harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-distributed-data

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (186)

Change Type Old Version New Version d.ts File
Deleted Class name: DistributedObject;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: Callback<{ sessionId: string, fields: Array<string> }>): void;
NA @ohos.data.distributedDataObject.d.ts
Deleted Class name: DataObject;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: Callback<{ sessionId: string, fields: Array<string> }>): void;
NA @ohos.data.distributedDataObject.d.ts
Deleted Class name: DistributedObject;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘status’,

callback: Callback<{ sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: ‘online’ |‘offline’ }>): void;
NA @ohos.data.distributedDataObject.d.ts
Deleted Class name: DataObject;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘status’,

callback: Callback<{ sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: ‘online’ |‘offline’ }>): void;
NA @ohos.data.distributedDataObject.d.ts
Deleted Class name: DistributedObject;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: Callback<{ sessionId: string, fields: Array<string> }>): void;
NA @ohos.data.distributedDataObject.d.ts
Deleted Class name: DataObject;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: Callback<{ sessionId: string, fields: Array<string> }>): void;
NA @ohos.data.distributedDataObject.d.ts
Deleted Class name: DistributedObject;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘status’,

callback?: Callback<{ sessionId: string, deviceId: string, status: ‘online’ |‘offline’ }>): void;
NA @ohos.data.distributedDataObject.d.ts
Deleted Class name: DataObject;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘status’,

callback?: Callback<{ sessionId: string, deviceId: string, status: ‘online’ |‘offline’ }>): void;
NA @ohos.data.distributedDataObject.d.ts
Added NA Class name: Asset;
Method or attribute name: name: string;
Added NA Class name: ClearAction;
Method or attribute name: CLEAR_CLOUD_INFO
Added NA Class name: ClearAction;
Method or attribute name: CLEAR_CLOUD_DATA_AND_INFO
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static enableCloud(
accountId: string,
switches: { [bundleName: string]: boolean },
callback: AsyncCallback<void>
): void;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static enableCloud(accountId: string, switches: { [bundleName: string]: boolean }): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static disableCloud(accountId: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static disableCloud(accountId: string): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static changeAppCloudSwitch(
accountId: string,
bundleName: string,
status: boolean,
callback: AsyncCallback<void>
): void;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static changeAppCloudSwitch(accountId: string, bundleName: string, status: boolean): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static notifyDataChange(accountId: string, bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static notifyDataChange(accountId: string, bundleName: string): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static clear(
accountId: string,
appActions: { [bundleName: string]: ClearAction },
callback: AsyncCallback<void>
): void;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: static clear(accountId: string, appActions: { [bundleName: string]: ClearAction }): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: dataShare;
Method or attribute name: function createDataShareHelper(
context: Context,
uri: string,
options: DataShareHelperOptions,
callback: AsyncCallback<DataShareHelper>
): void;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelperOptions;
Method or attribute name: isProxy?: boolean;
Added NA Class name: TemplateId;
Method or attribute name: subscriberId: string;
Added NA Class name: PublishedItem;
Method or attribute name: subscriberId: string;
Added NA Class name: TemplateId;
Method or attribute name: bundleNameOfOwner: string;
Added NA Class name: PublishedItem;
Method or attribute name: key: string;
Added NA Class name: OperationResult;
Method or attribute name: key: string;
Added NA Class name: PublishedItem;
Method or attribute name: data: string |ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Class name: RdbDataChangeNode;
Method or attribute name: uri: string;
Added NA Class name: RdbDataChangeNode;
Method or attribute name: templateId: TemplateId;
Added NA Class name: RdbDataChangeNode;
Method or attribute name: data: Array<string>;
Added NA Class name: PublishedDataChangeNode;
Method or attribute name: bundleName: string;
Added NA Class name: PublishedDataChangeNode;
Method or attribute name: data: Array<PublishedItem>;
Added NA Class name: Template;
Method or attribute name: predicates: { [key: string]: string };
Added NA Class name: Template;
Method or attribute name: scheduler: string;
Added NA Class name: OperationResult;
Method or attribute name: result: number;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: on(
type: ‘rdbDataChange’,
uris: Array<string>,
templateId: TemplateId,
callback: AsyncCallback<RdbDataChangeNode>
): Array<OperationResult>;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: on(
type: ‘publishedDataChange’,
uris: Array<string>,
subscriberId: string,
callback: AsyncCallback<PublishedDataChangeNode>
): Array<OperationResult>;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: off(
type: ‘rdbDataChange’,
uris: Array<string>,
templateId: TemplateId,
callback?: AsyncCallback<RdbDataChangeNode>
): Array<OperationResult>;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: off(
type: ‘publishedDataChange’,
uris: Array<string>,
subscriberId: string,
callback?: AsyncCallback<PublishedDataChangeNode>
): Array<OperationResult>;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: addTemplate(uri: string, subscriberId: string, template: Template): void;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: delTemplate(uri: string, subscriberId: string): void;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: publish(
data: Array<PublishedItem>,
bundleName: string,
version: number,
callback: AsyncCallback<Array<OperationResult>>
): void;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: publish(
data: Array<PublishedItem>,
bundleName: string,
callback: AsyncCallback<Array<OperationResult>>
): void;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: publish(data: Array<PublishedItem>, bundleName: string, version?: number): Promise<Array<OperationResult>>;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: getPublishedData(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<PublishedItem>>): void;
Added NA Class name: DataShareHelper;
Method or attribute name: getPublishedData(bundleName: string): Promise<Array<PublishedItem>>;
Added NA Class name: DistributedObject;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: (sessionId: string, fields: Array<string>) => void): void;
Added NA Class name: DataObject;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: (sessionId: string, fields: Array<string>) => void ): void;
Added NA Class name: DistributedObject;
Method or attribute name: on(

