hadoop JobHistoryParser 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (171)

haddop JobHistoryParser 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counters;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobACL;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobPriority;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AccessControlList;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringInterner;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Default Parser for the JobHistory files. Typical usage is
 * JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(fs, historyFile);
 * job = parser.parse();
public class JobHistoryParser implements HistoryEventHandler {

  private static final Logger LOG =
  private final FSDataInputStream in;
  private JobInfo info = null;

  private IOException parseException = null;
   * Create a job history parser for the given history file using the 
   * given file system
   * @param fs
   * @param file
   * @throws IOException
  public JobHistoryParser(FileSystem fs, String file) throws IOException {
    this(fs, new Path(file));
   * Create the job history parser for the given history file using the 
   * given file system
   * @param fs
   * @param historyFile
   * @throws IOException
  public JobHistoryParser(FileSystem fs, Path historyFile) 
  throws IOException {
   * Create the history parser based on the input stream
   * @param in
  public JobHistoryParser(FSDataInputStream in) {
    this.in = in;
  public synchronized void parse(HistoryEventHandler handler) 
    throws IOException {
    parse(new EventReader(in), handler);
   * Only used for unit tests.
  public synchronized void parse(EventReader reader, HistoryEventHandler handler)
    throws IOException {
    int eventCtr = 0;
    HistoryEvent event;
    try {
      while ((event = reader.getNextEvent()) != null) {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      LOG.info("Caught exception parsing history file after " + eventCtr + 
          " events", ioe);
      parseException = ioe;
    } finally {
   * Parse the entire history file and populate the JobInfo object
   * The first invocation will populate the object, subsequent calls
   * will return the already parsed object. 
   * The input stream is closed on return 
   * This api ignores partial records and stops parsing on encountering one.
   * {@link #getParseException()} can be used to fetch the exception, if any.
   * @return The populated jobInfo object
   * @throws IOException
   * @see #getParseException()
  public synchronized JobInfo parse() throws IOException {
    return parse(new EventReader(in)); 

   * Only used for unit tests.
  public synchronized JobInfo parse(EventReader reader) throws IOException {

    if (info != null) {
      return info;

    info = new JobInfo();
    parse(reader, this);
    return info;
   * Get the parse exception, if any.
   * @return the parse exception, if any
   * @see #parse()
  public synchronized IOException getParseException() {
    return parseException;
  public void handleEvent(HistoryEvent event)  { 
    EventType type = event.getEventType();

    switch (type) {
      handleJobInfoChangeEvent((JobInfoChangeEvent) event);
    case JOB_INITED:
      handleJobInitedEvent((JobInitedEvent) event);
      handleJobPriorityChangeEvent((JobPriorityChangeEvent) event);
      handleJobQueueChangeEvent((JobQueueChangeEvent) event);
    case JOB_FAILED:
    case JOB_KILLED:
    case JOB_ERROR:
      handleJobFailedEvent((JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent) event);
    case JOB_FINISHED:
    case TASK_STARTED:
      handleTaskStartedEvent((TaskStartedEvent) event);
    case TASK_FAILED:
      handleTaskFailedEvent((TaskFailedEvent) event);
    case TASK_UPDATED:
      handleTaskUpdatedEvent((TaskUpdatedEvent) event);
      handleTaskFinishedEvent((TaskFinishedEvent) event);
      handleTaskAttemptStartedEvent((TaskAttemptStartedEvent) event);
          (TaskAttemptUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent) event);
      handleMapAttemptFinishedEvent((MapAttemptFinishedEvent) event);
      handleReduceAttemptFinishedEvent((ReduceAttemptFinishedEvent) event);
      handleTaskAttemptFinishedEvent((TaskAttemptFinishedEvent) event);
    case AM_STARTED:
      handleAMStartedEvent((AMStartedEvent) event);
  private void handleTaskAttemptFinishedEvent(TaskAttemptFinishedEvent event) {
    TaskInfo taskInfo = info.tasksMap.get(event.getTaskId());
    TaskAttemptInfo attemptInfo = 
    attemptInfo.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.status = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getTaskStatus());
    attemptInfo.state = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getState());
    attemptInfo.counters = event.getCounters();
    attemptInfo.hostname = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getHostname());
    info.completedTaskAttemptsMap.put(event.getAttemptId(), attemptInfo);

