tidb processor 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb processor 代码


// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package staleread

import (


// enforce implement Processor interface
var _ Processor = &staleReadProcessor{}

// StalenessTSEvaluator is a function to get staleness ts
type StalenessTSEvaluator func(sctx sessionctx.Context) (uint64, error)

// Processor is an interface used to process stale read
type Processor interface {
	// IsStaleness indicates that whether we should use the staleness
	IsStaleness() bool
	// GetStalenessInfoSchema returns the information schema if it is stale read, otherwise returns nil
	GetStalenessInfoSchema() infoschema.InfoSchema
	// GetStalenessReadTS returns the ts if it is stale read, otherwise returns 0
	GetStalenessReadTS() uint64
	// GetStalenessTSEvaluatorForPrepare returns a function that will be used by prepare to evaluate ts
	GetStalenessTSEvaluatorForPrepare() StalenessTSEvaluator

	// OnSelectTable will be called when process table in select statement
	OnSelectTable(tn *ast.TableName) error
	// OnExecutePreparedStmt when process execute
	OnExecutePreparedStmt(preparedTSEvaluator StalenessTSEvaluator) error

type baseProcessor struct {
	sctx       sessionctx.Context
	txnManager sessiontxn.TxnManager

	evaluated   bool
	ts          uint64
	tsEvaluator StalenessTSEvaluator
	is          infoschema.InfoSchema

func (p *baseProcessor) init(sctx sessionctx.Context) {
	p.sctx = sctx
	p.txnManager = sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(sctx)

func (p *baseProcessor) IsStaleness() bool {
	return p.ts != 0

func (p *baseProcessor) GetStalenessInfoSchema() infoschema.InfoSchema {
	return p.is

func (p *baseProcessor) GetStalenessReadTS() uint64 {
	return p.ts

func (p *baseProcessor) GetStalenessTSEvaluatorForPrepare() StalenessTSEvaluator {
	return p.tsEvaluator

func (p *baseProcessor) OnSelectTable(_ *ast.TableName) error {
	return errors.New("not supported")

func (p *baseProcessor) OnExecutePrepared(_ StalenessTSEvaluator) error {
	return errors.New("not supported")

func (p *baseProcessor) setAsNonStaleRead() error {
	return p.setEvaluatedValues(0, nil, nil)

func (p *baseProcessor) setEvaluatedTS(ts uint64) (err error) {
	is, err := GetSessionSnapshotInfoSchema(p.sctx, ts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return p.setEvaluatedValues(ts, is, func(sctx sessionctx.Context) (uint64, error) {
		return ts, nil

func (p *baseProcessor) setEvaluatedEvaluator(evaluator StalenessTSEvaluator) error {
	ts, err := evaluator(p.sctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	is, err := GetSessionSnapshotInfoSchema(p.sctx, ts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return p.setEvaluatedValues(ts, is, evaluator)

func (p *baseProcessor) setEvaluatedValues(ts uint64, is infoschema.InfoSchema, tsEvaluator StalenessTSEvaluator) error {
	if p.evaluated {
		return errors.New("already evaluated")

	p.ts = ts
	p.is = is
	p.evaluated = true
	p.tsEvaluator = tsEvaluator
	return nil

type staleReadProcessor struct {
	stmtTS uint64

// NewStaleReadProcessor creates a new stale read processor
func NewStaleReadProcessor(sctx sessionctx.Context) Processor {
	p := &staleReadProcessor{}
	return p

// OnSelectTable will be called when process table in select statement
func (p *staleReadProcessor) OnSelectTable(tn *ast.TableName) error {
	if p.sctx.GetSessionVars().InTxn() {
		if tn.AsOf != nil {
			return errAsOf.FastGenWithCause("as of timestamp can't be set in transaction.")

