spark TransportConf 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark TransportConf 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import io.netty.util.NettyRuntime;

 * A central location that tracks all the settings we expose to users.
public class TransportConf {

  private final String SPARK_NETWORK_IO_MODE_KEY;
  private final String SPARK_NETWORK_IO_BACKLOG_KEY;
  private final String SPARK_NETWORK_SASL_TIMEOUT_KEY;
  private final String SPARK_NETWORK_IO_RETRYWAIT_KEY;
  private final String SPARK_NETWORK_IO_LAZYFD_KEY;

  private final ConfigProvider conf;

  private final String module;

  public TransportConf(String module, ConfigProvider conf) {
    this.module = module;
    this.conf = conf;
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_MODE_KEY = getConfKey("io.mode");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_PREFERDIRECTBUFS_KEY = getConfKey("io.preferDirectBufs");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT_KEY = getConfKey("io.connectionTimeout");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_CONNECTIONCREATIONTIMEOUT_KEY = getConfKey("io.connectionCreationTimeout");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_BACKLOG_KEY = getConfKey("io.backLog");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_NUMCONNECTIONSPERPEER_KEY =  getConfKey("io.numConnectionsPerPeer");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_SERVERTHREADS_KEY = getConfKey("io.serverThreads");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_CLIENTTHREADS_KEY = getConfKey("io.clientThreads");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_RECEIVEBUFFER_KEY = getConfKey("io.receiveBuffer");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_SENDBUFFER_KEY = getConfKey("io.sendBuffer");
    SPARK_NETWORK_SASL_TIMEOUT_KEY = getConfKey("sasl.timeout");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_MAXRETRIES_KEY = getConfKey("io.maxRetries");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_RETRYWAIT_KEY = getConfKey("io.retryWait");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_LAZYFD_KEY = getConfKey("io.lazyFD");
    SPARK_NETWORK_VERBOSE_METRICS = getConfKey("io.enableVerboseMetrics");
    SPARK_NETWORK_IO_ENABLETCPKEEPALIVE_KEY = getConfKey("io.enableTcpKeepAlive");

  public int getInt(String name, int defaultValue) {
    return conf.getInt(name, defaultValue);

  public String get(String name, String defaultValue) {
    return conf.get(name, defaultValue);

  private String getConfKey(String suffix) {
    return "spark." + module + "." + suffix;

  public String getModuleName() {
    return module;

  /** IO mode: nio or epoll */
  public String ioMode() {
    return conf.get(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_MODE_KEY, "NIO").toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);

  /** If true, we will prefer allocating off-heap byte buffers within Netty. */
  public boolean preferDirectBufs() {
    return conf.getBoolean(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_PREFERDIRECTBUFS_KEY, true);

  /** Connection idle timeout in milliseconds. Default 120 secs. */
  public int connectionTimeoutMs() {
    long defaultNetworkTimeoutS = JavaUtils.timeStringAsSec(
      conf.get("", "120s"));
    long defaultTimeoutMs = JavaUtils.timeStringAsSec(
      conf.get(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT_KEY, defaultNetworkTimeoutS + "s")) * 1000;
    return (int) defaultTimeoutMs;

  /** Connect creation timeout in milliseconds. Default 30 secs. */
  public int connectionCreationTimeoutMs() {
    long connectionTimeoutS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(connectionTimeoutMs());
    long defaultTimeoutMs = JavaUtils.timeStringAsSec(
      conf.get(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_CONNECTIONCREATIONTIMEOUT_KEY,  connectionTimeoutS + "s")) * 1000;
    return (int) defaultTimeoutMs;

  /** Number of concurrent connections between two nodes for fetching data. */
  public int numConnectionsPerPeer() {

   * Requested maximum length of the queue of incoming connections. If  < 1,
   * the default Netty value of {@link io.netty.util.NetUtil#SOMAXCONN} will be used.
   * Default to -1.
  public int backLog() { return conf.getInt(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_BACKLOG_KEY, -1); }

  /** Number of threads used in the server thread pool. Default to 0, which is 2x#cores. */
  public int serverThreads() { return conf.getInt(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_SERVERTHREADS_KEY, 0); }

  /** Number of threads used in the client thread pool. Default to 0, which is 2x#cores. */
  public int clientThreads() { return conf.getInt(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_CLIENTTHREADS_KEY, 0); }

   * Receive buffer size (SO_RCVBUF).
   * Note: the optimal size for receive buffer and send buffer should be
   *  latency * network_bandwidth.
   * Assuming latency = 1ms, network_bandwidth = 10Gbps
   *  buffer size should be ~ 1.25MB
  public int receiveBuf() { return conf.getInt(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_RECEIVEBUFFER_KEY, -1); }