type: ‘status’,

callback: (sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: ‘online’ |‘offline’ ) => void

): void;
Added NA Class name: DataObject;
Method or attribute name: on(

type: ‘status’,

callback: (sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: ‘online’ |‘offline’ ) => void

): void;
Added NA Class name: DistributedObject;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: (sessionId: string, fields: Array<string>) => void): void;
Added NA Class name: DataObject;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: (sessionId: string, fields: Array<string>) => void ): void;
Added NA Class name: DistributedObject;
Method or attribute name: off(

type: ‘status’,

callback?: (sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: ‘online’ |‘offline’ ) => void

): void;
Added NA Class name: DataObject;
Method or attribute name: off(

type: ‘status’,

callback?: (sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: ‘online’ |‘offline’ ) => void

): void;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function getPreferences(context: Context, options: Options, callback: AsyncCallback<Preferences>): void;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function getPreferences(context: Context, options: Options): Promise<Preferences>;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function getPreferencesSync(context: Context, options: Options): Preferences;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function deletePreferences(context: Context, options: Options, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function deletePreferences(context: Context, options: Options): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function removePreferencesFromCache(context: Context, options: Options, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function removePreferencesFromCache(context: Context, options: Options): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function removePreferencesFromCacheSync(context: Context, name: string): void;
Added NA Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function removePreferencesFromCacheSync(context: Context, options: Options): void;
Added NA Class name: Options;
Method or attribute name: name: string;
Added NA Class name: Options;
Method or attribute name: dataGroupId?: string;
Added NA Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: getSync(key: string, defValue: ValueType): ValueType;
Added NA Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: getAllSync(): Object;
Added NA Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: hasSync(key: string): boolean;
Added NA Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: putSync(key: string, value: ValueType): void;
Added NA Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: deleteSync(key: string): void;
Added NA Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: clearSync(): void;
Added NA Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type Assets = Asset[];
Added NA Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type PRIKeyType = number |string;
Added NA Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type UTCTime = Date;
Added NA Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ModifyTime = Map<PRIKeyType, UTCTime>;
Added NA Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: AssetStatus;
Method or attribute name: ASSET_NORMAL
Added NA Class name: AssetStatus;
Method or attribute name: ASSET_INSERT
Added NA Class name: AssetStatus;
Method or attribute name: ASSET_UPDATE
Added NA Class name: AssetStatus;
Method or attribute name: ASSET_DELETE
Added NA Class name: AssetStatus;
Method or attribute name: ASSET_ABNORMAL
Added NA Class name: AssetStatus;
Method or attribute name: ASSET_DOWNLOADING
Added NA Class name: Asset;
Method or attribute name: uri: string;
Added NA Class name: Asset;
Method or attribute name: path: string;
Added NA Class name: Asset;
Method or attribute name: createTime: string;
Added NA Class name: Asset;
Method or attribute name: modifyTime: string;
Added NA Class name: Asset;
Method or attribute name: size: string;
Added NA Class name: Asset;
Method or attribute name: status?: AssetStatus;
Added NA Class name: StoreConfig;
Method or attribute name: dataGroupId?: string;
Added NA Class name: Progress;
Method or attribute name: SYNC_BEGIN
Added NA Class name: Progress;
Method or attribute name: SYNC_IN_PROGRESS
Added NA Class name: Progress;
Method or attribute name: SYNC_FINISH
Added NA Class name: Statistic;
Method or attribute name: total: number;
Added NA Class name: Statistic;
Method or attribute name: successful: number;
Added NA Class name: Statistic;
Method or attribute name: failed: number;
Added NA Class name: Statistic;
Method or attribute name: remained: number;
Added NA Class name: TableDetails;
Method or attribute name: upload: Statistic;
Added NA Class name: TableDetails;
Method or attribute name: download: Statistic;
Added NA Class name: ProgressCode;
Method or attribute name: SUCCESS
Added NA Class name: ProgressCode;
Method or attribute name: UNKNOWN_ERROR
Added NA Class name: ProgressCode;
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_ERROR
Added NA Class name: ProgressCode;
Method or attribute name: CLOUD_DISABLED
Added NA Class name: ProgressCode;
Method or attribute name: LOCKED_BY_OTHERS
