spark RetryingBlockTransferor 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (361)

spark RetryingBlockTransferor 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * Wraps another BlockFetcher or BlockPusher with the ability to automatically retry block
 * transfers which fail due to IOExceptions, which we hope are due to transient network conditions.
 * This transferor provides stronger guarantees regarding the parent BlockTransferListener. In
 * particular, the listener will be invoked exactly once per blockId, with a success or failure.
public class RetryingBlockTransferor {

   * Used to initiate the first transfer for all blocks, and subsequently for retrying the
   * transfer on any remaining blocks.
  public interface BlockTransferStarter {
     * Creates a new BlockFetcher or BlockPusher to transfer the given block ids which may do
     * some synchronous bootstrapping followed by fully asynchronous block transferring.
     * The BlockFetcher or BlockPusher must eventually invoke the Listener on every input blockId,
     * or else this method must throw an exception.
     * This method should always attempt to get a new TransportClient from the
     * {@link} in order to fix connection
     * issues.
    void createAndStart(String[] blockIds, BlockTransferListener listener)
         throws IOException, InterruptedException;

  /** Shared executor service used for waiting and retrying. */
  private static final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(
    NettyUtils.createThreadFactory("Block Transfer Retry"));

  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RetryingBlockTransferor.class);

  /** Used to initiate new Block transfer on our remaining blocks. */
  private final BlockTransferStarter transferStarter;

  /** Parent listener which we delegate all successful or permanently failed block transfers to. */
  private final BlockTransferListener listener;

  /** Max number of times we are allowed to retry. */
  private final int maxRetries;

  /** Milliseconds to wait before each retry. */
  private final int retryWaitTime;

  // NOTE:
  // All of our non-final fields are synchronized under 'this' and should only be accessed/mutated
  // while inside a synchronized block.
  /** Number of times we've attempted to retry so far. */
  private int retryCount = 0;

   * Set of all block ids which have not been transferred successfully or with a non-IO Exception.
   * A retry involves requesting every outstanding block. Note that since this is a LinkedHashSet,
   * input ordering is preserved, so we always request blocks in the same order the user provided.
  private final LinkedHashSet<String> outstandingBlocksIds;

   * The BlockTransferListener that is active with our current BlockFetcher.
   * When we start a retry, we immediately replace this with a new Listener, which causes all any
   * old Listeners to ignore all further responses.
  private RetryingBlockTransferListener currentListener;

  private final ErrorHandler errorHandler;

  public RetryingBlockTransferor(
      TransportConf conf,
      BlockTransferStarter transferStarter,
      String[] blockIds,
      BlockTransferListener listener,
      ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
    this.transferStarter = transferStarter;
    this.listener = listener;
    this.maxRetries = conf.maxIORetries();
    this.retryWaitTime = conf.ioRetryWaitTimeMs();
    this.outstandingBlocksIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
    Collections.addAll(outstandingBlocksIds, blockIds);
    this.currentListener = new RetryingBlockTransferListener();
    this.errorHandler = errorHandler;

  public RetryingBlockTransferor(
      TransportConf conf,
      BlockTransferStarter transferStarter,
      String[] blockIds,
      BlockFetchingListener listener) {
    this(conf, transferStarter, blockIds, listener, ErrorHandler.NOOP_ERROR_HANDLER);

   * Initiates the transfer of all blocks provided in the constructor, with possible retries
   * in the event of transient IOExceptions.
  public void start() {

   * Fires off a request to transfer all blocks that have not been transferred successfully or
   * permanently failed (i.e., by a non-IOException).
  private void transferAllOutstanding() {
    // Start by retrieving our shared state within a synchronized block.
    String[] blockIdsToTransfer;
    int numRetries;
    RetryingBlockTransferListener myListener;
    synchronized (this) {
      blockIdsToTransfer = outstandingBlocksIds.toArray(new String[outstandingBlocksIds.size()]);
      numRetries = retryCount;
      myListener = currentListener;

    // Now initiate the transfer on all outstanding blocks, possibly initiating a retry if that
    // fails.
    try {
      transferStarter.createAndStart(blockIdsToTransfer, myListener);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error(String.format("Exception while beginning %s of %s outstanding blocks %s",
        listener.getTransferType(), blockIdsToTransfer.length,
        numRetries > 0 ? "(after " + numRetries + " retries)" : ""), e);

      if (shouldRetry(e)) {
      } else {
        for (String bid : blockIdsToTransfer) {
          listener.onBlockTransferFailure(bid, e);

