greenplumn supportnodes 源码
greenplumn supportnodes 代码
* supportnodes.h
* Definitions for planner support functions.
* This file defines the API for "planner support functions", which
* are SQL functions (normally written in C) that can be attached to
* another "target" function to give the system additional knowledge
* about the target function. All the current capabilities have to do
* with planning queries that use the target function, though it is
* possible that future extensions will add functionality to be invoked
* by the parser or executor.
* A support function must have the SQL signature
* supportfn(internal) returns internal
* The argument is a pointer to one of the Node types defined in this file.
* The result is usually also a Node pointer, though its type depends on
* which capability is being invoked. In all cases, a NULL pointer result
* (that's PG_RETURN_POINTER(NULL), not PG_RETURN_NULL()) indicates that
* the support function cannot do anything useful for the given request.
* Support functions must return a NULL pointer, not fail, if they do not
* recognize the request node type or cannot handle the given case; this
* allows for future extensions of the set of request cases.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/nodes/supportnodes.h
#include "nodes/primnodes.h"
struct PlannerInfo; /* avoid including pathnodes.h here */
struct IndexOptInfo;
struct SpecialJoinInfo;
* The Simplify request allows the support function to perform plan-time
* simplification of a call to its target function. For example, a varchar
* length coercion that does not decrease the allowed length of its argument
* could be replaced by a RelabelType node, or "x + 0" could be replaced by
* "x". This is invoked during the planner's constant-folding pass, so the
* function's arguments can be presumed already simplified.
* The planner's PlannerInfo "root" is typically not needed, but can be
* consulted if it's necessary to obtain info about Vars present in
* the given node tree. Beware that root could be NULL in some usages.
* "fcall" will be a FuncExpr invoking the support function's target
* function. (This is true even if the original parsetree node was an
* operator call; a FuncExpr is synthesized for this purpose.)
* The result should be a semantically-equivalent transformed node tree,
* or NULL if no simplification could be performed. Do *not* return or
* modify *fcall, as it isn't really a separately allocated Node. But
* it's okay to use fcall->args, or parts of it, in the result tree.
typedef struct SupportRequestSimplify
NodeTag type;
struct PlannerInfo *root; /* Planner's infrastructure */
FuncExpr *fcall; /* Function call to be simplified */
} SupportRequestSimplify;
* The Selectivity request allows the support function to provide a
* selectivity estimate for a function appearing at top level of a WHERE
* clause (so it applies only to functions returning boolean).
* The input arguments are the same as are supplied to operator restriction
* and join estimators, except that we unify those two APIs into just one
* request type. See clause_selectivity() for the details.
* If an estimate can be made, store it into the "selectivity" field and
* return the address of the SupportRequestSelectivity node; the estimate
* must be between 0 and 1 inclusive. Return NULL if no estimate can be
* made (in which case the planner will fall back to a default estimate,
* traditionally 1/3).
* If the target function is being used as the implementation of an operator,
* the support function will not be used for this purpose; the operator's
* restriction or join estimator is consulted instead.
typedef struct SupportRequestSelectivity
NodeTag type;
/* Input fields: */
struct PlannerInfo *root; /* Planner's infrastructure */
Oid funcid; /* function we are inquiring about */
List *args; /* pre-simplified arguments to function */
Oid inputcollid; /* function's input collation */
bool is_join; /* is this a join or restriction case? */
int varRelid; /* if restriction, RTI of target relation */
JoinType jointype; /* if join, outer join type */
struct SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo; /* if outer join, info about join */
/* Output fields: */
Selectivity selectivity; /* returned selectivity estimate */
} SupportRequestSelectivity;
* The Cost request allows the support function to provide an execution
* cost estimate for its target function. The cost estimate can include
* both a one-time (query startup) component and a per-execution component.
* The estimate should *not* include the costs of evaluating the target
* function's arguments, only the target function itself.
* The "node" argument is normally the parse node that is invoking the
* target function. This is a FuncExpr in the simplest case, but it could
* also be an OpExpr, DistinctExpr, NullIfExpr, or WindowFunc, or possibly
* other cases in future. NULL is passed if the function cannot presume
* its arguments to be equivalent to what the calling node presents as
* arguments; that happens for, e.g., aggregate support functions and
* per-column comparison operators used by RowExprs.
