go compare 源码
golang compare 代码
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package walk
import (
func fakePC(n ir.Node) ir.Node {
// In order to get deterministic IDs, we include the package path, absolute filename, line number, column number
// in the calculation of the fakePC for the IR node.
hash := fnv.New32()
// We ignore the errors here because the `io.Writer` in the `hash.Hash` interface never returns an error.
io.WriteString(hash, base.Ctxt.Pkgpath)
io.WriteString(hash, base.Ctxt.PosTable.Pos(n.Pos()).AbsFilename())
binary.Write(hash, binary.LittleEndian, int64(n.Pos().Line()))
binary.Write(hash, binary.LittleEndian, int64(n.Pos().Col()))
// We also include the string representation of the node to distinguish autogenerated expression since
// those get the same `src.XPos`
io.WriteString(hash, fmt.Sprintf("%v", n))
return ir.NewInt(int64(hash.Sum32()))
// The result of walkCompare MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
// n.Left = walkCompare(n.Left, init)
func walkCompare(n *ir.BinaryExpr, init *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
if n.X.Type().IsInterface() && n.Y.Type().IsInterface() && n.X.Op() != ir.ONIL && n.Y.Op() != ir.ONIL {
return walkCompareInterface(n, init)
if n.X.Type().IsString() && n.Y.Type().IsString() {
return walkCompareString(n, init)
n.X = walkExpr(n.X, init)
n.Y = walkExpr(n.Y, init)
// Given mixed interface/concrete comparison,
// rewrite into types-equal && data-equal.
// This is efficient, avoids allocations, and avoids runtime calls.
if n.X.Type().IsInterface() != n.Y.Type().IsInterface() {
// Preserve side-effects in case of short-circuiting; see #32187.
l := cheapExpr(n.X, init)
r := cheapExpr(n.Y, init)
// Swap so that l is the interface value and r is the concrete value.
if n.Y.Type().IsInterface() {
l, r = r, l
// Handle both == and !=.
eq := n.Op()
andor := ir.OOROR
if eq == ir.OEQ {
andor = ir.OANDAND
// Check for types equal.
// For empty interface, this is:
// l.tab == type(r)
// For non-empty interface, this is:
// l.tab != nil && l.tab._type == type(r)
var eqtype ir.Node
tab := ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OITAB, l)
rtyp := reflectdata.TypePtr(r.Type())
if l.Type().IsEmptyInterface() {
eqtype = ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, eq, tab, rtyp)
} else {
nonnil := ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, brcom(eq), typecheck.NodNil(), tab)
match := ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, eq, itabType(tab), rtyp)
eqtype = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, andor, nonnil, match)
// Check for data equal.
eqdata := ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, eq, ifaceData(n.Pos(), l, r.Type()), r)
// Put it all together.
expr := ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, andor, eqtype, eqdata)
return finishCompare(n, expr, init)
// Must be comparison of array or struct.
// Otherwise back end handles it.
// While we're here, decide whether to
// inline or call an eq alg.
t := n.X.Type()
var inline bool
maxcmpsize := int64(4)
unalignedLoad := ssagen.Arch.LinkArch.CanMergeLoads
if unalignedLoad {
// Keep this low enough to generate less code than a function call.
maxcmpsize = 2 * int64(ssagen.Arch.LinkArch.RegSize)
switch t.Kind() {
if base.Debug.Libfuzzer != 0 && t.IsInteger() {
n.X = cheapExpr(n.X, init)
n.Y = cheapExpr(n.Y, init)
// If exactly one comparison operand is
// constant, invoke the constcmp functions
// instead, and arrange for the constant
// operand to be the first argument.
