greenplumn CTranslatorQueryToDXL 源码
greenplumn CTranslatorQueryToDXL 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2011 Greenplum, Inc.
// @filename:
// CTranslatorQueryToDXL.h
// @doc:
// Class providing methods for translating a GPDB Query object into a
// DXL Tree
// @test:
#ifndef GPDXL_CTranslatorQueryToDXL_H
#define GPDXL_CTranslatorQueryToDXL_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CContextQueryToDXL.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CMappingVarColId.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorScalarToDXL.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorUtils.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLCtasStorageOptions.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLNode.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLWindowSpec.h"
// fwd declarations
namespace gpopt
class CMDAccessor;
struct Query;
struct RangeTblEntry;
struct Const;
struct List;
struct CommonTableExpr;
namespace gpdxl
using namespace gpos;
using namespace gpopt;
using UlongBoolHashMap =
CHashMap<ULONG, BOOL, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>, gpos::Equals<ULONG>,
CleanupDelete<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<BOOL>>;
using IntUlongHashmapIter =
CHashMapIter<INT, ULONG, gpos::HashValue<INT>, gpos::Equals<INT>,
CleanupDelete<INT>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>>;
// @class:
// CTranslatorQueryToDXL
// @doc:
// Class providing methods for translating a GPDB Query object into a
// DXL Tree.
class CTranslatorQueryToDXL
friend class CTranslatorScalarToDXL;
// mapping RTEKind to WCHARs
struct SRTENameElem
RTEKind m_rtekind;
const WCHAR *m_rte_name;
// mapping CmdType to WCHARs
struct SCmdNameElem
CmdType m_cmd_type;
const WCHAR *m_cmd_name;
// pair of unsupported node tag and feature name
struct SUnsupportedFeature
NodeTag node_tag;
const WCHAR *m_feature_name;
// context for the whole query
CContextQueryToDXL *m_context;
// memory pool
CMemoryPool *m_mp;
// source system id
CSystemId m_sysid;
// meta data accessor
CMDAccessor *m_md_accessor;
// scalar translator used to convert scalar operation into DXL.
CTranslatorScalarToDXL *m_scalar_translator;
// holds the var to col id information mapping
CMappingVarColId *m_var_to_colid_map;
// query being translated
Query *m_query;
// absolute level of query being translated
ULONG m_query_level;
// top query is a DML
BOOL m_is_top_query_dml;
// this is a CTAS query
BOOL m_is_ctas_query;
// hash map that maintains the list of CTEs defined at a particular query level
HMUlCTEListEntry *m_query_level_to_cte_map;
// query output columns
CDXLNodeArray *m_dxl_query_output_cols;
// list of CTE producers
CDXLNodeArray *m_dxl_cte_producers;
// CTE producer IDs defined at the current query level
UlongBoolHashMap *m_cteid_at_current_query_level_map;
// private constructor, called from the public factory function QueryToDXLInstance
CContextQueryToDXL *context, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
const CMappingVarColId *var_colid_mapping, Query *query,
ULONG query_level, BOOL is_top_query_dml,
HMUlCTEListEntry *
query_level_to_cte_map // hash map between query level -> list of CTEs defined at that level
// check for unsupported node types, throws an exception if an unsupported
// node is found
static void CheckUnsupportedNodeTypes(Query *query);
// check for SIRV functions in the targetlist without a FROM clause and
// throw an exception when found
void CheckSirvFuncsWithoutFromClause(Query *query);
// check for SIRV functions in the tree rooted at the given node
BOOL HasSirvFunctions(Node *node) const;
// translate FromExpr (in the GPDB query) into a CDXLLogicalJoin or CDXLLogicalGet
CDXLNode *TranslateFromExprToDXL(FromExpr *from_expr);
// translate set operations
CDXLNode *TranslateSetOpToDXL(Node *setop_node, List *target_list,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping);
// create the set operation given its children, input and output columns
CDXLNode *CreateDXLSetOpFromColumns(EdxlSetOpType setop_type,
List *output_target_list,
ULongPtrArray *output_colids,
ULongPtr2dArray *input_colids,
CDXLNodeArray *children_dxlnodes,
BOOL is_cast_across_input,
BOOL keep_res_junked) const;
// check if the set operation need to cast any of its input columns
static BOOL SetOpNeedsCast(List *target_list, IMdIdArray *input_col_mdids);
// translate a window operator
CDXLNode *TranslateWindowToDXL(
CDXLNode *child_dxlnode, List *target_list, List *window_clause,
List *sort_clause, IntToUlongMap *sort_col_attno_to_colid_mapping,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping);
// translate window spec
CDXLWindowSpecArray *TranslateWindowSpecToDXL(
List *window_clause, IntToUlongMap *sort_col_attno_to_colid_mapping,
CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode_node);
// update window spec positions of LEAD/LAG functions
