greenplumn CTranslatorQueryToDXL 源码

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greenplumn CTranslatorQueryToDXL 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2011 Greenplum, Inc.
//	@filename:
//		CTranslatorQueryToDXL.h
//	@doc:
//		Class providing methods for translating a GPDB Query object into a
//		DXL Tree
//	@test:

#ifndef GPDXL_CTranslatorQueryToDXL_H
#define GPDXL_CTranslatorQueryToDXL_H

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/translate/CContextQueryToDXL.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CMappingVarColId.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorScalarToDXL.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorUtils.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLCtasStorageOptions.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLNode.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLWindowSpec.h"

// fwd declarations
namespace gpopt
class CMDAccessor;

struct Query;
struct RangeTblEntry;
struct Const;
struct List;
struct CommonTableExpr;

namespace gpdxl
using namespace gpos;
using namespace gpopt;

using UlongBoolHashMap =
	CHashMap<ULONG, BOOL, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>, gpos::Equals<ULONG>,
			 CleanupDelete<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<BOOL>>;

using IntUlongHashmapIter =
	CHashMapIter<INT, ULONG, gpos::HashValue<INT>, gpos::Equals<INT>,
				 CleanupDelete<INT>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>>;

//	@class:
//		CTranslatorQueryToDXL
//	@doc:
//		Class providing methods for translating a GPDB Query object into a
//      DXL Tree.
class CTranslatorQueryToDXL
	friend class CTranslatorScalarToDXL;

	// mapping RTEKind to WCHARs
	struct SRTENameElem
		RTEKind m_rtekind;
		const WCHAR *m_rte_name;

	// mapping CmdType to WCHARs
	struct SCmdNameElem
		CmdType m_cmd_type;
		const WCHAR *m_cmd_name;

	// pair of unsupported node tag and feature name
	struct SUnsupportedFeature
		NodeTag node_tag;
		const WCHAR *m_feature_name;

	// context for the whole query
	CContextQueryToDXL *m_context;

	// memory pool
	CMemoryPool *m_mp;

	// source system id
	CSystemId m_sysid;

	// meta data accessor
	CMDAccessor *m_md_accessor;

	// scalar translator used to convert scalar operation into DXL.
	CTranslatorScalarToDXL *m_scalar_translator;

	// holds the var to col id information mapping
	CMappingVarColId *m_var_to_colid_map;

	// query being translated
	Query *m_query;

	// absolute level of query being translated
	ULONG m_query_level;

	// top query is a DML
	BOOL m_is_top_query_dml;

	// this is a CTAS query
	BOOL m_is_ctas_query;

	// hash map that maintains the list of CTEs defined at a particular query level
	HMUlCTEListEntry *m_query_level_to_cte_map;

	// query output columns
	CDXLNodeArray *m_dxl_query_output_cols;

	// list of CTE producers
	CDXLNodeArray *m_dxl_cte_producers;

	// CTE producer IDs defined at the current query level
	UlongBoolHashMap *m_cteid_at_current_query_level_map;

	// private constructor, called from the public factory function QueryToDXLInstance
		CContextQueryToDXL *context, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
		const CMappingVarColId *var_colid_mapping, Query *query,
		ULONG query_level, BOOL is_top_query_dml,
		HMUlCTEListEntry *
			query_level_to_cte_map	// hash map between query level -> list of CTEs defined at that level

	// check for unsupported node types, throws an exception if an unsupported
	// node is found
	static void CheckUnsupportedNodeTypes(Query *query);

	// check for SIRV functions in the targetlist without a FROM clause and
	// throw an exception when found
	void CheckSirvFuncsWithoutFromClause(Query *query);

	// check for SIRV functions in the tree rooted at the given node
	BOOL HasSirvFunctions(Node *node) const;

	// translate FromExpr (in the GPDB query) into a CDXLLogicalJoin or CDXLLogicalGet
	CDXLNode *TranslateFromExprToDXL(FromExpr *from_expr);

	// translate set operations
	CDXLNode *TranslateSetOpToDXL(Node *setop_node, List *target_list,
								  IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping);

