echarts MagicType 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (696)

echarts MagicType 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import * as echarts from '../../../core/echarts';
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import {ToolboxFeature, ToolboxFeatureOption, ToolboxFeatureModel} from '../featureManager';
import { SeriesOption, ECUnitOption } from '../../../util/types';
import GlobalModel from '../../../model/Global';
import ExtensionAPI from '../../../core/ExtensionAPI';
import SeriesModel from '../../../model/Series';
import { SINGLE_REFERRING } from '../../../util/model';

const INNER_STACK_KEYWORD = '__ec_magicType_stack__' as const;

const ICON_TYPES = ['line', 'bar', 'stack'] as const;
// stack and tiled appears in pair for the title
const TITLE_TYPES = ['line', 'bar', 'stack', 'tiled'] as const;

const radioTypes = [
    ['line', 'bar'],
] as const;

type IconType = typeof ICON_TYPES[number];
type TitleType = typeof TITLE_TYPES[number];

export interface ToolboxMagicTypeFeatureOption extends ToolboxFeatureOption {
    type?: IconType[]
     * Icon group
    icon?: {[key in IconType]?: string}
    title?: {[key in TitleType]?: string}

    // TODO LineSeriesOption, BarSeriesOption
    option?: {[key in IconType]?: SeriesOption}

     * Map of seriesType: seriesIndex
    seriesIndex?: {
        line?: number
        bar?: number

class MagicType extends ToolboxFeature<ToolboxMagicTypeFeatureOption> {

    getIcons() {
        const model = this.model;
        const availableIcons = model.get('icon');
        const icons: ToolboxMagicTypeFeatureOption['icon'] = {};
        zrUtil.each(model.get('type'), function (type) {
            if (availableIcons[type]) {
                icons[type] = availableIcons[type];
        return icons;

    static getDefaultOption(ecModel: GlobalModel) {
        const defaultOption: ToolboxMagicTypeFeatureOption = {
            show: true,
            type: [],
            // Icon group
            icon: {
                line: 'M4.1,28.9h7.1l9.3-22l7.4,38l9.7-19.7l3,12.8h14.9M4.1,58h51.4',
                bar: 'M6.7,22.9h10V48h-10V22.9zM24.9,13h10v35h-10V13zM43.2,2h10v46h-10V2zM3.1,58h53.7',
                // eslint-disable-next-line
                stack: 'M8.2,38.4l-8.4,4.1l30.6,15.3L60,42.5l-8.1-4.1l-21.5,11L8.2,38.4z M51.9,30l-8.1,4.2l-13.4,6.9l-13.9-6.9L8.2,30l-8.4,4.2l8.4,4.2l22.2,11l21.5-11l8.1-4.2L51.9,30z M51.9,21.7l-8.1,4.2L35.7,30l-5.3,2.8L24.9,30l-8.4-4.1l-8.3-4.2l-8.4,4.2L8.2,30l8.3,4.2l13.9,6.9l13.4-6.9l8.1-4.2l8.1-4.1L51.9,21.7zM30.4,2.2L-0.2,17.5l8.4,4.1l8.3,4.2l8.4,4.2l5.5,2.7l5.3-2.7l8.1-4.2l8.1-4.2l8.1-4.1L30.4,2.2z' // jshint ignore:line
            // `line`, `bar`, `stack`, `tiled`
            title: ecModel.getLocaleModel().get(['toolbox', 'magicType', 'title']),
            option: {},
            seriesIndex: {}

        return defaultOption;

