('Succeeded in obtaining all the display objects. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));


getAllDisplay(): Promise&lt;Array&lt;Display&gt;&gt;

Obtains all display objects. This API uses a promise to return the result.


This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use getAllDisplays() instead.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Return value

Type Description
Promise&lt;Array&lt;Display&gt;&gt; Promise used to return all the display objects.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let promise: Promise<Array<display.Display>> = display.getAllDisplay();
promise.then((data: Array<display.Display>) => {
  console.info('Succeeded in obtaining all the display objects. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error('Failed to obtain all the display objects. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(err));


Implements a Display instance, with properties and APIs defined.

Before calling any API in Display, you must use getAllDisplays() or getDefaultDisplaySync() to obtain a Display instance.


System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
id number Yes No ID of the display. The value must be an integer.
name string Yes No Name of the display.
alive boolean Yes No Whether the display is alive.
state DisplayState Yes No State of the display.
refreshRate number Yes No Refresh rate of the display. The value must be an integer.
rotation number Yes No Screen rotation angle of the display.
The value 0 indicates that the screen of the display rotates by 0°.
The value 1 indicates that the screen of the display rotates by 90°.
The value 2 indicates that the screen of the display rotates by 180°.
The value 3 indicates that the screen of the display rotates by 270°.
width number Yes No Width of the display, in pixels. The value must be an integer.
height number Yes No Height of the display, in pixels. The value must be an integer.
densityDPI number Yes No Screen density of the display, that is, the number of dots per inch. The value must be a floating point number. Generally, the value is 160.0 or 480.0.
orientation10+ Orientation Yes No Orientation of the display.
densityPixels number Yes No Logical density of the display, which is a scaling coefficient independent of the pixel unit. The value must be a floating point number. Generally, the value is 1.0 or 3.0.
scaledDensity number Yes No Scaling factor for fonts displayed on the display. The value must be a floating point number. Generally, the value is the same as that of densityPixels.
xDPI number Yes No Exact physical dots per inch of the screen in the horizontal direction. The value must be a floating point number.
yDPI number Yes No Exact physical dots per inch of the screen in the vertical direction. The value must be a floating point number.


getCutoutInfo(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;CutoutInfo&gt;): void

Obtains the cutout information of the display. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. You are advised not to use the cutout area during application layout.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback&lt;CutoutInfo&gt; Yes Callback used to return the CutoutInfo object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400001 Invalid display or screen.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let displayClass: display.Display|null = null;
try {
  displayClass = display.getDefaultDisplaySync();

  displayClass.getCutoutInfo((err: BusinessError, data: display.CutoutInfo) => {
    const errCode: number = err.code;
    if (errCode) {
      console.error('Failed to get cutoutInfo. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
    console.info('Succeeded in getting cutoutInfo. data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the default display object. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


getCutoutInfo(): Promise&lt;CutoutInfo&gt;

Obtains the cutout information of the display. This API uses a promise to return the result. You are advised not to use the cutout area during application layout.

System capability: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core

Return value

Type Description
Promise&lt;CutoutInfo&gt; Promise used to return the CutoutInfo object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Display Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1400001 Invalid display or screen.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let displayClass: display.Display|null = null;
try {
  displayClass = display.getDefaultDisplaySync();

  let promise: Promise<display.CutoutInfo> = displayClass.getCutoutInfo();
  promise.then((data: display.CutoutInfo) => {
    console.info('Succeeded in getting cutoutInfo. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
  }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
    console.error('Failed to obtain all the display objects. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
} catch (exception) {
  console.error('Failed to obtain the default display object. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception));


harmony 鸿蒙APIs

harmony 鸿蒙System Common Events (To Be Deprecated Soon)

harmony 鸿蒙System Common Events

harmony 鸿蒙API Reference Document Description

harmony 鸿蒙Enterprise Device Management Overview (for System Applications Only)

harmony 鸿蒙BundleStatusCallback

harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.bundle.innerBundleManager (innerBundleManager)

harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.distributedBundle (Distributed Bundle Management)

harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.bundle (Bundle)

harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.enterprise.EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility (EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility)

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