kubernetes json_test 源码
kubernetes json_test 代码
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package logs
import (
logsapi "k8s.io/component-base/logs/api/v1"
// TestZapLoggerInfo test ZapLogger json info format
func TestZapLoggerInfo(t *testing.T) {
timeNow = func() time.Time {
return time.Date(1970, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 123, time.UTC)
var testDataInfo = []struct {
msg string
format string
keysValues []interface{}
names []string
msg: "test",
format: "{\"ts\":%f,\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"test\",\"v\":0,\"ns\":\"default\",\"podnum\":2}\n",
keysValues: []interface{}{"ns", "default", "podnum", 2},
msg: "test for strongly typed Zap field",
format: "{\"ts\":%f,\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"strongly-typed Zap Field passed to logr\",\"zap field\":{\"Key\":\"attempt\",\"Type\":11,\"Integer\":3,\"String\":\"\",\"Interface\":null}}\n{\"ts\":%f,\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"test for strongly typed Zap field\",\"v\":0,\"ns\":\"default\",\"podnum\":2}\n",
keysValues: []interface{}{"ns", "default", "podnum", 2, zap.Int("attempt", 3), "attempt", "Running", 10},
msg: "test for non-string key argument",
format: "{\"ts\":%f,\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"non-string key argument passed to logging, ignoring all later arguments\",\"invalid key\":200}\n{\"ts\":%f,\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"test for non-string key argument\",\"v\":0,\"ns\":\"default\",\"podnum\":2}\n",
keysValues: []interface{}{"ns", "default", "podnum", 2, 200, "replica", "Running", 10},
msg: "test for duration value argument",
format: "{\"ts\":%f,\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"test for duration value argument\",\"v\":0,\"duration\":\"5s\"}\n",
keysValues: []interface{}{"duration", time.Duration(5 * time.Second)},
msg: "test for WithName",
names: []string{"hello", "world"},
format: "{\"ts\":%f,\"logger\":\"hello.world\",\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"test for WithName\",\"v\":0}\n",
msg: "test for duplicate keys",
format: "{\"ts\":%f,\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"test for duplicate keys\",\"v\":0,\"akey\":\"avalue\",\"akey\":\"anothervalue\"}\n",
keysValues: []interface{}{"akey", "avalue", "akey", "anothervalue"},
for _, data := range testDataInfo {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
writer := zapcore.AddSync(&buffer)
sampleInfoLogger, _ := NewJSONLogger(0, writer, nil, nil)
for _, name := range data.names {
// nolint:logcheck // This intentionally ignore the feature gate and always tests with a name.
sampleInfoLogger = sampleInfoLogger.WithName(name)
// nolint:logcheck // The linter cannot and doesn't need to check the key/value pairs.
sampleInfoLogger.Info(data.msg, data.keysValues...)
logStr := buffer.String()
logStrLines := strings.Split(logStr, "\n")
dataFormatLines := strings.Split(data.format, "\n")
if !assert.Equal(t, len(logStrLines), len(dataFormatLines)) {
t.Errorf("Info has wrong format: no. of lines in log is incorrect \n expect:%d\n got:%d", len(dataFormatLines), len(logStrLines))
for i := range logStrLines {
if len(logStrLines[i]) == 0 && len(dataFormatLines[i]) == 0 {
var ts float64
var lineNo int
n, err := fmt.Sscanf(logStrLines[i], dataFormatLines[i], &ts, &lineNo)
if n != 2 || err != nil {
t.Errorf("log format error: %d elements, error %s:\n%s", n, err, logStrLines[i])
expect := fmt.Sprintf(dataFormatLines[i], ts, lineNo)
if !assert.Equal(t, expect, logStrLines[i]) {
t.Errorf("Info has wrong format \n expect:%s\n got:%s", expect, logStrLines[i])
// TestZapLoggerEnabled test ZapLogger enabled
func TestZapLoggerEnabled(t *testing.T) {
verbosityLevel := 10
sampleInfoLogger, _ := NewJSONLogger(logsapi.VerbosityLevel(verbosityLevel), nil, nil, nil)
for v := 0; v <= verbosityLevel; v++ {
enabled := sampleInfoLogger.V(v).Enabled()
expectEnabled := v <= verbosityLevel
if !expectEnabled && enabled {
