tidb console_glue 源码
tidb console_glue 代码
// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
package glue
import (
// ConsoleOperations are some operations based on ConsoleGlue.
type ConsoleOperations struct {
// An extra field appending to the task.
// return type is a {key: string, value: string} tuple.
type ExtraField func() [2]string
// NOTE:
// Perhaps we'd better move these modifiers and terminal function to another package
// like `glue/termutil?`
// WithTimeCost adds the task information of time costing for `ShowTask`.
func WithTimeCost() ExtraField {
start := time.Now()
return func() [2]string {
return [2]string{"take", time.Since(start).String()}
// WithConstExtraField adds an extra field with constant values.
func WithConstExtraField(key string, value interface{}) ExtraField {
return func() [2]string {
return [2]string{key, fmt.Sprint(value)}
// ShowTask prints a task start information, and mark as finished when the returned function called.
// This is for TUI presenting.
func (ops ConsoleOperations) ShowTask(message string, extraFields ...ExtraField) func() {
return func() {
fields := make([]string, 0, len(extraFields))
for _, fieldFunc := range extraFields {
field := fieldFunc()
fields = append(fields, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", field[0], color.New(color.Bold).Sprint(field[1])))
ops.Printf("%s; %s\n", color.HiGreenString("DONE"), strings.Join(fields, ", "))
func (ops ConsoleOperations) RootFrame() Frame {
return Frame{
width: ops.GetWidth(),
offset: 0,
console: ops,
// PromptBool prompts a boolean from the user.
func (ops ConsoleOperations) PromptBool(p string) bool {
if !ops.IsInteractive() {
return true
for {
ans := ""
ops.Print(p + "(y/N) ")
if n, err := ops.Scanln(&ans); err != nil || n == 0 {
// EOF or reply nothing.
return false
trimed := strings.TrimSpace(ans)
if strings.ToLower(trimed) == "y" {
return true
if trimed == "" || strings.ToLower(trimed) == "n" {
return false
func (ops *ConsoleOperations) CreateTable() *Table {
return &Table{
console: ops,
func (ops ConsoleOperations) Print(args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprint(ops, args...)
func (ops ConsoleOperations) Println(args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintln(ops, args...)
func (ops ConsoleOperations) Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(ops, format, args...)
type Table struct {
console *ConsoleOperations
items [][2]string
func (t *Table) Add(key, value string) {
t.items = append(t.items, [...]string{key, value})
func (t *Table) maxKeyLen() int {
maxLen := 0
for _, item := range t.items {
if len(item[0]) > maxLen {
maxLen = len(item[0])
return maxLen
// Print prints the table.
// The format would be like:
// Key1: <Value>
// Other: <Value>
// LongKey: <Value>
// The format may change if the terminal size is small.
func (t *Table) Print() {
value := color.New(color.Bold)
maxLen := t.maxKeyLen()
f, ok := t.console.RootFrame().OffsetLeftWithMinWidth( /* maxLen + len(": ") */ maxLen+2, 40)
// If the terminal is too narrow, we should use a compacted format for printing, like:
// Key:
// <Value>
if !ok {
// No padding keys if we use the two-line style for printing.
maxLen = 0
for _, item := range t.items {
t.console.Printf("%*s: ", maxLen, item[0])
vs := NewPrettyString(value.Sprint(item[1]))
if !ok {
// If the terminal is too narrow to hold the line,
// print the information to next line directly.
// ConsoleGlue is the glue between BR and some type of console,
// which is the port for interact with the user.
type ConsoleGlue interface {
// IsInteractive checks whether the shell supports input.
IsInteractive() bool
Scanln(args ...interface{}) (int, error)
GetWidth() int
type NoOPConsoleGlue struct{}
func (NoOPConsoleGlue) Write(bs []byte) (int, error) {
return len(bs), nil
func (NoOPConsoleGlue) IsInteractive() bool {
return false
func (NoOPConsoleGlue) Scanln(args ...interface{}) (int, error) {
return 0, nil
func (NoOPConsoleGlue) GetWidth() int {
return math.MaxUint32
func GetConsole(g Glue) ConsoleOperations {
if cg, ok := g.(ConsoleGlue); ok {
return ConsoleOperations{ConsoleGlue: cg}
return ConsoleOperations{ConsoleGlue: NoOPConsoleGlue{}}
type StdIOGlue struct{}
func (s StdIOGlue) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return os.Stdout.Write(p)
// IsInteractive checks whether the shell supports input.
func (s StdIOGlue) IsInteractive() bool {
// should we detach whether we are in a interactive tty here?
return term.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdin.Fd()))
func (s StdIOGlue) Scanln(args ...interface{}) (int, error) {
return fmt.Scanln(args...)
func (s StdIOGlue) GetWidth() int {
width, _, err := term.GetSize(int(os.Stdin.Fd()))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get terminal size, using infinity", logutil.ShortError(err), zap.Int("fd", int(os.Stdin.Fd())))
return math.MaxUint32
log.Debug("terminal width got.", zap.Int("width", width))
return width
// PrettyString is a string with ANSI escape sequence which would change its color.
