loki 查询样例

  • 2022-04-26
  • 浏览 (1503)

loki + grafana 搭建的日志系统,通过关键字查询日志的样例。

Log Query examples

Examples that filter on IP address

  • Return log lines that are not within a range of IPv4 addresses:

      {job_name="myapp"} != ip("")
  • This example matches log lines with all IPv4 subnet values except IP address

          | logfmt
          | addr = ip("")
          | addr != ip("")

Examples that aid in security evaluation

  • Extract the user and IP address of failed logins from Linux /var/log/secure

          |~ "Invalid user.*"
          | regexp "(^(?P<user>\\S+ {1,2}){8})"
          | regexp "(^(?P<ip>\\S+ {1,2}){10})"
          | line_format "IP = {{.ip}}\tUSER = {{.user}}"
  • Get successful logins from Linux /var/log/secure

          != "grafana_com"
          |= "session opened"
          != "sudo: "
          |regexp "(^(?P<user>\\S+ {1,2}){11})"
          | line_format "USER = {{.user}}"

Metrics Query examples

  • Return the per-second rate of all non-timeout errors
    within the last minutes per host for the MySQL job,
    and only include errors whose duration is above ten seconds.

      sum by (host) (rate({job="mysql"}
          |= "error" != "timeout"
          | json
          | duration > 10s [1m]))


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