spark DeployMessage 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (380)

spark DeployMessage 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.deploy

import scala.collection.immutable.List

import org.apache.spark.deploy.ExecutorState.ExecutorState
import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.{ApplicationInfo, DriverInfo, WorkerInfo}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.DriverState.DriverState
import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.RecoveryState.MasterState
import org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.{DriverRunner, ExecutorRunner}
import org.apache.spark.resource.{ResourceInformation, ResourceProfile}
import org.apache.spark.rpc.{RpcAddress, RpcEndpointRef}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[deploy] sealed trait DeployMessage extends Serializable

/** Contains messages sent between Scheduler endpoint nodes. */
private[deploy] object DeployMessages {
  // Worker to Master

   * @param id the worker id
   * @param host the worker host
   * @param port the worker post
   * @param worker the worker endpoint ref
   * @param cores the core number of worker
   * @param memory the memory size of worker
   * @param workerWebUiUrl the worker Web UI address
   * @param masterAddress the master address used by the worker to connect
   * @param resources the resources of worker
  case class RegisterWorker(
      id: String,
      host: String,
      port: Int,
      worker: RpcEndpointRef,
      cores: Int,
      memory: Int,
      workerWebUiUrl: String,
      masterAddress: RpcAddress,
      resources: Map[String, ResourceInformation] = Map.empty)
    extends DeployMessage {
    assert (port > 0)

   * An internal message that used by Master itself, in order to handle the
   * `DecommissionWorkersOnHosts` request from `MasterWebUI` asynchronously.
   * @param ids A collection of Worker ids, which should be decommissioned.
  case class DecommissionWorkers(ids: Seq[String]) extends DeployMessage

   * A message that sent from Master to Worker to decommission the Worker.
   * It's used for the case where decommission is triggered at MasterWebUI.
   * Note that decommission a Worker will cause all the executors on that Worker
   * to be decommissioned as well.
  object DecommissionWorker extends DeployMessage

   * A message that sent by the Worker to itself when it receives a signal,
   * indicating the Worker starts to decommission.
  object WorkerDecommissionSigReceived extends DeployMessage

   * A message sent from Worker to Master to tell Master that the Worker has started
   * decommissioning. It's used for the case where decommission is triggered at Worker.
   * @param id the worker id
   * @param workerRef the worker endpoint ref
  case class WorkerDecommissioning(id: String, workerRef: RpcEndpointRef) extends DeployMessage

  case class ExecutorStateChanged(
      appId: String,
      execId: Int,
      state: ExecutorState,
      message: Option[String],
      exitStatus: Option[Int])
    extends DeployMessage

  case class DriverStateChanged(
      driverId: String,
      state: DriverState,
      exception: Option[Exception])
    extends DeployMessage

  case class WorkerExecutorStateResponse(
      desc: ExecutorDescription,
      resources: Map[String, ResourceInformation])

  case class WorkerDriverStateResponse(
      driverId: String,
      resources: Map[String, ResourceInformation])

  case class WorkerSchedulerStateResponse(
      id: String,
      execResponses: List[WorkerExecutorStateResponse],
      driverResponses: Seq[WorkerDriverStateResponse])

   * A worker will send this message to the master when it registers with the master. Then the
   * master will compare them with the executors and drivers in the master and tell the worker to
   * kill the unknown executors and drivers.
  case class WorkerLatestState(
      id: String,
      executors: Seq[ExecutorDescription],
      driverIds: Seq[String]) extends DeployMessage

  case class Heartbeat(workerId: String, worker: RpcEndpointRef) extends DeployMessage

   * Used by the MasterWebUI to request the master to decommission all workers that are active on
   * any of the given hostnames.
   * @param hostnames: A list of hostnames without the ports. Like "localhost", "" etc
  case class DecommissionWorkersOnHosts(hostnames: Seq[String])

  // Master to Worker

  sealed trait RegisterWorkerResponse

   * @param master the master ref
   * @param masterWebUiUrl the master Web UI address
   * @param masterAddress the master address used by the worker to connect. It should be
   *                      [[RegisterWorker.masterAddress]].
   * @param duplicate whether it is a duplicate register request from the worker
  case class RegisteredWorker(
      master: RpcEndpointRef,
      masterWebUiUrl: String,
      masterAddress: RpcAddress,
      duplicate: Boolean) extends DeployMessage with RegisterWorkerResponse

  case class RegisterWorkerFailed(message: String) extends DeployMessage with RegisterWorkerResponse

