greenplumn gfile 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (248)

greenplumn gfile 代码


#include "c.h"

#ifndef FRONTEND
#include "storage/fd.h"

#ifdef WIN32
/* exclude transformation features on windows for now */

#include <config.h>

#ifdef NDEBUG
#undef NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <fstream/gfile.h>
#include <gpfxdist.h>

#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/file.h>   /* for flock */
#include <unistd.h>

#ifdef WIN32
#include <io.h>
#define snprintf _snprintf
#define O_BINARY 0

#ifndef S_IRUSR					/* XXX [TRH] should be in a header */
#define S_IRUSR		 S_IREAD
#define S_IWUSR		 S_IWRITE
#define S_IXUSR		 S_IEXEC


#ifdef WIN32
#if !defined(S_ISDIR)
#define S_IFDIR  _S_IFDIR
#define S_ISDIR(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
#if !defined(S_ISFIFO)
#define S_IFIFO _S_IFIFO
#define S_ISFIFO(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO)
#define strcasecmp stricmp

static int
nothing_close(gfile_t *fd)
	return 0;

static ssize_t
read_and_retry(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t size)
	ssize_t i = 0;

		i = read(fd->fd.filefd, ptr, size);
	while (i<0 && errno==EINTR);

	if (i > 0)
		fd->compressed_position += i;
	return i;

static ssize_t
write_and_retry(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t size)
	ssize_t i = 0;

		i = write(fd->fd.filefd, ptr, size);
	while (i<0 && errno==EINTR);

	if (i > 0)
		fd->compressed_position += i;
	return i;

static int
#ifdef WIN32
	return 0;

static ssize_t
readwinpipe(gfile_t* fd, void* ptr, size_t size)
	long i = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
		ReadFile(fd->fd.pipefd, ptr, size, (PDWORD)&i, NULL);
	while (i < 0 && errno == EINTR);

	if (i > 0)
		fd->compressed_position += i;

	return i;

static ssize_t
writewinpipe(gfile_t* fd, void* ptr, size_t size)
	long i = 0;

#ifdef WIN32
		WriteFile(fd->fd.pipefd, ptr, size, (PDWORD)&i, NULL);
	while (i < 0 && errno == EINTR);
	if (i > 0)
		fd->compressed_position += i;

	return i;

#ifdef HAVE_LIBBZ2
static void *
bz_alloc(void *a, int b, int c)
	return gfile_malloc(b * c);

static void
bz_free(void *a,void *b)

struct bzlib_stuff
	bz_stream s;
	int in_size, out_size, eof;

static ssize_t 
bz_file_read(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t len)
	struct bzlib_stuff *z = fd->;
	for (;;)
		int e;
		int s = z->s.next_out - z->out - z->out_size;
		if (s > 0 || z->eof)
			if (s > len)
				s = len;
			memcpy(ptr, z->out + z->out_size, s);
			z->out_size += s;
			return s;
		z->out_size = 0;
		z->s.next_out = z->out;
		while (z->in_size < sizeof z->in)
			s = read_and_retry(fd, z->in + z->in_size, sizeof z->in
					- z->in_size);
			if (s == 0)
			if (s < 0)
				return -1;
			z->in_size += s;
		z->s.avail_in = s = z->in + z->in_size - z->s.next_in;
		z->s.avail_out = sizeof z->out;
		e = BZ2_bzDecompress(&z->s);
		if (e == BZ_STREAM_END)
			z->eof = 1;
		else if (e)
			return -1;
		if (z->s.avail_out == sizeof z->out && z->s.avail_in == s)
			return -1;
		if (z->s.next_in == z->in + z->in_size)
			z->s.next_in = z->in;
			z->in_size = 0;

static int
bz_file_close(gfile_t *fd)
	int e = BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&fd->>s);
	return e;

static int bz_file_open(gfile_t *fd)
	if (!(fd-> = gfile_malloc(sizeof *fd->
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("Out of memory");
		return 1;
	memset(fd->, 0, sizeof *fd->;
	fd->>s.bzalloc = bz_alloc;
	fd->>s.bzfree = bz_free;
	if (BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&fd->>s, 0, 0))
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("BZ2_bzDecompressInit failed");
		return 1;
	fd->>s.next_out = fd->>out;
	fd->>s.next_in = fd->>in;
	fd->read = bz_file_read;
	fd->close = bz_file_close;
	return 0;

