superset d3 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (440)

superset d3 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import SequentialScheme from '../../SequentialScheme';

const schemes = [
    id: 'schemeRdBu',
    label: 'red/blue',
    isDiverging: true,
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeBrBG',
    label: 'brown/green',
    isDiverging: true,
    colors: [
    id: 'schemePRGn',
    label: 'purple/green',
    isDiverging: true,
    colors: [
    id: 'schemePiYG',
    label: 'pink/green',
    isDiverging: true,
    colors: [
    id: 'schemePuOr',
    label: 'purple/orange',
    isDiverging: true,
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeRdGy',
    label: 'red/gray/black',
    isDiverging: true,
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeRdYlBu',
    label: 'red/yellow/blue',
    colors: [
    isDiverging: true,
    id: 'schemeRdYlGn',
    label: 'red/yellow/green',
    colors: [
    isDiverging: true,
    id: 'schemeSpectral',
    label: 'rainbow',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeBlues',
    label: 'blues',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeGreens',
    label: 'greens',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeGrays',
    label: 'grays',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeOranges',
    label: 'oranges',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemePurples',
    label: 'purples',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeReds',
    label: 'reds',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeViridis',
    label: 'Viridis',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeInferno',
    label: 'Inferno',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeMagma',
    label: 'Magma',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeWarm',
    label: 'Warm',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeCool',
    label: 'Cool',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeCubehelixDefault',
    label: 'Cube Helix',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeBuGn',
    label: 'blue/green',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeBuPu',
    label: 'blue/purple',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeGnBu',
    label: 'green/blue',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeOrRd',
    label: 'orange/red',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemePuBuGn',
    label: 'purple/blue/green',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemePuBu',
    label: 'purple/blue',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemePuRd',
    label: 'purple/red',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeRdPu',
    label: 'red/purple',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeYlGnBu',
    label: 'yellow/green/blue',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeYlGn',
    label: 'yellow/green',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeYlOrBr',
    label: 'yellow/orange/brown',
    colors: [
    id: 'schemeYlOrRd',
    label: 'yellow/orange/red',
    colors: [
].map(s => new SequentialScheme(s));

export default schemes;


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