  /** Send buffer size (SO_SNDBUF). */
  public int sendBuf() { return conf.getInt(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_SENDBUFFER_KEY, -1); }

  /** Timeout for a single round trip of auth message exchange, in milliseconds. */
  public int authRTTimeoutMs() {
    return (int) JavaUtils.timeStringAsSec(conf.get("",
      conf.get(SPARK_NETWORK_SASL_TIMEOUT_KEY, "30s"))) * 1000;

   * Max number of times we will try IO exceptions (such as connection timeouts) per request.
   * If set to 0, we will not do any retries.
  public int maxIORetries() { return conf.getInt(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_MAXRETRIES_KEY, 3); }

   * Time (in milliseconds) that we will wait in order to perform a retry after an IOException.
   * Only relevant if maxIORetries > 0.
  public int ioRetryWaitTimeMs() {
    return (int) JavaUtils.timeStringAsSec(conf.get(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_RETRYWAIT_KEY, "5s")) * 1000;

   * Minimum size of a block that we should start using memory map rather than reading in through
   * normal IO operations. This prevents Spark from memory mapping very small blocks. In general,
   * memory mapping has high overhead for blocks close to or below the page size of the OS.
  public int memoryMapBytes() {
    return Ints.checkedCast(JavaUtils.byteStringAsBytes(
      conf.get("", "2m")));

   * Whether to initialize FileDescriptor lazily or not. If true, file descriptors are
   * created only when data is going to be transferred. This can reduce the number of open files.
  public boolean lazyFileDescriptor() {
    return conf.getBoolean(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_LAZYFD_KEY, true);

   * Whether to track Netty memory detailed metrics. If true, the detailed metrics of Netty
   * PoolByteBufAllocator will be gotten, otherwise only general memory usage will be tracked.
  public boolean verboseMetrics() {
    return conf.getBoolean(SPARK_NETWORK_VERBOSE_METRICS, false);

   * Whether to enable TCP keep-alive. If true, the TCP keep-alives are enabled, which removes
   * connections that are idle for too long.
  public boolean enableTcpKeepAlive() {
    return conf.getBoolean(SPARK_NETWORK_IO_ENABLETCPKEEPALIVE_KEY, false);

   * Maximum number of retries when binding to a port before giving up.
  public int portMaxRetries() {
    return conf.getInt("spark.port.maxRetries", 16);

   * Enables strong encryption. Also enables the new auth protocol, used to negotiate keys.
  public boolean encryptionEnabled() {
    return conf.getBoolean("", false);

   * The cipher transformation to use for encrypting session data.
  public String cipherTransformation() {
    return conf.get("", "AES/CTR/NoPadding");

   * Whether to fall back to SASL if the new auth protocol fails. Enabled by default for
   * backwards compatibility.
  public boolean saslFallback() {
    return conf.getBoolean("", true);

   * Whether to enable SASL-based encryption when authenticating using SASL.
  public boolean saslEncryption() {
    return conf.getBoolean("spark.authenticate.enableSaslEncryption", false);

   * Maximum number of bytes to be encrypted at a time when SASL encryption is used.
  public int maxSaslEncryptedBlockSize() {
    return Ints.checkedCast(JavaUtils.byteStringAsBytes(
      conf.get("", "64k")));

   * Whether the server should enforce encryption on SASL-authenticated connections.
  public boolean saslServerAlwaysEncrypt() {
    return conf.getBoolean("", false);

   * Flag indicating whether to share the pooled ByteBuf allocators between the different Netty
   * channels. If enabled then only two pooled ByteBuf allocators are created: one where caching
   * is allowed (for transport servers) and one where not (for transport clients).
   * When disabled a new allocator is created for each transport servers and clients.
  public boolean sharedByteBufAllocators() {
    return conf.getBoolean("", true);

  * If enabled then off-heap byte buffers will be preferred for the shared ByteBuf allocators.
  public boolean preferDirectBufsForSharedByteBufAllocators() {
    return conf.getBoolean("", true);

   * The commons-crypto configuration for the module.
  public Properties cryptoConf() {
    return CryptoUtils.toCryptoConf("", conf.getAll());

   * The max number of chunks allowed to be transferred at the same time on shuffle service.
   * Note that new incoming connections will be closed when the max number is hit. The client will
   * retry according to the shuffle retry configs (see `` and
   * ``), if those limits are reached the task will fail with fetch
   * failure.
  public long maxChunksBeingTransferred() {
    return conf.getLong("spark.shuffle.maxChunksBeingTransferred", Long.MAX_VALUE);

