kafka Metrics 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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kafka Metrics 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.metrics;

import org.apache.kafka.common.MetricName;
import org.apache.kafka.common.MetricNameTemplate;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.internals.MetricsUtils;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.KafkaThread;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;

 * A registry of sensors and metrics.
 * <p>
 * A metric is a named, numerical measurement. A sensor is a handle to record numerical measurements as they occur. Each
 * Sensor has zero or more associated metrics. For example a Sensor might represent message sizes and we might associate
 * with this sensor a metric for the average, maximum, or other statistics computed off the sequence of message sizes
 * that are recorded by the sensor.
 * <p>
 * Usage looks something like this:
 * <pre>
 * // set up metrics:
 * Metrics metrics = new Metrics(); // this is the global repository of metrics and sensors
 * Sensor sensor = metrics.sensor(&quot;message-sizes&quot;);
 * MetricName metricName = new MetricName(&quot;message-size-avg&quot;, &quot;producer-metrics&quot;);
 * sensor.add(metricName, new Avg());
 * metricName = new MetricName(&quot;message-size-max&quot;, &quot;producer-metrics&quot;);
 * sensor.add(metricName, new Max());
 * // as messages are sent we record the sizes
 * sensor.record(messageSize);
 * </pre>
public class Metrics implements Closeable {

    private final MetricConfig config;
    private final ConcurrentMap<MetricName, KafkaMetric> metrics;
    private final ConcurrentMap<String, Sensor> sensors;
    private final ConcurrentMap<Sensor, List<Sensor>> childrenSensors;
    private final List<MetricsReporter> reporters;
    private final Time time;
    private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor metricsScheduler;
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Metrics.class);

     * Create a metrics repository with no metric reporters and default configuration.
     * Expiration of Sensors is disabled.
    public Metrics() {
        this(new MetricConfig());

     * Create a metrics repository with no metric reporters and default configuration.
     * Expiration of Sensors is disabled.
    public Metrics(Time time) {
        this(new MetricConfig(), new ArrayList<>(0), time);

     * Create a metrics repository with no metric reporters and the given default configuration.
     * Expiration of Sensors is disabled.
    public Metrics(MetricConfig defaultConfig, Time time) {
        this(defaultConfig, new ArrayList<>(0), time);

     * Create a metrics repository with no reporters and the given default config. This config will be used for any
     * metric that doesn't override its own config. Expiration of Sensors is disabled.
     * @param defaultConfig The default config to use for all metrics that don't override their config
    public Metrics(MetricConfig defaultConfig) {
        this(defaultConfig, new ArrayList<>(0), Time.SYSTEM);

     * Create a metrics repository with a default config and the given metric reporters.
     * Expiration of Sensors is disabled.
     * @param defaultConfig The default config
     * @param reporters The metrics reporters
     * @param time The time instance to use with the metrics
    public Metrics(MetricConfig defaultConfig, List<MetricsReporter> reporters, Time time) {
        this(defaultConfig, reporters, time, false);

     * Create a metrics repository with a default config, metric reporters and metric context
     * Expiration of Sensors is disabled.
     * @param defaultConfig The default config
     * @param reporters The metrics reporters
     * @param time The time instance to use with the metrics
     * @param metricsContext The metricsContext to initialize metrics reporter with
    public Metrics(MetricConfig defaultConfig, List<MetricsReporter> reporters, Time time, MetricsContext metricsContext) {
        this(defaultConfig, reporters, time, false, metricsContext);

     * Create a metrics repository with a default config, given metric reporters and the ability to expire eligible sensors
     * @param defaultConfig The default config
     * @param reporters The metrics reporters
     * @param time The time instance to use with the metrics
     * @param enableExpiration true if the metrics instance can garbage collect inactive sensors, false otherwise
    public Metrics(MetricConfig defaultConfig, List<MetricsReporter> reporters, Time time, boolean enableExpiration) {
        this(defaultConfig, reporters, time, enableExpiration, new KafkaMetricsContext(""));

     * Create a metrics repository with a default config, given metric reporters, the ability to expire eligible sensors
     * and MetricContext
     * @param defaultConfig The default config
     * @param reporters The metrics reporters
     * @param time The time instance to use with the metrics
     * @param enableExpiration true if the metrics instance can garbage collect inactive sensors, false otherwise
     * @param metricsContext The metricsContext to initialize metrics reporter with
    public Metrics(MetricConfig defaultConfig, List<MetricsReporter> reporters, Time time, boolean enableExpiration,
                   MetricsContext metricsContext) {
        this.config = defaultConfig;
        this.sensors = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        this.metrics = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        this.childrenSensors = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        this.reporters = Objects.requireNonNull(reporters);
        this.time = time;
        for (MetricsReporter reporter : reporters) {
            reporter.init(new ArrayList<>());

