harmony 鸿蒙Pan-sensor Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (364)

Pan-sensor Subsystem Changelog

cl.vibrator.1 Added Attributes Related to Custom Vibration

The attributes VibrateFromFile (custom vibration effect) and HapticFileDescriptor (file descriptor of the custom vibration configuration file) are added. The vibration effect supported by startVibration is extended from VibrateEffect = VibrateTime|VibratePreset to VibrateEffect = VibrateTime|VibratePreset|VibrateFromFile.

Change Impact

When developing applications based on OpenHarmony4.0.8.2 and later SDK versions, you can use the VibrateFromFile attribute to enable devices that support custom vibration to trigger vibration according to the vibration sequence configured in the custom vibration configuration file.

Key API/Component Changes

Added the VibrateFromFile and HapticFileDescriptor attributes to @ohos.vibrator.d.ts.

|Module|Class|Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant|Change Type| | –|–|–|–| |@ohos.vibrator.d.ts|vibrator|HapticFileDescriptor|Added| |@ohos.vibrator.d.ts|vibrator|VibrateFromFile|Added|

Adaptation Guide

Obtain the resources in the vibration configuration file through the resource management API, and start or stop custom vibration as required.

import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
import resourceManager from '@ohos.resourceManager';

const FILE_NAME = "xxx.json";

async function openResource(fileName) {
    let fileDescriptor = undefined;
    let mgr = await resourceManager.getResourceManager();
    await mgr.getRawFd(fileName).then(value => {
        fileDescriptor = {fd: value.fd, offset: value.offset, length: value.length};
        console.log('openResource success fileName: ' + fileName);
    }).catch(error => {
        console.log('openResource err: ' + error);
    return fileDescriptor;

async function closeResource(fileName) {
    let mgr = await resourceManager.getResourceManager();
    await mgr.closeRawFd(fileName).then(()=> {
        console.log('closeResource success fileName: ' + fileName);
    }).catch(error => {
        console.log('closeResource err: ' + error);

// Obtain the file descriptor of the vibration configuration file.
let rawFd = openResource(FILE_NAME);
// To use startVibration and stopVibration, you must configure the ohos.permission.VIBRATE permission.
try {
    // Start custom vibration.
        type: "file",
        hapticFd: { fd: rawFd.fd, offset: rawFd.offset, length: rawFd.length }
    }, {
        usage: "alarm"
    }).then(() => {
        console.info('startVibration success');
    }, (error) => {
        console.info('startVibration error');
    // Stop vibration in all modes.
    vibrator.stopVibration(function (error) {
        if (error) {
            console.log('error.code' + error.code + 'error.message' + error.message);
        console.log('Callback returned to indicate successful.');
} catch (error) {
    console.info('errCode: ' + error.code + ' ,msg: ' + error.message);
// Close the vibration configuration file.


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