	// create the set operation given its children, input and output columns
	CDXLNode *CreateDXLSetOpFromColumns(EdxlSetOpType setop_type,
										List *output_target_list,
										ULongPtrArray *output_colids,
										ULongPtr2dArray *input_colids,
										CDXLNodeArray *children_dxlnodes,
										BOOL is_cast_across_input,
										BOOL keep_res_junked) const;

	// check if the set operation need to cast any of its input columns
	static BOOL SetOpNeedsCast(List *target_list, IMdIdArray *input_col_mdids);
	// translate a window operator
	CDXLNode *TranslateWindowToDXL(
		CDXLNode *child_dxlnode, List *target_list, List *window_clause,
		List *sort_clause, IntToUlongMap *sort_col_attno_to_colid_mapping,
		IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping);

	// translate window spec
	CDXLWindowSpecArray *TranslateWindowSpecToDXL(
		List *window_clause, IntToUlongMap *sort_col_attno_to_colid_mapping,
		CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode_node);

	// update window spec positions of LEAD/LAG functions
	void UpdateLeadLagWinSpecPos(
		CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode,
		CDXLWindowSpecArray *window_specs_dxlnode) const;

	// manufacture window frame for lead/lag functions
	CDXLWindowFrame *CreateWindowFramForLeadLag(BOOL is_lead_func,
												CDXLNode *dxl_offset) const;

	// translate the child of a set operation
	CDXLNode *TranslateSetOpChild(Node *child_node, ULongPtrArray *pdrgpul,
								  IMdIdArray *input_col_mdids,
								  List *target_list);

	// return a dummy const table get
	CDXLNode *DXLDummyConstTableGet() const;

	// translate an Expr into CDXLNode
	CDXLNode *TranslateExprToDXL(Expr *expr);

	// translate the JoinExpr (inside FromExpr) into a CDXLLogicalJoin node
	CDXLNode *TranslateJoinExprInFromToDXL(JoinExpr *join_expr);

	// construct a group by node for a set of grouping columns
	CDXLNode *CreateSimpleGroupBy(
		List *target_list, List *group_clause, CBitSet *bitset, BOOL has_aggs,
		BOOL has_grouping_sets,	 // is this GB part of a GS query
		CDXLNode *child_dxlnode,
		IntToUlongMap *phmiulSortGrpColsColId,	// mapping sortgroupref -> ColId
			*child_attno_colid_mapping,	 // mapping attno->colid in child node
		IntToUlongMap *
			output_attno_to_colid_mapping  // mapping attno -> ColId for output columns

	// check if the argument of a DQA has already being used by another DQA
	static BOOL IsDuplicateDqaArg(List *dqa_list, Aggref *aggref);

	// translate a query with grouping sets
	CDXLNode *TranslateGroupingSets(
		FromExpr *from_expr, List *target_list, List *group_clause,
		List *grouping_set, BOOL has_aggs,
		IntToUlongMap *phmiulSortGrpColsColId,
		IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping);

	// expand the grouping sets into a union all operator
	CDXLNode *CreateDXLUnionAllForGroupingSets(
		FromExpr *from_expr, List *target_list, List *group_clause,
		BOOL has_aggs, CBitSetArray *pdrgpbsGroupingSets,
		IntToUlongMap *phmiulSortGrpColsColId,
		IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping,
		UlongToUlongMap *
			grpcol_index_to_colid_mapping  // mapping pos->unique grouping columns for grouping func arguments

	// construct a project node with NULL values for columns not included in the grouping set
	CDXLNode *CreateDXLProjectNullsForGroupingSets(
		List *target_list, CDXLNode *child_dxlnode, CBitSet *bitset,
		IntToUlongMap *sort_grouping_col_mapping,
		IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping,
		UlongToUlongMap *grpcol_index_to_colid_mapping) const;

	// construct a project node with appropriate values for the grouping funcs in the given target list
	CDXLNode *CreateDXLProjectGroupingFuncs(
		List *target_list, CDXLNode *child_dxlnode, CBitSet *bitset,
		IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping,
		UlongToUlongMap *grpcol_index_to_colid_mapping,
		IntToUlongMap *sort_grpref_to_colid_mapping) const;