l, r := n.X, n.Y
if r.Op() == ir.OLITERAL {
l, r = r, l
constcmp := l.Op() == ir.OLITERAL && r.Op() != ir.OLITERAL
var fn string
var paramType *types.Type
switch t.Size() {
case 1:
fn = "libfuzzerTraceCmp1"
if constcmp {
fn = "libfuzzerTraceConstCmp1"
paramType = types.Types[types.TUINT8]
case 2:
fn = "libfuzzerTraceCmp2"
if constcmp {
fn = "libfuzzerTraceConstCmp2"
paramType = types.Types[types.TUINT16]
case 4:
fn = "libfuzzerTraceCmp4"
if constcmp {
fn = "libfuzzerTraceConstCmp4"
paramType = types.Types[types.TUINT32]
case 8:
fn = "libfuzzerTraceCmp8"
if constcmp {
fn = "libfuzzerTraceConstCmp8"
paramType = types.Types[types.TUINT64]
base.Fatalf("unexpected integer size %d for %v", t.Size(), t)
init.Append(mkcall(fn, nil, init, tracecmpArg(l, paramType, init), tracecmpArg(r, paramType, init), fakePC(n)))
return n
case types.TARRAY:
// We can compare several elements at once with 2/4/8 byte integer compares
inline = t.NumElem() <= 1 || (types.IsSimple[t.Elem().Kind()] && (t.NumElem() <= 4 || t.Elem().Size()*t.NumElem() <= maxcmpsize))
case types.TSTRUCT:
inline = t.NumComponents(types.IgnoreBlankFields) <= 4
cmpl := n.X
for cmpl != nil && cmpl.Op() == ir.OCONVNOP {
cmpl = cmpl.(*ir.ConvExpr).X
cmpr := n.Y
for cmpr != nil && cmpr.Op() == ir.OCONVNOP {
cmpr = cmpr.(*ir.ConvExpr).X
// Chose not to inline. Call equality function directly.
if !inline {
// eq algs take pointers; cmpl and cmpr must be addressable
if !ir.IsAddressable(cmpl) || !ir.IsAddressable(cmpr) {
base.Fatalf("arguments of comparison must be lvalues - %v %v", cmpl, cmpr)
fn, needsize := eqFor(t)
call := ir.NewCallExpr(base.Pos, ir.OCALL, fn, nil)
if needsize {
res := ir.Node(call)
if n.Op() != ir.OEQ {
res = ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.ONOT, res)
return finishCompare(n, res, init)
// inline: build boolean expression comparing element by element
andor := ir.OANDAND
if n.Op() == ir.ONE {
andor = ir.OOROR
var expr ir.Node
comp := func(el, er ir.Node) {
a := ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, n.Op(), el, er)
if expr == nil {
expr = a
} else {
expr = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, andor, expr, a)
and := func(cond ir.Node) {
if expr == nil {
expr = cond
} else {
expr = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, andor, expr, cond)
cmpl = safeExpr(cmpl, init)
cmpr = safeExpr(cmpr, init)
if t.IsStruct() {
conds := compare.EqStruct(t, cmpl, cmpr)
if n.Op() == ir.OEQ {
for _, cond := range conds {
} else {
for _, cond := range conds {
notCond := ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.ONOT, cond)
} else {
step := int64(1)
remains := t.NumElem() * t.Elem().Size()
combine64bit := unalignedLoad && types.RegSize == 8 && t.Elem().Size() <= 4 && t.Elem().IsInteger()
combine32bit := unalignedLoad && t.Elem().Size() <= 2 && t.Elem().IsInteger()
combine16bit := unalignedLoad && t.Elem().Size() == 1 && t.Elem().IsInteger()
for i := int64(0); remains > 0; {
var convType *types.Type
switch {
case remains >= 8 && combine64bit:
convType = types.Types[types.TINT64]
step = 8 / t.Elem().Size()
case remains >= 4 && combine32bit:
convType = types.Types[types.TUINT32]
step = 4 / t.Elem().Size()
case remains >= 2 && combine16bit:
convType = types.Types[types.TUINT16]
step = 2 / t.Elem().Size()
step = 1
if step == 1 {
ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, cmpl, ir.NewInt(i)),
ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, cmpr, ir.NewInt(i)),
remains -= t.Elem().Size()
} else {
elemType := t.Elem().ToUnsigned()
cmplw := ir.Node(ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, cmpl, ir.NewInt(i)))
cmplw = typecheck.Conv(cmplw, elemType) // convert to unsigned
cmplw = typecheck.Conv(cmplw, convType) // widen
cmprw := ir.Node(ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, cmpr, ir.NewInt(i)))
cmprw = typecheck.Conv(cmprw, elemType)
cmprw = typecheck.Conv(cmprw, convType)
// For code like this: uint32(s[0]) | uint32(s[1])<<8 | uint32(s[2])<<16 ...