        // Create the ThreadPoolExecutor only if expiration of Sensors is enabled.
        if (enableExpiration) {
            this.metricsScheduler = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
            // Creating a daemon thread to not block shutdown
            this.metricsScheduler.setThreadFactory(runnable -> KafkaThread.daemon("SensorExpiryThread", runnable));
            this.metricsScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ExpireSensorTask(), 30, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        } else {
            this.metricsScheduler = null;

        addMetric(metricName("count", "kafka-metrics-count", "total number of registered metrics"),
            (config, now) -> metrics.size());

     * Create a MetricName with the given name, group, description and tags, plus default tags specified in the metric
     * configuration. Tag in tags takes precedence if the same tag key is specified in the default metric configuration.
     * @param name        The name of the metric
     * @param group       logical group name of the metrics to which this metric belongs
     * @param description A human-readable description to include in the metric
     * @param tags        additional key/value attributes of the metric
    public MetricName metricName(String name, String group, String description, Map<String, String> tags) {
        Map<String, String> combinedTag = new LinkedHashMap<>(config.tags());
        return new MetricName(name, group, description, combinedTag);

     * Create a MetricName with the given name, group, description, and default tags
     * specified in the metric configuration.
     * @param name        The name of the metric
     * @param group       logical group name of the metrics to which this metric belongs
     * @param description A human-readable description to include in the metric
    public MetricName metricName(String name, String group, String description) {
        return metricName(name, group, description, new HashMap<>());

     * Create a MetricName with the given name, group and default tags specified in the metric configuration.
     * @param name        The name of the metric
     * @param group       logical group name of the metrics to which this metric belongs
    public MetricName metricName(String name, String group) {
        return metricName(name, group, "", new HashMap<>());

     * Create a MetricName with the given name, group, description, and keyValue as tags,  plus default tags specified in the metric
     * configuration. Tag in keyValue takes precedence if the same tag key is specified in the default metric configuration.
     * @param name          The name of the metric
     * @param group         logical group name of the metrics to which this metric belongs
     * @param description   A human-readable description to include in the metric
     * @param keyValue      additional key/value attributes of the metric (must come in pairs)
    public MetricName metricName(String name, String group, String description, String... keyValue) {
        return metricName(name, group, description, MetricsUtils.getTags(keyValue));

     * Create a MetricName with the given name, group and tags, plus default tags specified in the metric
     * configuration. Tag in tags takes precedence if the same tag key is specified in the default metric configuration.
     * @param name  The name of the metric
     * @param group logical group name of the metrics to which this metric belongs
     * @param tags  key/value attributes of the metric
    public MetricName metricName(String name, String group, Map<String, String> tags) {
        return metricName(name, group, "", tags);

     * Use the specified domain and metric name templates to generate an HTML table documenting the metrics. A separate table section
     * will be generated for each of the MBeans and the associated attributes. The MBean names are lexicographically sorted to
     * determine the order of these sections. This order is therefore dependent upon the order of the
     * tags in each {@link MetricNameTemplate}.
     * @param domain the domain or prefix for the JMX MBean names; may not be null
     * @param allMetrics the collection of all {@link MetricNameTemplate} instances each describing one metric; may not be null
     * @return the string containing the HTML table; never null
    public static String toHtmlTable(String domain, Iterable<MetricNameTemplate> allMetrics) {
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> beansAndAttributes = new TreeMap<>();
        try (Metrics metrics = new Metrics()) {
            for (MetricNameTemplate template : allMetrics) {
                Map<String, String> tags = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                for (String s : template.tags()) {
                    tags.put(s, "{" + s + "}");
                MetricName metricName = metrics.metricName(template.name(), template.group(), template.description(), tags);
                String mBeanName = JmxReporter.getMBeanName(domain, metricName);
                if (!beansAndAttributes.containsKey(mBeanName)) {
                    beansAndAttributes.put(mBeanName, new TreeMap<>());
                Map<String, String> attrAndDesc = beansAndAttributes.get(mBeanName);
                if (!attrAndDesc.containsKey(template.name())) {
                    attrAndDesc.put(template.name(), template.description());
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("mBean '" + mBeanName + "' attribute '" + template.name() + "' is defined twice.");
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        b.append("<table class=\"data-table\"><tbody>\n");
        for (Entry<String, Map<String, String>> e : beansAndAttributes.entrySet()) {
            b.append("<td colspan=3 class=\"mbeanName\" style=\"background-color:#ccc; font-weight: bold;\">");
            b.append("<th style=\"width: 90px\"></th>\n");
            b.append("<th>Attribute name</th>\n");
            for (Entry<String, String> e2 : e.getValue().entrySet()) {
        return b.toString();