Added NA Class name: ProgressCode;
Method or attribute name: RECORD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
Added NA Class name: ProgressCode;
Method or attribute name: NO_SPACE_FOR_ASSET
Added NA Class name: ProgressDetails;
Method or attribute name: schedule: Progress;
Added NA Class name: ProgressDetails;
Method or attribute name: code: ProgressCode;
Added NA Class name: ProgressDetails;
Method or attribute name: details: {
[table: string]: TableDetails;
Added NA Class name: SyncMode;
Method or attribute name: SYNC_MODE_TIME_FIRST
Added NA Class name: SyncMode;
Method or attribute name: SYNC_MODE_NATIVE_FIRST
Added NA Class name: SyncMode;
Method or attribute name: SYNC_MODE_CLOUD_FIRST
Added NA Class name: SubscribeType;
Method or attribute name: SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_CLOUD
Added NA Class name: SubscribeType;
Method or attribute name: SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_CLOUD_DETAILS
Added NA Class name: ChangeType;
Method or attribute name: DATA_CHANGE
Added NA Class name: ChangeType;
Method or attribute name: ASSET_CHANGE
Added NA Class name: ChangeInfo;
Method or attribute name: table: string;
Added NA Class name: ChangeInfo;
Method or attribute name: type: ChangeType;
Added NA Class name: ChangeInfo;
Method or attribute name: inserted: Array<string> |Array<number>;
Added NA Class name: ChangeInfo;
Method or attribute name: updated: Array<string> |Array<number>;
Added NA Class name: ChangeInfo;
Method or attribute name: deleted: Array<string> |Array<number>;
Added NA Class name: DistributedType;
Method or attribute name: DISTRIBUTED_DEVICE
Added NA Class name: DistributedType;
Method or attribute name: DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD
Added NA Class name: DistributedConfig;
Method or attribute name: autoSync: boolean;
Added NA Class name: ConflictResolution;
Method or attribute name: ON_CONFLICT_NONE = 0
Added NA Class name: ConflictResolution;
Method or attribute name: ON_CONFLICT_ROLLBACK = 1
Added NA Class name: ConflictResolution;
Method or attribute name: ON_CONFLICT_ABORT = 2
Added NA Class name: ConflictResolution;
Method or attribute name: ON_CONFLICT_FAIL = 3
Added NA Class name: ConflictResolution;
Method or attribute name: ON_CONFLICT_IGNORE = 4
Added NA Class name: ConflictResolution;
Method or attribute name: ON_CONFLICT_REPLACE = 5
Added NA Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getAsset(columnIndex: number): Asset;
Added NA Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getAssets(columnIndex: number): Assets;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: version: number;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket, conflict: ConflictResolution, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket, conflict: ConflictResolution): Promise<number>;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(
values: ValuesBucket,
predicates: RdbPredicates,
conflict: ConflictResolution,
callback: AsyncCallback<number>
): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates, conflict: ConflictResolution): Promise<number>;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(table: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: getModifyTime(table: string, columnName: string, primaryKeys: PRIKeyType[]): Promise<ModifyTime>;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: getModifyTime(
table: string,
columnName: string,
primaryKeys: PRIKeyType[],
callback: AsyncCallback<ModifyTime>
): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: setDistributedTables(tables: Array<string>, type: DistributedType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: setDistributedTables(
tables: Array<string>,
type: DistributedType,
config: DistributedConfig,
callback: AsyncCallback<void>
): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: setDistributedTables(tables: Array<string>, type?: DistributedType, config?: DistributedConfig): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: cloudSync(mode: SyncMode, progress: Callback<ProgressDetails>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: cloudSync(mode: SyncMode, progress: Callback<ProgressDetails>): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: cloudSync(
mode: SyncMode,
tables: string[],
progress: Callback<ProgressDetails>,
callback: AsyncCallback<void>
): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: cloudSync(mode: SyncMode, tables: string[], progress: Callback<ProgressDetails>): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: on(event: ‘dataChange’, type: SubscribeType, observer: Callback<Array<string>> |Callback<Array<ChangeInfo>>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: on(event: string, interProcess: boolean, observer: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: off(
event: ‘dataChange’,
type: SubscribeType,
observer?: Callback<Array<string>> |Callback<Array<ChangeInfo>>
): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: off(event: string, interProcess: boolean, observer?: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: emit(event: string): void;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: type Options = {
* Indicates the target Intention
* @syscap SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.UDMF.Core
* @since 10
intention?: Intention;