	// add sorting and grouping column into the hash map
	void AddSortingGroupingColumn(TargetEntry *target_entry,
								  IntToUlongMap *phmiulSortGrpColsColId,
								  ULONG colid) const;

	// translate the list of sorting columns
	CDXLNodeArray *TranslateSortColumsToDXL(
		List *sort_clause, IntToUlongMap *col_attno_colid_mapping) const;

	// translate the list of partition-by column identifiers
	ULongPtrArray *TranslatePartColumns(
		List *sort_clause, IntToUlongMap *col_attno_colid_mapping) const;

	CDXLNode *TranslateLimitToDXLGroupBy(
		List *plsortcl,			  // list of sort clauses
		Node *limit_count,		  // query node representing the limit count
		Node *limit_offset_node,  // query node representing the limit offset
		CDXLNode *dxlnode,		  // the dxl node representing the subtree
		IntToUlongMap *
			grpcols_to_colid_mapping  // the mapping between the position in the TargetList to the ColId

	// throws an exception when RTE kind not yet supported
	[[noreturn]] static void UnsupportedRTEKind(RTEKind rtekind);

	// translate an entry of the from clause (this can either be FromExpr or JoinExpr)
	CDXLNode *TranslateFromClauseToDXL(Node *node);

	// translate the target list entries of the query into a logical project
	CDXLNode *TranslateTargetListToDXLProject(
		List *target_list, CDXLNode *child_dxlnode,
		IntToUlongMap *group_col_to_colid_mapping,
		IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping, List *group_clause,
		BOOL is_aggref_expanded = false);

	// translate a target list entry or a join alias entry into a project element
	CDXLNode *TranslateExprToDXLProject(Expr *expr, const CHAR *alias_name,
										BOOL insist_new_colids = false);

	// translate a CTE into a DXL logical CTE operator
	CDXLNode *TranslateCTEToDXL(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
								ULONG current_query_level);

	// translate a base table range table entry into a logical get
	CDXLNode *TranslateRTEToDXLLogicalGet(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
										  ULONG	 //current_query_level

	void NoteDistributionPolicyOpclasses(const RangeTblEntry *rte);

	// generate a DXL node from column values, where each column value is
	// either a datum or scalar expression represented as a project element.
	CDXLNode *TranslateColumnValuesToDXL(
		CDXLDatumArray *dxl_datum_array,
		CDXLColDescrArray *dxl_column_descriptors,
		CDXLNodeArray *dxl_project_elements) const;

	// translate a value scan range table entry
	CDXLNode *TranslateValueScanRTEToDXL(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
										 ULONG	//current_query_level

	// create a dxl node from a array of datums and project elements
	CDXLNode *TranslateTVFToDXL(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
								ULONG  //current_query_level

	// translate a derived table into a DXL logical operator
	CDXLNode *TranslateDerivedTablesToDXL(const RangeTblEntry *rte, ULONG rti,
										  ULONG current_query_level);

	// create a DXL node representing the scalar constant "true"
	CDXLNode *CreateDXLConstValueTrue();

	// store mapping attno->colid
	void StoreAttnoColIdMapping(IntToUlongMap *attno_to_colid_mapping,
								INT attno, ULONG colid) const;

	// construct an array of output columns
	CDXLNodeArray *CreateDXLOutputCols(
		List *target_list, IntToUlongMap *attno_to_colid_mapping) const;

	// check for support command types, throws an exception when command type not yet supported
	static void CheckSupportedCmdType(Query *query);

	// check for supported range table entries, throws an exception when something is not yet supported
	static void CheckRangeTable(Query *query);

	// translate a select-project-join expression into DXL
	CDXLNode *TranslateSelectProjectJoinToDXL(
		List *target_list, FromExpr *from_expr,
		IntToUlongMap *sort_group_attno_to_colid_mapping,
		IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping, List *group_clause);

	// translate a select-project-join expression into DXL and keep variables appearing
	// in aggregates and grouping columns in the output column map
	CDXLNode *TranslateSelectProjectJoinForGrpSetsToDXL(
		List *target_list, FromExpr *from_expr,
		IntToUlongMap *sort_group_attno_to_colid_mapping,
		IntToUlongMap *output_attno_to_colid_mapping, List *group_clause);