   * Percentage of io.serverThreads used by netty to process ChunkFetchRequest.
   * When the config `spark.shuffle.server.chunkFetchHandlerThreadsPercent` is set,
   * shuffle server will use a separate EventLoopGroup to process ChunkFetchRequest messages.
   * Although when calling the async writeAndFlush on the underlying channel to send
   * response back to client, the I/O on the channel is still being handled by
   * {@link}'s default EventLoopGroup
   * that's registered with the Channel, by waiting inside the ChunkFetchRequest handler
   * threads for the completion of sending back responses, we are able to put a limit on
   * the max number of threads from TransportServer's default EventLoopGroup that are
   * going to be consumed by writing response to ChunkFetchRequest, which are I/O intensive
   * and could take long time to process due to disk contentions. By configuring a slightly
   * higher number of shuffler server threads, we are able to reserve some threads for
   * handling other RPC messages, thus making the Client less likely to experience timeout
   * when sending RPC messages to the shuffle server. The number of threads used for handling
   * chunked fetch requests are percentage of io.serverThreads (if defined) else it is a percentage
   * of 2 * #cores. However, a percentage of 0 means netty default number of threads which
   * is 2 * #cores ignoring io.serverThreads. The percentage here is configured via
   * spark.shuffle.server.chunkFetchHandlerThreadsPercent. The returned value is rounded off to
   * ceiling of the nearest integer.
  public int chunkFetchHandlerThreads() {
    if (!this.getModuleName().equalsIgnoreCase("shuffle")) {
      return 0;
    int chunkFetchHandlerThreadsPercent =
    int threads =
      this.serverThreads() > 0 ? this.serverThreads() : 2 * NettyRuntime.availableProcessors();
    return (int) Math.ceil(threads * (chunkFetchHandlerThreadsPercent / 100.0));

   * Whether to use a separate EventLoopGroup to process ChunkFetchRequest messages, it is decided
   * by the config `spark.shuffle.server.chunkFetchHandlerThreadsPercent` is set or not.
  public boolean separateChunkFetchRequest() {
    return conf.getInt("spark.shuffle.server.chunkFetchHandlerThreadsPercent", 0) > 0;

   * Whether to use the old protocol while doing the shuffle block fetching.
   * It is only enabled while we need the compatibility in the scenario of new spark version
   * job fetching blocks from old version external shuffle service.
  public boolean useOldFetchProtocol() {
    return conf.getBoolean("spark.shuffle.useOldFetchProtocol", false);

   * Class name of the implementation of MergedShuffleFileManager that merges the blocks
   * pushed to it when push-based shuffle is enabled. By default, push-based shuffle is disabled at
   * a cluster level because this configuration is set to
   * ''.
   * To turn on push-based shuffle at a cluster level, set the configuration to
   * ''.
  public String mergedShuffleFileManagerImpl() {
    return conf.get("spark.shuffle.push.server.mergedShuffleFileManagerImpl",

   * The minimum size of a chunk when dividing a merged shuffle file into multiple chunks during
   * push-based shuffle.
   * A merged shuffle file consists of multiple small shuffle blocks. Fetching the complete
   * merged shuffle file in a single disk I/O increases the memory requirements for both the
   * clients and the external shuffle service. Instead, the external shuffle service serves
   * the merged file in MB-sized chunks. This configuration controls how big a chunk can get.
   * A corresponding index file for each merged shuffle file will be generated indicating chunk
   * boundaries.
   * Setting this too high would increase the memory requirements on both the clients and the
   * external shuffle service.
   * Setting this too low would increase the overall number of RPC requests to external shuffle
   * service unnecessarily.
  public int minChunkSizeInMergedShuffleFile() {
    return Ints.checkedCast(JavaUtils.byteStringAsBytes(
      conf.get("spark.shuffle.push.server.minChunkSizeInMergedShuffleFile", "2m")));

   * The maximum size of cache in memory which is used in push-based shuffle for storing merged
   * index files. This cache is in addition to the one configured via
   * spark.shuffle.service.index.cache.size.
  public long mergedIndexCacheSize() {
    return JavaUtils.byteStringAsBytes(
      conf.get("spark.shuffle.push.server.mergedIndexCacheSize", "100m"));

   * The threshold for number of IOExceptions while merging shuffle blocks to a shuffle partition.
   * When the number of IOExceptions while writing to merged shuffle data/index/meta file exceed
   * this threshold then the shuffle server will respond back to client to stop pushing shuffle
   * blocks for this shuffle partition.
  public int ioExceptionsThresholdDuringMerge() {
    return conf.getInt("spark.shuffle.push.server.ioExceptionsThresholdDuringMerge", 4);

   * The RemoteBlockPushResolver#mergedShuffleCleanermergedShuffleCleaner
   * shutdown timeout, in seconds.
  public long mergedShuffleCleanerShutdownTimeout() {
    return JavaUtils.timeStringAsSec(
      conf.get("spark.shuffle.push.server.mergedShuffleCleaner.shutdown.timeout", "60s"));


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