* Indicates the unique identifier of target UnifiedData
* @syscap SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.UDMF.Core
* @since 10
key?: string;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: function insertData(options: Options, data: UnifiedData, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: function insertData(options: Options, data: UnifiedData): Promise<string>;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: function updateData(options: Options, data: UnifiedData, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: function updateData(options: Options, data: UnifiedData): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: function queryData(options: Options, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<UnifiedData>>): void;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: function queryData(options: Options): Promise<Array<UnifiedData>>;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: function deleteData(options: Options, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<UnifiedData>>): void;
Added NA Class name: unifiedDataChannel;
Method or attribute name: function deleteData(options: Options): Promise<Array<UnifiedData>>;
Added NA Class name: UnifiedData;
Method or attribute name: constructor(record: UnifiedRecord);
Added NA Class name: UnifiedData;
Method or attribute name: addRecord(record: UnifiedRecord): void;
Added NA Class name: UnifiedData;
Method or attribute name: getRecords(): Array<UnifiedRecord>;
Added NA Class name: Summary;
Method or attribute name: summary: { [key: string]: number };
Added NA Class name: Summary;
Method or attribute name: totalSize: number;
Added NA Class name: UnifiedRecord;
Method or attribute name: getType(): string;
Added NA Class name: Text;
Method or attribute name: details?: { [key: string]: string };
Added NA Class name: File;
Method or attribute name: details?: { [key: string]: string };
Added NA Class name: PlainText;
Method or attribute name: textContent: string;
Added NA Class name: PlainText;
Method or attribute name: abstract?: string;
Added NA Class name: Hyperlink;
Method or attribute name: url: string;
Added NA Class name: Hyperlink;
Method or attribute name: description?: string;
Added NA Class name: HTML;
Method or attribute name: htmlContent: string;
Added NA Class name: HTML;
Method or attribute name: plainContent?: string;
Added NA Class name: File;
Method or attribute name: uri: string;
Added NA Class name: Image;
Method or attribute name: imageUri: string;
Added NA Class name: Video;
Method or attribute name: videoUri: string;
Added NA Class name: Audio;
Method or attribute name: audioUri: string;
Added NA Class name: Folder;
Method or attribute name: folderUri: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedRecord;
Method or attribute name: details?: { [key: string]: number |string |Uint8Array };
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedForm;
Method or attribute name: formId: number;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedForm;
Method or attribute name: formName: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedForm;
Method or attribute name: bundleName: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedAppItem;
Method or attribute name: bundleName: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedForm;
Method or attribute name: abilityName: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedAppItem;
Method or attribute name: abilityName: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedForm;
Method or attribute name: module: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedAppItem;
Method or attribute name: appId: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedAppItem;
Method or attribute name: appName: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedAppItem;
Method or attribute name: appIconId: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedAppItem;
Method or attribute name: appLabelId: string;
Added NA Class name: SystemDefinedPixelMap;
Method or attribute name: rawData: Uint8Array;
Added NA Class name: ApplicationDefinedRecord;
Method or attribute name: rawData: Uint8Array;
Added NA Class name: ApplicationDefinedRecord;
Method or attribute name: applicationDefinedType: string;
Added NA Class name: Intention;
Method or attribute name: DATA_HUB = ‘DataHub’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: TEXT = ‘general.text’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: PLAIN_TEXT = ‘general.plain-text’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: HYPERLINK = ‘general.hyperlink’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: HTML = ‘general.html’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: FILE = ‘general.file’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: IMAGE = ‘general.image’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: VIDEO = ‘general.video’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: AUDIO = ‘general.audio’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: FOLDER = ‘general.folder’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: OPENHARMONY_FORM = ‘openharmony.form’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: OPENHARMONY_APP_ITEM = ‘openharmony.app-item’
Added NA Class name: UniformDataType;
Method or attribute name: OPENHARMONY_PIXEL_MAP = ‘openharmony.pixel-map’
Error code changed Class name: DataAbilityPredicates;
Method or attribute name: limitAs(value: number): DataAbilityPredicates;
Old version information: IllegalPredicateException
Class name: DataAbilityPredicates;
Method or attribute name: limitAs(value: number): DataAbilityPredicates;
New version information:
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: put(key: string, value: Uint8Array |string |number |boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: put(key: string, value: Uint8Array |string |number |boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: put(key: string, value: Uint8Array |string |number |boolean): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: put(key: string, value: Uint8Array |string |number |boolean): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: putBatch(entries: Entry[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: putBatch(entries: Entry[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: putBatch(entries: Entry[]): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: putBatch(entries: Entry[]): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: putBatch(value: Array<ValuesBucket>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: putBatch(value: Array<ValuesBucket>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401,202, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: putBatch(value: Array<ValuesBucket>): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: putBatch(value: Array<ValuesBucket>): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401,202, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(key: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(key: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<void>);
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<void>);