  private void handleReduceAttemptFinishedEvent
  (ReduceAttemptFinishedEvent event) {
    TaskInfo taskInfo = info.tasksMap.get(event.getTaskId());
    TaskAttemptInfo attemptInfo = 
    attemptInfo.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.status = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getTaskStatus());
    attemptInfo.state = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getState());
    attemptInfo.shuffleFinishTime = event.getShuffleFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.sortFinishTime = event.getSortFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.counters = event.getCounters();
    attemptInfo.hostname = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getHostname());
    attemptInfo.port = event.getPort();
    attemptInfo.rackname = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getRackName());
    info.completedTaskAttemptsMap.put(event.getAttemptId(), attemptInfo);

  private void handleMapAttemptFinishedEvent(MapAttemptFinishedEvent event) {
    TaskInfo taskInfo = info.tasksMap.get(event.getTaskId());
    TaskAttemptInfo attemptInfo = 
    attemptInfo.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.status = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getTaskStatus());
    attemptInfo.state = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getState());
    attemptInfo.mapFinishTime = event.getMapFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.counters = event.getCounters();
    attemptInfo.hostname = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getHostname());
    attemptInfo.port = event.getPort();
    attemptInfo.rackname = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getRackName());
    info.completedTaskAttemptsMap.put(event.getAttemptId(), attemptInfo);

  private void handleTaskAttemptFailedEvent(
      TaskAttemptUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent event) {
    TaskInfo taskInfo = info.tasksMap.get(event.getTaskId());
    if(taskInfo == null) {
      LOG.warn("TaskInfo is null for TaskAttemptUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent"
          + " taskId:  " + event.getTaskId().toString());
    TaskAttemptInfo attemptInfo = 
    if(attemptInfo == null) {
      LOG.warn("AttemptInfo is null for TaskAttemptUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent"
          + " taskAttemptId:  " + event.getTaskAttemptId().toString());
    attemptInfo.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.error = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getError());
    attemptInfo.status = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getTaskStatus());
    attemptInfo.hostname = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getHostname());
    attemptInfo.port = event.getPort();
    attemptInfo.rackname = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getRackName());
    attemptInfo.shuffleFinishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.sortFinishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.mapFinishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    attemptInfo.counters = event.getCounters();
      //this is a successful task
        // the failed attempt is the one that made this task successful
        // so its no longer successful. Reset fields set in
        // handleTaskFinishedEvent()
        taskInfo.counters = null;
        taskInfo.finishTime = -1;
        taskInfo.status = null;
        taskInfo.successfulAttemptId = null;
    info.completedTaskAttemptsMap.put(event.getTaskAttemptId(), attemptInfo);

  private void handleTaskAttemptStartedEvent(TaskAttemptStartedEvent event) {
    TaskAttemptID attemptId = event.getTaskAttemptId();
    TaskInfo taskInfo = info.tasksMap.get(event.getTaskId());
    TaskAttemptInfo attemptInfo = new TaskAttemptInfo();
    attemptInfo.startTime = event.getStartTime();
    attemptInfo.attemptId = event.getTaskAttemptId();
    attemptInfo.httpPort = event.getHttpPort();
    attemptInfo.trackerName = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getTrackerName());
    attemptInfo.taskType = event.getTaskType();
    attemptInfo.shufflePort = event.getShufflePort();
    attemptInfo.containerId = event.getContainerId();
    taskInfo.attemptsMap.put(attemptId, attemptInfo);

  private void handleTaskFinishedEvent(TaskFinishedEvent event) {
    TaskInfo taskInfo = info.tasksMap.get(event.getTaskId());
    taskInfo.counters = event.getCounters();
    taskInfo.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    taskInfo.status = TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED.toString();
    taskInfo.successfulAttemptId = event.getSuccessfulTaskAttemptId();

  private void handleTaskUpdatedEvent(TaskUpdatedEvent event) {
    TaskInfo taskInfo = info.tasksMap.get(event.getTaskId());
    taskInfo.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();

