tidb optimize 源码
tidb optimize 代码
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cascades
import (
plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core"
// DefaultOptimizer is the optimizer which contains all of the default
// transformation and implementation rules.
var DefaultOptimizer = NewOptimizer()
// Optimizer is the struct for cascades optimizer.
type Optimizer struct {
transformationRuleBatches []TransformationRuleBatch
implementationRuleMap map[memo.Operand][]ImplementationRule
// NewOptimizer returns a cascades optimizer with default transformation
// rules and implementation rules.
func NewOptimizer() *Optimizer {
return &Optimizer{
transformationRuleBatches: DefaultRuleBatches,
implementationRuleMap: defaultImplementationMap,
// ResetTransformationRules resets the transformationRuleBatches of the optimizer, and returns the optimizer.
func (opt *Optimizer) ResetTransformationRules(ruleBatches ...TransformationRuleBatch) *Optimizer {
opt.transformationRuleBatches = ruleBatches
return opt
// ResetImplementationRules resets the implementationRuleMap of the optimizer, and returns the optimizer.
func (opt *Optimizer) ResetImplementationRules(rules map[memo.Operand][]ImplementationRule) *Optimizer {
opt.implementationRuleMap = rules
return opt
// GetImplementationRules gets all the candidate implementation rules of the optimizer
// for the logical plan node.
func (opt *Optimizer) GetImplementationRules(node plannercore.LogicalPlan) []ImplementationRule {
return opt.implementationRuleMap[memo.GetOperand(node)]
// FindBestPlan is the optimization entrance of the cascades planner. The
// optimization is composed of 3 phases: preprocessing, exploration and implementation.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Phase 1: Preprocessing
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The target of this phase is to preprocess the plan tree by some heuristic
// rules which should always be beneficial, for example Column Pruning.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Phase 2: Exploration
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The target of this phase is to explore all the logically equivalent
// expressions by exploring all the equivalent group expressions of each group.
// At the very beginning, there is only one group expression in a Group. After
// applying some transformation rules on certain expressions of the Group, all
// the equivalent expressions are found and stored in the Group. This procedure
// can be regarded as searching for a weak connected component in a directed
// graph, where nodes are expressions and directed edges are the transformation
// rules.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Phase 3: Implementation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The target of this phase is to search the best physical plan for a Group
// which satisfies a certain required physical property.
// In this phase, we need to enumerate all the applicable implementation rules
// for each expression in each group under the required physical property. A
// memo structure is used for a group to reduce the repeated search on the same
// required physical property.
func (opt *Optimizer) FindBestPlan(sctx sessionctx.Context, logical plannercore.LogicalPlan) (p plannercore.PhysicalPlan, cost float64, err error) {
logical, err = opt.onPhasePreprocessing(sctx, logical)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
rootGroup := memo.Convert2Group(logical)
err = opt.onPhaseExploration(sctx, rootGroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
p, cost, err = opt.onPhaseImplementation(sctx, rootGroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
err = p.ResolveIndices()
return p, cost, err
func (*Optimizer) onPhasePreprocessing(_ sessionctx.Context, plan plannercore.LogicalPlan) (plannercore.LogicalPlan, error) {
err := plan.PruneColumns(plan.Schema().Columns, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return plan, nil
func (opt *Optimizer) onPhaseExploration(_ sessionctx.Context, g *memo.Group) error {
for round, ruleBatch := range opt.transformationRuleBatches {
for !g.Explored(round) {
err := opt.exploreGroup(g, round, ruleBatch)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (opt *Optimizer) exploreGroup(g *memo.Group, round int, ruleBatch TransformationRuleBatch) error {
if g.Explored(round) {
return nil
for elem := g.Equivalents.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
curExpr := elem.Value.(*memo.GroupExpr)
if curExpr.Explored(round) {
// Explore child groups firstly.
for _, childGroup := range curExpr.Children {
for !childGroup.Explored(round) {
if err := opt.exploreGroup(childGroup, round, ruleBatch); err != nil {
return err
eraseCur, err := opt.findMoreEquiv(g, elem, round, ruleBatch)
if err != nil {
return err
if eraseCur {
return nil
// findMoreEquiv finds and applies the matched transformation rules.
func (*Optimizer) findMoreEquiv(g *memo.Group, elem *list.Element, round int, ruleBatch TransformationRuleBatch) (eraseCur bool, err error) {
expr := elem.Value.(*memo.GroupExpr)
operand := memo.GetOperand(expr.ExprNode)
for _, rule := range ruleBatch[operand] {
pattern := rule.GetPattern()
if !pattern.Operand.Match(operand) {
// Create a binding of the current Group expression and the pattern of
// the transformation rule to enumerate all the possible expressions.
iter := memo.NewExprIterFromGroupElem(elem, pattern)
for ; iter != nil && iter.Matched(); iter.Next() {
if !rule.Match(iter) {
newExprs, eraseOld, eraseAll, err := rule.OnTransform(iter)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if eraseAll {
for _, e := range newExprs {
// If we delete all of the other GroupExprs, we can break the search.
return false, nil
eraseCur = eraseCur || eraseOld
for _, e := range newExprs {
if !g.Insert(e) {
// If the new Group expression is successfully inserted into the
// current Group, mark the Group as unexplored to enable the exploration
// on the new Group expressions.
return eraseCur, nil
// fillGroupStats computes Stats property for each Group recursively.
func (opt *Optimizer) fillGroupStats(g *memo.Group) (err error) {
if g.Prop.Stats != nil {
return nil
// All GroupExpr in a Group should share same LogicalProperty, so just use
// first one to compute Stats property.
