tidb coprocessor_cache 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (485)

tidb coprocessor_cache 代码


// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package copr

import (


type coprCache struct {
	cache                   *ristretto.Cache
	admissionMaxRanges      int
	admissionMaxSize        int
	admissionMinProcessTime time.Duration

type coprCacheValue struct {
	Key               []byte
	Data              []byte
	TimeStamp         uint64
	RegionID          uint64
	RegionDataVersion uint64

	// Used in coprocessor paging protocol
	PageStart []byte
	PageEnd   []byte

func (v *coprCacheValue) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("{ Ts = %d, RegionID = %d, RegionDataVersion = %d, len(Data) = %d }",

const coprCacheValueSize = int(unsafe.Sizeof(coprCacheValue{}))

func (v *coprCacheValue) Len() int {
	return coprCacheValueSize + len(v.Key) + len(v.Data) + len(v.PageStart) + len(v.PageEnd)

func newCoprCache(config *config.CoprocessorCache) (*coprCache, error) {
	if config == nil || config.CapacityMB == 0 {
		return nil, nil
	capacityInBytes := int64(config.CapacityMB * 1024.0 * 1024.0)
	if capacityInBytes <= 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("Capacity must be > 0 to enable the cache")
	maxEntityInBytes := int64(config.AdmissionMaxResultMB * 1024.0 * 1024.0)
	if maxEntityInBytes == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("AdmissionMaxResultMB must be > 0 to enable the cache")
	estimatedEntities := capacityInBytes / maxEntityInBytes * 2
	if estimatedEntities < 10 {
		estimatedEntities = 10
	cache, err := ristretto.NewCache(&ristretto.Config{
		NumCounters: estimatedEntities * 10,
		MaxCost:     capacityInBytes,
		BufferItems: 64,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	c := coprCache{
		cache:                   cache,
		admissionMaxRanges:      int(config.AdmissionMaxRanges),
		admissionMaxSize:        int(maxEntityInBytes),
		admissionMinProcessTime: time.Duration(config.AdmissionMinProcessMs) * time.Millisecond,
	return &c, nil

func coprCacheBuildKey(copReq *coprocessor.Request) ([]byte, error) {
	// Calculate amount of space to allocate
	if copReq.Tp > math.MaxUint8 {
		return nil, errors.New("Request Tp too big")
	if len(copReq.Data) > math.MaxUint32 {
		return nil, errors.New("Cache data too big")
	totalLength := 1 + 4 + len(copReq.Data)
	for _, r := range copReq.Ranges {
		if len(r.Start) > math.MaxUint16 {
			return nil, errors.New("Cache start key too big")
		if len(r.End) > math.MaxUint16 {
			return nil, errors.New("Cache end key too big")
		totalLength += 2 + len(r.Start) + 2 + len(r.End)
	if copReq.PagingSize > 0 {

	key := make([]byte, totalLength)

	// 1 byte Tp
	key[0] = uint8(copReq.Tp)
	dest := 1

	// 4 bytes Data len
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[dest:], uint32(len(copReq.Data)))
	dest += 4

	// N bytes Data
	copy(key[dest:], copReq.Data)
	dest += len(copReq.Data)

	for _, r := range copReq.Ranges {
		// 2 bytes Key len
		binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(key[dest:], uint16(len(r.Start)))
		dest += 2

		// N bytes Key
		copy(key[dest:], r.Start)
		dest += len(r.Start)

		// 2 bytes Key len
		binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(key[dest:], uint16(len(r.End)))
		dest += 2

		// N bytes Key
		copy(key[dest:], r.End)
		dest += len(r.End)

	// 1 byte when use paging protocol
	if copReq.PagingSize > 0 {
		key[dest] = 1

	return key, nil

// Get gets a cache item according to cache key.
func (c *coprCache) Get(key []byte) *coprCacheValue {
	if c == nil {
		return nil
	value, hit := c.cache.Get(key)
	if !hit {
		return nil
	typedValue := value.(*coprCacheValue)
	// ristretto does not handle hash collision, so check the key equality after getting a value.
	if !bytes.Equal(typedValue.Key, key) {
		return nil
	return typedValue

// CheckRequestAdmission checks whether a response item is worth caching.
func (c *coprCache) CheckRequestAdmission(ranges int) bool {
	if c == nil {
		return false
	if c.admissionMaxRanges != 0 && ranges > c.admissionMaxRanges {
		return false
	return true

// CheckResponseAdmission checks whether a response item is worth caching.
func (c *coprCache) CheckResponseAdmission(dataSize int, processTime time.Duration, paging bool) bool {
	if c == nil {
		return false
	if dataSize == 0 || dataSize > c.admissionMaxSize {
		return false

	admissionMinProcessTime := c.admissionMinProcessTime
	if paging {
		admissionMinProcessTime = admissionMinProcessTime / 3
	if processTime < admissionMinProcessTime {
		return false
	return true

// Set inserts an item to the cache.
// It is recommended to call `CheckRequestAdmission` and `CheckResponseAdmission` before inserting
// the item to the cache.
func (c *coprCache) Set(key []byte, value *coprCacheValue) bool {
	if c == nil {
		return false
	// Always ensure that the `Key` in `value` is the `key` we received.
	value.Key = key
	return c.cache.Set(key, value, int64(value.Len()))


tidb 源码目录


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