tidb split 源码
tidb split 代码
// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
package restore
import (
sst "github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pkg/import_sstpb"
berrors "github.com/pingcap/tidb/br/pkg/errors"
// RegionSplitter is a executor of region split by rules.
type RegionSplitter struct {
client split.SplitClient
// NewRegionSplitter returns a new RegionSplitter.
func NewRegionSplitter(client split.SplitClient) *RegionSplitter {
return &RegionSplitter{
client: client,
// OnSplitFunc is called before split a range.
type OnSplitFunc func(key [][]byte)
// Split executes a region split. It will split regions by the rewrite rules,
// then it will split regions by the end key of each range.
// tableRules includes the prefix of a table, since some ranges may have
// a prefix with record sequence or index sequence.
// note: all ranges and rewrite rules must have raw key.
func (rs *RegionSplitter) Split(
ctx context.Context,
ranges []rtree.Range,
rewriteRules *RewriteRules,
isRawKv bool,
onSplit OnSplitFunc,
) error {
if len(ranges) == 0 {
log.Info("skip split regions, no range")
return nil
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("RegionSplitter.Split", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
defer span1.Finish()
ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
startTime := time.Now()
// Sort the range for getting the min and max key of the ranges
sortedRanges, errSplit := SortRanges(ranges, rewriteRules)
if errSplit != nil {
return errors.Trace(errSplit)
minKey := codec.EncodeBytesExt(nil, sortedRanges[0].StartKey, isRawKv)
maxKey := codec.EncodeBytesExt(nil, sortedRanges[len(sortedRanges)-1].EndKey, isRawKv)
interval := split.SplitRetryInterval
scatterRegions := make([]*split.RegionInfo, 0)
for i := 0; i < split.SplitRetryTimes; i++ {
regions, errScan := split.PaginateScanRegion(ctx, rs.client, minKey, maxKey, split.ScanRegionPaginationLimit)
if errScan != nil {
if berrors.ErrPDBatchScanRegion.Equal(errScan) {
log.Warn("inconsistent region info get.", logutil.ShortError(errScan))
continue SplitRegions
return errors.Trace(errScan)
splitKeyMap := getSplitKeys(rewriteRules, sortedRanges, regions, isRawKv)
regionMap := make(map[uint64]*split.RegionInfo)
for _, region := range regions {
regionMap[region.Region.GetId()] = region
for regionID, keys := range splitKeyMap {
log.Info("get split keys for region", zap.Int("len", len(keys)), zap.Uint64("region", regionID))
var newRegions []*split.RegionInfo
region := regionMap[regionID]
log.Info("split regions",
logutil.Region(region.Region), logutil.Keys(keys), rtree.ZapRanges(ranges))
newRegions, errSplit = rs.splitAndScatterRegions(ctx, region, keys)
if errSplit != nil {
if strings.Contains(errSplit.Error(), "no valid key") {
for _, key := range keys {
// Region start/end keys are encoded. split_region RPC
// requires raw keys (without encoding).
log.Error("split regions no valid key",
logutil.Key("startKey", region.Region.StartKey),
logutil.Key("endKey", region.Region.EndKey),
logutil.Key("key", codec.EncodeBytesExt(nil, key, isRawKv)),
return errors.Trace(errSplit)
interval = 2 * interval
if interval > split.SplitMaxRetryInterval {
interval = split.SplitMaxRetryInterval
log.Warn("split regions failed, retry",
logutil.Keys(keys), rtree.ZapRanges(ranges))
continue SplitRegions
log.Info("scattered regions", zap.Int("count", len(newRegions)))
if len(newRegions) != len(keys) {
log.Warn("split key count and new region count mismatch",
zap.Int("new region count", len(newRegions)),
zap.Int("split key count", len(keys)))
scatterRegions = append(scatterRegions, newRegions...)
if errSplit != nil {
return errors.Trace(errSplit)
log.Info("start to wait for scattering regions",
zap.Int("regions", len(scatterRegions)), zap.Duration("take", time.Since(startTime)))
startTime = time.Now()
scatterCount := 0
for _, region := range scatterRegions {
rs.waitForScatterRegion(ctx, region)
if time.Since(startTime) > split.ScatterWaitUpperInterval {
if scatterCount == len(scatterRegions) {
log.Info("waiting for scattering regions done",
zap.Int("regions", len(scatterRegions)), zap.Duration("take", time.Since(startTime)))
} else {
log.Warn("waiting for scattering regions timeout",
zap.Int("scatterCount", scatterCount),
zap.Int("regions", len(scatterRegions)),
zap.Duration("take", time.Since(startTime)))
return nil
func (rs *RegionSplitter) hasHealthyRegion(ctx context.Context, regionID uint64) (bool, error) {
regionInfo, err := rs.client.GetRegionByID(ctx, regionID)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
// the region hasn't get ready.
if regionInfo == nil {
return false, nil
// check whether the region is healthy and report.