	// helper to check if OID is included in given array of OIDs
	static BOOL OIDFound(OID oid, const OID oids[], ULONG size);

	// check if given operator is lead() window function
	static BOOL IsLeadWindowFunc(CDXLOperator *dxlop);

	// check if given operator is lag() window function
	static BOOL IsLagWindowFunc(CDXLOperator *dxlop);

	// translate an insert query
	CDXLNode *TranslateInsertQueryToDXL();

	// translate a delete query
	CDXLNode *TranslateDeleteQueryToDXL();

	// translate an update query
	CDXLNode *TranslateUpdateQueryToDXL();

	// translate a CTAS query
	CDXLNode *TranslateCTASToDXL();
	// translate CTAS storage options
	CDXLCtasStorageOptions::CDXLCtasOptionArray *GetDXLCtasOptionArray(
		List *options, IMDRelation::Erelstoragetype *storage_type);

	// extract storage option value from defelem
	CWStringDynamic *ExtractStorageOptionStr(DefElem *def_elem);

	// return resno -> colId mapping of columns to be updated
	IntToUlongMap *UpdatedColumnMapping();

	// obtain the ids of the ctid and segmentid columns for the target
	// table of a DML query
	void GetCtidAndSegmentId(ULONG *ctid, ULONG *segment_id);

	// translate a grouping func expression
	CDXLNode *TranslateGroupingFuncToDXL(
		const Expr *expr, CBitSet *bitset,
		UlongToUlongMap *grpcol_index_to_colid_mapping) const;

	// construct a list of CTE producers from the query's CTE list
	void ConstructCTEProducerList(List *cte_list, ULONG query_level);

	// construct a stack of CTE anchors for each CTE producer in the given array
	void ConstructCTEAnchors(CDXLNodeArray *dxlnodes,
							 CDXLNode **dxl_cte_anchor_top,
							 CDXLNode **dxl_cte_anchor_bottom);

	// generate an array of new column ids of the given size
	ULongPtrArray *GenerateColIds(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG size) const;

	// extract an array of colids from the given column mapping
	ULongPtrArray *ExtractColIds(CMemoryPool *mp,
								 IntToUlongMap *attno_to_colid_mapping) const;

	// construct a new mapping based on the given one by replacing the colid in the "From" list
	// with the colid at the same position in the "To" list
	static IntToUlongMap *RemapColIds(CMemoryPool *mp,
									  IntToUlongMap *attno_to_colid_mapping,
									  ULongPtrArray *from_list_colids,
									  ULongPtrArray *to_list_colids);

	// true iff this query or one of its ancestors is a DML query
	BOOL IsDMLQuery();

	CTranslatorQueryToDXL(const CTranslatorQueryToDXL &) = delete;

	// dtor

	// query object
	const Query *
	Pquery() const
		return m_query;

	// does query have distributed tables
	HasDistributedTables() const
		return m_context->m_has_distributed_tables;

	// does query have distributed tables
	GetDistributionHashOpsKind() const
		return m_context->m_distribution_hashops;

	// main translation routine for Query -> DXL tree
	CDXLNode *TranslateSelectQueryToDXL();

	// main driver
	CDXLNode *TranslateQueryToDXL();

	// return the list of output columns
	CDXLNodeArray *GetQueryOutputCols() const;

	// return the list of CTEs
	CDXLNodeArray *GetCTEs() const;

	// factory function
	static CTranslatorQueryToDXL *QueryToDXLInstance(CMemoryPool *mp,
													 CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
													 Query *query);
}  // namespace gpdxl
#endif	// GPDXL_CTranslatorQueryToDXL_H



greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn CCTEListEntry 源码

greenplumn CContextDXLToPlStmt 源码

greenplumn CContextQueryToDXL 源码

greenplumn CDXLTranslateContext 源码

greenplumn CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable 源码

greenplumn CGPDBAttInfo 源码

greenplumn CGPDBAttOptCol 源码

greenplumn CIndexQualInfo 源码

greenplumn CMappingColIdVar 源码

greenplumn CMappingColIdVarPlStmt 源码

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