#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
/* GZ */
struct zlib_stuff
	z_stream s;
	int in_size, out_size, eof;

static ssize_t
gz_file_read(gfile_t* fd, void* ptr, size_t len)
	struct zlib_stuff* z = fd->u.z;
	for (;;)
		int	e;
		int	flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;
		 * 'out' is our output buffer.
		 * 'next_out' is a pointer to the next byte in 'out'
		 * 'out_size' is num bytes currently in 'out'
		 * if s is >0 we have data in 'out' that we didn't write
		 * yet, write it and return.  
		int s = z->s.next_out - (z->out + z->out_size);
		if (s > 0 || z->eof)
			if (s > len)
				s = len;
			memcpy(ptr, z->out + z->out_size, s);
			z->out_size += s;
			return s;
		/* ok, wrote all 'out' data. reset back to beginning of 'out' */
		z->out_size = 0;
		z->s.next_out = z->out;
		 * Fill up our input buffer from the input file.
		while (z->in_size < sizeof z->in)
			s = read_and_retry(fd, z->in + z->in_size, sizeof z->in - z->in_size);
			if (s == 0)
				/* no more data to read */
				if (z->in + z->in_size == z->s.next_in)
					flush = Z_FINISH;
			if (s < 0)
				/* read error */
				return -1;
			z->in_size += s;
		/* number of bytes available at next_in */
		z->s.avail_in = (z->in + z->in_size) - z->s.next_in;
		/* remaining free space at next_out */ 
		z->s.avail_out = sizeof z->out;
		/* decompress */ 
		e = inflate(&z->s, flush);
		if (e == Z_STREAM_END && z->s.avail_in == 0)
			/* we're done decompressing all we have */
			if (flush == Z_FINISH)
				z->eof = 1;
		else if(e == Z_STREAM_END && z->s.avail_in > 0)
			 * we're done decompressing a chunk, but there's more
			 * input. we need to reset state. see MPP-8012 for info 
				return -1;
		else if (e)
			return -1;			
		/* if no more data available for decompression reset input buf */
		if (z->s.next_in == (z->in + z->in_size))
			z->s.next_in = z->in;
			z->in_size = 0;

static int 
gz_file_write_one_chunk(gfile_t *fd, int do_flush)
	 * 0 - means we are ok
	int ret = 0, have;
	struct zlib_stuff* z = fd->u.z;
		int ret1;
		z->s.avail_out = COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE;
		z->s.next_out = z->out;
		ret1 = deflate(&(z->s), do_flush);    /* no bad return value */
		if (ret1 == Z_STREAM_ERROR)
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("the gz file is unrepaired, stop writing");
			return -1;
		have = COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE - z->s.avail_out;
		if ( write_and_retry(fd, z->out, have) != have ) 
			 * presently gfile_close calls gz_file_close only for the on_write case so we don't need
			 * to handle inflateEnd here
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("failed to write, the stream ends");
			ret = -1;
	} while (COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE == have);	
	 * if the deflate engine filled all the output buffer, it may have more data, so we must try again
	return ret;

static ssize_t
gz_file_write(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t size)
	int ret;
	size_t left_to_compress = size;
	size_t one_iter_compress;
	struct zlib_stuff* z = fd->u.z;
		 * we do not wish that the size of the input buffer to the deflate engine, will be greater
		 * than the recomended COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE.
		one_iter_compress = (left_to_compress > COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE) ? COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE : left_to_compress;
		z->s.avail_in = one_iter_compress;
		z->s.next_in = (Byte*)((Byte*)ptr + (size - left_to_compress));
		ret = gz_file_write_one_chunk(fd, Z_NO_FLUSH);
		if (0 != ret)
			return ret;
		left_to_compress -= one_iter_compress; 
	} while( left_to_compress > 0 );

	return size;

static int
gz_file_close(gfile_t *fd)
	int e = 0;
	if ( fd->is_write == TRUE ) /* writing, or in other words compressing */
		e = gz_file_write_one_chunk(fd, Z_FINISH);
		if (0 != e)
			return e;