    public MetricConfig config() {
        return config;

     * Get the sensor with the given name if it exists
     * @param name The name of the sensor
     * @return Return the sensor or null if no such sensor exists
    public Sensor getSensor(String name) {
        return this.sensors.get(Objects.requireNonNull(name));

     * Get or create a sensor with the given unique name and no parent sensors. This uses
     * a default recording level of INFO.
     * @param name The sensor name
     * @return The sensor
    public Sensor sensor(String name) {
        return this.sensor(name, Sensor.RecordingLevel.INFO);

     * Get or create a sensor with the given unique name and no parent sensors and with a given
     * recording level.
     * @param name The sensor name.
     * @param recordingLevel The recording level.
     * @return The sensor
    public Sensor sensor(String name, Sensor.RecordingLevel recordingLevel) {
        return sensor(name, null, recordingLevel, (Sensor[]) null);

     * Get or create a sensor with the given unique name and zero or more parent sensors. All parent sensors will
     * receive every value recorded with this sensor. This uses a default recording level of INFO.
     * @param name The name of the sensor
     * @param parents The parent sensors
     * @return The sensor that is created
    public Sensor sensor(String name, Sensor... parents) {
        return this.sensor(name, Sensor.RecordingLevel.INFO, parents);

     * Get or create a sensor with the given unique name and zero or more parent sensors. All parent sensors will
     * receive every value recorded with this sensor.
     * @param name The name of the sensor.
     * @param parents The parent sensors.
     * @param recordingLevel The recording level.
     * @return The sensor that is created
    public Sensor sensor(String name, Sensor.RecordingLevel recordingLevel, Sensor... parents) {
        return sensor(name, null, recordingLevel, parents);

     * Get or create a sensor with the given unique name and zero or more parent sensors. All parent sensors will
     * receive every value recorded with this sensor. This uses a default recording level of INFO.
     * @param name The name of the sensor
     * @param config A default configuration to use for this sensor for metrics that don't have their own config
     * @param parents The parent sensors
     * @return The sensor that is created
    public synchronized Sensor sensor(String name, MetricConfig config, Sensor... parents) {
        return this.sensor(name, config, Sensor.RecordingLevel.INFO, parents);

     * Get or create a sensor with the given unique name and zero or more parent sensors. All parent sensors will
     * receive every value recorded with this sensor.
     * @param name The name of the sensor
     * @param config A default configuration to use for this sensor for metrics that don't have their own config
     * @param recordingLevel The recording level.
     * @param parents The parent sensors
     * @return The sensor that is created
    public synchronized Sensor sensor(String name, MetricConfig config, Sensor.RecordingLevel recordingLevel, Sensor... parents) {
        return sensor(name, config, Long.MAX_VALUE, recordingLevel, parents);

     * Get or create a sensor with the given unique name and zero or more parent sensors. All parent sensors will
     * receive every value recorded with this sensor.
     * @param name The name of the sensor
     * @param config A default configuration to use for this sensor for metrics that don't have their own config
     * @param inactiveSensorExpirationTimeSeconds If no value if recorded on the Sensor for this duration of time,
     *                                        it is eligible for removal
     * @param parents The parent sensors
     * @param recordingLevel The recording level.
     * @return The sensor that is created
    public synchronized Sensor sensor(String name, MetricConfig config, long inactiveSensorExpirationTimeSeconds, Sensor.RecordingLevel recordingLevel, Sensor... parents) {
        Sensor s = getSensor(name);
        if (s == null) {
            s = new Sensor(this, name, parents, config == null ? this.config : config, time, inactiveSensorExpirationTimeSeconds, recordingLevel);
            this.sensors.put(name, s);
            if (parents != null) {
                for (Sensor parent : parents) {
                    List<Sensor> children = childrenSensors.computeIfAbsent(parent, k -> new ArrayList<>());
            log.trace("Added sensor with name {}", name);
        return s;