// TODO: the log may be too verbose. we should use Prometheus metrics once it get ready for BR.
for _, peer := range regionInfo.PendingPeers {
log.Debug("unhealthy region detected", logutil.Peer(peer), zap.String("type", "pending"))
for _, peer := range regionInfo.DownPeers {
log.Debug("unhealthy region detected", logutil.Peer(peer), zap.String("type", "down"))
// we ignore down peers for they are (normally) hard to be fixed in reasonable time.
// (or once there is a peer down, we may get stuck at waiting region get ready.)
return len(regionInfo.PendingPeers) == 0, nil
func (rs *RegionSplitter) isScatterRegionFinished(ctx context.Context, regionID uint64) (bool, error) {
resp, err := rs.client.GetOperator(ctx, regionID)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
// Heartbeat may not be sent to PD
if respErr := resp.GetHeader().GetError(); respErr != nil {
if respErr.GetType() == pdpb.ErrorType_REGION_NOT_FOUND {
return true, nil
return false, errors.Annotatef(berrors.ErrPDInvalidResponse, "get operator error: %s", respErr.GetType())
retryTimes := ctx.Value(retryTimes).(int)
if retryTimes > 3 {
log.Info("get operator", zap.Uint64("regionID", regionID), zap.Stringer("resp", resp))
// If the current operator of the region is not 'scatter-region', we could assume
// that 'scatter-operator' has finished or timeout
ok := string(resp.GetDesc()) != "scatter-region" || resp.GetStatus() != pdpb.OperatorStatus_RUNNING
return ok, nil
func (rs *RegionSplitter) waitForSplit(ctx context.Context, regionID uint64) {
interval := split.SplitCheckInterval
for i := 0; i < split.SplitCheckMaxRetryTimes; i++ {
ok, err := rs.hasHealthyRegion(ctx, regionID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("wait for split failed", zap.Error(err))
if ok {
interval = 2 * interval
if interval > split.SplitMaxCheckInterval {
interval = split.SplitMaxCheckInterval
type retryTimeKey struct{}
var retryTimes = new(retryTimeKey)
func (rs *RegionSplitter) waitForScatterRegion(ctx context.Context, regionInfo *split.RegionInfo) {
interval := split.ScatterWaitInterval
regionID := regionInfo.Region.GetId()
for i := 0; i < split.ScatterWaitMaxRetryTimes; i++ {
ctx1 := context.WithValue(ctx, retryTimes, i)
ok, err := rs.isScatterRegionFinished(ctx1, regionID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("scatter region failed: do not have the region",
if ok {
interval = 2 * interval
if interval > split.ScatterMaxWaitInterval {
interval = split.ScatterMaxWaitInterval
func (rs *RegionSplitter) splitAndScatterRegions(
ctx context.Context, regionInfo *split.RegionInfo, keys [][]byte,
) ([]*split.RegionInfo, error) {
if len(keys) == 0 {
return []*split.RegionInfo{regionInfo}, nil
newRegions, err := rs.client.BatchSplitRegions(ctx, regionInfo, keys)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// There would be some regions be scattered twice, e.g.:
// |--1-|--2-+----|-3--|
// | +(t1)|
// +(t1_r4) |
// +(t2_r42)
// When spliting at `t1_r4`, we would scatter region 1, 2.
// When spliting at `t2_r42`, we would scatter region 2, 3.
// Because we don't split at t1 anymore.
// The trick here is a pinky promise: never scatter regions you haven't imported any data.
// In this scenario, it is the last region after spliting (applying to >= 5.0).
if bytes.Equal(newRegions[len(newRegions)-1].Region.StartKey, keys[len(keys)-1]) {
newRegions = newRegions[:len(newRegions)-1]
rs.ScatterRegions(ctx, newRegions)
return newRegions, nil
// ScatterRegionsWithBackoffer scatter the region with some backoffer.
// This function is for testing the retry mechanism.