		e = deflateEnd(&fd->u.z->s);
	else /* reading, that is inflating */
		e = inflateEnd(&fd->u.z->s);
	return e;

static voidpf
z_alloc(voidpf a, uInt b, uInt c)
	return gfile_malloc(b * c);

static void z_free(voidpf a, voidpf b)

static int
gz_file_open(gfile_t *fd)
	if (!(fd->u.z = gfile_malloc(sizeof *fd->u.z)))
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("Out of memory");
		return 1;
	memset(fd->u.z, 0, sizeof *fd->u.z);
	fd->u.z->s.zalloc = z_alloc;
	fd->u.z->s.zfree = z_free;
	fd->u.z->s.opaque = Z_NULL;

	fd->u.z->s.next_out = fd->u.z->out;
	fd->u.z->s.next_in = fd->u.z->in;
	fd->read = gz_file_read;
	fd->write = gz_file_write;
	fd->close = gz_file_close;
	if ( fd->is_write == FALSE )/* for read */  
		 * reading a compressed file
		if (inflateInit2(&fd->u.z->s,31))
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("inflateInit2 failed");
			return 1;
		 * writing a compressed file
		if ( Z_OK !=
			 deflateInit2(&fd->u.z->s, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, 31, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) )
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("deflateInit2 failed");
			return 1;			

	return 0;
#ifdef USE_ZSTD

/* The value range of the level could be found at zstd.h at different versions.
 * Although the level in ZSTD_initCStream() has the same meaning in different
 * versions, the macro ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT may not be defined before 1.3.7.
 * So we borrow the macro from zstd.h at 1.3.7 in case it is not defined */
struct zstdlib_stuff
	ZSTD_inBuffer in;
	ZSTD_outBuffer out;
	int in_size, out_size;
	ZSTD_CStream* cstream;
	ZSTD_DStream* dstream;
	unsigned char in_buffer[COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE];
	unsigned char out_buffer[COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE];
/* Defined in later version 1.4.8 of zstd.h */
enum compress_mode
static ssize_t
zstd_file_read(gfile_t* fd, void* ptr, size_t len)
	struct zstdlib_stuff* zstd = fd->u.zstd;

	for (;;)
		size_t	ret;
		 * 'out->dst' is our output buffer.
		 * 'pos' is a size_t value equal to the next pos in 'out_buffer'
		 * 'out_size' is num bytes currently read out of 'out_buffer'
		 * if s is >0 we have data in 'out.dst' that we didn't write
		 * yet, write it and return.
		int s = zstd->out.pos - zstd->out_size;

		if (s > 0)
			if (s > len)
				s = len;
			memcpy(ptr, zstd->out_buffer + zstd->out_size, s);
			zstd->out_size += s;
			return s;

		/* ok, wrote all 'out' data. reset back to beginning of 'out_buffer' */
		zstd->out_size = 0;
		zstd->out.pos = 0;

		 * Fill up our input buffer from the input file.
		while (zstd->in_size < sizeof zstd->in_buffer)
			s = read_and_retry(fd, zstd->in_buffer + zstd->in_size, sizeof zstd->in_buffer - zstd->in_size);

			if (s < 0)
				/* read error */
				gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("ZSTD read_and_retry failed");
				return -1;
			if(s == 0)

			zstd->in_size += s;

		/* size of bytes at next decompression */
		zstd->in.size = zstd->in_size;

		/* remaining free space at next decompression */
		zstd->out.size = sizeof zstd->out_buffer;

		/* decompress */
		if (zstd->in.size == 0)
			/* No more data to be decompressed and out_buffer is empty */
			return 0;

		ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(zstd->dstream, &zstd->out, &zstd->in);
		if (ZSTD_isError(ret))
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("ZSTD_decompressStream failed");
			return -1;

