harmony 鸿蒙list

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (500)


The <list> component provides a list container that presents a series of list items arranged in a column with the same width. It supports presentations of the same type of data in a multiple and coherent row style, for example, images or text.


This component is supported since API version 4. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

Only <list-item> is supported.


Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
id string - No Unique ID of the component.
style string - No Style declaration of the component.
class string - No Style class of the component, which is used to refer to a style table.
ref string - No Reference information of child elements, which is registered with the parent component on $refs.


Name Parameter Description
scrollend - Triggered when the list stops scrolling.
click - Triggered when the list is clicked.
longpress - Triggered when the list is long pressed.
swipe5+ SwipeEvent Triggered when a user quickly swipes on the list.
scrolltop8+ - Triggered when the list is scrolled to the top.
scrollbottom8+ - Triggered when the list is scrolled to the bottom.


Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
flex-direction string column No Main axis direction of the flex container. It specifies how items are placed in the flex container.
- column: Items are placed vertically from top to bottom.
- row: Items are placed horizontally from left to right.
For the <list> component, the default value is column. For other components, the default value is row. Dynamic modification is not supported.
width &lt;length&gt; |&lt;percentage&gt;5+ - No Component width.
If this attribute is not set, the default value 0 is used.
height &lt;length&gt; |&lt;percentage&gt;5+ - No Component height.
If this attribute is not set, the default value 0 is used.
padding &lt;length&gt; 0 No Shorthand attribute to set the padding for all sides.
The attribute can have one to four values:
- If you set only one value, it specifies the padding for all the four sides.
- If you set two values, the first value specifies the top and bottom padding, and the second value specifies the left and right padding.
- If you set three values, the first value specifies the top padding, the second value specifies the left and right padding, and the third value specifies the bottom padding.
- If you set four values, they respectively specify the padding for top, right, bottom, and left sides (in clockwise order).
padding-[left|top|right|bottom] &lt;length&gt; 0 No Left, top, right, and bottom padding.
margin &lt;length&gt; |&lt;percentage&gt;5+ 0 No Shorthand attribute to set the margin for all sides. The attribute can have one to four values:
- If you set only one value, it specifies the margin for all the four sides.
- If you set two values, the first value specifies the top and bottom margins, and the second value specifies the left and right margins.
- If you set three values, the first value specifies the top margin, the second value specifies the left and right margins, and the third value specifies the bottom margin.
- If you set four values, they respectively specify the margin for top, right, bottom, and left sides (in clockwise order).
margin-[left|top|right|bottom] &lt;length&gt; |&lt;percentage&gt;5+ 0 No Left, top, right, and bottom margins.
border-width &lt;length&gt; 0 No Shorthand attribute to set the margin for all sides.
border-color &lt;color&gt; black No Shorthand attribute to set the color for all borders.
border-radius &lt;length&gt; - No Radius of round-corner borders.
background-color &lt;color&gt; - No Background color.
opacity5+ number 1 No Opacity of an element. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value 1 means opaque, and 0 means completely transparent.
display string flex No How and whether to display the box containing an element. Available values are as follows:
- flex: flexible layout
- none: not rendered
[left|top] &lt;length&gt; |&lt;percentage&gt;6+ - No Edge of the element.
- left: left edge position of the element. This attribute defines the offset between the left edge of the margin area of a positioned element and left edge of its containing block.
- top: top edge position of the element. This attribute defines the offset between the top edge of a positioned element and that of a block included in the element.


Name Parameter Description
scrollTo { index: number(position) } Scrolls the list to the position of the item at the specified index.


<!-- index.hml -->
<div class="container">
  <list class="todo-wraper">
    <list-item for="{{todolist}}" class="todo-item">
      <text class="todo-title">{{$item.title}}</text>
      <text class="todo-title">{{$item.date}}</text>
// index.js
export default {
  data: {
    todolist: [{
      title: 'Prepare for the interview',
      date: '2021-12-31 10:00:00',
    }, {
      title: 'Watch the movie',
      date: '2021-12-31 20:00:00',
/* index.css */
.container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  left: 0px;
  top: 0px;
  width: 454px;
  height: 454px;
.todo-wraper {
  width: 454px;
  height: 300px;
.todo-item {
  width: 454px;
  height: 80px;
  flex-direction: column;
.todo-title {
  width: 454px;
  height: 40px;
  text-align: center;



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