// For a real cluster, directly use ScatterRegions would be fine.
func (rs *RegionSplitter) ScatterRegionsWithBackoffer(ctx context.Context, newRegions []*split.RegionInfo, backoffer utils.Backoffer) {
newRegionSet := make(map[uint64]*split.RegionInfo, len(newRegions))
for _, newRegion := range newRegions {
newRegionSet[newRegion.Region.Id] = newRegion
if err := utils.WithRetry(ctx, func() error {
log.Info("trying to scatter regions...", zap.Int("remain", len(newRegionSet)))
var errs error
for _, region := range newRegionSet {
err := rs.client.ScatterRegion(ctx, region)
if err == nil {
// it is safe according to the Go language spec.
delete(newRegionSet, region.Region.Id)
} else if !split.PdErrorCanRetry(err) {
log.Warn("scatter meet error cannot be retried, skipping",
delete(newRegionSet, region.Region.Id)
errs = multierr.Append(errs, err)
return errs
}, backoffer); err != nil {
log.Warn("Some regions haven't been scattered because errors.",
zap.Int("count", len(newRegionSet)),
// if all region are failed to scatter, the short error might also be verbose...
logutil.AbbreviatedArray("failed-regions", newRegionSet, func(i interface{}) []string {
m := i.(map[uint64]*split.RegionInfo)
result := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for id := range m {
result = append(result, strconv.Itoa(int(id)))
return result
// isUnsupportedError checks whether we should fallback to ScatterRegion API when meeting the error.
func isUnsupportedError(err error) bool {
s, ok := status.FromError(errors.Cause(err))
if !ok {
// Not a gRPC error. Something other went wrong.
return false
// In two conditions, we fallback to ScatterRegion:
// (1) If the RPC endpoint returns UNIMPLEMENTED. (This is just for making test cases not be so magic.)
// (2) If the Message is "region 0 not found":
// In fact, PD reuses the gRPC endpoint `ScatterRegion` for the batch version of scattering.
// When the request contains the field `regionIDs`, it would use the batch version,
// Otherwise, it uses the old version and scatter the region with `regionID` in the request.
// When facing 4.x, BR(which uses v5.x PD clients and call `ScatterRegions`!) would set `regionIDs`
// which would be ignored by protocol buffers, and leave the `regionID` be zero.
// Then the older version of PD would try to search the region with ID 0.
// (Then it consistently fails, and returns "region 0 not found".)
return s.Code() == codes.Unimplemented ||
strings.Contains(s.Message(), "region 0 not found")
// ScatterRegions scatter the regions.
func (rs *RegionSplitter) ScatterRegions(ctx context.Context, newRegions []*split.RegionInfo) {
for _, region := range newRegions {
// Wait for a while until the regions successfully split.
rs.waitForSplit(ctx, region.Region.Id)
// the retry is for the temporary network errors during sending request.
err := utils.WithRetry(ctx, func() error {
err := rs.client.ScatterRegions(ctx, newRegions)
if isUnsupportedError(err) {
log.Warn("batch scatter isn't supported, rollback to old method", logutil.ShortError(err))
ctx, newRegions,
// backoff about 6s, or we give up scattering this region.
Attempts: 7,
BaseBackoff: 100 * time.Millisecond,
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Warn("scatter region meet error", logutil.ShortError(err))
return err
}, &split.ExponentialBackoffer{Attempts: 3, BaseBackoff: 500 * time.Millisecond})
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to batch scatter region", logutil.ShortError(err))
// getSplitKeys checks if the regions should be split by the end key of
// the ranges, groups the split keys by region id.
func getSplitKeys(rewriteRules *RewriteRules, ranges []rtree.Range, regions []*split.RegionInfo, isRawKv bool) map[uint64][][]byte {
splitKeyMap := make(map[uint64][][]byte)
checkKeys := make([][]byte, 0)
for _, rg := range ranges {
checkKeys = append(checkKeys, rg.EndKey)
for _, key := range checkKeys {
if region := NeedSplit(key, regions, isRawKv); region != nil {
splitKeys, ok := splitKeyMap[region.Region.GetId()]
if !ok {
splitKeys = make([][]byte, 0, 1)
splitKeyMap[region.Region.GetId()] = append(splitKeys, key)
log.Debug("get key for split region",
logutil.Key("key", key),
logutil.Key("startKey", region.Region.StartKey),
logutil.Key("endKey", region.Region.EndKey))
return splitKeyMap
// NeedSplit checks whether a key is necessary to split, if true returns the split region.
func NeedSplit(splitKey []byte, regions []*split.RegionInfo, isRawKv bool) *split.RegionInfo {
// If splitKey is the max key.
if len(splitKey) == 0 {
return nil
splitKey = codec.EncodeBytesExt(nil, splitKey, isRawKv)
for _, region := range regions {
// If splitKey is the boundary of the region
if bytes.Equal(splitKey, region.Region.GetStartKey()) {
return nil
// If splitKey is in a region
if region.ContainsInterior(splitKey) {
return region
return nil
func replacePrefix(s []byte, rewriteRules *RewriteRules) ([]byte, *sst.RewriteRule) {
// We should search the dataRules firstly.
for _, rule := range rewriteRules.Data {
if bytes.HasPrefix(s, rule.GetOldKeyPrefix()) {
return append(append([]byte{}, rule.GetNewKeyPrefix()...), s[len(rule.GetOldKeyPrefix()):]...), rule
return s, nil
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