		/* if no more data available for decompression reset input buf */
		if (zstd->in.pos == zstd->in_size)
			zstd->in.pos = 0;
			zstd->in_size = 0;
/* In later version we can use ZSTD_compressStream2 with mode parameter,
 * but in order to coordinate with earlier version, we use the following two functions instead */
static inline size_t zstd_compression_with_mode(ZSTD_CStream* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, ZSTD_inBuffer* input, int mode)
	if(mode != ZSTD_END_FLUSH)
		return ZSTD_compressStream(zcs, output, input);
		return ZSTD_endStream(zcs, output);
static int
zstd_file_write_one_chunk(gfile_t *fd, int mode)
	 * 0 - means we are ok
	size_t remain = 0, have, finished = 0;
	struct zstdlib_stuff* zstd = fd->u.zstd;

		zstd->out.size = COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE;
		zstd->out.dst = zstd->out_buffer;
		zstd->out.pos = 0;
		remain = zstd_compression_with_mode(zstd->cstream, &zstd->out, &zstd->in, mode);    /* no bad return value */
		if (ZSTD_isError(remain))
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("zstd_compression_with_mode failed mode:%d", mode);
			return -1;
		have = zstd->out.pos;

		if ( write_and_retry(fd, zstd->out_buffer, have) != have)
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("ZSTD write_and_retry failed");
			return -1;
		finished = (mode == ZSTD_END_FLUSH) ? (remain == 0) : (zstd->in.pos == zstd->in.size);
	} while (!finished);
	 * if the ZSTD_compressStream or ZSTD_endStream engine filled all the output buffer, it may have more data, so we must try again
	return 0;

static ssize_t
zstd_file_write(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t size)
	int ret;
	size_t left_to_compress = size;
	size_t one_iter_compress;
	struct zstdlib_stuff* zstd = fd->u.zstd;

		 * we do not wish that the size of the input buffer to the ZSTD_compressStream engine, will be greater
		 * than the recommended COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE.
		one_iter_compress = (left_to_compress > COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE) ? COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE : left_to_compress;

		zstd->in.size = one_iter_compress;
		zstd->in.src = (void *)((unsigned char *)ptr + (size - left_to_compress));
		zstd->in.pos = 0;

		ret = zstd_file_write_one_chunk(fd, ZSTD_CONTINUE_FLUSH);
		if (0 != ret)
			return ret;

		left_to_compress -= one_iter_compress;
	} while( left_to_compress > 0 );

	return size;

static int
zstd_file_close(gfile_t *fd)
	int ret;
	if ( fd->is_write == FALSE ) /* writing, or in other words compressing */
		/* flush any remaining data _and_ close current frame */
		ret = zstd_file_write_one_chunk(fd, ZSTD_END_FLUSH);
		if (0 != ret)
			return ret;

	return 0;
static int
zstd_file_open(gfile_t *fd)
	if (!(fd->u.zstd = gfile_malloc(sizeof *fd->u.zstd)))
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("Out of memory");
		return 1;

	memset(fd->u.zstd, 0, sizeof *fd->u.zstd);

	fd->u.zstd->in.src = fd->u.zstd->in_buffer;
	fd->u.zstd->out.dst = fd->u.zstd->out_buffer;

	fd->read = zstd_file_read;
	fd->write = zstd_file_write;
	fd->close = zstd_file_close;

	if ( fd->is_write == FALSE )/* for read */
		 * reading a compressed file
		if (!(fd->u.zstd->dstream = ZSTD_createDStream()))
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("ZSTD_createDStream failed");
			return 1;
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("ZSTD_initDStream failed");
			return 1;
		 * writing a compressed file
		if (!(fd->u.zstd->cstream = ZSTD_createCStream()))
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("ZSTD_createCStream() failed");
			return 1;
		if(ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_initCStream(fd->u.zstd->cstream, ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT)))
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("ZSTD_initCStream failed");
			return 1;

	return 0;
 * subprocess support

static void
subprocess_open_errfn(apr_pool_t *pool, apr_status_t status, const char *desc)
	char errbuf[256];
	fprintf(stderr, "subprocess: %s: %s\n", desc, apr_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));

static int 
subprocess_open_failed(int* response_code, const char** response_string, char* reason)
	*response_code   = 500;
	*response_string = reason;
	gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("%s", *response_string);
	return 1;

static int 
subprocess_open(gfile_t* fd, const char* fpath, int for_write, int* rcode, const char** rstring)
	apr_pool_t*     mp     = fd->transform->mp;
	char*           cmd    = fd->transform->cmd;
	apr_procattr_t* pattr;
	char**          tokens;
	apr_status_t    rv;
	apr_file_t*     errfile;