New version information: 401,202, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401,202, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: deleteBatch(keys: string[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: deleteBatch(keys: string[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: deleteBatch(keys: string[]): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: deleteBatch(keys: string[]): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401, 15100003,15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(keyPrefix: string, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(keyPrefix: string, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(keyPrefix: string, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(keyPrefix: string, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(keyPrefix: string): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(keyPrefix: string): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(keyPrefix: string): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(keyPrefix: string): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(query: Query, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(query: Query, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(query: Query, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(query: Query, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(query: Query): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(query: Query): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(query: Query): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(query: Query): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401,202, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401,202, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401,202, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401,202, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: startTransaction(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: startTransaction(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: startTransaction(): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 15100005
Class name: SingleKVStore;
Method or attribute name: startTransaction(): Promise<void>;
New version information: 15100005, 14800047
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, keyPrefix: string, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, keyPrefix: string, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, keyPrefix: string): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, keyPrefix: string): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, query: Query, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, query: Query, callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, query: Query): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, query: Query): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(
deviceId: string,
predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates,
callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>
): void;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(
deviceId: string,
predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates,
callback: AsyncCallback<KVStoreResultSet>
): void;
New version information: 401,202, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
Old version information: 401, 15100003,15100005
Class name: DeviceKVStore;
Method or attribute name: getResultSet(deviceId: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<KVStoreResultSet>;
New version information: 401,202, 15100001, 15100003,15100005
Error code changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘multiProcessChange’, callback: (key: string) => void): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘multiProcessChange’, callback: (key: string) => void): void;
New version information: 401, 15500019
Error code changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function getRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<RdbStore>): void;
Old version information: 401, 14800010, 14800011
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function getRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<RdbStore>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000, 14800010, 14800011, 14801001, 14801002
Error code changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function getRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig): Promise<RdbStore>;
Old version information: 401, 14800010, 14800011
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function getRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig): Promise<RdbStore>;
New version information: 401, 14800000, 14800010, 14800011, 14801001, 14801002
Error code changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401, 14800010
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000, 14800010
Error code changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, name: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401, 14800010
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, name: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401, 14800000, 14800010
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket): Promise<number>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket): Promise<number>;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: batchInsert(table: string, values: Array<ValuesBucket>, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: batchInsert(table: string, values: Array<ValuesBucket>, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: batchInsert(table: string, values: Array<ValuesBucket>): Promise<number>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: batchInsert(table: string, values: Array<ValuesBucket>): Promise<number>;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(
table: string,
values: ValuesBucket,
predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates,
callback: AsyncCallback<number>
): void;
Old version information: 401,202
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(
table: string,
values: ValuesBucket,
predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates,
callback: AsyncCallback<number>
): void;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000,202
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(table: string, values: ValuesBucket, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<number>;
Old version information: 401,202
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(table: string, values: ValuesBucket, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<number>;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000,202
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(table: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information: 401,202
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(table: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000,202
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(table: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<number>;
Old version information: 401,202
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(table: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates): Promise<number>;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000,202
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, columns: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, columns: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, columns?: Array<string>): Promise<ResultSet>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, columns?: Array<string>): Promise<ResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(