t.Errorf("V(%d).Info should be disabled", v)
if expectEnabled && !enabled {
t.Errorf("V(%d).Info should be enabled", v)
// TestZapLoggerV test ZapLogger V set log level func
func TestZapLoggerV(t *testing.T) {
timeNow = func() time.Time {
return time.Date(1970, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 123, time.UTC)
verbosityLevel := 10
for v := 0; v <= verbosityLevel; v++ {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
writer := zapcore.AddSync(&buffer)
sampleInfoLogger, _ := NewJSONLogger(logsapi.VerbosityLevel(verbosityLevel), writer, nil, nil)
sampleInfoLogger.V(v).Info("test", "ns", "default", "podnum", 2, "time", time.Microsecond)
logStr := buffer.String()
shouldHaveLogged := v <= verbosityLevel
if logged := logStr != ""; logged != shouldHaveLogged {
if logged {
t.Fatalf("Expected no output at v=%d, got: %s", v, logStr)
t.Fatalf("Expected output at v=%d, got none.", v)
if !shouldHaveLogged {
var actualV, lineNo int
expectFormat := "{\"ts\":0.000123,\"caller\":\"json/json_test.go:%d\",\"msg\":\"test\",\"v\":%d,\"ns\":\"default\",\"podnum\":2,\"time\":\"1µs\"}\n"
n, err := fmt.Sscanf(logStr, expectFormat, &lineNo, &actualV)
if n != 2 || err != nil {
t.Errorf("log format error: %d elements, error %s:\n%s", n, err, logStr)
if actualV != v {
t.Errorf("V(%d).Info...) returned v=%d. expected v=%d", v, actualV, v)
expect := fmt.Sprintf(expectFormat, lineNo, v)
if !assert.Equal(t, expect, logStr) {
t.Errorf("V(%d).Info has wrong format \n expect:%s\n got:%s", v, expect, logStr)
// TestZapLoggerError test ZapLogger json error format
func TestZapLoggerError(t *testing.T) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
writer := zapcore.AddSync(&buffer)
timeNow = func() time.Time {
return time.Date(1970, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 123, time.UTC)
sampleInfoLogger, _ := NewJSONLogger(0, writer, nil, nil)
sampleInfoLogger.Error(fmt.Errorf("invalid namespace:%s", "default"), "wrong namespace", "ns", "default", "podnum", 2, "time", time.Microsecond)
logStr := buffer.String()
var ts float64
var lineNo int
expectFormat := `{"ts":%f,"caller":"json/json_test.go:%d","msg":"wrong namespace","ns":"default","podnum":2,"time":"1µs","err":"invalid namespace:default"}`
n, err := fmt.Sscanf(logStr, expectFormat, &ts, &lineNo)
if n != 2 || err != nil {
t.Errorf("log format error: %d elements, error %s:\n%s", n, err, logStr)
expect := fmt.Sprintf(expectFormat, ts, lineNo)
if !assert.JSONEq(t, expect, logStr) {
t.Errorf("Info has wrong format \n expect:%s\n got:%s", expect, logStr)
func TestZapLoggerStreams(t *testing.T) {
var infoBuffer, errorBuffer bytes.Buffer
log, _ := NewJSONLogger(0, zapcore.AddSync(&infoBuffer), zapcore.AddSync(&errorBuffer), nil)
log.Error(fmt.Errorf("some error"), "failed")
log.Info("hello world")
logStr := errorBuffer.String()
var ts float64
var lineNo int
expectFormat := `{"ts":%f,"caller":"json/json_test.go:%d","msg":"failed","err":"some error"}`
n, err := fmt.Sscanf(logStr, expectFormat, &ts, &lineNo)
if n != 2 || err != nil {
t.Errorf("error log format error: %d elements, error %s:\n%s", n, err, logStr)
expect := fmt.Sprintf(expectFormat, ts, lineNo)
if !assert.JSONEq(t, expect, logStr) {
t.Errorf("error log has wrong format \n expect:%s\n got:%s", expect, logStr)
logStr = infoBuffer.String()
expectFormat = `{"ts":%f,"caller":"json/json_test.go:%d","msg":"hello world","v":0}`
n, err = fmt.Sscanf(logStr, expectFormat, &ts, &lineNo)
if n != 2 || err != nil {
t.Errorf("info log format error: %d elements, error %s:\n%s", n, err, logStr)
expect = fmt.Sprintf(expectFormat, ts, lineNo)
if !assert.JSONEq(t, expect, logStr) {
t.Errorf("info has wrong format \n expect:%s\n got:%s", expect, logStr)
type testBuff struct {
writeCount int
// Sync syncs data to file
func (b *testBuff) Sync() error {
return nil
// Write writes data to buffer
func (b *testBuff) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return len(p), nil
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