elem := g.Equivalents.Front()
expr := elem.Value.(*memo.GroupExpr)
childStats := make([]*property.StatsInfo, len(expr.Children))
childSchema := make([]*expression.Schema, len(expr.Children))
for i, childGroup := range expr.Children {
err = opt.fillGroupStats(childGroup)
if err != nil {
return err
childStats[i] = childGroup.Prop.Stats
childSchema[i] = childGroup.Prop.Schema
planNode := expr.ExprNode
g.Prop.Stats, err = planNode.DeriveStats(childStats, g.Prop.Schema, childSchema, nil)
return err
// onPhaseImplementation starts implementation physical operators from given root Group.
func (opt *Optimizer) onPhaseImplementation(_ sessionctx.Context, g *memo.Group) (plannercore.PhysicalPlan, float64, error) {
prop := &property.PhysicalProperty{
ExpectedCnt: math.MaxFloat64,
preparePossibleProperties(g, make(map[*memo.Group][][]*expression.Column))
// TODO replace MaxFloat64 costLimit by variable from sctx, or other sources.
impl, err := opt.implGroup(g, prop, math.MaxFloat64)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if impl == nil {
return nil, 0, plannercore.ErrInternal.GenWithStackByArgs("Can't find a proper physical plan for this query")
return impl.GetPlan(), impl.GetCost(), nil
// implGroup finds the best Implementation which satisfies the required
// physical property for a Group. The best Implementation should have the
// lowest cost among all the applicable Implementations.
// g: the Group to be implemented.
// reqPhysProp: the required physical property.
// costLimit: the maximum cost of all the Implementations.
func (opt *Optimizer) implGroup(g *memo.Group, reqPhysProp *property.PhysicalProperty, costLimit float64) (memo.Implementation, error) {
groupImpl := g.GetImpl(reqPhysProp)
if groupImpl != nil {
if groupImpl.GetCost() <= costLimit {
return groupImpl, nil
return nil, nil
// Handle implementation rules for each equivalent GroupExpr.
var childImpls []memo.Implementation
err := opt.fillGroupStats(g)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outCount := math.Min(g.Prop.Stats.RowCount, reqPhysProp.ExpectedCnt)
for elem := g.Equivalents.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
curExpr := elem.Value.(*memo.GroupExpr)
impls, err := opt.implGroupExpr(curExpr, reqPhysProp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, impl := range impls {
childImpls = childImpls[:0]
for i, childGroup := range curExpr.Children {
childImpl, err := opt.implGroup(childGroup, impl.GetPlan().GetChildReqProps(i), impl.GetCostLimit(costLimit, childImpls...))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if childImpl == nil {
childImpls = append(childImpls, childImpl)
if impl.GetCost() == math.MaxFloat64 {
implCost := impl.CalcCost(outCount, childImpls...)
if implCost > costLimit {
if groupImpl == nil || groupImpl.GetCost() > implCost {
groupImpl = impl.AttachChildren(childImpls...)
costLimit = implCost
// Handle enforcer rules for required physical property.
for _, rule := range GetEnforcerRules(g, reqPhysProp) {
newReqPhysProp := rule.NewProperty(reqPhysProp)
enforceCost := rule.GetEnforceCost(g)
childImpl, err := opt.implGroup(g, newReqPhysProp, costLimit-enforceCost)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if childImpl == nil {
impl := rule.OnEnforce(reqPhysProp, childImpl)
implCost := enforceCost + childImpl.GetCost()
if groupImpl == nil || groupImpl.GetCost() > implCost {
groupImpl = impl
costLimit = implCost
if groupImpl == nil || groupImpl.GetCost() == math.MaxFloat64 {
return nil, nil
g.InsertImpl(reqPhysProp, groupImpl)
return groupImpl, nil
func (opt *Optimizer) implGroupExpr(cur *memo.GroupExpr, reqPhysProp *property.PhysicalProperty) (impls []memo.Implementation, err error) {
for _, rule := range opt.GetImplementationRules(cur.ExprNode) {
if !rule.Match(cur, reqPhysProp) {
curImpls, err := rule.OnImplement(cur, reqPhysProp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
impls = append(impls, curImpls...)
return impls, nil
// preparePossibleProperties recursively calls LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties
// interface. It will fulfill the the possible properties fields of LogicalAggregation
// and LogicalJoin.
func preparePossibleProperties(g *memo.Group, propertyMap map[*memo.Group][][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column {
if prop, ok := propertyMap[g]; ok {
return prop
groupPropertyMap := make(map[string][]*expression.Column)
for elem := g.Equivalents.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
expr := elem.Value.(*memo.GroupExpr)
childrenProperties := make([][][]*expression.Column, len(expr.Children))
for i, child := range expr.Children {
childrenProperties[i] = preparePossibleProperties(child, propertyMap)
exprProperties := expr.ExprNode.PreparePossibleProperties(expr.Schema(), childrenProperties...)
for _, newPropCols := range exprProperties {
// Check if the prop has already been in `groupPropertyMap`.
newProp := property.PhysicalProperty{SortItems: property.SortItemsFromCols(newPropCols, true)}
key := newProp.HashCode()
if _, ok := groupPropertyMap[string(key)]; !ok {
groupPropertyMap[string(key)] = newPropCols
resultProps := make([][]*expression.Column, 0, len(groupPropertyMap))
for _, prop := range groupPropertyMap {
resultProps = append(resultProps, prop)
propertyMap[g] = resultProps
return resultProps
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