    onclick(ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, type: IconType) {
        const model = this.model;
        const seriesIndex = model.get(['seriesIndex', type as 'line' | 'bar']);
        // Not supported magicType
        if (!seriesOptGenreator[type]) {
        const newOption: ECUnitOption = {
            series: []
        const generateNewSeriesTypes = function (seriesModel: SeriesModel<MegicTypeSeriesOption>) {
            const seriesType = seriesModel.subType;
            const seriesId =;
            const newSeriesOpt = seriesOptGenreator[type](
                seriesType, seriesId, seriesModel, model
            if (newSeriesOpt) {
                // PENDING If merge original option?
                zrUtil.defaults(newSeriesOpt, seriesModel.option);
                (newOption.series as SeriesOption[]).push(newSeriesOpt);
            // Modify boundaryGap
            const coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem;
            if (coordSys && coordSys.type === 'cartesian2d' && (type === 'line' || type === 'bar')) {
                const categoryAxis = coordSys.getAxesByScale('ordinal')[0];
                if (categoryAxis) {
                    const axisDim = categoryAxis.dim;
                    const axisType = axisDim + 'Axis';
                    const axisModel = seriesModel.getReferringComponents(axisType, SINGLE_REFERRING).models[0];
                    const axisIndex = axisModel.componentIndex;

                    newOption[axisType] = newOption[axisType] || [];
                    for (let i = 0; i <= axisIndex; i++) {
                        (newOption[axisType] as any)[axisIndex] = (newOption[axisType] as any)[axisIndex] || {};
                    (newOption[axisType] as any)[axisIndex].boundaryGap = type === 'bar';

        zrUtil.each(radioTypes, function (radio) {
            if (zrUtil.indexOf(radio, type) >= 0) {
                zrUtil.each(radio, function (item) {
                    model.setIconStatus(item, 'normal');

        model.setIconStatus(type, 'emphasis');

                mainType: 'series',
                query: seriesIndex == null ? null : {
                    seriesIndex: seriesIndex
            }, generateNewSeriesTypes

        let newTitle;
        let currentType = type as TitleType;
        // Change title of stack
        if (type === 'stack') {
            // use titles in model instead of ecModel
            // as stack and tiled appears in pair, just flip them
            // no need of checking stack state
            newTitle = zrUtil.merge({
                stack: model.option.title.tiled,
                tiled: model.option.title.stack
            }, model.option.title);

            if (model.get(['iconStatus', type]) !== 'emphasis') {
                currentType = 'tiled';

            type: 'changeMagicType',
            currentType: currentType,
            newOption: newOption,
            newTitle: newTitle,
            featureName: 'magicType'

type MegicTypeSeriesOption = SeriesOption & {
    // TODO: TYPE More specified series option
    stack?: boolean | string
    data?: unknown[]
    markPoint?: unknown
    markLine?: unknown

type SeriesOptGenreator = (
    seriesType: string,
    seriesId: string,
    seriesModel: SeriesModel<MegicTypeSeriesOption>,
    model: ToolboxFeatureModel<ToolboxMagicTypeFeatureOption>
) => SeriesOption;

const seriesOptGenreator: Record<IconType, SeriesOptGenreator> = {
    'line': function (seriesType, seriesId, seriesModel, model) {
        if (seriesType === 'bar') {
            return zrUtil.merge({
                id: seriesId,
                type: 'line',
                // Preserve data related option
                data: seriesModel.get('data'),
                stack: seriesModel.get('stack'),
                markPoint: seriesModel.get('markPoint'),
                markLine: seriesModel.get('markLine')
            }, model.get(['option', 'line']) || {}, true);
    'bar': function (seriesType, seriesId, seriesModel, model) {
        if (seriesType === 'line') {
            return zrUtil.merge({
                id: seriesId,
                type: 'bar',
                // Preserve data related option
                data: seriesModel.get('data'),
                stack: seriesModel.get('stack'),
                markPoint: seriesModel.get('markPoint'),
                markLine: seriesModel.get('markLine')
            }, model.get(['option', 'bar']) || {}, true);
    'stack': function (seriesType, seriesId, seriesModel, model) {
        const isStack = seriesModel.get('stack') === INNER_STACK_KEYWORD;
        if (seriesType === 'line' || seriesType === 'bar') {
            model.setIconStatus('stack', isStack ? 'normal' : 'emphasis');
            return zrUtil.merge({
                id: seriesId,
                stack: isStack ? '' : INNER_STACK_KEYWORD
            }, model.get(['option', 'stack']) || {}, true);

    type: 'changeMagicType',
    event: 'magicTypeChanged',
    update: 'prepareAndUpdate'
}, function (payload, ecModel) {

export default MagicType;


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