table: string,
predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates,
columns: Array<string>,
callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>
): void;
Old version information: 401,202
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(
table: string,
predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates,
columns: Array<string>,
callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>
): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000,202
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(
table: string,
predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates,
columns?: Array<string>
): Promise<ResultSet>;
Old version information: 401,202
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(
table: string,
predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates,
columns?: Array<string>
): Promise<ResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 14800000,202
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, bindArgs?: Array<ValueType>): Promise<ResultSet>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, bindArgs?: Array<ValueType>): Promise<ResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs?: Array<ValueType>): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs?: Array<ValueType>): Promise<void>;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: beginTransaction(): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: beginTransaction(): void;
New version information: 14800047,401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: backup(destName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: backup(destName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: backup(destName: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: backup(destName: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: restore(srcName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: restore(srcName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: restore(srcName: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: restore(srcName: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401, 14800000
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: setDistributedTables(tables: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information: 401,801
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: setDistributedTables(tables: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000,801
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: setDistributedTables(tables: Array<string>): Promise<void>;
Old version information: 401,801
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: setDistributedTables(tables: Array<string>): Promise<void>;
New version information: 401, 14800000,801
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: obtainDistributedTableName(device: string, table: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Old version information: 401,801
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: obtainDistributedTableName(device: string, table: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000,801
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: obtainDistributedTableName(device: string, table: string): Promise<string>;
Old version information: 401,801
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: obtainDistributedTableName(device: string, table: string): Promise<string>;
New version information: 401, 14800000,801
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: sync(mode: SyncMode, predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<[string, number]>>): void;
Old version information: 401,801
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: sync(mode: SyncMode, predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<[string, number]>>): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000,801
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: sync(mode: SyncMode, predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<Array<[string, number]>>;
Old version information: 401,801
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: sync(mode: SyncMode, predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<Array<[string, number]>>;
New version information: 401, 14800000,801
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: remoteQuery(
device: string,
table: string,
predicates: RdbPredicates,
columns: Array<string>,
callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>
): void;
Old version information: 401,801
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: remoteQuery(
device: string,
table: string,
predicates: RdbPredicates,
columns: Array<string>,
callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>
): void;
New version information: 401, 14800000,801
Error code changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: remoteQuery(device: string, table: string, predicates: RdbPredicates, columns: Array<string>): Promise<ResultSet>;
Old version information: 401,801
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: remoteQuery(device: string, table: string, predicates: RdbPredicates, columns: Array<string>): Promise<ResultSet>;
New version information: 401, 14800000,801
Access level changed Class name: dataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: declare dataSharePredicates
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: dataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: declare dataSharePredicates
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: class DataSharePredicates
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: class DataSharePredicates
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: equalTo(field: string, value: ValueType): DataSharePredicates;
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: equalTo(field: string, value: ValueType): DataSharePredicates;
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: and(): DataSharePredicates;
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: and(): DataSharePredicates;
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: orderByAsc(field: string): DataSharePredicates;
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: orderByAsc(field: string): DataSharePredicates;
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: orderByDesc(field: string): DataSharePredicates;
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: orderByDesc(field: string): DataSharePredicates;
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: limit(total: number, offset: number): DataSharePredicates;
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: limit(total: number, offset: number): DataSharePredicates;
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: in(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): DataSharePredicates;
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: DataSharePredicates;
Method or attribute name: in(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): DataSharePredicates;
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: export type ValueType = number |string |boolean;
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: export type ValueType = number |string |boolean;
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: export type ValuesBucket = {