	/* tokenize command string */
	if ((rv = apr_tokenize_to_argv(cmd, &tokens, mp)) != APR_SUCCESS) 
		return subprocess_open_failed(rcode, rstring, "subprocess_open: apr_tokenize_to_argv failed");

	/* replace %FILENAME% with path to input or output file */
		char** p;
		for (p = tokens; *p; p++) 
			if (0 == strcasecmp(*p, "%FILENAME%"))
				*p = (char*) fpath;

	/* setup apr subprocess attribute structure */
	if ((rv = apr_procattr_create(&pattr, mp)) != APR_SUCCESS) 
		return subprocess_open_failed(rcode, rstring, "subprocess_open: apr_procattr_create failed");

	/* setup child stdin/stdout depending on the direction of transformation */
	if (for_write) 
		/* writable external table, so child will be reading from standard input */

		if ((rv = apr_procattr_io_set(pattr, APR_FULL_BLOCK, APR_NO_PIPE, APR_NO_PIPE)) != APR_SUCCESS) 
			return subprocess_open_failed(rcode, rstring, "subprocess_open: apr_procattr_io_set (full,no,no) failed");
		fd->transform->for_write = 1;
		/* readable external table, so child will be writing to standard output */

		if ((rv = apr_procattr_io_set(pattr, APR_NO_PIPE, APR_FULL_BLOCK, APR_NO_PIPE)) != APR_SUCCESS) 
			return subprocess_open_failed(rcode, rstring, "subprocess_open: apr_procattr_io_set (no,full,no) failed");
		fd->transform->for_write = 0;

	/* setup child stderr */
	if (fd->transform->errfile)
		/* redirect stderr to a file to be sent to server when we're finished */

		errfile = fd->transform->errfile;

		if ((rv = apr_procattr_child_err_set(pattr, errfile, NULL)) !=  APR_SUCCESS)
			return subprocess_open_failed(rcode, rstring, "subprocess_open: apr_procattr_child_err_set failed");

	/* more APR complexity: setup error handler for when child doesn't spawn properly */
	if ((rv = apr_procattr_child_errfn_set(pattr, subprocess_open_errfn)) != APR_SUCCESS) 
		return subprocess_open_failed(rcode, rstring, "subprocess_open: apr_procattr_child_errfn_set failed");

	/* don't run the child via an operating system shell */
	if ((rv = apr_procattr_cmdtype_set(pattr, APR_PROGRAM_ENV)) != APR_SUCCESS) 
		return subprocess_open_failed(rcode, rstring, "subprocess_open: apr_procattr_cmdtype_set failed");

	/* finally... start the child process */
	if ((rv = apr_proc_create(&fd->transform->proc, tokens[0], (const char* const*)tokens, NULL, pattr, mp)) != APR_SUCCESS) 
		return subprocess_open_failed(rcode, rstring, "subprocess_open: apr_proc_create failed");

	return 0;

static ssize_t 
read_subprocess(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t len)
	apr_size_t      nbytes = len;
	apr_status_t    rv;

	rv = apr_file_read(fd->transform->proc.out, ptr, &nbytes);
	if (rv == APR_SUCCESS)
		return nbytes;
	if (rv == APR_EOF)
		return 0;

	return -1;

static ssize_t
write_subprocess(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t size)
	apr_size_t      nbytes = size;

	apr_file_write(fd->transform->, ptr, &nbytes);
	return nbytes;

static int
close_subprocess(gfile_t *fd)
	int             st;
	apr_exit_why_e  why;
	apr_status_t    rv;
	if (fd->transform->for_write)
	rv = apr_proc_wait(&fd->transform->proc, &st, &why, APR_WAIT);
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("close_subprocess: done: why = %d, exit status = %d", why, st);
		return st;
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("close_subprocess: notdone");
		return 1;

static int close_filefd(int fd)
	int ret = 0;

		ret = close(fd);
		ret = CloseTransientFile(fd);
	while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);

	return ret;

