hadoop JWTRedirectAuthenticationHandler 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (475)

haddop JWTRedirectAuthenticationHandler 代码


 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
package org.apache.hadoop.security.authentication.server;

import java.io.IOException;

import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.text.ParseException;

import java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.authentication.client.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.authentication.util.CertificateUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSObject;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSVerifier;
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.RSASSAVerifier;

 * The {@link JWTRedirectAuthenticationHandler} extends
 * AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler to add WebSSO behavior for UIs. The expected
 * SSO token is a JsonWebToken (JWT). The supported algorithm is RS256 which
 * uses PKI between the token issuer and consumer. The flow requires a redirect
 * to a configured authentication server URL and a subsequent request with the
 * expected JWT token. This token is cryptographically verified and validated.
 * The user identity is then extracted from the token and used to create an
 * AuthenticationToken - as expected by the AuthenticationFilter.
 * <p>
 * The supported configuration properties are:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>authentication.provider.url: the full URL to the authentication server.
 * This is the URL that the handler will redirect the browser to in order to
 * authenticate the user. It does not have a default value.</li>
 * <li>public.key.pem: This is the PEM formatted public key of the issuer of the
 * JWT token. It is required for verifying that the issuer is a trusted party.
 * DO NOT include the PEM header and footer portions of the PEM encoded
 * certificate. It does not have a default value.</li>
 * <li>expected.jwt.audiences: This is a list of strings that identify
 * acceptable audiences for the JWT token. The audience is a way for the issuer
 * to indicate what entity/s that the token is intended for. Default value is
 * null which indicates that all audiences will be accepted.</li>
 * <li>jwt.cookie.name: the name of the cookie that contains the JWT token.
 * Default value is "hadoop-jwt".</li>
 * </ul>
public class JWTRedirectAuthenticationHandler extends
    AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler {
  private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory

  public static final String AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_URL =
  public static final String PUBLIC_KEY_PEM = "public.key.pem";
  public static final String EXPECTED_JWT_AUDIENCES = "expected.jwt.audiences";
  public static final String JWT_COOKIE_NAME = "jwt.cookie.name";
  private static final String ORIGINAL_URL_QUERY_PARAM = "originalUrl=";
  private String authenticationProviderUrl = null;
  private RSAPublicKey publicKey = null;
  private List<String> audiences = null;
  private String cookieName = "hadoop-jwt";

   * Primarily for testing, this provides a way to set the publicKey for
   * signature verification without needing to get a PEM encoded value.
   * @param pk publicKey for the token signtature verification
  public void setPublicKey(RSAPublicKey pk) {
    publicKey = pk;

   * Initializes the authentication handler instance.
   * <p>
   * This method is invoked by the {@link AuthenticationFilter#init} method.
   * </p>
   * @param config
   *          configuration properties to initialize the handler.
   * @throws ServletException
   *           thrown if the handler could not be initialized.
  public void init(Properties config) throws ServletException {
    // setup the URL to redirect to for authentication
    authenticationProviderUrl = config
    if (authenticationProviderUrl == null) {
      throw new ServletException(
          "Authentication provider URL must not be null - configure: "

    // setup the public key of the token issuer for verification
    if (publicKey == null) {
      String pemPublicKey = config.getProperty(PUBLIC_KEY_PEM);
      if (pemPublicKey == null) {
        throw new ServletException(
            "Public key for signature validation must be provisioned.");
      publicKey = CertificateUtil.parseRSAPublicKey(pemPublicKey);
    // setup the list of valid audiences for token validation
    String auds = config.getProperty(EXPECTED_JWT_AUDIENCES);
    if (auds != null) {
      // parse into the list
      String[] audArray = auds.split(",");
      audiences = new ArrayList<String>();
      for (String a : audArray) {

    // setup custom cookie name if configured
    String customCookieName = config.getProperty(JWT_COOKIE_NAME);
    if (customCookieName != null) {
      cookieName = customCookieName;

  public AuthenticationToken alternateAuthenticate(HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
      AuthenticationException {
    AuthenticationToken token = null;

    String serializedJWT = null;
    HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    serializedJWT = getJWTFromCookie(req);
    if (serializedJWT == null) {
      String loginURL = constructLoginURL(request);
      LOG.info("sending redirect to: " + loginURL);
      ((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(loginURL);
    } else {
      String userName = null;
      SignedJWT jwtToken = null;
      boolean valid = false;
      try {
        jwtToken = SignedJWT.parse(serializedJWT);
        valid = validateToken(jwtToken);
        if (valid) {
          userName = jwtToken.getJWTClaimsSet().getSubject();
          LOG.info("USERNAME: " + userName);
        } else {
          LOG.warn("jwtToken failed validation: " + jwtToken.serialize());
      } catch(ParseException pe) {
        // unable to parse the token let's try and get another one
        LOG.warn("Unable to parse the JWT token", pe);
      if (valid) {
        LOG.debug("Issuing AuthenticationToken for user.");
        token = new AuthenticationToken(userName, userName, getType());
      } else {
        String loginURL = constructLoginURL(request);
        LOG.info("token validation failed - sending redirect to: " + loginURL);
        ((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(loginURL);
    return token;