// this wrapper can help to do some operations over those string.
type PrettyString struct {
pretty string
raw string
escapeSequencePlace [][]int
var ansiEscapeCodeRe = regexp.MustCompile("\x1b" + `\[(?:(?:\d+;)*\d+)?m`)
// NewPrettyString wraps a string with ANSI escape seuqnces with PrettyString.
func NewPrettyString(s string) PrettyString {
return PrettyString{
pretty: s,
raw: ansiEscapeCodeRe.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, ""),
escapeSequencePlace: ansiEscapeCodeRe.FindAllStringIndex(s, -1),
// Len returns the length of the string with removal of all ANSI sequences.
// ("The raw length") .
// Example: "\e[38;5;226mhello, world\e[0m".Len() => 12
// Note: The length of golden string "hello, world" is 12.
func (ps PrettyString) Len() int {
return len(ps.raw)
// Pretty returns the pretty form of the string:
// with keeping all ANSI escape sequences.
// Example: "\e[38;5;226mhello, world\e[0m".Pretty() => "\e[38;5;226mhello, world\e[0m"
func (ps PrettyString) Pretty() string {
return ps.pretty
// Raw returns the raw form of the pretty string:
// with removal of all ANSI escape sequences.
// Example: "\e[38;5;226mhello, world\e[0m".Raw() => "hello, world"
func (ps PrettyString) Raw() string {
return ps.raw
// SplitAt splits a pretty string at the place and ignoring all formats.
// Example: "\e[38;5;226mhello, world\e[0m".SplitAt(5) => ["\e[38;5;226mhello", ", world\e[0m"]
func (ps PrettyString) SplitAt(n int) (left, right PrettyString) {
if n < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("PrettyString::SplitAt: index out of bound (%d vs %d)", n, len(ps.raw)))
if n >= len(ps.raw) {
left = ps
realSlicePoint, endAt := ps.slicePointOf(n)
left.pretty = ps.pretty[:realSlicePoint]
left.raw = ps.raw[:n]
left.escapeSequencePlace = ps.escapeSequencePlace[:endAt]
right.pretty = ps.pretty[realSlicePoint:]
right.raw = ps.raw[n:]
for _, rp := range ps.escapeSequencePlace[endAt:] {
right.escapeSequencePlace = append(right.escapeSequencePlace, []int{
rp[0] - realSlicePoint,
rp[1] - realSlicePoint,
func (ps PrettyString) slicePointOf(s int) (realSlicePoint, endAt int) {
endAt = 0
realSlicePoint = s
for i, m := range ps.escapeSequencePlace {
start, end := m[0], m[1]
length := end - start
if realSlicePoint > start {
realSlicePoint += length
} else {
endAt = i
// Frame is an fix-width place for printing.
// It is the abstraction of some subarea of the terminal,
// you might imagine it as a panel in the tmux, but with infinity height.
// For example, printing a frame with the width of 10 chars, and 4 chars offset left, would be like:
// v~~~~~~~~~~v Here is the "width of a frame".
// +--+----------+--+
// | Hello, wor |
// | ld. |
// +--+----------+--+
// ^~~^
// Here is the "offset of a frame".
type Frame struct {
offset int
width int
console ConsoleOperations
func (f Frame) newLine() {
f.console.Printf("\n%s", strings.Repeat(" ", f.offset))
func (f Frame) Print(s PrettyString) {
if f.width <= 0 {
for left, right := s.SplitAt(f.width); left.Len() > 0; left, right = right.SplitAt(f.width) {
if right.Len() > 0 {
func (f Frame) WithWidth(width int) Frame {
return Frame{
offset: f.offset,
width: width,
console: f.console,
func (f Frame) OffsetLeftWithMinWidth(offset, minWidth int) (Frame, bool) {
if f.width-offset < minWidth {
return f, false
return Frame{
offset: offset,
width: f.width - offset,
console: f.console,
}, true
func (f Frame) OffsetLeft(offset int) (Frame, bool) {
return f.OffsetLeftWithMinWidth(offset, 1)
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