 * public interface

gfile_open_flags(int writing, int usesync)
	if (writing)
		if (usesync)

int gfile_open(gfile_t* fd, const char* fpath, int flags, int* response_code, const char** response_string, struct gpfxdist_t* transform)
	const char* s = strrchr(fpath, '.');
#ifdef WIN32
	bool_t is_win_pipe = FALSE;
	struct 		stat sta;
	memset(&sta, 0, sizeof(sta));

	memset(fd, 0, sizeof(*fd));

	 * check for subprocess and/or named pipe
#ifdef WIN32
	/* is this a windows named pipe, of the form \\<host>\... */
	if (strlen(fpath) > 2)
		if (fpath[0] == '\\' && fpath[1] == '\\')
			is_win_pipe = TRUE;
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("looks like a windows pipe");

	if (is_win_pipe)
		/* Try and open it as a windows named pipe */
		HANDLE pipe = CreateFile(fpath, 
								 0, /* no sharing */
								 NULL, /* default security */
								 OPEN_EXISTING, /* file must exist */
								 0, /* default attributes */
								 NULL /* no template */);
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("trying to connect to pipe");
			fd->is_win_pipe = TRUE;
			fd->fd.pipefd = pipe;
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("connected to pipe");
			LPSTR msg;

				   		  NULL, GetLastError(),
						  (LPSTR) & msg, 0, NULL);
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("could not create pipe: %s", msg);

			if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY)
				*response_code = 500;
				*response_string = "could not connect to pipe";
				*response_code = 501;
				*response_string = "pipe is busy, close the pipe and try again";
			return 1;
#else	/* not win32 */
	fd->transform = transform;
	if (fd->transform)
		/* caller wants a subprocess. nothing to do here just yet. */
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("looks like a subprocess");
		if (!fd->is_win_pipe && (flags == GFILE_OPEN_FOR_READ))
			if (stat(fpath, &sta))
				if(errno == EOVERFLOW)
					* ENGINF-176
					* Some platforms don't support stat'ing of "large files"
					* accurately (files over 2GB) - SPARC for example. In these
					* cases the storage size of st_size is too small and the
					* file size will overflow. Therefore, we look for cases where
					* overflow had occurred, and resume operation. At least we
					* know that the file does exist and that's the main goal of
					* stat'ing here anyway. we set the size to 0, similarly to
					* the winpipe path, so that negative sizes won't be used.
					* TODO: there may be side effects to setting the size to 0,
					* need to double check.
					* TODO: this hack could possibly now be removed after enabling
					* largefiles via the build process with compiler flags.
					sta.st_size = 0;
					gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("gfile stat %s failure: %s", fpath, strerror(errno));
					*response_code = 404;
					*response_string = "file not found";
					return 1;
			if (S_ISDIR(sta.st_mode))
				gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("gfile %s is a directory", fpath);
				*response_code = 403;
				*response_string = "Reading a directory is forbidden.";
				return 1;
			fd->compressed_size = sta.st_size;
#endif	/* ifdef win32 */

	if (NULL == fd->transform && !fd->is_win_pipe)
		int syncFlag = 0;
		int openFlags;
		mode_t openMode;

#ifndef WIN32
		 * MPP-13817 (support opening files without O_SYNC)
			 * caller explicitly requested O_SYNC
			syncFlag = O_SYNC;
		else if ((stat(fpath, &sta) == 0) && S_ISFIFO(sta.st_mode))
			 * use O_SYNC since we're writing to another process via a pipe
			syncFlag = O_SYNC;
		if (flags != GFILE_OPEN_FOR_READ)
			openFlags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_APPEND | syncFlag;
			openMode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR;
			openFlags = O_RDONLY | O_BINARY;
			openMode = 0;

			fd->fd.filefd = open(fpath, openFlags, openMode);
			fd->fd.filefd = OpenTransientFile((char *) fpath, openFlags);
		while (fd->fd.filefd < 0 && errno == EINTR);

		if (-1 == fd->fd.filefd)
			static char buf[256];
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("gfile open (for %s) failed %s: %s",
										((flags == GFILE_OPEN_FOR_READ) ? "read" :
											((flags == GFILE_OPEN_FOR_WRITE_SYNC) ? "write (sync)" : "write")),
										fpath, strerror(errno));
			*response_code = 404;
			snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "file open failure %s: %s", fpath,
			*response_string = buf;
			return 1;