   * Encapsulate the acquisition of the JWT token from HTTP cookies within the
   * request.
   * @param req servlet request to get the JWT token from
   * @return serialized JWT token
  protected String getJWTFromCookie(HttpServletRequest req) {
    String serializedJWT = null;
    Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies();
    if (cookies != null) {
      for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
        if (cookieName.equals(cookie.getName())) {
              + " cookie has been found and is being processed");
          serializedJWT = cookie.getValue();
    return serializedJWT;

   * Create the URL to be used for authentication of the user in the absence of
   * a JWT token within the incoming request.
   * @param request for getting the original request URL
   * @return url to use as login url for redirect
  String constructLoginURL(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String delimiter = "?";
    if (authenticationProviderUrl.contains("?")) {
      delimiter = "&";
    String loginURL = authenticationProviderUrl + delimiter
        + request.getRequestURL().toString() + getOriginalQueryString(request);
    return loginURL;

  private String getOriginalQueryString(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String originalQueryString = request.getQueryString();
    return (originalQueryString == null) ? "" : "?" + originalQueryString;

   * This method provides a single method for validating the JWT for use in
   * request processing. It provides for the override of specific aspects of
   * this implementation through submethods used within but also allows for the
   * override of the entire token validation algorithm.
   * @param jwtToken the token to validate
   * @return true if valid
  protected boolean validateToken(SignedJWT jwtToken) {
    boolean sigValid = validateSignature(jwtToken);
    if (!sigValid) {
      LOG.warn("Signature could not be verified");
    boolean audValid = validateAudiences(jwtToken);
    if (!audValid) {
      LOG.warn("Audience validation failed.");
    boolean expValid = validateExpiration(jwtToken);
    if (!expValid) {
      LOG.info("Expiration validation failed.");

    return sigValid && audValid && expValid;

   * Verify the signature of the JWT token in this method. This method depends
   * on the public key that was established during init based upon the
   * provisioned public key. Override this method in subclasses in order to
   * customize the signature verification behavior.
   * @param jwtToken the token that contains the signature to be validated
   * @return valid true if signature verifies successfully; false otherwise
  protected boolean validateSignature(SignedJWT jwtToken) {
    boolean valid = false;
    if (JWSObject.State.SIGNED == jwtToken.getState()) {
      LOG.debug("JWT token is in a SIGNED state");
      if (jwtToken.getSignature() != null) {
        LOG.debug("JWT token signature is not null");
        try {
          JWSVerifier verifier = new RSASSAVerifier(publicKey);
          if (jwtToken.verify(verifier)) {
            valid = true;
            LOG.debug("JWT token has been successfully verified");
          } else {
            LOG.warn("JWT signature verification failed.");
        } catch (JOSEException je) {
          LOG.warn("Error while validating signature", je);
    return valid;

   * Validate whether any of the accepted audience claims is present in the
   * issued token claims list for audience. Override this method in subclasses
   * in order to customize the audience validation behavior.
   * @param jwtToken
   *          the JWT token where the allowed audiences will be found
   * @return true if an expected audience is present, otherwise false
  protected boolean validateAudiences(SignedJWT jwtToken) {
    boolean valid = false;
    try {
      List<String> tokenAudienceList = jwtToken.getJWTClaimsSet()
      // if there were no expected audiences configured then just
      // consider any audience acceptable
      if (audiences == null) {
        valid = true;
      } else {
        // if any of the configured audiences is found then consider it
        // acceptable
        boolean found = false;
        for (String aud : tokenAudienceList) {
          if (audiences.contains(aud)) {
            LOG.debug("JWT token audience has been successfully validated");
            valid = true;
        if (!valid) {
          LOG.warn("JWT audience validation failed.");
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
      LOG.warn("Unable to parse the JWT token.", pe);
    return valid;

   * Validate that the expiration time of the JWT token has not been violated.
   * If it has then throw an AuthenticationException. Override this method in
   * subclasses in order to customize the expiration validation behavior.
   * @param jwtToken the token that contains the expiration date to validate
   * @return valid true if the token has not expired; false otherwise
  protected boolean validateExpiration(SignedJWT jwtToken) {
    boolean valid = false;
    try {
      Date expires = jwtToken.getJWTClaimsSet().getExpirationTime();
      if (expires == null || new Date().before(expires)) {
        LOG.debug("JWT token expiration date has been "
            + "successfully validated");
        valid = true;
      } else {
        LOG.warn("JWT expiration date validation failed.");
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
      LOG.warn("JWT expiration date validation failed.", pe);
    return valid;


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler 源码

hadoop AuthenticationFilter 源码

hadoop AuthenticationHandler 源码

hadoop AuthenticationHandlerUtil 源码

hadoop AuthenticationToken 源码

hadoop CompositeAuthenticationHandler 源码

hadoop HttpConstants 源码

hadoop KerberosAuthenticationHandler 源码

hadoop LdapAuthenticationHandler 源码

hadoop MultiSchemeAuthenticationHandler 源码

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