* If an estimate can be made, store it into the cost fields and return the
* address of the SupportRequestCost node. Return NULL if no estimate can be
* made, in which case the planner will rely on the target function's procost
* field. (Note: while procost is automatically scaled by cpu_operator_cost,
* this is not the case for the outputs of the Cost request; the support
* function must scale its results appropriately on its own.)
typedef struct SupportRequestCost
NodeTag type;
/* Input fields: */
struct PlannerInfo *root; /* Planner's infrastructure (could be NULL) */
Oid funcid; /* function we are inquiring about */
Node *node; /* parse node invoking function, or NULL */
/* Output fields: */
Cost startup; /* one-time cost */
Cost per_tuple; /* per-evaluation cost */
} SupportRequestCost;
* The Rows request allows the support function to provide an output rowcount
* estimate for its target function (so it applies only to set-returning
* functions).
* The "node" argument is the parse node that is invoking the target function;
* currently this will always be a FuncExpr or OpExpr.
* If an estimate can be made, store it into the rows field and return the
* address of the SupportRequestRows node. Return NULL if no estimate can be
* made, in which case the planner will rely on the target function's prorows
* field.
typedef struct SupportRequestRows
NodeTag type;
/* Input fields: */
struct PlannerInfo *root; /* Planner's infrastructure (could be NULL) */
Oid funcid; /* function we are inquiring about */
Node *node; /* parse node invoking function */
/* Output fields: */
double rows; /* number of rows expected to be returned */
} SupportRequestRows;
* The IndexCondition request allows the support function to generate
* a directly-indexable condition based on a target function call that is
* not itself indexable. The target function call must appear at the top
* level of WHERE or JOIN/ON, so this applies only to functions returning
* boolean.
* The "node" argument is the parse node that is invoking the target function;
* currently this will always be a FuncExpr or OpExpr. The call is made
* only if at least one function argument matches an index column's variable
* or expression. "indexarg" identifies the matching argument (it's the
* argument's zero-based index in the node's args list).
* If the transformation is possible, return a List of directly-indexable
* condition expressions, else return NULL. (A List is used because it's
* sometimes useful to generate more than one indexable condition, such as
* when a LIKE with constant prefix gives rise to both >= and < conditions.)
* "Directly indexable" means that the condition must be directly executable
* by the index machinery. Typically this means that it is a binary OpExpr
* with the index column value on the left, a pseudo-constant on the right,
* and an operator that is in the index column's operator family. Other
* possibilities include RowCompareExpr, ScalarArrayOpExpr, and NullTest,
* depending on the index type; but those seem less likely to be useful for
* derived index conditions. "Pseudo-constant" means that the right-hand
* expression must not contain any volatile functions, nor any Vars of the
* table the index is for; use is_pseudo_constant_for_index() to check this.
* (Note: if the passed "node" is an OpExpr, the core planner already verified
* that the non-indexkey operand is pseudo-constant; but when the "node"
* is a FuncExpr, it does not check, since it doesn't know which of the
* function's arguments you might need to use in an index comparison value.)
* In many cases, an index condition can be generated but it is weaker than
* the function condition itself; for example, a LIKE with a constant prefix
* can produce an index range check based on the prefix, but we still need
* to execute the LIKE operator to verify the rest of the pattern. We say
* that such an index condition is "lossy". When returning an index condition,
* you should set the "lossy" request field to true if the condition is lossy,
* or false if it is an exact equivalent of the function's result. The core
* code will initialize that field to true, which is the common case.
* It is important to verify that the index operator family is the correct
* one for the condition you want to generate. Core support functions tend
* to use the known OID of a built-in opfamily for this, but extensions need
* to work harder, since their OIDs aren't fixed. A possibly workable
* answer for an index on an extension datatype is to verify the index AM's
* OID instead, and then assume that there's only one relevant opclass for
* your datatype so the opfamily must be the right one. Generating OpExpr
* nodes may also require knowing extension datatype OIDs (often you can
* find these out by applying exprType() to a function argument) and
* operator OIDs (which you can look up using get_opfamily_member).
typedef struct SupportRequestIndexCondition
NodeTag type;
/* Input fields: */
struct PlannerInfo *root; /* Planner's infrastructure */
Oid funcid; /* function we are inquiring about */
Node *node; /* parse node invoking function */
int indexarg; /* index of function arg matching indexcol */
struct IndexOptInfo *index; /* planner's info about target index */
int indexcol; /* index of target index column (0-based) */
Oid opfamily; /* index column's operator family */
Oid indexcollation; /* index column's collation */
/* Output fields: */
bool lossy; /* set to false if index condition is an exact
* equivalent of the function call */
} SupportRequestIndexCondition;
#endif /* SUPPORTNODES_H */
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