     * Get or create a sensor with the given unique name and zero or more parent sensors. All parent sensors will
     * receive every value recorded with this sensor. This uses a default recording level of INFO.
     * @param name The name of the sensor
     * @param config A default configuration to use for this sensor for metrics that don't have their own config
     * @param inactiveSensorExpirationTimeSeconds If no value if recorded on the Sensor for this duration of time,
     *                                        it is eligible for removal
     * @param parents The parent sensors
     * @return The sensor that is created
    public synchronized Sensor sensor(String name, MetricConfig config, long inactiveSensorExpirationTimeSeconds, Sensor... parents) {
        return this.sensor(name, config, inactiveSensorExpirationTimeSeconds, Sensor.RecordingLevel.INFO, parents);

     * Remove a sensor (if it exists), associated metrics and its children.
     * @param name The name of the sensor to be removed
    public void removeSensor(String name) {
        Sensor sensor = sensors.get(name);
        if (sensor != null) {
            List<Sensor> childSensors = null;
            synchronized (sensor) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (sensors.remove(name, sensor)) {
                        for (KafkaMetric metric : sensor.metrics())
                        log.trace("Removed sensor with name {}", name);
                        childSensors = childrenSensors.remove(sensor);
                        for (final Sensor parent : sensor.parents()) {
                            childrenSensors.getOrDefault(parent, emptyList()).remove(sensor);
            if (childSensors != null) {
                for (Sensor childSensor : childSensors)

     * Add a metric to monitor an object that implements measurable. This metric won't be associated with any sensor.
     * This is a way to expose existing values as metrics.
     * This method is kept for binary compatibility purposes, it has the same behaviour as
     * {@link #addMetric(MetricName, MetricValueProvider)}.
     * @param metricName The name of the metric
     * @param measurable The measurable that will be measured by this metric
    public void addMetric(MetricName metricName, Measurable measurable) {
        addMetric(metricName, null, measurable);

     * Add a metric to monitor an object that implements Measurable. This metric won't be associated with any sensor.
     * This is a way to expose existing values as metrics.
     * This method is kept for binary compatibility purposes, it has the same behaviour as
     * {@link #addMetric(MetricName, MetricConfig, MetricValueProvider)}.
     * @param metricName The name of the metric
     * @param config The configuration to use when measuring this measurable
     * @param measurable The measurable that will be measured by this metric
    public void addMetric(MetricName metricName, MetricConfig config, Measurable measurable) {
        addMetric(metricName, config, (MetricValueProvider<?>) measurable);

     * Add a metric to monitor an object that implements MetricValueProvider. This metric won't be associated with any
     * sensor. This is a way to expose existing values as metrics. User is expected to add any additional
     * synchronization to update and access metric values, if required.
     * @param metricName The name of the metric
     * @param metricValueProvider The metric value provider associated with this metric
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a metric with same name already exists.
    public void addMetric(MetricName metricName, MetricConfig config, MetricValueProvider<?> metricValueProvider) {
        KafkaMetric m = new KafkaMetric(new Object(),
                                        config == null ? this.config : config,
        KafkaMetric existingMetric = registerMetric(m);
        if (existingMetric != null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("A metric named '" + metricName + "' already exists, can't register another one.");

     * Add a metric to monitor an object that implements MetricValueProvider. This metric won't be associated with any
     * sensor. This is a way to expose existing values as metrics. User is expected to add any additional
     * synchronization to update and access metric values, if required.
     * @param metricName The name of the metric
     * @param metricValueProvider The metric value provider associated with this metric
    public void addMetric(MetricName metricName, MetricValueProvider<?> metricValueProvider) {
        addMetric(metricName, null, metricValueProvider);

     * Create or get an existing metric to monitor an object that implements MetricValueProvider.
     * This metric won't be associated with any sensor. This is a way to expose existing values as metrics.
     * This method takes care of synchronisation while updating/accessing metrics by concurrent threads.
     * @param metricName The name of the metric
     * @param metricValueProvider The metric value provider associated with this metric
     * @return Existing KafkaMetric if already registered or else a newly created one
    public KafkaMetric addMetricIfAbsent(MetricName metricName, MetricConfig config, MetricValueProvider<?> metricValueProvider) {
        KafkaMetric metric = new KafkaMetric(new Object(),
                config == null ? this.config : config,