// ssa will generate a single large load.
for offset := int64(1); offset < step; offset++ {
lb := ir.Node(ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, cmpl, ir.NewInt(i+offset)))
lb = typecheck.Conv(lb, elemType)
lb = typecheck.Conv(lb, convType)
lb = ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OLSH, lb, ir.NewInt(8*t.Elem().Size()*offset))
cmplw = ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OOR, cmplw, lb)
rb := ir.Node(ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, cmpr, ir.NewInt(i+offset)))
rb = typecheck.Conv(rb, elemType)
rb = typecheck.Conv(rb, convType)
rb = ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OLSH, rb, ir.NewInt(8*t.Elem().Size()*offset))
cmprw = ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OOR, cmprw, rb)
comp(cmplw, cmprw)
i += step
remains -= step * t.Elem().Size()
if expr == nil {
expr = ir.NewBool(n.Op() == ir.OEQ)
// We still need to use cmpl and cmpr, in case they contain
// an expression which might panic. See issue 23837.
a1 := typecheck.Stmt(ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, ir.BlankNode, cmpl))
a2 := typecheck.Stmt(ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, ir.BlankNode, cmpr))
init.Append(a1, a2)
return finishCompare(n, expr, init)
func walkCompareInterface(n *ir.BinaryExpr, init *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
n.Y = cheapExpr(n.Y, init)
n.X = cheapExpr(n.X, init)
eqtab, eqdata := compare.EqInterface(n.X, n.Y)
var cmp ir.Node
if n.Op() == ir.OEQ {
cmp = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, ir.OANDAND, eqtab, eqdata)
} else {
cmp = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, ir.OOROR, eqtab, ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.ONOT, eqdata))
return finishCompare(n, cmp, init)
func walkCompareString(n *ir.BinaryExpr, init *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
if base.Debug.Libfuzzer != 0 {
if !ir.IsConst(n.X, constant.String) || !ir.IsConst(n.Y, constant.String) {
fn := "libfuzzerHookStrCmp"
n.X = cheapExpr(n.X, init)
n.Y = cheapExpr(n.Y, init)
paramType := types.Types[types.TSTRING]
init.Append(mkcall(fn, nil, init, tracecmpArg(n.X, paramType, init), tracecmpArg(n.Y, paramType, init), fakePC(n)))
// Rewrite comparisons to short constant strings as length+byte-wise comparisons.
var cs, ncs ir.Node // const string, non-const string
switch {
case ir.IsConst(n.X, constant.String) && ir.IsConst(n.Y, constant.String):
// ignore; will be constant evaluated
case ir.IsConst(n.X, constant.String):
cs = n.X
ncs = n.Y
case ir.IsConst(n.Y, constant.String):
cs = n.Y
ncs = n.X
if cs != nil {
cmp := n.Op()
// Our comparison below assumes that the non-constant string
// is on the left hand side, so rewrite "" cmp x to x cmp "".
// See issue 24817.
if ir.IsConst(n.X, constant.String) {
cmp = brrev(cmp)
// maxRewriteLen was chosen empirically.
// It is the value that minimizes cmd/go file size
// across most architectures.
// See the commit description for CL 26758 for details.
maxRewriteLen := 6
// Some architectures can load unaligned byte sequence as 1 word.
// So we can cover longer strings with the same amount of code.
canCombineLoads := ssagen.Arch.LinkArch.CanMergeLoads
combine64bit := false
if canCombineLoads {
// Keep this low enough to generate less code than a function call.
maxRewriteLen = 2 * ssagen.Arch.LinkArch.RegSize
combine64bit = ssagen.Arch.LinkArch.RegSize >= 8
var and ir.Op
switch cmp {
case ir.OEQ:
and = ir.OANDAND
case ir.ONE:
and = ir.OOROR
// Don't do byte-wise comparisons for <, <=, etc.
// They're fairly complicated.
// Length-only checks are ok, though.
maxRewriteLen = 0
if s := ir.StringVal(cs); len(s) <= maxRewriteLen {
if len(s) > 0 {
ncs = safeExpr(ncs, init)
r := ir.Node(ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, cmp, ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OLEN, ncs), ir.NewInt(int64(len(s)))))
remains := len(s)
for i := 0; remains > 0; {
if remains == 1 || !canCombineLoads {
cb := ir.NewInt(int64(s[i]))
ncb := ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, ncs, ir.NewInt(int64(i)))
r = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, and, r, ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, cmp, ncb, cb))
var step int
var convType *types.Type
switch {
case remains >= 8 && combine64bit:
convType = types.Types[types.TINT64]
step = 8
case remains >= 4:
convType = types.Types[types.TUINT32]
step = 4
case remains >= 2:
convType = types.Types[types.TUINT16]
step = 2
ncsubstr := typecheck.Conv(ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, ncs, ir.NewInt(int64(i))), convType)
csubstr := int64(s[i])
// Calculate large constant from bytes as sequence of shifts and ors.