   * Lightweight method which initiates a retry in a different thread. The retry will involve
   * calling transferAllOutstanding() after a configured wait time.
  private synchronized void initiateRetry() {
    retryCount += 1;
    currentListener = new RetryingBlockTransferListener();"Retrying {} ({}/{}) for {} outstanding blocks after {} ms",
      listener.getTransferType(), retryCount, maxRetries, outstandingBlocksIds.size(),

    executorService.submit(() -> {
      Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(retryWaitTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

   * Returns true if we should retry due a block transfer failure. We will retry if and only if
   * the exception was an IOException and we haven't retried 'maxRetries' times already.
  private synchronized boolean shouldRetry(Throwable e) {
    boolean isIOException = e instanceof IOException
      || e.getCause() instanceof IOException;
    boolean hasRemainingRetries = retryCount < maxRetries;
    return isIOException && hasRemainingRetries && errorHandler.shouldRetryError(e);

   * Our RetryListener intercepts block transfer responses and forwards them to our parent
   * listener. Note that in the event of a retry, we will immediately replace the 'currentListener'
   * field, indicating that any responses from non-current Listeners should be ignored.
  private class RetryingBlockTransferListener implements
      BlockFetchingListener, BlockPushingListener {
    private void handleBlockTransferSuccess(String blockId, ManagedBuffer data) {
      // We will only forward this success message to our parent listener if this block request is
      // outstanding and we are still the active listener.
      boolean shouldForwardSuccess = false;
      synchronized (RetryingBlockTransferor.this) {
        if (this == currentListener && outstandingBlocksIds.contains(blockId)) {
          shouldForwardSuccess = true;

      // Now actually invoke the parent listener, outside of the synchronized block.
      if (shouldForwardSuccess) {
        listener.onBlockTransferSuccess(blockId, data);

    private void handleBlockTransferFailure(String blockId, Throwable exception) {
      // We will only forward this failure to our parent listener if this block request is
      // outstanding, we are still the active listener, AND we cannot retry the transfer.
      boolean shouldForwardFailure = false;
      synchronized (RetryingBlockTransferor.this) {
        if (this == currentListener && outstandingBlocksIds.contains(blockId)) {
          if (shouldRetry(exception)) {
          } else {
            if (errorHandler.shouldLogError(exception)) {
                String.format("Failed to %s block %s, and will not retry (%s retries)",
                  listener.getTransferType(), blockId, retryCount), exception);
            } else {
                String.format("Failed to %s block %s, and will not retry (%s retries)",
                  listener.getTransferType(), blockId, retryCount), exception);
            shouldForwardFailure = true;

      // Now actually invoke the parent listener, outside of the synchronized block.
      if (shouldForwardFailure) {
        listener.onBlockTransferFailure(blockId, exception);

    public void onBlockFetchSuccess(String blockId, ManagedBuffer data) {
      handleBlockTransferSuccess(blockId, data);

    public void onBlockFetchFailure(String blockId, Throwable exception) {
      handleBlockTransferFailure(blockId, exception);

    public void onBlockPushSuccess(String blockId, ManagedBuffer data) {
      handleBlockTransferSuccess(blockId, data);

    public void onBlockPushFailure(String blockId, Throwable exception) {
      handleBlockTransferFailure(blockId, exception);

    // RetryingBlockTransferListener's onBlockTransferSuccess and onBlockTransferFailure
    // shouldn't be invoked. We only invoke these 2 methods on the parent listener.
    public void onBlockTransferSuccess(String blockId, ManagedBuffer data) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
        "Invocation on RetryingBlockTransferListener.onBlockTransferSuccess is unexpected.");

    public void onBlockTransferFailure(String blockId, Throwable exception) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
        "Invocation on RetryingBlockTransferListener.onBlockTransferFailure is unexpected.");

    public String getTransferType() {
      throw new RuntimeException(
        "Invocation on RetryingBlockTransferListener.getTransferType is unexpected.");


spark 源码目录


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