[key: string]: ValueType |Uint8Array |null;

Old version information: systemapi
Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: export type ValuesBucket = {

[key: string]: ValueType |Uint8Array |null;

New version information:
Permission changed Class name: SubscribeType;
Method or attribute name: SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_REMOTE = 0
Old version information:
Class name: SubscribeType;
Method or attribute name: SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_REMOTE = 0
New version information: ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC
Permission changed Class name: SubscribeType;
Method or attribute name: SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_REMOTE = 0
Old version information:
Class name: SubscribeType;
Method or attribute name: SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_REMOTE = 0
New version information: ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC
Type changed Class name: DataShareExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: context: ExtensionContext;
Old version information:
Class name: DataShareExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: context: ExtensionContext;
New version information: ExtensionContext
Function changed Class name: DataShareExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: context?: ExtensionContext;
Class name: DataShareExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: context: ExtensionContext;
Function changed Class name: dataShare;
Method or attribute name: function createDataShareHelper(context: Context, uri: string): Promise<DataShareHelper>;
Class name: dataShare;
Method or attribute name: function createDataShareHelper(
context: Context,
uri: string,
options?: DataShareHelperOptions
): Promise<DataShareHelper>;
Function changed Class name: KVManagerConfig;
Method or attribute name: context: Context;
Class name: KVManagerConfig;
Method or attribute name: context: BaseContext;
Function changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: Callback<{ key: string }>): void;
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: (key: string) => void): void;
Function changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: Callback<{ key: string }>): void;
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘multiProcessChange’, callback: (key: string) => void): void;
Function changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: Callback<{ key: string }>): void;
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: (key: string) => void): void;
Function changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: Callback<{ key: string }>): void;
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘multiProcessChange’, callback?: (key: string) => void): void;
Function changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ValueType = number |string |boolean |Uint8Array;
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ValueType = null |number |string |boolean |Uint8Array |Asset |Assets;
Function changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ValuesBucket = { [key:string]: ValueType |Uint8Array |null;}
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ValuesBucket = { [key: string]: ValueType; };
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: declare preferences
Old version information:
Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: declare preferences
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function getPreferences(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Preferences>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function getPreferences(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Preferences>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function getPreferences(context: Context, name: string): Promise<Preferences>;
Old version information:
Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function getPreferences(context: Context, name: string): Promise<Preferences>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function deletePreferences(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function deletePreferences(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function deletePreferences(context: Context, name: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function deletePreferences(context: Context, name: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function removePreferencesFromCache(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function removePreferencesFromCache(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function removePreferencesFromCache(context: Context, name: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: preferences;
Method or attribute name: function removePreferencesFromCache(context: Context, name: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: interface Preferences
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: interface Preferences
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: get(key: string, defValue: ValueType, callback: AsyncCallback<ValueType>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: get(key: string, defValue: ValueType, callback: AsyncCallback<ValueType>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: get(key: string, defValue: ValueType): Promise<ValueType>;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: get(key: string, defValue: ValueType): Promise<ValueType>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: getAll(callback: AsyncCallback<Object>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: getAll(callback: AsyncCallback<Object>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: getAll(): Promise<Object>;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: getAll(): Promise<Object>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: has(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: has(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: has(key: string): Promise<boolean>;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: has(key: string): Promise<boolean>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: put(key: string, value: ValueType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: put(key: string, value: ValueType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: put(key: string, value: ValueType): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: put(key: string, value: ValueType): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: delete(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: delete(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: delete(key: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: delete(key: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: clear(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: clear(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: clear(): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: clear(): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: flush(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: flush(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: flush(): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: flush(): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: (key: string) => void): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘change’, callback: (key: string) => void): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: (key: string) => void): void;
Old version information:
Class name: Preferences;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘change’, callback?: (key: string) => void): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: declare relationalStore
Old version information:
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: declare relationalStore
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function getRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<RdbStore>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function getRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<RdbStore>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function getRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig): Promise<RdbStore>;
Old version information:
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function getRdbStore(context: Context, config: StoreConfig): Promise<RdbStore>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, name: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: function deleteRdbStore(context: Context, name: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ValueType = null |number |string |boolean |Uint8Array |Asset |Assets;
Old version information:
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ValueType = null |number |string |boolean |Uint8Array |Asset |Assets;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ValuesBucket = { [key: string]: ValueType; };
Old version information:
Class name: relationalStore;
Method or attribute name: type ValuesBucket = { [key: string]: ValueType; };
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: StoreConfig;
Method or attribute name: interface StoreConfig
Old version information:
Class name: StoreConfig;
Method or attribute name: interface StoreConfig
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: StoreConfig;
Method or attribute name: name: string;
Old version information:
Class name: StoreConfig;
Method or attribute name: name: string;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: StoreConfig;
Method or attribute name: securityLevel: SecurityLevel;
Old version information:
Class name: StoreConfig;
Method or attribute name: securityLevel: SecurityLevel;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: enum SecurityLevel
Old version information:
Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: enum SecurityLevel
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: S1 = 1
Old version information:
Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: S1 = 1
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: S2 = 2
Old version information:
Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: S2 = 2
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: S3 = 3
Old version information:
Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: S3 = 3
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: S4 = 4
Old version information:
Class name: SecurityLevel;
Method or attribute name: S4 = 4
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: interface RdbStore
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: interface RdbStore