  private void handleTaskFailedEvent(TaskFailedEvent event) {
    TaskInfo taskInfo = info.tasksMap.get(event.getTaskId());
    taskInfo.status = TaskStatus.State.FAILED.toString();
    taskInfo.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    taskInfo.error = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getError());
    taskInfo.failedDueToAttemptId = event.getFailedAttemptID();
    taskInfo.counters = event.getCounters();

  private void handleTaskStartedEvent(TaskStartedEvent event) {
    TaskInfo taskInfo = new TaskInfo();
    taskInfo.taskId = event.getTaskId();
    taskInfo.startTime = event.getStartTime();
    taskInfo.taskType = event.getTaskType();
    taskInfo.splitLocations = event.getSplitLocations();
    info.tasksMap.put(event.getTaskId(), taskInfo);

  private void handleJobFailedEvent(JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent event) {
    info.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    info.succeededMaps = event.getSucceededMaps();
    info.succeededReduces = event.getSucceededReduces();
    info.failedMaps = event.getFailedMaps();
    info.failedReduces = event.getFailedReduces();
    info.killedMaps = event.getKilledMaps();
    info.killedReduces = event.getKilledReduces();
    info.jobStatus = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getStatus());
    info.errorInfo = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getDiagnostics());

  private void handleJobFinishedEvent(JobFinishedEvent event) {
    info.finishTime = event.getFinishTime();
    info.succeededMaps = event.getSucceededMaps();
    info.succeededReduces = event.getSucceededReduces();
    info.failedMaps = event.getFailedMaps();
    info.failedReduces = event.getFailedReduces();
    info.killedMaps = event.getKilledMaps();
    info.killedReduces = event.getKilledReduces();
    info.totalCounters = event.getTotalCounters();
    info.mapCounters = event.getMapCounters();
    info.reduceCounters = event.getReduceCounters();
    info.jobStatus = JobStatus.getJobRunState(JobStatus.SUCCEEDED);

  private void handleJobPriorityChangeEvent(JobPriorityChangeEvent event) {
    info.priority = event.getPriority();
  private void handleJobQueueChangeEvent(JobQueueChangeEvent event) {
    info.jobQueueName = event.getJobQueueName();

  private void handleJobInitedEvent(JobInitedEvent event) {
    info.launchTime = event.getLaunchTime();
    info.totalMaps = event.getTotalMaps();
    info.totalReduces = event.getTotalReduces();
    info.uberized = event.getUberized();
  private void handleAMStartedEvent(AMStartedEvent event) {
    AMInfo amInfo = new AMInfo();
    amInfo.appAttemptId = event.getAppAttemptId();
    amInfo.startTime = event.getStartTime();
    amInfo.containerId = event.getContainerId();
    amInfo.nodeManagerHost = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getNodeManagerHost());
    amInfo.nodeManagerPort = event.getNodeManagerPort();
    amInfo.nodeManagerHttpPort = event.getNodeManagerHttpPort();
    if (info.amInfos == null) {
      info.amInfos = new LinkedList<AMInfo>();
    info.latestAmInfo = amInfo;

  private void handleJobInfoChangeEvent(JobInfoChangeEvent event) {
    info.submitTime = event.getSubmitTime();
    info.launchTime = event.getLaunchTime();

  private void handleJobSubmittedEvent(JobSubmittedEvent event) {
    info.jobid = event.getJobId();
    info.jobname = event.getJobName();
    info.username = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getUserName());
    info.submitTime = event.getSubmitTime();
    info.jobConfPath = event.getJobConfPath();
    info.jobACLs = event.getJobAcls();
    info.jobQueueName = StringInterner.weakIntern(event.getJobQueueName());

