go utils 源码

  • 2022-07-15
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golang utils 代码


// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package escape

import (

func isSliceSelfAssign(dst, src ir.Node) bool {
	// Detect the following special case.
	//	func (b *Buffer) Foo() {
	//		n, m := ...
	//		b.buf = b.buf[n:m]
	//	}
	// This assignment is a no-op for escape analysis,
	// it does not store any new pointers into b that were not already there.
	// However, without this special case b will escape, because we assign to OIND/ODOTPTR.
	// Here we assume that the statement will not contain calls,
	// that is, that order will move any calls to init.
	// Otherwise base ONAME value could change between the moments
	// when we evaluate it for dst and for src.

	// dst is ONAME dereference.
	var dstX ir.Node
	switch dst.Op() {
		return false
	case ir.ODEREF:
		dst := dst.(*ir.StarExpr)
		dstX = dst.X
	case ir.ODOTPTR:
		dst := dst.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
		dstX = dst.X
	if dstX.Op() != ir.ONAME {
		return false
	// src is a slice operation.
	switch src.Op() {
	case ir.OSLICE, ir.OSLICE3, ir.OSLICESTR:
		// OK.
		// Since arrays are embedded into containing object,
		// slice of non-pointer array will introduce a new pointer into b that was not already there
		// (pointer to b itself). After such assignment, if b contents escape,
		// b escapes as well. If we ignore such OSLICEARR, we will conclude
		// that b does not escape when b contents do.
		// Pointer to an array is OK since it's not stored inside b directly.
		// For slicing an array (not pointer to array), there is an implicit OADDR.
		// We check that to determine non-pointer array slicing.
		src := src.(*ir.SliceExpr)
		if src.X.Op() == ir.OADDR {
			return false
		return false
	// slice is applied to ONAME dereference.
	var baseX ir.Node
	switch base := src.(*ir.SliceExpr).X; base.Op() {
		return false
	case ir.ODEREF:
		base := base.(*ir.StarExpr)
		baseX = base.X
	case ir.ODOTPTR:
		base := base.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
		baseX = base.X
	if baseX.Op() != ir.ONAME {
		return false
	// dst and src reference the same base ONAME.
	return dstX.(*ir.Name) == baseX.(*ir.Name)

// isSelfAssign reports whether assignment from src to dst can
// be ignored by the escape analysis as it's effectively a self-assignment.
func isSelfAssign(dst, src ir.Node) bool {
	if isSliceSelfAssign(dst, src) {
		return true

	// Detect trivial assignments that assign back to the same object.
	// It covers these cases:
	//	val.x = val.y
	//	val.x[i] = val.y[j]
	//	val.x1.x2 = val.x1.y2
	//	... etc
	// These assignments do not change assigned object lifetime.

	if dst == nil || src == nil || dst.Op() != src.Op() {
		return false

	// The expression prefix must be both "safe" and identical.
	switch dst.Op() {
	case ir.ODOT, ir.ODOTPTR:
		// Safe trailing accessors that are permitted to differ.
		dst := dst.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
		src := src.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
		return ir.SameSafeExpr(dst.X, src.X)
	case ir.OINDEX:
		dst := dst.(*ir.IndexExpr)
		src := src.(*ir.IndexExpr)
		if mayAffectMemory(dst.Index) || mayAffectMemory(src.Index) {
			return false
		return ir.SameSafeExpr(dst.X, src.X)
		return false

// mayAffectMemory reports whether evaluation of n may affect the program's
// memory state. If the expression can't affect memory state, then it can be
// safely ignored by the escape analysis.
func mayAffectMemory(n ir.Node) bool {
	// We may want to use a list of "memory safe" ops instead of generally
	// "side-effect free", which would include all calls and other ops that can
	// allocate or change global state. For now, it's safer to start with the latter.
	// We're ignoring things like division by zero, index out of range,
	// and nil pointer dereference here.

	// TODO(rsc): It seems like it should be possible to replace this with
	// an ir.Any looking for any op that's not the ones in the case statement.
	// But that produces changes in the compiled output detected by buildall.
	switch n.Op() {
	case ir.ONAME, ir.OLITERAL, ir.ONIL:
		return false

	case ir.OADD, ir.OSUB, ir.OOR, ir.OXOR, ir.OMUL, ir.OLSH, ir.ORSH, ir.OAND, ir.OANDNOT, ir.ODIV, ir.OMOD:
		n := n.(*ir.BinaryExpr)
		return mayAffectMemory(n.X) || mayAffectMemory(n.Y)

	case ir.OINDEX:
		n := n.(*ir.IndexExpr)
		return mayAffectMemory(n.X) || mayAffectMemory(n.Index)

	case ir.OCONVNOP, ir.OCONV:
		n := n.(*ir.ConvExpr)
		return mayAffectMemory(n.X)

		n := n.(*ir.UnaryExpr)
		return mayAffectMemory(n.X)

	case ir.ODOT, ir.ODOTPTR:
		n := n.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
		return mayAffectMemory(n.X)

	case ir.ODEREF:
		n := n.(*ir.StarExpr)
		return mayAffectMemory(n.X)

		return true

// HeapAllocReason returns the reason the given Node must be heap
// allocated, or the empty string if it doesn't.
func HeapAllocReason(n ir.Node) string {
	if n == nil || n.Type() == nil {
		return ""

	// Parameters are always passed via the stack.
	if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
		n := n.(*ir.Name)
		if n.Class == ir.PPARAM || n.Class == ir.PPARAMOUT {
			return ""

	if n.Type().Size() > ir.MaxStackVarSize {
		return "too large for stack"
	if n.Type().Alignment() > int64(types.PtrSize) {
		return "too aligned for stack"

	if (n.Op() == ir.ONEW || n.Op() == ir.OPTRLIT) && n.Type().Elem().Size() > ir.MaxImplicitStackVarSize {
		return "too large for stack"
	if (n.Op() == ir.ONEW || n.Op() == ir.OPTRLIT) && n.Type().Elem().Alignment() > int64(types.PtrSize) {
		return "too aligned for stack"

	if n.Op() == ir.OCLOSURE && typecheck.ClosureType(n.(*ir.ClosureExpr)).Size() > ir.MaxImplicitStackVarSize {
		return "too large for stack"
	if n.Op() == ir.OMETHVALUE && typecheck.MethodValueType(n.(*ir.SelectorExpr)).Size() > ir.MaxImplicitStackVarSize {
		return "too large for stack"

	if n.Op() == ir.OMAKESLICE {
		n := n.(*ir.MakeExpr)
		r := n.Cap
		if r == nil {
			r = n.Len
		if !ir.IsSmallIntConst(r) {
			return "non-constant size"
		if t := n.Type(); t.Elem().Size() != 0 && ir.Int64Val(r) > ir.MaxImplicitStackVarSize/t.Elem().Size() {
			return "too large for stack"

	return ""


go 源码目录


go assign 源码

go call 源码

go desugar 源码

go escape 源码

go expr 源码

go graph 源码

go leaks 源码

go solve 源码

go stmt 源码

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