harmony 鸿蒙workScheduler Error Codes

  • 2022-12-05
  • 浏览 (766)

workScheduler Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

9700001 Memory Operation Failure

Error Message

Memory operation failed.

Possible Causes

  1. A memory leak occurs.
  2. The system memory is insufficient.


  1. Release the memory.
  2. Check whether memory leak occurs.

9700002 Parcel Operation Failure

Error Message

Parcel operation failed.

Possible Causes

An exception occurs when invoking the MessageParcel object to read or write an object.


Try again later or restart the device.

9700003 System Service Failure

Error Message

System service operation failed.

Possible Causes

  1. The system service is not started.
  2. The system service is abnormal.


Try again later or restart the device.

9700004 workInfo Verification Failure

Error Message

Check workInfo failed.

Possible Causes

  1. The value of bundleName in workInfo does not match the UID of the application.
  2. The Work Scheduler task to cancel or query does not exist.


Check the workInfo parameters.

9700005 startWork Failure

Error Message

StartWork failed.

Possible Causes

  1. The Work Scheduler task already exists.
  2. The application has already requested 10 Work Scheduler tasks.
  3. The repeat interval of a Work Scheduler task must be at least 20 minutes.


Check the input parameters and application code.


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