void UpdateLeadLagWinSpecPos(
CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode,
CDXLWindowSpecArray *window_specs_dxlnode) const;
// manufacture window frame for lead/lag functions
CDXLWindowFrame *CreateWindowFramForLeadLag(BOOL is_lead_func,
CDXLNode *dxl_offset) const;
// translate the child of a set operation
CDXLNode *TranslateSetOpChild(Node *child_node, ULongPtrArray *pdrgpul,
IMdIdArray *input_col_mdids,
List *target_list);
// return a dummy const table get
CDXLNode *DXLDummyConstTableGet() const;
// translate an Expr into CDXLNode
CDXLNode *TranslateExprToDXL(Expr *expr);
// translate the JoinExpr (inside FromExpr) into a CDXLLogicalJoin node
CDXLNode *TranslateJoinExprInFromToDXL(JoinExpr *join_expr);
// construct a group by node for a set of grouping columns
CDXLNode *CreateSimpleGroupBy(
List *target_list, List *group_clause, CBitSet *bitset, BOOL has_aggs,
BOOL has_grouping_sets, // is this GB part of a GS query
CDXLNode *child_dxlnode,
IntToUlongMap *phmiulSortGrpColsColId, // mapping sortgroupref -> ColId
*child_attno_colid_mapping, // mapping attno->colid in child node
IntToUlongMap *
output_attno_to_colid_mapping // mapping attno -> ColId for output columns
// check if the argument of a DQA has already being used by another DQA
static BOOL IsDuplicateDqaArg(List *dqa_list, Aggref *aggref);
// translate a query with grouping sets
CDXLNode *TranslateGroupingSets(
FromExpr *from_expr, List *target_list, List *group_clause,
List *grouping_set, BOOL has_aggs,
IntToUlongMap *phmiulSortGrpColsColId,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping);
// expand the grouping sets into a union all operator
CDXLNode *CreateDXLUnionAllForGroupingSets(
FromExpr *from_expr, List *target_list, List *group_clause,
BOOL has_aggs, CBitSetArray *pdrgpbsGroupingSets,
IntToUlongMap *phmiulSortGrpColsColId,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping,
UlongToUlongMap *
grpcol_index_to_colid_mapping // mapping pos->unique grouping columns for grouping func arguments
// construct a project node with NULL values for columns not included in the grouping set
CDXLNode *CreateDXLProjectNullsForGroupingSets(
List *target_list, CDXLNode *child_dxlnode, CBitSet *bitset,
IntToUlongMap *sort_grouping_col_mapping,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping,
UlongToUlongMap *grpcol_index_to_colid_mapping) const;
// construct a project node with appropriate values for the grouping funcs in the given target list
CDXLNode *CreateDXLProjectGroupingFuncs(
List *target_list, CDXLNode *child_dxlnode, CBitSet *bitset,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping,
UlongToUlongMap *grpcol_index_to_colid_mapping,
IntToUlongMap *sort_grpref_to_colid_mapping) const;
// add sorting and grouping column into the hash map
void AddSortingGroupingColumn(TargetEntry *target_entry,
IntToUlongMap *phmiulSortGrpColsColId,
ULONG colid) const;
// translate the list of sorting columns
CDXLNodeArray *TranslateSortColumsToDXL(
List *sort_clause, IntToUlongMap *col_attno_colid_mapping) const;
// translate the list of partition-by column identifiers
ULongPtrArray *TranslatePartColumns(
List *sort_clause, IntToUlongMap *col_attno_colid_mapping) const;
CDXLNode *TranslateLimitToDXLGroupBy(
List *plsortcl, // list of sort clauses
Node *limit_count, // query node representing the limit count
Node *limit_offset_node, // query node representing the limit offset
CDXLNode *dxlnode, // the dxl node representing the subtree
IntToUlongMap *
grpcols_to_colid_mapping // the mapping between the position in the TargetList to the ColId
// throws an exception when RTE kind not yet supported
[[noreturn]] static void UnsupportedRTEKind(RTEKind rtekind);
// translate an entry of the from clause (this can either be FromExpr or JoinExpr)
CDXLNode *TranslateFromClauseToDXL(Node *node);
// translate the target list entries of the query into a logical project
CDXLNode *TranslateTargetListToDXLProject(
List *target_list, CDXLNode *child_dxlnode,
IntToUlongMap *group_col_to_colid_mapping,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping, List *group_clause,
BOOL is_aggref_expanded = false);
// translate a target list entry or a join alias entry into a project element
CDXLNode *TranslateExprToDXLProject(Expr *expr, const CHAR *alias_name,
BOOL insist_new_colids = false);
// translate a CTE into a DXL logical CTE operator
CDXLNode *TranslateCTEToDXL(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
ULONG current_query_level);
// translate a base table range table entry into a logical get
CDXLNode *TranslateRTEToDXLLogicalGet(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
ULONG //current_query_level
void NoteDistributionPolicyOpclasses(const RangeTblEntry *rte);
// generate a DXL node from column values, where each column value is
// either a datum or scalar expression represented as a project element.
