hadoop RawErasureDecoder 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (776)

haddop RawErasureDecoder 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.io.erasurecode.rawcoder;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.erasurecode.ECChunk;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.erasurecode.ErasureCoderOptions;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

 * An abstract raw erasure decoder that's to be inherited by new decoders.
 * Raw erasure coder is part of erasure codec framework, where erasure coder is
 * used to encode/decode a group of blocks (BlockGroup) according to the codec
 * specific BlockGroup layout and logic. An erasure coder extracts chunks of
 * data from the blocks and can employ various low level raw erasure coders to
 * perform encoding/decoding against the chunks.
 * To distinguish from erasure coder, here raw erasure coder is used to mean the
 * low level constructs, since it only takes care of the math calculation with
 * a group of byte buffers.
 * Note it mainly provides decode() calls, which should be stateless and may be
 * made thread-safe in future.
public abstract class RawErasureDecoder {

  private final ErasureCoderOptions coderOptions;

  public RawErasureDecoder(ErasureCoderOptions coderOptions) {
    this.coderOptions = coderOptions;

   * Decode with inputs and erasedIndexes, generates outputs.
   * How to prepare for inputs:
   * 1. Create an array containing data units + parity units. Please note the
   *    data units should be first or before the parity units.
   * 2. Set null in the array locations specified via erasedIndexes to indicate
   *    they're erased and no data are to read from;
   * 3. Set null in the array locations for extra redundant items, as they're
   *    not necessary to read when decoding. For example in RS-6-3, if only 1
   *    unit is really erased, then we have 2 extra items as redundant. They can
   *    be set as null to indicate no data will be used from them.
   * For an example using RS (6, 3), assuming sources (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5)
   * and parities (p0, p1, p2), d2 being erased. We can and may want to use only
   * 6 units like (d1, d3, d4, d5, p0, p2) to recover d2. We will have:
   *     inputs = [null(d0), d1, null(d2), d3, d4, d5, p0, null(p1), p2]
   *     erasedIndexes = [2] // index of d2 into inputs array
   *     outputs = [a-writable-buffer]
   * Note, for both inputs and outputs, no mixing of on-heap buffers and direct
   * buffers are allowed.
   * If the coder option ALLOW_CHANGE_INPUTS is set true (false by default), the
   * content of input buffers may change after the call, subject to concrete
   * implementation.
   * @param inputs input buffers to read data from. The buffers' remaining will
   *               be 0 after decoding
   * @param erasedIndexes indexes of erased units in the inputs array
   * @param outputs output buffers to put decoded data into according to
   *                erasedIndexes, ready for read after the call
   * @throws IOException raised on errors performing I/O.
  public synchronized void decode(ByteBuffer[] inputs, int[] erasedIndexes,
                     ByteBuffer[] outputs) throws IOException {
    ByteBufferDecodingState decodingState = new ByteBufferDecodingState(this,
        inputs, erasedIndexes, outputs);

    boolean usingDirectBuffer = decodingState.usingDirectBuffer;
    int dataLen = decodingState.decodeLength;
    if (dataLen == 0) {

    int[] inputPositions = new int[inputs.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < inputPositions.length; i++) {
      if (inputs[i] != null) {
        inputPositions[i] = inputs[i].position();

    if (usingDirectBuffer) {
    } else {
      ByteArrayDecodingState badState = decodingState.convertToByteArrayState();

    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
      if (inputs[i] != null) {
        // dataLen bytes consumed
        inputs[i].position(inputPositions[i] + dataLen);

   * Perform the real decoding using Direct ByteBuffer.
   * @param decodingState the decoding state
   * @throws IOException  raised on errors performing I/O.
  protected abstract void doDecode(ByteBufferDecodingState decodingState)
      throws IOException;

   * Decode with inputs and erasedIndexes, generates outputs. More see above.
   * @param inputs input buffers to read data from
   * @param erasedIndexes indexes of erased units in the inputs array
   * @param outputs output buffers to put decoded data into according to
   *                erasedIndexes, ready for read after the call
   * @throws IOException if the decoder is closed.
  public synchronized void decode(byte[][] inputs, int[] erasedIndexes, byte[][] outputs)
      throws IOException {
    ByteArrayDecodingState decodingState = new ByteArrayDecodingState(this,
        inputs, erasedIndexes, outputs);

    if (decodingState.decodeLength == 0) {


   * Perform the real decoding using bytes array, supporting offsets and
   * lengths.
   * @param decodingState the decoding state
   * @throws IOException if the decoder is closed.
  protected abstract void doDecode(ByteArrayDecodingState decodingState)
      throws IOException;

   * Decode with inputs and erasedIndexes, generates outputs. More see above.
   * Note, for both input and output ECChunks, no mixing of on-heap buffers and
   * direct buffers are allowed.
   * @param inputs input buffers to read data from
   * @param erasedIndexes indexes of erased units in the inputs array
   * @param outputs output buffers to put decoded data into according to
   *                erasedIndexes, ready for read after the call
   * @throws IOException if the decoder is closed
  public synchronized void decode(ECChunk[] inputs, int[] erasedIndexes,
                     ECChunk[] outputs) throws IOException {
    ByteBuffer[] newInputs = CoderUtil.toBuffers(inputs);
    ByteBuffer[] newOutputs = CoderUtil.toBuffers(outputs);
    decode(newInputs, erasedIndexes, newOutputs);

  public int getNumDataUnits() {
    return coderOptions.getNumDataUnits();

  public int getNumParityUnits() {
    return coderOptions.getNumParityUnits();

  protected int getNumAllUnits() {
    return coderOptions.getNumAllUnits();

   * Tell if direct buffer is preferred or not. It's for callers to
   * decide how to allocate coding chunk buffers, using DirectByteBuffer or
   * bytes array. It will return false by default.
   * @return true if native buffer is preferred for performance consideration,
   * otherwise false.
  public boolean preferDirectBuffer() {
    return false;

   * Allow change into input buffers or not while perform encoding/decoding.
   * @return true if it's allowed to change inputs, false otherwise
  public boolean allowChangeInputs() {
    return coderOptions.allowChangeInputs();

   * Allow to dump verbose info during encoding/decoding.
   * @return true if it's allowed to do verbose dump, false otherwise.
  public boolean allowVerboseDump() {
    return coderOptions.allowVerboseDump();

   * Should be called when release this coder. Good chance to release encoding
   * or decoding buffers
  public void release() {
    // Nothing to do here.


hadoop 源码目录


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hadoop CoderUtil 源码

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