harmony 鸿蒙writeproc

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (691)


Command Function

This command is used to write data to the specified proc file system. The proc file system supports data of strings. The method for writing data needs to be implemented.


writeproc <data> >> /proc/<filename>


Table 1 Parameter description

Parameter Description
data Specifies the string to write, which ends with a space. If you need to write a space, use ”” to enclose the space.
filename Specifies the proc file to which data is to write.

Usage Guidelines

The proc file system implements its own write() function. Calling the writeproc command will pass input parameters to the write() function.

The procfs file system does not support multi-thread access.


Currently, the shell does not support this command.


Run writeproc test >> /proc/uptime.


OHOS \# writeproc test >> /proc/uptime

[INFO]write buf is: test

test >> /proc/uptime

The uptime proc file temporarily implements the write() function. The INFO log is generated by the test() function.


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