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket): Promise<number>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: insert(table: string, values: ValuesBucket): Promise<number>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: batchInsert(table: string, values: Array<ValuesBucket>, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: batchInsert(table: string, values: Array<ValuesBucket>, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: batchInsert(table: string, values: Array<ValuesBucket>): Promise<number>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: batchInsert(table: string, values: Array<ValuesBucket>): Promise<number>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: update(values: ValuesBucket, predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: delete(predicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, columns: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, columns: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, columns?: Array<string>): Promise<ResultSet>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: query(predicates: RdbPredicates, columns?: Array<string>): Promise<ResultSet>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, bindArgs?: Array<ValueType>): Promise<ResultSet>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: querySql(sql: string, bindArgs?: Array<ValueType>): Promise<ResultSet>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs?: Array<ValueType>): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs?: Array<ValueType>): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: beginTransaction(): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: beginTransaction(): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: commit(): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: commit(): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: rollBack(): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: rollBack(): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: backup(destName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: backup(destName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: backup(destName: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: backup(destName: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: restore(srcName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: restore(srcName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: restore(srcName: string): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbStore;
Method or attribute name: restore(srcName: string): Promise<void>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: class RdbPredicates
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: class RdbPredicates
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: constructor(name: string);
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: constructor(name: string);
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: equalTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: equalTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: notEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: notEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: beginWrap(): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: beginWrap(): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: endWrap(): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: endWrap(): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: or(): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: or(): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: and(): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: and(): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: contains(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: contains(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: beginsWith(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: beginsWith(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: endsWith(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: endsWith(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: isNull(field: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: isNull(field: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: isNotNull(field: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: isNotNull(field: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: like(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: like(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: glob(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: glob(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: between(field: string, low: ValueType, high: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: between(field: string, low: ValueType, high: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: notBetween(field: string, low: ValueType, high: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: notBetween(field: string, low: ValueType, high: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: greaterThan(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: greaterThan(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: lessThan(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: lessThan(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: greaterThanOrEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: greaterThanOrEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: lessThanOrEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: lessThanOrEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: orderByAsc(field: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: orderByAsc(field: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: orderByDesc(field: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: orderByDesc(field: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: distinct(): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: distinct(): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: limitAs(value: number): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: limitAs(value: number): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: offsetAs(rowOffset: number): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: offsetAs(rowOffset: number): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: groupBy(fields: Array<string>): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: groupBy(fields: Array<string>): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: indexedBy(field: string): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: indexedBy(field: string): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: in(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: in(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: notIn(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): RdbPredicates;
Old version information:
Class name: RdbPredicates;
Method or attribute name: notIn(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): RdbPredicates;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: interface ResultSet
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: interface ResultSet
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: columnNames: Array<string>;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: columnNames: Array<string>;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: columnCount: number;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: columnCount: number;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: rowCount: number;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: rowCount: number;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: rowIndex: number;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: rowIndex: number;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isAtFirstRow: boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isAtFirstRow: boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isAtLastRow: boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isAtLastRow: boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isEnded: boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isEnded: boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isStarted: boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isStarted: boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isClosed: boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isClosed: boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getColumnIndex(columnName: string): number;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getColumnIndex(columnName: string): number;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getColumnName(columnIndex: number): string;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getColumnName(columnIndex: number): string;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goTo(offset: number): boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goTo(offset: number): boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToRow(position: number): boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToRow(position: number): boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToFirstRow(): boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToFirstRow(): boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToLastRow(): boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToLastRow(): boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToNextRow(): boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToNextRow(): boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToPreviousRow(): boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: goToPreviousRow(): boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getBlob(columnIndex: number): Uint8Array;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getBlob(columnIndex: number): Uint8Array;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getString(columnIndex: number): string;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getString(columnIndex: number): string;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getLong(columnIndex: number): number;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getLong(columnIndex: number): number;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getDouble(columnIndex: number): number;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: getDouble(columnIndex: number): number;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isColumnNull(columnIndex: number): boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: isColumnNull(columnIndex: number): boolean;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: close(): void;
Old version information:
Class name: ResultSet;
Method or attribute name: close(): void;
New version information: crossplatform


harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-ability

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