   * The class where job information is aggregated into after parsing
  public static class JobInfo {
    String errorInfo = "";
    long submitTime;
    long finishTime;
    JobID jobid;
    String username;
    String jobname;
    String jobQueueName;
    String jobConfPath;
    long launchTime;
    int totalMaps;
    int totalReduces;
    int failedMaps;
    int failedReduces;
    int succeededMaps;
    int succeededReduces;
    int killedMaps;
    int killedReduces;
    String jobStatus;
    Counters totalCounters;
    Counters mapCounters;
    Counters reduceCounters;
    JobPriority priority;
    Map<JobACL, AccessControlList> jobACLs;
    Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> tasksMap;
    Map<TaskAttemptID, TaskAttemptInfo> completedTaskAttemptsMap;
    List<AMInfo> amInfos;
    AMInfo latestAmInfo;
    boolean uberized;
    /** Create a job info object where job information will be stored
     * after a parse
    public JobInfo() {
      submitTime = launchTime = finishTime = -1;
      totalMaps = totalReduces = failedMaps = failedReduces = 0;
      succeededMaps = succeededReduces = 0;
      username = jobname = jobConfPath = jobQueueName = "";
      tasksMap = new HashMap<TaskID, TaskInfo>();
      completedTaskAttemptsMap = new HashMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskAttemptInfo>();
      jobACLs = new HashMap<JobACL, AccessControlList>();
      priority = JobPriority.NORMAL;
    /** Print all the job information */
    public void printAll() {
      System.out.println("JOBNAME: " + jobname);
      System.out.println("USERNAME: " + username);
      System.out.println("JOB_QUEUE_NAME: " + jobQueueName);
      System.out.println("SUBMIT_TIME" + submitTime);
      System.out.println("LAUNCH_TIME: " + launchTime);
      System.out.println("JOB_STATUS: " + jobStatus);
      System.out.println("PRIORITY: " + priority);
      System.out.println("TOTAL_MAPS: " + totalMaps);
      System.out.println("TOTAL_REDUCES: " + totalReduces);
      if (mapCounters != null) {
        System.out.println("MAP_COUNTERS:" + mapCounters.toString());
      if (reduceCounters != null) {
        System.out.println("REDUCE_COUNTERS:" + reduceCounters.toString());
      if (totalCounters != null) {
        System.out.println("TOTAL_COUNTERS: " + totalCounters.toString());
      System.out.println("UBERIZED: " + uberized);
      if (amInfos != null) {
        for (AMInfo amInfo : amInfos) {
      for (TaskInfo ti: tasksMap.values()) {

    /** @return the job submit time */
    public long getSubmitTime() { return submitTime; }
    /** @return the job finish time */
    public long getFinishTime() { return finishTime; }
    /** @return the job id */
    public JobID getJobId() { return jobid; }
    /** @return the user name */
    public String getUsername() { return username; }
    /** @return the job name */
    public String getJobname() { return jobname; }
    /** @return the job queue name */
    public String getJobQueueName() { return jobQueueName; }
    /** @return the path for the job configuration file */
    public String getJobConfPath() { return jobConfPath; }
    /** @return the job launch time */
    public long getLaunchTime() { return launchTime; }
    /** @return the total number of maps */
    public long getTotalMaps() { return totalMaps; }
    /** @return the total number of reduces */
    public long getTotalReduces() { return totalReduces; }
    /** @return the total number of failed maps */
    public long getFailedMaps() { return failedMaps; }
    /** @return the number of failed reduces */
    public long getFailedReduces() { return failedReduces; }
    /** @return the number of killed maps */
    public long getKilledMaps() { return killedMaps; }
    /** @return the number of killed reduces */
    public long getKilledReduces() { return killedReduces; }
    /** @return the number of succeeded maps */
    public long getSucceededMaps() { return succeededMaps; }
    /** @return the number of succeeded reduces */
    public long getSucceededReduces() { return succeededReduces; }
    /** @return the job status */
    public String getJobStatus() { return jobStatus; }
    public String getErrorInfo() { return errorInfo; }
    /** @return the counters for the job */
    public Counters getTotalCounters() { return totalCounters; }
    /** @return the map counters for the job */
    public Counters getMapCounters() { return mapCounters; }
    /** @return the reduce counters for the job */
    public Counters getReduceCounters() { return reduceCounters; }
    /** @return the map of all tasks in this job */
    public Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> getAllTasks() { return tasksMap; }
    /** @return the map of all completed task attempts in this job */
    public Map<TaskAttemptID, TaskAttemptInfo> getAllCompletedTaskAttempts() { return completedTaskAttemptsMap; }
    /** @return the priority of this job */
    public String getPriority() { return priority.toString(); }
    public Map<JobACL, AccessControlList> getJobACLs() { return jobACLs; }
    /** @return the uberized status of this job */
    public boolean getUberized() { return uberized; }
    /** @return the AMInfo for the job's AppMaster */
    public List<AMInfo> getAMInfos() { return amInfos; }
    /** @return the AMInfo for the newest AppMaster */
    public AMInfo getLatestAMInfo() { return latestAmInfo; }
   * TaskInformation is aggregated in this class after parsing
  public static class TaskInfo {
    TaskID taskId;
    long startTime;
    long finishTime;
    TaskType taskType;
    String splitLocations;
    Counters counters;
    String status;
    String error;
    TaskAttemptID failedDueToAttemptId;
    TaskAttemptID successfulAttemptId;
    Map<TaskAttemptID, TaskAttemptInfo> attemptsMap;

