hugo commonConfig 源码

  • 2022-10-23
  • 浏览 (533)

hugo commonConfig 代码


// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package config

import (


	jww ""

var DefaultBuild = Build{
	UseResourceCacheWhen: "fallback",
	WriteStats:           false,

// Build holds some build related configuration.
type Build struct {
	UseResourceCacheWhen string // never, fallback, always. Default is fallback

	// When enabled, will collect and write a hugo_stats.json with some build
	// related aggregated data (e.g. CSS class names).
	WriteStats bool

	// Can be used to toggle off writing of the intellinsense /assets/jsconfig.js
	// file.
	NoJSConfigInAssets bool

func (b Build) UseResourceCache(err error) bool {
	if b.UseResourceCacheWhen == "never" {
		return false

	if b.UseResourceCacheWhen == "fallback" {
		return err == herrors.ErrFeatureNotAvailable

	return true

func DecodeBuild(cfg Provider) Build {
	m := cfg.GetStringMap("build")
	b := DefaultBuild
	if m == nil {
		return b

	err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(m, &b)
	if err != nil {
		return DefaultBuild

	b.UseResourceCacheWhen = strings.ToLower(b.UseResourceCacheWhen)
	when := b.UseResourceCacheWhen
	if when != "never" && when != "always" && when != "fallback" {
		b.UseResourceCacheWhen = "fallback"

	return b

// Sitemap configures the sitemap to be generated.
type Sitemap struct {
	ChangeFreq string
	Priority   float64
	Filename   string

func DecodeSitemap(prototype Sitemap, input map[string]any) Sitemap {
	for key, value := range input {
		switch key {
		case "changefreq":
			prototype.ChangeFreq = cast.ToString(value)
		case "priority":
			prototype.Priority = cast.ToFloat64(value)
		case "filename":
			prototype.Filename = cast.ToString(value)
			jww.WARN.Printf("Unknown Sitemap field: %s\n", key)

	return prototype

// Config for the dev server.
type Server struct {
	Headers   []Headers
	Redirects []Redirect

	compiledInit      sync.Once
	compiledHeaders   []glob.Glob
	compiledRedirects []glob.Glob

func (s *Server) init() {
	s.compiledInit.Do(func() {
		for _, h := range s.Headers {
			s.compiledHeaders = append(s.compiledHeaders, glob.MustCompile(h.For))
		for _, r := range s.Redirects {
			s.compiledRedirects = append(s.compiledRedirects, glob.MustCompile(r.From))

func (s *Server) MatchHeaders(pattern string) []types.KeyValueStr {

	if s.compiledHeaders == nil {
		return nil

	var matches []types.KeyValueStr

	for i, g := range s.compiledHeaders {
		if g.Match(pattern) {
			h := s.Headers[i]
			for k, v := range h.Values {
				matches = append(matches, types.KeyValueStr{Key: k, Value: cast.ToString(v)})

	sort.Slice(matches, func(i, j int) bool {
		return matches[i].Key < matches[j].Key

	return matches

func (s *Server) MatchRedirect(pattern string) Redirect {

	if s.compiledRedirects == nil {
		return Redirect{}

	pattern = strings.TrimSuffix(pattern, "index.html")

	for i, g := range s.compiledRedirects {
		redir := s.Redirects[i]

		// No redirect to self.
		if redir.To == pattern {
			return Redirect{}

		if g.Match(pattern) {
			return redir

	return Redirect{}

type Headers struct {
	For    string
	Values map[string]any

type Redirect struct {
	From string
	To   string

	// HTTP status code to use for the redirect.
	// A status code of 200 will trigger a URL rewrite.
	Status int

	// Forcode redirect, even if original request path exists.
	Force bool

func (r Redirect) IsZero() bool {
	return r.From == ""

func DecodeServer(cfg Provider) (*Server, error) {
	m := cfg.GetStringMap("server")
	s := &Server{}
	if m == nil {
		return s, nil

	_ = mapstructure.WeakDecode(m, s)

	for i, redir := range s.Redirects {
		// Get it in line with the Hugo server for OK responses.
		// We currently treat the 404 as a special case, they are always "ugly", so keep them as is.
		if redir.Status != 404 {
			redir.To = strings.TrimSuffix(redir.To, "index.html")
			if !strings.HasPrefix(redir.To, "https") && !strings.HasSuffix(redir.To, "/") {
				// There are some tricky infinite loop situations when dealing
				// when the target does not have a trailing slash.
				// This can certainly be handled better, but not time for that now.
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported redirect to value %q in server config; currently this must be either a remote destination or a local folder, e.g. \"/blog/\" or \"/blog/index.html\"", redir.To)
		s.Redirects[i] = redir

	if len(s.Redirects) == 0 {
		// Set up a default redirect for 404s.
		s.Redirects = []Redirect{
				From:   "**",
				To:     "/404.html",
				Status: 404,


	return s, nil


hugo 源码目录


hugo compositeConfig 源码

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