// Like this: uint32(s[0]) | uint32(s[1])<<8 | uint32(s[2])<<16 ...
// ssa will combine this into a single large load.
for offset := 1; offset < step; offset++ {
b := typecheck.Conv(ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, ncs, ir.NewInt(int64(i+offset))), convType)
b = ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OLSH, b, ir.NewInt(int64(8*offset)))
ncsubstr = ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OOR, ncsubstr, b)
csubstr |= int64(s[i+offset]) << uint8(8*offset)
csubstrPart := ir.NewInt(csubstr)
// Compare "step" bytes as once
r = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, and, r, ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, cmp, csubstrPart, ncsubstr))
remains -= step
i += step
return finishCompare(n, r, init)
var r ir.Node
if n.Op() == ir.OEQ || n.Op() == ir.ONE {
// prepare for rewrite below
n.X = cheapExpr(n.X, init)
n.Y = cheapExpr(n.Y, init)
eqlen, eqmem := compare.EqString(n.X, n.Y)
// quick check of len before full compare for == or !=.
// memequal then tests equality up to length len.
if n.Op() == ir.OEQ {
// len(left) == len(right) && memequal(left, right, len)
r = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, ir.OANDAND, eqlen, eqmem)
} else {
// len(left) != len(right) || !memequal(left, right, len)
r = ir.NewLogicalExpr(base.Pos, ir.OOROR, eqlen, ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.ONOT, eqmem))
} else {
// sys_cmpstring(s1, s2) :: 0
r = mkcall("cmpstring", types.Types[types.TINT], init, typecheck.Conv(n.X, types.Types[types.TSTRING]), typecheck.Conv(n.Y, types.Types[types.TSTRING]))
r = ir.NewBinaryExpr(base.Pos, n.Op(), r, ir.NewInt(0))
return finishCompare(n, r, init)
// The result of finishCompare MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
// n.Left = finishCompare(n.Left, x, r, init)
func finishCompare(n *ir.BinaryExpr, r ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
r = typecheck.Expr(r)
r = typecheck.Conv(r, n.Type())
r = walkExpr(r, init)
return r
func eqFor(t *types.Type) (n ir.Node, needsize bool) {
// Should only arrive here with large memory or
// a struct/array containing a non-memory field/element.
// Small memory is handled inline, and single non-memory
// is handled by walkCompare.
switch a, _ := types.AlgType(t); a {
case types.AMEM:
n := typecheck.LookupRuntime("memequal")
n = typecheck.SubstArgTypes(n, t, t)
return n, true
case types.ASPECIAL:
sym := reflectdata.TypeSymPrefix(".eq", t)
// TODO(austin): This creates an ir.Name with a nil Func.
n := typecheck.NewName(sym)
n.SetType(types.NewSignature(types.NoPkg, nil, nil, []*types.Field{
types.NewField(base.Pos, nil, types.NewPtr(t)),
types.NewField(base.Pos, nil, types.NewPtr(t)),
}, []*types.Field{
types.NewField(base.Pos, nil, types.Types[types.TBOOL]),
return n, false
base.Fatalf("eqFor %v", t)
return nil, false
// brcom returns !(op).
// For example, brcom(==) is !=.
func brcom(op ir.Op) ir.Op {
switch op {
case ir.OEQ:
return ir.ONE
case ir.ONE:
return ir.OEQ
case ir.OLT:
return ir.OGE
case ir.OGT:
return ir.OLE
case ir.OLE:
return ir.OGT
case ir.OGE:
return ir.OLT
base.Fatalf("brcom: no com for %v\n", op)
return op
// brrev returns reverse(op).
// For example, Brrev(<) is >.
func brrev(op ir.Op) ir.Op {
switch op {
case ir.OEQ:
return ir.OEQ
case ir.ONE:
return ir.ONE
case ir.OLT:
return ir.OGT
case ir.OGT:
return ir.OLT
case ir.OLE:
return ir.OGE
case ir.OGE:
return ir.OLE
base.Fatalf("brrev: no rev for %v\n", op)
return op
func tracecmpArg(n ir.Node, t *types.Type, init *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
// Ugly hack to avoid "constant -1 overflows uintptr" errors, etc.
if n.Op() == ir.OLITERAL && n.Type().IsSigned() && ir.Int64Val(n) < 0 {
n = copyExpr(n, n.Type(), init)
return typecheck.Conv(n, t)
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