    public TaskInfo() {
      startTime = finishTime = -1;
      error = splitLocations = "";
      attemptsMap = new HashMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskAttemptInfo>(2);
    public void printAll() {
      System.out.println("TASK_ID:" + taskId.toString());
      System.out.println("START_TIME: " + startTime);
      System.out.println("FINISH_TIME:" + finishTime);
      System.out.println("TASK_TYPE:" + taskType);
      if (counters != null) {
        System.out.println("COUNTERS:" + counters.toString());
      for (TaskAttemptInfo tinfo: attemptsMap.values()) {
    /** @return the Task ID */
    public TaskID getTaskId() { return taskId; }
    /** @return the start time of this task */
    public long getStartTime() { return startTime; }
    /** @return the finish time of this task */
    public long getFinishTime() { return finishTime; }
    /** @return the task type */
    public TaskType getTaskType() { return taskType; }
    /** @return the split locations */
    public String getSplitLocations() { return splitLocations; }
    /** @return the counters for this task */
    public Counters getCounters() { return counters; }
    /** @return the task status */
    public String getTaskStatus() { return status; }
    /** @return the attempt Id that caused this task to fail */
    public TaskAttemptID getFailedDueToAttemptId() {
      return failedDueToAttemptId;
    /** @return the attempt Id that caused this task to succeed */
    public TaskAttemptID getSuccessfulAttemptId() {
      return successfulAttemptId;
    /** @return the error */
    public String getError() { return error; }
    /** @return the map of all attempts for this task */
    public Map<TaskAttemptID, TaskAttemptInfo> getAllTaskAttempts() {
      return attemptsMap;
   * Task Attempt Information is aggregated in this class after parsing
  public static class TaskAttemptInfo {
    TaskAttemptID attemptId;
    long startTime;
    long finishTime;
    long shuffleFinishTime;
    long sortFinishTime;
    long mapFinishTime;
    String error;
    String status;
    String state;
    TaskType taskType;
    String trackerName;
    Counters counters;
    int httpPort;
    int shufflePort;
    String hostname;
    int port;
    String rackname;
    ContainerId containerId;

    /** Create a Task Attempt Info which will store attempt level information
     * on a history parse.
    public TaskAttemptInfo() {
      startTime = finishTime = shuffleFinishTime = sortFinishTime = 
        mapFinishTime = -1;
      error =  state =  trackerName = hostname = rackname = "";
      port = -1;
      httpPort = -1;
      shufflePort = -1;
     * Print all the information about this attempt.
    public void printAll() {
      System.out.println("ATTEMPT_ID:" + attemptId.toString());
      System.out.println("START_TIME: " + startTime);
      System.out.println("FINISH_TIME:" + finishTime);
      System.out.println("ERROR:" + error);
      System.out.println("TASK_STATUS:" + status);
      System.out.println("STATE:" + state);
      System.out.println("TASK_TYPE:" + taskType);
      System.out.println("TRACKER_NAME:" + trackerName);
      System.out.println("HTTP_PORT:" + httpPort);
      System.out.println("SHUFFLE_PORT:" + shufflePort);
      System.out.println("CONTIANER_ID:" + containerId);
      if (counters != null) {
        System.out.println("COUNTERS:" + counters.toString());