		if !p.evaluated {
			return p.evaluateFromTxn()
		return nil

	// If `stmtAsOfTS` is not 0, it means we use 'select ... from xxx as of timestamp ...'
	stmtAsOfTS, err := parseAndValidateAsOf(p.sctx, tn.AsOf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if p.evaluated {
		// If the select statement is related to multi tables, we should guarantee that all tables use the same timestamp
		if p.stmtTS != stmtAsOfTS {
			return errAsOf.GenWithStack("can not set different time in the as of")
		return nil
	return p.evaluateFromStmtTSOrSysVariable(stmtAsOfTS)

func (p *staleReadProcessor) OnExecutePreparedStmt(preparedTSEvaluator StalenessTSEvaluator) (err error) {
	if p.evaluated {
		return errors.New("already evaluated")

	if p.sctx.GetSessionVars().InTxn() {
		if preparedTSEvaluator != nil {
			return errAsOf.FastGenWithCause("as of timestamp can't be set in transaction.")
		return p.evaluateFromTxn()

	var stmtTS uint64
	if preparedTSEvaluator != nil {
		// If the `preparedTSEvaluator` is not nil, it means the prepared statement is stale read
		if stmtTS, err = preparedTSEvaluator(p.sctx); err != nil {
			return err
	return p.evaluateFromStmtTSOrSysVariable(stmtTS)

func (p *staleReadProcessor) evaluateFromTxn() error {
	// sys variables should be ignored when in an explicit transaction
	if txnCtx := p.sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx; txnCtx.IsStaleness {
		// It means we meet following case:
		// 1. `start transaction read only as of timestamp ts
		// 2. select or execute statement
		return p.setEvaluatedValues(
			temptable.AttachLocalTemporaryTableInfoSchema(p.sctx, txnCtx.InfoSchema.(infoschema.InfoSchema)),
	return p.setAsNonStaleRead()

func (p *staleReadProcessor) evaluateFromStmtTSOrSysVariable(stmtTS uint64) error {
	// If `txnReadTS` is not 0, it means  we meet following situation:
	// set transaction read only as of timestamp ...
	// select from table or execute prepared statement
	txnReadTS := p.sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnReadTS.UseTxnReadTS()
	if txnReadTS > 0 && stmtTS > 0 {
		// `as of` and `@@tx_read_ts` cannot be set in the same time
		return errAsOf.FastGenWithCause("can't use select as of while already set transaction as of")

	if stmtTS > 0 {
		p.stmtTS = stmtTS
		return p.setEvaluatedTS(stmtTS)

	if txnReadTS > 0 {
		return p.setEvaluatedTS(txnReadTS)

	if evaluator := getTsEvaluatorFromReadStaleness(p.sctx); evaluator != nil {
		// If both txnReadTS and stmtAsOfTS is empty while the return of getTsEvaluatorFromReadStaleness is not nil, it means we meet following situation:
		// set @@tidb_read_staleness='-5';
		// select from table
		// Then the following select statement should be affected by the tidb_read_staleness in session.
		return p.setEvaluatedEvaluator(evaluator)

	// Otherwise, it means we should not use stale read.
	return p.setAsNonStaleRead()

func parseAndValidateAsOf(sctx sessionctx.Context, asOf *ast.AsOfClause) (uint64, error) {
	if asOf == nil {
		return 0, nil

	ts, err := CalculateAsOfTsExpr(sctx, asOf.TsExpr)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	if err = sessionctx.ValidateStaleReadTS(context.TODO(), sctx, ts); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return ts, nil

func getTsEvaluatorFromReadStaleness(sctx sessionctx.Context) StalenessTSEvaluator {
	readStaleness := sctx.GetSessionVars().ReadStaleness
	if readStaleness == 0 {
		return nil

	return func(sctx sessionctx.Context) (uint64, error) {
		return CalculateTsWithReadStaleness(sctx, readStaleness)

// GetSessionSnapshotInfoSchema returns the session's information schema with specified ts
func GetSessionSnapshotInfoSchema(sctx sessionctx.Context, snapshotTS uint64) (infoschema.InfoSchema, error) {
	is, err := domain.GetDomain(sctx).GetSnapshotInfoSchema(snapshotTS)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return temptable.AttachLocalTemporaryTableInfoSchema(sctx, is), nil


tidb 源码目录


tidb errors 源码

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tidb provider 源码

tidb util 源码

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