  case object MasterInStandby extends DeployMessage with RegisterWorkerResponse

  case class ReconnectWorker(masterUrl: String) extends DeployMessage

  case class KillExecutor(masterUrl: String, appId: String, execId: Int) extends DeployMessage

  case class LaunchExecutor(
      masterUrl: String,
      appId: String,
      execId: Int,
      rpId: Int,
      appDesc: ApplicationDescription,
      cores: Int,
      memory: Int,
      resources: Map[String, ResourceInformation] = Map.empty)
    extends DeployMessage

  case class LaunchDriver(
      driverId: String,
      driverDesc: DriverDescription,
      resources: Map[String, ResourceInformation] = Map.empty) extends DeployMessage

  case class KillDriver(driverId: String) extends DeployMessage

  case class ApplicationFinished(id: String)

  // Worker internal

  case object WorkDirCleanup // Sent to Worker endpoint periodically for cleaning up app folders

  case object ReregisterWithMaster // used when a worker attempts to reconnect to a master

  // AppClient to Master

  case class RegisterApplication(appDescription: ApplicationDescription, driver: RpcEndpointRef)
    extends DeployMessage

  case class UnregisterApplication(appId: String)

  case class MasterChangeAcknowledged(appId: String)

  case class RequestExecutors(appId: String, resourceProfileToTotalExecs: Map[ResourceProfile, Int])

  case class KillExecutors(appId: String, executorIds: Seq[String])

  // Master to AppClient

  case class RegisteredApplication(appId: String, master: RpcEndpointRef) extends DeployMessage

  // TODO(matei): replace hostPort with host
  case class ExecutorAdded(id: Int, workerId: String, hostPort: String, cores: Int, memory: Int) {

  // When the host of Worker is lost or decommissioned, the `workerHost` is the host address
  // of that Worker. Otherwise, it's None.
  case class ExecutorUpdated(id: Int, state: ExecutorState, message: Option[String],
    exitStatus: Option[Int], workerHost: Option[String])

  case class ApplicationRemoved(message: String)

  case class WorkerRemoved(id: String, host: String, message: String)

  // DriverClient <-> Master

  case class RequestSubmitDriver(driverDescription: DriverDescription) extends DeployMessage

  case class SubmitDriverResponse(
      master: RpcEndpointRef, success: Boolean, driverId: Option[String], message: String)
    extends DeployMessage

  case class RequestKillDriver(driverId: String) extends DeployMessage

  case class KillDriverResponse(
      master: RpcEndpointRef, driverId: String, success: Boolean, message: String)
    extends DeployMessage

  case class RequestDriverStatus(driverId: String) extends DeployMessage

  case class DriverStatusResponse(found: Boolean, state: Option[DriverState],
    workerId: Option[String], workerHostPort: Option[String], exception: Option[Exception])

  // Internal message in AppClient

  case object StopAppClient

  // Master to Worker & AppClient

  case class MasterChanged(master: RpcEndpointRef, masterWebUiUrl: String)

  // MasterWebUI To Master

  case object RequestMasterState

  // Master to MasterWebUI

  case class MasterStateResponse(
      host: String,
      port: Int,
      restPort: Option[Int],
      workers: Array[WorkerInfo],
      activeApps: Array[ApplicationInfo],
      completedApps: Array[ApplicationInfo],
      activeDrivers: Array[DriverInfo],
      completedDrivers: Array[DriverInfo],
      status: MasterState) {

    assert (port > 0)

    def uri: String = "spark://" + host + ":" + port
    def restUri: Option[String] = { p => "spark://" + host + ":" + p }

  //  WorkerWebUI to Worker

  case object RequestWorkerState

  // Worker to WorkerWebUI

  case class WorkerStateResponse(host: String, port: Int, workerId: String,
    executors: List[ExecutorRunner], finishedExecutors: List[ExecutorRunner],
    drivers: List[DriverRunner], finishedDrivers: List[DriverRunner], masterUrl: String,
    cores: Int, memory: Int, coresUsed: Int, memoryUsed: Int, masterWebUiUrl: String,
    resources: Map[String, ResourceInformation] = Map.empty,
    resourcesUsed: Map[String, ResourceInformation] = Map.empty) {

    assert (port > 0)

  // Liveness checks in various places

  case object SendHeartbeat



spark 源码目录


spark ApplicationDescription 源码

spark Client 源码

spark ClientArguments 源码

spark Command 源码

spark DriverDescription 源码

spark ExecutorDescription 源码

spark ExecutorState 源码

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spark ExternalShuffleServiceSource 源码

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