#if !defined(WIN32)
		/* Restrict only one reader session for each PIPE */
		if (S_ISFIFO(sta.st_mode) && (flags == GFILE_OPEN_FOR_READ))
			if (flock (fd->fd.filefd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0)
				fd->held_pipe_lock = FALSE;
				gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("gfile %s is a pipe", fpath);
				*response_code = 404;
				*response_string = "Multiple reader to a pipe is forbidden.";
				fd->fd.filefd = -1;
				return 1;
				fd->held_pipe_lock = TRUE;

	 * prepare to use the appropriate i/o routines 

	if (fd->transform)
		fd->read  = read_subprocess;
		fd->write = write_subprocess;
		fd->close = close_subprocess;
	if (fd->is_win_pipe)
		fd->read = readwinpipe;
		fd->write = writewinpipe;
		fd->close = closewinpipe;
		fd->read = read_and_retry;
		fd->write = write_and_retry;
		fd->close = nothing_close;

	 * delegate remaining setup work to an appropriate open routine
	 * or return an error if we can't handle the type

	if (fd->transform)
		return subprocess_open(fd, fpath, (flags != GFILE_OPEN_FOR_READ), response_code, response_string);
	if (s && strcasecmp(s,".gz")==0)
#ifndef HAVE_LIBZ
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline(".gz not supported");
		 * flag used by function gfile close
		fd->compression = GZ_COMPRESSION;
		if (flags != GFILE_OPEN_FOR_READ)
			fd->is_write = TRUE;

		return gz_file_open(fd);
	else if (s && strcasecmp(s,".bz2")==0)
#ifndef HAVE_LIBBZ2
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline(".bz2 not supported");
		fd->compression = BZ_COMPRESSION;
		if (flags != GFILE_OPEN_FOR_READ)
			gfile_printf_then_putc_newline(".bz2 not yet supported for writable tables");

		return bz_file_open(fd);
	else if (s && strcasecmp(s, ".zst") == 0)
#ifndef USE_ZSTD
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline(".zst not supported");
		fd->compression = ZSTD_COMPRESSION;
		if (flags != GFILE_OPEN_FOR_READ)
			fd->is_write = TRUE;

		return zstd_file_open(fd);
	else if (s && strcasecmp(s,".z") == 0)
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("gfile compression .z file is not supported");
	else if (s && strcasecmp(s,".zip") == 0)
		gfile_printf_then_putc_newline("gfile compression zip is not supported");
		return 0;

	*response_code = 415;
	*response_string = "Unsupported File Type";

	return 1;

	int ret = 1;

	if (fd->close)
		if (fd->transform)
			* for the compressed data implementation we need to call the "close" callback. Other implementations
			* didn't use to call this callback here and it will remain so.
			if (fd->compression == GZ_COMPRESSION || fd->compression == ZSTD_COMPRESSION)

			if (fd->is_win_pipe)
#ifndef WIN32
					flock (fd->fd.filefd, LOCK_UN);
				ret = close_filefd(fd->fd.filefd);
				if (ret == -1)
					ret = 1;
		fd->read = 0;
		fd->close = 0;
	return ret;

gfile_read(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t len)
	size_t olen = len;
	while (len)
		ssize_t i = fd->read(fd, ptr, len);
		if (i < 0)
			return i;
		if (i == 0)
		ptr = (char*) ptr + i;
		len -= i;
	return olen - len;

gfile_write(gfile_t *fd, void *ptr, size_t len)
	size_t olen = len;
	while (len)
		ssize_t i = fd->write(fd, ptr, len);
		if (i < 0)
			return i;
		if (i == 0)
		ptr = (char*) ptr + i;
		len -= i;
	return olen - len;

off_t gfile_get_compressed_size(gfile_t *fd)
	return fd->compressed_size;

off_t gfile_get_compressed_position(gfile_t *fd)
	return fd->compressed_position;


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greenplumn fstream 源码

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