harmony 鸿蒙Readme

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (492)


Subsystem Change Type Change Description
Common Verification enhanced Permission verification enhanced for system APIs. Now only system applications are allowed to use system APIs. If third-party applications use a system API, error 202 is returned.
Ability framework Behavior changed In the appRecovery API, the enum names of RestartFlag are changed from NO_RESTART upon a specific fault to RESTART upon a specific fault.
Multi-language runtime subsystem Parsing rule changed LLVM parsing format changed. When your code depends on the version-script or -gcc-toolchain option, parsing may fail if you continue to use the original LLVM 12 configuration file or options.
Multi-language runtime subsystem Verification enhanced New alarms are added and existing alarms are enhanced along with the upgrade from LLVM 12 to LLVM 15
Multi-language runtime subsystem Verification enhanced LLVM emu-tls is changed. If you use both LLVM 12 and LLVM 15, the emu-tls symbol cannot be found in libc++.so.
Multi-language runtime subsystem Verification enhanced New features and internal interface changes in the official release of LLVM 15 are inherited.
ArkUI Behavior changed The stack layout issue is fixed.
ArkUI Default value changed The default state of the scrollbar in the <List> and <Gird> components is changed.
ArkUI UX changed The hover effect of the <Button> component is changed from scale-up by 100% to 105% to overlay of 0% to 5% opacity.
ArkUI UX changed The alignment mode of multi-line text in toasts is changed from center-aligned to left-aligned.
Bundle management subsystem Mechanism changed The HAP is no longer decompressed during HAP installation.
Globalization API added The getStringSync and getStringByNameSync APIs are added.
Globalization Behavior changed The meaning of the return value for the API used to obtain the rawfile descriptor is changed.
Security-HUKS Behavior changed HuksKeyStorageType must be passed in for key derivation or key agreement.
Security-HUKS Behavior changed Permission is required for Using attestKeyItem.
Web Input parameter added The input parameter type Resource is added for the setResponseData API.
Resource scheduler subsystem Behavior changed The reminder agent allows you to customize buttons for system applications. Clicking a custom button will redirect you to the specified application page.


harmony 鸿蒙Ability Framework Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙Multi-language Runtime Subsystem Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙Bundle Management Subsystem Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙Common Capability Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙Globalization Subsystem Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙HUKS Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙Resource Scheduler Subsystem Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙Web Subsystem Changelog

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