        KafkaMetric existingMetric = registerMetric(metric);
        return existingMetric == null ? metric : existingMetric;

     * Remove a metric if it exists and return it. Return null otherwise. If a metric is removed, `metricRemoval`
     * will be invoked for each reporter.
     * @param metricName The name of the metric
     * @return the removed `KafkaMetric` or null if no such metric exists
    public synchronized KafkaMetric removeMetric(MetricName metricName) {
        KafkaMetric metric = this.metrics.remove(metricName);
        if (metric != null) {
            for (MetricsReporter reporter : reporters) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("Error when removing metric from " + reporter.getClass().getName(), e);
            log.trace("Removed metric named {}", metricName);
        return metric;

     * Add a MetricReporter
    public synchronized void addReporter(MetricsReporter reporter) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(reporter).init(new ArrayList<>(metrics.values()));

     * Remove a MetricReporter
    public synchronized void removeReporter(MetricsReporter reporter) {
        if (this.reporters.remove(reporter)) {

     * Register a metric if not present or return the already existing metric with the same name.
     * When a metric is newly registered, this method returns null
     * @param metric The KafkaMetric to register
     * @return the existing metric with the same name or null
    synchronized KafkaMetric registerMetric(KafkaMetric metric) {
        MetricName metricName = metric.metricName();
        KafkaMetric existingMetric = this.metrics.putIfAbsent(metricName, metric);
        if (existingMetric != null) {
            return existingMetric;
        // newly added metric
        for (MetricsReporter reporter : reporters) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error when registering metric on " + reporter.getClass().getName(), e);
        log.trace("Registered metric named {}", metricName);
        return null;

     * Get all the metrics currently maintained indexed by metricName
    public Map<MetricName, KafkaMetric> metrics() {
        return this.metrics;

    public List<MetricsReporter> reporters() {
        return this.reporters;

    public KafkaMetric metric(MetricName metricName) {
        return this.metrics.get(metricName);

     * This iterates over every Sensor and triggers a removeSensor if it has expired
     * Package private for testing
    class ExpireSensorTask implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Sensor> sensorEntry : sensors.entrySet()) {
                // removeSensor also locks the sensor object. This is fine because synchronized is reentrant
                // There is however a minor race condition here. Assume we have a parent sensor P and child sensor C.
                // Calling record on C would cause a record on P as well.
                // So expiration time for P == expiration time for C. If the record on P happens via C just after P is removed,
                // that will cause C to also get removed.
                // Since the expiration time is typically high it is not expected to be a significant concern
                // and thus not necessary to optimize
                synchronized (sensorEntry.getValue()) {
                    if (sensorEntry.getValue().hasExpired()) {
                        log.debug("Removing expired sensor {}", sensorEntry.getKey());

    /* For testing use only. */
    Map<Sensor, List<Sensor>> childrenSensors() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(childrenSensors);

    public MetricName metricInstance(MetricNameTemplate template, String... keyValue) {
        return metricInstance(template, MetricsUtils.getTags(keyValue));

    public MetricName metricInstance(MetricNameTemplate template, Map<String, String> tags) {
        // check to make sure that the runtime defined tags contain all the template tags.
        Set<String> runtimeTagKeys = new HashSet<>(tags.keySet());
        Set<String> templateTagKeys = template.tags();
        if (!runtimeTagKeys.equals(templateTagKeys)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("For '" + template.name() + "', runtime-defined metric tags do not match the tags in the template. "
                    + "Runtime = " + runtimeTagKeys.toString() + " Template = " + templateTagKeys.toString());
        return this.metricName(template.name(), template.group(), template.description(), tags);

     * Close this metrics repository.
    public void close() {
        if (this.metricsScheduler != null) {
            try {
                this.metricsScheduler.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                // ignore and continue shutdown
        log.info("Metrics scheduler closed");

        for (MetricsReporter reporter : reporters) {
            try {
                log.info("Closing reporter {}", reporter.getClass().getName());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error when closing " + reporter.getClass().getName(), e);
        log.info("Metrics reporters closed");


kafka 源码目录


kafka CompoundStat 源码

kafka Gauge 源码

kafka JmxReporter 源码

kafka KafkaMetric 源码

kafka KafkaMetricsContext 源码

kafka Measurable 源码

kafka MeasurableStat 源码

kafka MetricConfig 源码

kafka MetricValueProvider 源码

kafka MetricsContext 源码

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