    /** @return the attempt Id */
    public TaskAttemptID getAttemptId() { return attemptId; }
    /** @return the start time of the attempt */
    public long getStartTime() { return startTime; }
    /** @return the finish time of the attempt */
    public long getFinishTime() { return finishTime; }
    /** @return the shuffle finish time. Applicable only for reduce attempts */
    public long getShuffleFinishTime() { return shuffleFinishTime; }
    /** @return the sort finish time. Applicable only for reduce attempts */
    public long getSortFinishTime() { return sortFinishTime; }
    /** @return the map finish time. Applicable only for map attempts */
    public long getMapFinishTime() { return mapFinishTime; }
    /** @return the error string */
    public String getError() { return error; }
    /** @return the state */
    public String getState() { return state; }
    /** @return the task status */
    public String getTaskStatus() { return status; }
    /** @return the task type */
    public TaskType getTaskType() { return taskType; }
    /** @return the tracker name where the attempt executed */
    public String getTrackerName() { return trackerName; }
    /** @return the host name */
    public String getHostname() { return hostname; }
    /** @return the port */
    public int getPort() { return port; }
    /** @return the rack name */
    public String getRackname() { return rackname; }
    /** @return the counters for the attempt */
    public Counters getCounters() { return counters; }
    /** @return the HTTP port for the tracker */
    public int getHttpPort() { return httpPort; }
    /** @return the Shuffle port for the tracker */
    public int getShufflePort() { return shufflePort; }
    /** @return the ContainerId for the tracker */
    public ContainerId getContainerId() { return containerId; }

   * Stores AM information
  public static class AMInfo {
    ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId;
    long startTime;
    ContainerId containerId;
    String nodeManagerHost;
    int nodeManagerPort;
    int nodeManagerHttpPort;

     * Create a AM Info which will store AM level information on a history
     * parse.
    public AMInfo() {
      startTime = -1;
      nodeManagerHost = "";
      nodeManagerHttpPort = -1;

    public AMInfo(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId, long startTime,
        ContainerId containerId, String nodeManagerHost, int nodeManagerPort,
        int nodeManagerHttpPort) {
      this.appAttemptId = appAttemptId;
      this.startTime = startTime;
      this.containerId = containerId;
      this.nodeManagerHost = nodeManagerHost;
      this.nodeManagerPort = nodeManagerPort;
      this.nodeManagerHttpPort = nodeManagerHttpPort;

     * Print all the information about this AM.
    public void printAll() {
      System.out.println("APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID:" + appAttemptId.toString());
      System.out.println("START_TIME: " + startTime);
      System.out.println("CONTAINER_ID: " + containerId.toString());
      System.out.println("NODE_MANAGER_HOST: " + nodeManagerHost);
      System.out.println("NODE_MANAGER_PORT: " + nodeManagerPort);
      System.out.println("NODE_MANAGER_HTTP_PORT: " + nodeManagerHttpPort);

    /** @return the ApplicationAttemptId */
    public ApplicationAttemptId getAppAttemptId() {
      return appAttemptId;

    /** @return the start time of the AM */
    public long getStartTime() {
      return startTime;

    /** @return the container id for the AM */
    public ContainerId getContainerId() {
      return containerId;

    /** @return the host name for the node manager on which the AM is running */
    public String getNodeManagerHost() {
      return nodeManagerHost;

    /** @return the port for the node manager running the AM */
    public int getNodeManagerPort() {
      return nodeManagerPort;

    /** @return the http port for the node manager running the AM */
    public int getNodeManagerHttpPort() {
      return nodeManagerHttpPort;



hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AMStartedEvent 源码

hadoop AvroArrayUtils 源码

hadoop EventReader 源码

hadoop EventWriter 源码

hadoop HistoryEvent 源码

hadoop HistoryEventHandler 源码

hadoop HistoryViewer 源码

hadoop HistoryViewerPrinter 源码

hadoop HumanReadableHistoryViewerPrinter 源码

hadoop JSONHistoryViewerPrinter 源码

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