CDXLNode *TranslateColumnValuesToDXL(
CDXLDatumArray *dxl_datum_array,
CDXLColDescrArray *dxl_column_descriptors,
CDXLNodeArray *dxl_project_elements) const;
// translate a value scan range table entry
CDXLNode *TranslateValueScanRTEToDXL(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
ULONG //current_query_level
// create a dxl node from a array of datums and project elements
CDXLNode *TranslateTVFToDXL(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
ULONG //current_query_level
// translate a derived table into a DXL logical operator
CDXLNode *TranslateDerivedTablesToDXL(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
ULONG current_query_level);
// create a DXL node representing the scalar constant "true"
CDXLNode *CreateDXLConstValueTrue();
// store mapping attno->colid
void StoreAttnoColIdMapping(IntToUlongMap *attno_to_colid_mapping,
INT attno, ULONG colid) const;
// construct an array of output columns
CDXLNodeArray *CreateDXLOutputCols(
List *target_list, IntToUlongMap *attno_to_colid_mapping) const;
// check for support command types, throws an exception when command type not yet supported
static void CheckSupportedCmdType(Query *query);
// check for supported range table entries, throws an exception when something is not yet supported
static void CheckRangeTable(Query *query);
// translate a select-project-join expression into DXL
CDXLNode *TranslateSelectProjectJoinToDXL(
List *target_list, FromExpr *from_expr,
IntToUlongMap *sort_group_attno_to_colid_mapping,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping, List *group_clause);
// translate a select-project-join expression into DXL and keep variables appearing
// in aggregates and grouping columns in the output column map
CDXLNode *TranslateSelectProjectJoinForGrpSetsToDXL(
List *target_list, FromExpr *from_expr,
IntToUlongMap *sort_group_attno_to_colid_mapping,
IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping, List *group_clause);
// helper to check if OID is included in given array of OIDs
static BOOL OIDFound(OID oid, const OID oids[], ULONG size);
// check if given operator is lead() window function
static BOOL IsLeadWindowFunc(CDXLOperator *dxlop);
// check if given operator is lag() window function
static BOOL IsLagWindowFunc(CDXLOperator *dxlop);
// translate an insert query
CDXLNode *TranslateInsertQueryToDXL();
// translate a delete query
CDXLNode *TranslateDeleteQueryToDXL();
// translate an update query
CDXLNode *TranslateUpdateQueryToDXL();
// translate a CTAS query
CDXLNode *TranslateCTASToDXL();
// translate CTAS storage options
CDXLCtasStorageOptions::CDXLCtasOptionArray *GetDXLCtasOptionArray(
List *options, IMDRelation::Erelstoragetype *storage_type);
// extract storage option value from defelem
CWStringDynamic *ExtractStorageOptionStr(DefElem *def_elem);
// return resno -> colId mapping of columns to be updated
IntToUlongMap *UpdatedColumnMapping();
// obtain the ids of the ctid and segmentid columns for the target
// table of a DML query
void GetCtidAndSegmentId(ULONG *ctid, ULONG *segment_id);
// translate a grouping func expression
CDXLNode *TranslateGroupingFuncToDXL(
const Expr *expr, CBitSet *bitset,
UlongToUlongMap *grpcol_index_to_colid_mapping) const;
// construct a list of CTE producers from the query's CTE list
void ConstructCTEProducerList(List *cte_list, ULONG query_level);
// construct a stack of CTE anchors for each CTE producer in the given array
void ConstructCTEAnchors(CDXLNodeArray *dxlnodes,
CDXLNode **dxl_cte_anchor_top,
CDXLNode **dxl_cte_anchor_bottom);
// generate an array of new column ids of the given size
ULongPtrArray *GenerateColIds(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG size) const;
// extract an array of colids from the given column mapping
ULongPtrArray *ExtractColIds(CMemoryPool *mp,
IntToUlongMap *attno_to_colid_mapping) const;
// construct a new mapping based on the given one by replacing the colid in the "From" list
// with the colid at the same position in the "To" list
static IntToUlongMap *RemapColIds(CMemoryPool *mp,
IntToUlongMap *attno_to_colid_mapping,
ULongPtrArray *from_list_colids,
ULongPtrArray *to_list_colids);
// true iff this query or one of its ancestors is a DML query
BOOL IsDMLQuery();
CTranslatorQueryToDXL(const CTranslatorQueryToDXL &) = delete;
// dtor
// query object
const Query *
Pquery() const
return m_query;
// does query have distributed tables
HasDistributedTables() const
return m_context->m_has_distributed_tables;
// does query have distributed tables
GetDistributionHashOpsKind() const
return m_context->m_distribution_hashops;
// main translation routine for Query -> DXL tree
CDXLNode *TranslateSelectQueryToDXL();
// main driver
CDXLNode *TranslateQueryToDXL();
// return the list of output columns
CDXLNodeArray *GetQueryOutputCols() const;
// return the list of CTEs
CDXLNodeArray *GetCTEs() const;
// factory function
static CTranslatorQueryToDXL *QueryToDXLInstance(CMemoryPool *mp,
CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
Query *query);
} // namespace gpdxl
#endif // GPDXL_CTranslatorQueryToDXL_H
greenplumn CContextDXLToPlStmt 源码
greenplumn CContextQueryToDXL 源码
greenplumn CDXLTranslateContext 源码
greenplumn CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable 源码
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10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